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American Warlords

Page 75

by Jonathan W. Jordan

  North Africa and, 22, 217, 222, 232

  personality of, 166

  press and, 336

  Roosevelt and, 336n

  Sicily and, 242, 275, 291

  slapping incident and, 336

  Stimson and, 337

  uniform of, 246

  Payne, Marjorie, 340, 341

  Pearl Harbor, 72, 75, 82, 381

  Japanese attack on, 1–8, 111, 112, 143, 144, 397–403, 473

  Peleliu, 388

  Pendergast, Tom, 68

  Perkins, Frances, 12–14, 63, 103, 310, 445

  Perry, Glen, 212–13

  Pershing, John “Black Jack,” 18, 19, 119, 289, 290, 294, 312, 313, 414, 445

  Philippine Islands, 65, 97, 100–1, 103–5, 118–20, 134–38, 152, 170, 194, 229, 273, 275, 284, 316, 318–20, 322, 373–74, 383–84, 388, 389, 398, 422n, 448

  Philippine Sea, Battle of the, 369–70, 448

  Pihl, Captain Paul, 247

  Pihl, Charlotte, 247, 384

  Pink Star (freighter), 93

  Pius XII, Pope, 291

  Placentia Bay Conference, 86–89

  Plan Dog, 135

  Poland, 266–68, 424–25, 445–46, 460

  Port Arthur, 426

  Port Moresby, 160–62

  Portal, Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles, 124, 126–27, 160, 225, 226, 228–31, 260, 261, 263, 311, 312, 418

  Potsdam Conference, 452n, 459–61, 463, 466

  Potsdam Declaration, 463

  Pound, Admiral Sir Dudley, 124, 127, 162, 225, 227–29, 261, 263

  Powder, Sergeant James, 26, 126, 421

  Prelude to War (film), 167

  Presidential elections

  1932, 35, 37

  1936, 35, 37, 45, 101

  1940, 49–50, 58–60, 67, 378

  1944, 295, 353–55, 376–81, 397–405, 405

  Prettyman, Arthur, 436

  QUADRANT, 280–85, 303, 386

  Quebec Conference, 1944 (OCTAGON), 386–89, 393

  Quebec Conference, 1943 (QUADRANT), 280–85, 303, 386

  Queen Mary, 256, 258

  Quezon, Manuel, 135, 136

  Rabaul, 170, 172–74, 203, 230–32, 239, 263, 272, 273, 275, 284, 452

  Randolph, A. Philip, 54–55, 57

  Rankin, Jeannette, 111

  Rasputin, 421

  Rayburn, Sam, 19, 85, 91, 310, 349–50, 358, 378

  Red Army, 80, 95, 158, 175, 222, 268, 308, 407, 420, 421, 424, 425, 430, 461

  Reilly, Mike, 60, 122, 234–35, 300, 403

  Remagen bridge, 429

  RENO III, 318–19

  Reparations, 422, 460

  Revolutionary War, 344

  Reynolds, Quentin, 95

  Rhine River, 405, 408, 416, 418, 429

  Richardson, James, 72

  Richardson, Robert, Jr., 370–72, 382, 385

  Rickenbacker, Eddie, 352


  Rogers, Will, 103

  Rome, Italy, 291, 357

  Rommel, Erwin, 29, 180, 232, 241, 326

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 30, 56, 57, 59, 77, 122–23, 143, 177, 253, 339, 346, 356, 404, 441

  Madame Chiang and, 254

  marriage of, 32

  newspaper column of, 344

  physical appearance of, 32

  on Roosevelt’s character, 34, 236, 290, 357

  Roosevelt’s death and, 442

  servicemen and, 344

  Roosevelt, Elliott, 87–89, 232, 302, 340

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 4, 9, 339, 469, 473

  addresses to Congress, 7, 15–16, 139

  aid to Britain and, 29–33, 40–43, 51–53, 61–64, 66–67, 73, 76, 85, 89, 90, 181

  aid to Giraud and, 250–51

  antisubmarine warfare and, 243

  ARCADIA Conference and, 121–24, 129–30

  Army and Navy promotions and, 412–14

  Arnold and, 24n, 52, 258

  as assistant secretary of the navy, 38, 40

  Atlantic Charter and, 90

  atomic bomb and, 164–65, 283–84, 454

  burial of, 441–42

  cabinet meetings of, 12–13

  Cairo Conference and, 299, 302, 304, 310, 346

  Caribbean cruise of, 62–63

  Casablanca Conference and, 222, 223, 225, 226, 230–32, 234–36, 271, 461

  cerebral hemorrhage of, 436

  Chiang Kai-shek and, 251, 253–55

  China and, 94, 102, 103, 265, 296, 304, 312, 419

  Churchill and, 14, 29, 40–43, 62–63, 86–90, 92, 121–23, 129–30, 141n, 178–81, 264, 280, 283–84, 290, 292, 365–67

  De Gaulle and, 234–36, 251, 332–33, 362–65

  death of, 436, 441

  direct line to military planners and, 26–27

  Doolittle Raid and, 156–57

  draft and, 46–50, 54, 58–59, 85

  duplicity of, 266

  Eisenhower and, 233, 303–4, 333, 412, 419

  Eleanor on character of, 34, 236, 290, 357

  European Jews and, 347–48

  European strategy and, 11–12, 158, 159, 176–82, 185, 186, 189, 256–57, 259, 264, 276, 278–79, 327, 328, 332, 356, 358, 360, 365–67, 419

  fireside chats of, 64, 92, 112, 142, 210, 344, 357, 358, 360

  “garden hose” speech by, 63

  German declaration of war and, 112

  on global strategy, 175–76

  health of, 258, 356–58, 377, 379–80, 393, 398, 415, 419, 426–27, 435–36

  Hopkins and, 13

  informality of, 27

  integration of armed forces and, 54–57, 143–45

  Italy and, 292–93

  Japanese Americans and, 147

  Japanese war preparations and, 82–83, 95, 103, 105, 107

  Joint Chiefs and Combined Chiefs of Staff and, 130–32

  Katyn Forest massacre and, 267–68, 347

  King and, 112–14, 190, 192–94, 196, 201–2, 211, 248–49, 287, 311, 323, 442

  Knox and, 37–38

  Leahy and, 196, 248–49, 311, 442

  Lend-Lease and, 64, 66–67, 73, 80, 85, 94

  MacArthur and, 101, 136, 137, 287, 322, 353–54, 373, 382, 383

  Madame Chiang and, 254

  Malta Conference and, 416, 419

  map room of, 140–41

  marriage to Eleanor, 32

  Mediterranean peace feelers and, 433–34

  midterm elections (1942) and, 205, 213–14

  military appropriations asked for by, 15, 21–22

  Morgenthau and, 21–22, 390, 391

  morning routine of, 12

  National Defense Advisory Committee and, 45–46

  naval policy and, 38, 72–76, 89, 90, 92, 192–93

  New Deal and, 44, 45, 342–45

  North Africa and, 187, 206, 215, 217, 218, 278

  OVERLORD and, 332, 356, 358, 360

  Pacific strategy and, 134, 151, 175, 184–85, 189, 205–6, 211, 259, 376, 382–84, 425–26

  paralysis of, 14–15, 27, 357

  Patton and, 336n

  Pearl Harbor attack and, 3, 5–8, 111, 398–99, 401–3

  Pearl Harbor meeting and, 379, 381–84

  personality of, 28

  Philippines and, 136, 137

  physical appearance of, 7, 377, 380–81, 393, 419, 427, 435–36

  Placentia Bay Conference, 86–89

  Poland and, 424–25

  postwar Germany and, 390–96, 422–23

  presidential elections and (see Presidential elections)

  press and, 169n, 256, 266, 291, 342–43

  Quebec Conference (1943) and, 283–84<
br />
  Quebec Conference (1944) and, 386–87, 393

  religious beliefs of, 89

  Russia and, 80, 82, 175–77, 267–68

  School of Military Government, 208–9

  size of army and, 406, 408

  sons of, 340

  “stab in the back” address, 32–33, 38

  Stalin and, 176, 267–68, 310, 423, 428

  Stark and, 42–43, 47, 76

  Stilwell on, 313

  Stimson and, 36–39, 53–54, 82, 130, 179, 188–89, 270, 294, 396

  strikes and, 269, 351–52

  study of, 11

  “supreme commander” concept and, 127, 129–30

  Tehran Conference and, 298, 306–11, 346, 421

  third term issue, 48–49

  trip on USS Iowa, 300–2

  Truman and, 443

  unconditional surrender issue and, 235–36, 271, 292, 447, 461

  United Nations and, 345–46, 423–25, 434, 435

  unlimited national emergency declared by, 76–77, 85

  veterans and, 344–45

  war production and, 139–40, 209–10, 219

  war scenarios and, 65

  Washington Conference and, 258, 259, 264–65

  women in life of, 247

  Woodring and, 33–34

  Yalta Conference and, 415, 420–28

  Yamamoto’s death and, 248–49

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 32, 234, 302, 340

  Roosevelt, James, 340, 379–80

  Roosevelt, John, 340

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 35–37, 42

  Roper, Elmo, 38

  Rosenman, Sam, 47, 59, 76, 77, 382, 403

  Rough Riders, 37

  ROUNDHAMMER, 185, 262, 277, 279

  ROUNDUP, 158, 160, 172, 175, 177, 178, 181, 185–89, 199, 203, 226, 227, 237, 257, 259, 261–62, 312, 407

  Rubber, 209–10

  Rundstedt, Field Marshall Gerd von, 326

  Russian Maritime Provinces, 103

  Rutherford, Lucy Mercer, 435–36

  S-1 section, 165

  St. Vith, Belgium, 411

  Saipan, 170, 316, 361, 368–71, 374, 376, 381, 448, 449, 451, 452

  Sakhalin Island, 425, 426

  San Juan Hill, 37

  Santa Cruz, 173

  Sato, Naotake, 466

  Savo Island, 199, 201–3, 241

  Scharnhorst (German cruiser), 69

  Scheer (German cruiser), 69

  School of Military Government, 207–9

  Schulman, Sammy, 235

  Selective Service Act, 48, 58, 68, 84

  Seligman, Morton, 169

  Sequoia (yacht), 116

  SEXTANT, 299, 302, 304, 310, 319, 320, 346

  Seymour, Charles, 329

  Sherman, Forrest, 389

  Sherman tank, 181

  Sherwood, Robert, 13, 63–64, 74n, 76, 403

  Shoho (Japanese carrier), 161

  Shokaku (Japanese carrier), 161, 369

  Short, Walter, 398, 402–3

  Shoumatoff, Elizabeth, 435–36

  Sicily, 223, 227, 232, 237, 242, 256, 259, 271, 275, 291, 294

  Siegfried Line, 405, 416

  Sikorski, General Wladyslaw, 267–68

  Singapore, 100, 105, 118, 123, 134

  SLEDGEHAMMER, 158–60, 179, 180–82, 185–86, 188, 189, 262, 284

  Slovik, Eddie, 406

  Smedberg, William, 456

  Smith, Harold, 21

  Smith, Holland M., 272, 368, 370–72, 376

  Smith, Ralph, 370–71

  Smith, Walter Bedell “Beetle,” 23, 24n, 26, 30, 188, 305n, 335, 336, 416–18

  Solomon Islands, 150–52, 170, 172, 173, 198, 199, 201, 203–5, 211, 212, 220, 240, 264, 272

  Somers, Andrew, 91

  Somervell, Brehon, 68, 226, 286–88, 349, 471

  Somerville, Admiral Sir James, 282n

  Soong, T. V., 255, 296, 297

  Soryu (Japanese carrier), 169

  South-East Asia Command (SEAC), 284

  Spanish-American War, 37, 70, 93, 207

  Spruance, Raymond, 238, 272, 320, 369, 370, 371, 374, 414n

  Stalin, Josef, 79, 80, 94, 95, 125, 141, 158, 175–77, 179, 187, 219n, 227, 267–68, 294, 328, 347, 356, 366, 386, 443

  Berlin and, 446–47

  health of, 415

  Mediterranean peace feelers and, 433–34

  Pacific strategy and, 425–26

  personality of, 423

  Poland and, 424–25

  postwar Germany and, 422

  Potsdam Conference and, 460–61

  Roosevelt and, 176, 267–68, 310, 423, 428

  Tehran Conference and, 298–99, 306–11

  Truman and, 445–46, 460–61

  United Nations and, 424

  Yalta Conference and, 415, 421–28

  Stalingrad, 222, 227

  Stark, Harold L. “Betty,” 65, 69, 71, 73, 86, 89, 101, 124, 125, 135, 192, 194, 195, 398, 402–3, 443

  aid to Britain and, 41–42, 53, 66, 67

  draft and, 48, 50

  Eisenhower on, 149

  Japanese war preparations and, 2, 103–6

  King and, 113–15, 190

  Pearl Harbor and, 2, 7, 154, 473

  Roosevelt and, 42–43, 47, 76

  “supreme commander” concept and, 126–27, 129

  war scenarios and, 65, 67

  State, Department of, 66, 208, 233, 235, 292, 347, 379, 390, 467

  Stettinius, Edward, 45, 425, 426, 445, 446

  Stilwell, Joseph “Vinegar Joe,” 149, 241, 253n, 254–55, 262, 296–97, 305, 313, 419n

  Stimson, Mabel, 36, 39, 40, 218, 247, 338, 339, 454, 458, 464, 470

  Stimson, Secretary of War Henry Lewis, 4–5, 33, 61, 73, 76, 83, 97–98, 118, 125, 131, 195, 204, 217, 223, 264, 268, 294, 340, 348, 374, 412, 414, 433

  aid to Britain and, 51–53, 64, 66, 67

  aid to Giraud and, 250–51

  antisubmarine warfare and, 243–45

  Army-Navy relations and, 149, 154

  Arnold and, 257

  atomic bomb and, 165–66, 454–60, 463, 470

  background of, 35–36, 38, 164

  bomber ownership issue and, 154

  Churchill and, 179, 276–79

  De Gaulle and, 363–65

  death of, 470

  detroyers-for-bases agreement and, 42, 43

  Dill and, 328–30

  Doolittle Raid and, 157

  draft and, 48, 50, 58–59, 86, 90–91, 406

  European strategy and, 158, 160, 178, 181, 224, 271, 276–79, 293–94, 309, 408, 410, 411

  health of, 36–37

  integration of armed forces and, 56–58, 143

  Japanese Americans and, 145–47

  Japanese war preparations and, 103–5

  King and, 154, 178, 473

  Knox and, 338–39

  leisure activities of, 40, 247

  MacArthur and, 137, 295, 321

  Manhattan Project and, 349, 350

  Marshall and, 39, 154, 288–89, 470

  naval policy and, 74, 75

  North Africa and, 182, 218

  OVERLORD and, 356

  Pacific strategy and, 183–85, 449, 453, 461–62

  Patton and, 337

  Pearl Harbor investigation and, 398

  personality of, 158

  Philippines and, 123, 134–36

  physical appearance of, 35–36

  postwar Germany and, 391–95

  postwar years and, 469–70

  Potsdam Conference and, 459, 463

  Roosevelt and, 36–39, 53–54, 82, 130, 179, 1
88–89, 270, 294, 396

  Roosevelt’s death and, 442

  School of Military Government, 207–9

  selection of generals and, 334

  Senate confirmation of, 38–39

  strikes and, 269, 351–52

  surrender of Japan and, 466–67

  Truman and, 350, 443–46, 455, 458, 459, 469

  Truman Committee and, 68

  ultimatum to Japan and, 462–63

  war production and, 53

  war scenarios and, 65

  working routine of, 39

  Stimson Doctrine, 36

  Stone, Harlan, 442

  Strategic air campaign, 24, 153, 237–39, 284, 335, 348, 368–69

  Stratemeyer, George, 239

  Straus, Gladys Guggenheim, 21

  Suckley, Daisy, 377, 436

  Summersby, Kay, 303

  Sumner, Jessie, 288

  SUPER-GYMNAST, 125, 185

  Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), 326, 328, 331, 332, 410

  Sutherland, Richard, 238, 319

  SYMBOL, 223

  Szilárd, Leó, 164

  Taft, Robert, 76, 429

  Taft, William Howard, 35, 38, 250

  Taiho (Japanese carrier), 369

  Tarawa, 316, 317, 323, 330, 340, 370

  Tehran Conference (EUREKA), 298, 299, 306–11, 328, 346, 421

  Telek (dog), 303

  Thailand, 103–5

  Theobold, Robert, 152

  Thomas, Cora, 341

  Tinian, 170, 316, 368, 369, 448, 463

  Tobruk, 180

  Togo, Shigenori, 102n

  Tojo, General Hideki, 94, 100, 106, 157, 381

  Toland, John, 102n

  TORCH, 188, 189, 198, 199, 203, 206, 211, 242, 302, 312, 357

  Towers, John, 319

  Transportation Plan, 331–32

  TRIDENT, 256–65, 272

  Triumph and Tragedy (Churchill), 367n

  Truk, 170, 229, 263, 316, 322, 368, 452

  Truman, Harry S., 68, 165–66, 288, 350, 384

  atomic bomb and, 453–57, 460, 462, 463, 465–66

  background of, 444

  becomes president, 442

  briefing of, 443–44

  MacArthur and, 445

  1944 presidential election and, 378, 381

  Pacific strategy and, 449, 451–53

  personality of, 442

  Poland and, 445–46

  Potsdam Conference and, 459, 460

  Stalin and, 445–46, 460–61

  Stimson and, 350, 443–46, 455, 458, 459, 469

  surrender of Japan and, 466–67

  ultimatum to Japan and, 462

  Truman Committee, 68, 372, 444

  Truscott, Lucian K., 188, 241, 275, 336

  TUBE ALLOYS “S-1,” 283

  Tulagi, 172–74, 198, 199

  Tully, Grace, 7, 140, 215, 357, 377

  Tunisia, 206, 218, 227, 232–33, 241, 242, 275, 303


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