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American Warlords

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by Jonathan W. Jordan

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  Henry H. Arnold Papers, Library of Congress


  British Chiefs of Staff


  Combined Chiefs of Staff


  Columbia Oral History Project


  Douglas A. MacArthur


  Dwight D. Eisenhower


  Ernest J. King


  Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library


  Eisenhower Papers


  Eleanor Roosevelt


  Franklin Delano Roosevelt


  Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library


  FDR, Personal Letters


  FDR, Public Papers and Addresses


  Foreign Relations of the United States


  George C. Marshall


  George C. Marshall Library


  Henry H. Arnold


  Harry L. Hopkins


  Henry L. Stimson


  Harry S. Truman


  Harry S. Truman Presidential Library


  Joint Chiefs of Staff


  Buell-Whitehill Collection of Ernest J. King Papers, NWC


  Library of Congress


  The Papers of George Catlett Marshall


  George C. Marshall Papers, GCML


  National Archives and Records Administration II


  Naval Historical Center


  NHC Online Archives


  Naval War College


  The New York Times


  Joint Congressional Committee, Pearl Harbor Hearings


  Forrest Pogue Collection, Murray State University


  Patton Papers, LC


  President’s Secretary’s File, FDRL


  The Saturday Evening Post


  Henry L. Stimson Papers, Yale University


  U.S. Army Military History Institute


  The Washington Post


  Winston S. Churchill

  Dates without corresponding descriptions represent diary entries.


  1 Pharmacist’s Mate 2d Class Lee Soucy, interview, n.d., NHC-OL (“crazy Marines”); “Spectacular Air Drama Plays at the Waikiki,” Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 12/7/41; “Navy Is Superior to Any, Says Knox,” NYT, 12/7/41; CINCPAC to Secretary of the Navy, “Report of Japanese Raid on Pearl Harbor,” 2/15/42, NARA/NHC-OL; Arakaki and Kuborn 62–67.

  2 James Powder, interview, 10/19/59, GCML; GCM, testimony, 12/7/45, 12/13/45, PHH 3:1108–10, 3:1509; GCM, interview, 3/29/54, GCML; GCM to Madge Brown, 12/5/41, MP 2:694–95; Toland 201. There are many discrepancies regarding the timing of Marshall’s movements that morning. This account is based on the testimony of Marshall and the few associates who were with him that day.

  3 GCM, testimony, 12/7/45, 12/13/45, PHH 3:1108–10, 3:1509; Katherine Marshall 98–99; “Army Pearl Harbor Investigation,” PHH 3:1448; Pogue 2:229, 3:57.

  4 Japanese Government to United States Government, 12/7/41, Department of State Bulletin, vol. 3, no. 129, 12/13/41; Sherman Miles to GCM, 12/15/41, PHH 2:929; Miles, testimony, 11/29/45, PHH 2:930, 938.

  5 GCM, testimony, 12/7/45, PHH 3:1108–10; Sherman Miles to GCM, 12/15/41, PHH 14:1410; J. R. Deane to W. B. Smith, 6/8/42, PHH 14:1411; Sherman Miles, “Sunday Morning, December 7, 1941,” 12/15/41, PHH 2:929; Leonard T. Gerow, “Memorandum for the Record,” 12/15/41, PHH 14:1409; W. B. Smith, “Memorandum for the Record,” 12/15/41, PHH 14:1410; Toland 191, 202; Prange 506; Morison 3:98–127.

  6 CINCPAC to Secretary of the Navy, 2/15/42, NARA/NHC-OL; Richardson 2–19, quoting Robert E. Thomas, Oswald S. Tanczos, Dave Smith, and Tom A. Beasley, Howard Asa Price, Jr., interviews; Toland, Rising Sun, 212–14.

  7 HLH, memorandum, 12/7/41, in Sherwood 430–31; FDR, Jr., interview 1/11/79, FDRL; Toland, Rising Sun, 223 (“mistake”); Smith, FDR, 508.

  8 Commanding Officer, USS Utah, to CINCPAC, 12/15/41, NHC-OL. Utah had been commissioned as a battleship, but was a target ship by the time of Pearl Harbor, and not moored on Battleship Row.

  9 CINCPAC to Secretary of the Navy, 2/15/42, NARA/NHC-OL; Commanding Officer, USS Oklahoma, to CINCPAC, 12/18/41, NHC-OL; “Report by the Secretary of the Navy to the President,” 12/14/41, FDRL (PSF 59).

  10 Commanding Officer, USS Tennessee, to CINCPAC, 12/11/41, NHC-OL; Commanding Officer, USS West Virginia, to CINCPAC, 12/11/41, NHC-OL; Commander, Battleships, Battle Force to CINCPAC, 12/19/41, NHC-OL.

  11 “Report by the Secretary of the Navy to the President,” 12/1
4/41, FDRL (PSF 59); Prange 506; Toland, Rising Sun, 216–19.

  12 HLS, 12/6–7/41; Pogue 2:222. Note: all HLS diary entries are found in Stimson Papers, Yale.

  13 Foreign Office to Nomura, 11/15/41, PHH 12:137; HLS, 12/6–7/41.

  14 HLS, 12/7/41 (“Have you”); Felix Frankfurter, interview, 2/20/58, PL; Morison 529.

  15 Toland, Rising Sun, 219.

  16 EJK, interview, 5/6/46, KP (box 2); George Russell, interview, 12/11/74, KP (box 11); Francis S. Low, “A Personal Narrative of an Association with Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, U.S. Navy,” 20, unpublished MS, 1961, KP (box 10); Buell, excerpts from “CINCLANT History,” 1:257, KP (box 5); D. L. Madeira to Thomas Buell, 8/9/74, KP (box 2) (“Hell”).

  17 EJK, portrait, NARA; EJK, interview, 8/27/50, KP (box 8); EJK, interview, 5/6/46, KP (box 2); Neil Dietrich, interview, 12/10/74, KP (box 11); Whitehill 349; Buell 135.

  18 CINCPAC to Walter B. Howe, 12/27/41, NARA/NHC-OL; CINCPAC to CINCUS, “Damages Sustained by Ships as a Result of the Japanese Raid,” 12/7/41, NARA/NHC-OL.

  19 Memorandum, 12/7/41, FDRL (Official File 4675: World War II, 1941, box 1).

  20 ER, This I Remember, 233; Goodwin 290, citing James Roosevelt, interview.

  21 Usher’s Log, 12/7/41, FDRL; FDR and Morgenthau, transcript, 12/7/41, FDRL (Morgenthau Papers, box 515); Tully 254–55; Ickes 3:661; Claude R. Wickard, 12/7/41, FDRL (Claude R. Wickard Papers; Department of Agriculture Files; Cabinet Meetings, 1941–1942, box 13).

  22 HLH, 12/7/41, in Sherwood 432–33; Francis Biddle, 12/7/41, FDRL (Biddle Papers, Cabinet Notes 1941, box 1); Smith 536; Tully 256 (“Sit down”); FDR, Draft No. 1, 12/7/41, FDRL (“world history”). “Infamy” was added in the next draft.

  23 Claude R. Wickard, 12/7/41, FDRL (Wickard Papers, Cabinet Meetings, box 13); Francis Biddle, 12/7/41, FDRL (Biddle Papers, Cabinet Notes 1941, box 1); Ickes 3:662; HLS, 12/7/41 (“1861”); HLH, 12/7/41, in Sherwood 432–33; Perkins 124; Frances Perkins, interview, part viii, 63, COHP (“berth”); Tully 257.


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