Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1)

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Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1) Page 43

by K. J. Dahlen

  Cassie shook her head. She went over to the bed and sat down. Ideas running through her mind were giving her a headache. All the could haves, would haves and should haves pushed her almost to the breaking point.

  Flopping back on the bed, she closed her eyes and began rubbing her temples. Cassie sat up quickly and for a moment, her head spun. Groaning, she put her fingers to her temples again. She looked up and saw Deke standing there.

  He walked over to the bed. “You’re safe here baby girl. No one is going to hurt you, least of all me,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “I know…and I know deep down, you wouldn’t hurt me but I’ve been watching for pain all my life. It’s a little hard to just shut that switch off and I’ve had a hell of a day.”

  Deke smiled. “I think someone else has had a hard day too. You gave him a hell of a shock.”

  Cassie nodded, then whispered, “I have an uncle, and he’s been looking for me all my life.”

  Deke’s arms tightened when he felt her begin to tremble. “Baby, it’s gonna be all right.”

  Cassie smiled and turned her head into his chest. Wrapping her arms around him, she gave him a squeeze. “I have a family. That’s something I’ve wanted most of my life. Peaches became a sister because of a need both of us had. Neither one of us thought we had anyone out there who could love us as much as we loved each other. Peaches and me, we went through hell together and got through it. We weren’t alone anymore and that brought us together in a special kind of way.”

  Deke patted her back as he listened.

  “I’m so happy for her, she has a dad and a granddad who will kill to protect her now. I had to let her go, and that almost killed me, but I know she’s in good hands. It hurt so damn much to know she had family and I didn’t. I thought I was alone again. Then he came into my life. I have someone who shares the same blood as I do. Someone who knew my mother, someone who could make her come alive for me through his stories of growing up with her.” She shook her head. “I’ve been listening to people bitch about their families for years. But what they don’t know is how lucky they are to have someone who cares enough about them to interfere with their lives.”

  Deke chuckled. “I never really thought about it before but you’re right. I’m glad you found him and that he found you.” Letting out a deep breath he suggested, “How about we go eat something? Reva has supper ready and if we don’t get there soon, Gator is gonna eat it all. He’s a pig that way.”

  Cassie laughed out loud just as he intended her to do. A few minutes later, they went to the main room and found everyone eating. Deke ushered her to a table Gator, Reva and Deacon were sitting at.

  Reva got up and went into the kitchen, when she came back, she had two plates in her hand.

  Deke sat down next to Cassie and smiled when Reva set the plates down. “Gator, you have a fine woman there. You’d better treat her right.”

  Gator looked up at him and grinned with his mouth full of food. “You got that right boss.”

  They spent the next few minutes finishing their meal. Finally, Deacon motioned to the paintings and asked, “If this one is Rufus does the lion have a name as well?”

  Cassie nodded as she stared at the lion’s face. “I call him Diablo.”

  “The Devil,” Deacon asked surprised. “Why do you call him that?”

  Cassie didn’t answer him for a long time. All she could do was stare at the painting. Then she turned to look at Deke. “His was the face in my nightmares, the one that scared the crap out of me. He would always find me there every time I went to the place that scared me the most. At first, I thought he’d come to finally end my pain but after a while I noticed something about him. Even though he was right beside me, snarling at me, with his teeth dripping blood, he never hurt me. It was as if he was protecting me from all the other bad things I could imagine. He was keeping the fears away. In a way, he became my only protection in a world I never wanted to be in.”

  Deke wanted to crush her to him but he couldn’t.

  Deacon turned in his chair and grabbed her up. Dragging her to him, he just held her close.

  Cassie laid her head on his chest and sobbed.

  “You don’t ever have to be afraid again. I’ll never let anyone hurt you,” he whispered in her ear.

  Cassie sat down next to Deke again. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she reached out for Deke’s hand. “I know and I’m so very glad I found you again.” She nodded at the painting. “He watched over me in my dark place, now I have you and Deke. I don’t think I need him anymore.”

  “So tell me about this Peaches?” Deacon asked. “Is she okay too?”

  Cassie grinned. “She’s better than okay. She found her dad and granddad and they both promised to take good care of her.”

  Deke tightened his grip on her hand and leaned forward. “Yeah, the Vincinti’s won’t lose her again.”

  “Calderone and Leon Vincinti?” Deacon asked. He looked stunned by the connection.

  “Yup, they are Peaches’ family.” Cassie nodded.

  “I didn’t know you moved in those kind of circles.” Deacon sat back in his chair and studied his niece.

  “I didn’t know either.” Cassie chuckled. “I met Peaches when we were both five. She had been in an accident and had a nasty bump on her head. She couldn’t remember anything about her life and when she came to Mrs. Pierce’s house we kind of bonded together. I never had a friend before.”

  “I know you said you came looking for a dancer, that’s how you met Deke but who was the dancer?” Deacon asked.

  Cassie sighed hard and explained, “About five months ago Peaches was on her way to work in Albany when she was kidnapped off the streets. I couldn’t find her for months, then I heard about a dancer with her name working in Troy and I came looking for her. I found her working for Deke at the Dirty Dancing club.”

  Deke raised his hands in his own defense. “No, I did not kidnap Peaches. Another low life named Big Jimmy took her. He got her hooked on dope and then put her to work in his stable of whores.”

  “Yeah, I heard a rumor that Big Jimmy had a terrible accident.” Cassie snorted.

  “Funny…” Deke stared at her for a moment. “…We heard the same rumor that was just about the time you got to the club.”

  “I needed to make sure Peaches was okay,” Cassie muttered.

  “I have a feeling I’m missing something here,” Deacon spoke up.

  “Yeah well anyway, our first meeting didn’t go very well and Deke brought me back here.” Cassie shrugged. “Things just blossomed from there.”

  “So what’s going on with the bitch that took you in?” Deacon asked.

  “When the whole story came out, the Vincinti’s assured me they would take care of Mrs. Pierce. And the man that fathered me.”

  Deacon sat up in his chair. “They got Flynn?”

  “Yes, they do. Flynn got clean and took on a new name then went to work for the Vincinti family way back. When he saw me the other night, he tried to bully me into not revealing his identity. It didn’t work and when they found out he was the one that carried Peaches off, they told me they would take care of his sorry ass.”

  Deacon’s smile slowly spread across his lips. “It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. I hope they make it hurt. So what’s the plan now?”

  Cassie shrugged. “I don’t have a clue. The Feds want to use the info from Mrs. Pierce to shut down a kiddy ring, as far as I know, I’m still wanted for the attempted murder of the bastard that attacked Peaches when we were kids. Deke and some other bikers came to Boston and took Peaches and me out of police custody. Right now, I guess we wait to see who comes back to get me.”

  ~* * * *~

  The next few days were busy for everyone. Deke, Deacon and Gator left each morning to go to work and it was after they left for the day that Cassie went to Troy as well. She always arrived back before the guys came home but Reva no
ticed she was preoccupied when she got back.

  Reva didn’t say anything until a couple of weeks later. The guys were talking about a barbeque set up for the coming weekend and Gator thought it might be a good idea if Cassie helped Reva and the other old ladies plan it. They were still at home when he asked her.

  Reva shrugged. “Sure, I’ll ask her about it but she’s hardly ever at the clubhouse anymore during the day.”

  Gator stopped and stared at his woman. “What do you mean she isn’t here anymore? Where the hell is she then?”

  Reva looked at him. “I don’t know where she goes every day. She waits until you guys leave for the dance club and she disappears. She comes back before you guys get back but she hasn’t told me and I know better than to ask. It’s not my business.”

  “Do you think Deke knows?” Gator looked concerned. “Or Deacon?”

  Reva shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

  “Deke ain’t gonna like this.” Gator sighed.

  “Maybe she’s working somewhere,” Reva suggested.

  “That won’t matter, she didn’t tell any of us about this, I’m sure of that.” Gator looked troubled. “Deke is gonna freak. He’s been thinking she’s been here the whole time.”

  “Maybe you could just ask her, when she’s alone I mean,” Reva suggested.

  “I gotta find out more about where she’s going every day before I bring this to Deke. I hope I’m wrong. Doesn’t she know she could get taken? I’m sure the bitch that sent those other three guys after her hasn’t given up yet.” Gator ran his fingers through his hair messing it up. “And what about the badges? Huh? Does she think they’ve given up on her too? They would snatch her up in a heartbeat if they knew she was out there. Damn, I gotta tell Deke about this before she disappears without a trace. Deke would fucking flip his lid if that happened. Both Deke and Deacon would.”

  “What are you going to do?” Reva asked.

  “I guess I’ll follow her and see where she goes, then tell Deke,” Gator finally said.

  “Just be careful how you tell him,” Reva warned. “You know the man has a terrible tempter.”

  “Let’s hope she’s not doing something stupid then.” Gator growled.

  ~* * * *~

  A short time later, Cassie grabbed her backpack and left the clubhouse. Earlier, she’d watched as Deke, Deacon, Gator and the rest of the guys left. She checked the clock in her car and knew she was going to be a few minutes later today.

  Pinching the bridge of her nose, she took a deep breath then exhaled. She thought about what she was doing and smiled slightly. She had spoken to Peaches a few days ago and knew everything in Boston was going well.

  Peaches was adjusting to having a family again, and Mrs. Pierce was no longer a threat. For that matter, neither was Flynn Rearden. The Vincinti family had turned over the evidence found in the Pierce den to the Feds and she knew they were busy mopping up the mess. The arrests had made the papers and no one knew of her involvement in any of it. She felt safe for the first time in years.

  As she drove away from the compound, she didn’t feel she had to check her rear view mirror. For the first time in her life, she didn’t have to look over her shoulder anymore or watch the street for the next attack. As she drove into Troy, she made her way to the west side of the city. It wasn’t the best neighborhoods, but it wasn’t the worst either. She pulled her Jeep behind the building and grabbing her pack, she hurried inside.


  Cassie didn’t seem to notice the man on the bike parked a block away. Gator frowned as he viewed the old school house and grounds. He couldn’t imagine what the hell she was doing there but when he saw a couple of street guys hanging around outside he didn’t like it.

  Rolling his bike down the block, he started it and tore down the road. He knew if he waited any longer, Deke would be that much madder about this whole thing.

  A half hour later, Gator approached Deke’s door and knocked as he stepped through the portal.

  Deke looked up at his Vice President and leaned back in his chair. He noted the look on Gator’s face and knew something was wrong. “What’s up Gator?”

  “I don’t know but whatever it is I don’t think you’re gonna like it,” Gator commented as he sat down across from him.

  Deke stared at the other man for a moment then said, “Spit it out man. What am I not going to like?”

  “I asked Reva to get Cassie to help her plan the barbeque coming up this weekend and she agreed. Then I found out Cassie’s been coming into the city every day for the last few weeks.”

  Deke sat forward in his chair. “What the hell do you mean she’s been coming into town every day? Since when?”

  “Since we got back from Boston.”

  “Where is she going every day?”

  “I don’t know but today, I followed her over to an abandoned school house on the west side of town. It’s not a very good neighborhood and there were street people hanging around the building.”

  Deke got out of his chair and went to the open door. “Deacon!” he shouted. “Get your ass in here!” The club wasn’t open yet to the general public so he knew his yell wasn’t going to bother the customers. He went back to his chair and sat down.

  A few minutes later, Deacon entered the office. “What’s up?”

  “Did you know Cassie’s been coming to town every day?”

  Deacon frowned. “No I didn’t.” He shook his head. “What the fuck is she thinking? It might not be safe for her to be seen in the general public yet.” Running his fingers through his hair, he asked, “How the hell can we protect her, if we don’t know where she is?” He looked up at Deke, “Has she said anything to you about this?”

  Deke shook his head. “Do you think I would have asked you about this if she had?”

  “What are you going to do about it?” Gator asked.

  “Find out what the hell is going on, of course.” Deke growled. He got to his feet leading the way to the parking lot. Then he, Gator and Deacon took off.

  Gator led the way to the schoolhouse.

  They parked their bikes a block away and watched for a while. People were coming in and out of the building the whole time. Most of them were homeless from the way they looked.

  Deke watched and was about to storm the building when he noticed Cassie coming outside. She was with two other men. They were wearing rags and were dirty as hell. His lips pursed in anger as he watched.

  She seemed to enjoy being with these men. She acted free and animated around them. In fact, he’d never seen her like this before. She hadn’t acted like this at the clubhouse.

  Then he saw her do something that filled him with rage. She wrapped her arms around one of the men and hugged him. Deke was off his bike in a second.

  Deacon followed him and managed to pull him back before Cassie noticed them. “Boss, I know you want to punch something but please wait.”

  His soft spoken words barely made Deke pause. He turned his head and glared at the other man. “Why should I wait?” he growled. “I’m gonna kill him then her.”

  Deacon shook his head. “And that would be a mistake on your part.”

  Deke glared. “Why? Why do you think I should allow her to betray me like this? Answer me that smart ass.”

  “Until we know what’s going on here, we’d best not jump to conclusions.” Deacon pointed out. “Either ask her about this or let her come to you and tell you about this.” He turned and gazed at his niece. “Look at her man, she almost seems happy here.” He looked down at the ground. “She isn’t afraid of these people. She doesn’t have to look over her shoulder every few seconds. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”

  Deke turned and stared at the school. Watching her for a few minutes, he walked back to his bike and started it up. He took off with a roar and a grim face.

  Gator shook his head at Deacon. “You’re playing with fire and it’s gonna come back and b
urn you to a crisp.”

  “Maybe.” Deacon shrugged. “But look at her man, this is the best I’ve seen her since I got back.”

  Gator turned his head and had to agree.

  Deacon went back to his bike and sat down on it. “What do you think Deke will do?”

  Gator shrugged. “I have no idea. You stay here and watch her. I’ll go back and find out.” He shook his head. “She should have told him about this already. She never should have kept this secret, not from Deke.” Gator went back to the club and found Deke watching Zipper on the computer.

  He glared at Gator then ignored him, as Zipper gathered information.

  A few minutes later, Zipper hit the print button and page after page printed out. He picked up the pages and wordlessly handed them to Deke.

  ~* * * *~

  Deke stomped back to his office and Gator followed. Sitting behind his desk, he began to read the information Zipper had given him.

  What he read was confusing. The property was listed as sold to a nonprofit under the name of Cassie Tory. Deke’s eyebrows raised at that tidbit of information. He frowned when he saw a paid receipt for the building. The city sold it for the price of one dollar. “What the fuck is she doing?” he muttered, handing the papers over to Gator.

  Gator looked them over and shrugged. “I have no idea.”

  “Did she say anything about this to Reva?”

  Gator shook his head. “Reva has no idea what she’s doing or where she goes every day. She would have told me if she did.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Deke asked snidely.

  “Yeah boss, I’m sure of my woman.” Gator glared back at him.

  “She kept the fact that Cassie was coming to town every day from us, now didn’t she?”

  “This isn’t Reva’s fault and you know it,” Gator stated.

  “Yeah man, I know it,” Deke agreed finally, as he looked troubled. “This is on Cassie and I’m gonna find out what it is all about before too much longer.”


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