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Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1)

Page 48

by K. J. Dahlen

  “Is that a threat young lady?”

  “No sir that is a promise from me to you.”

  “Can you give us a moment to discuss these latest discoveries?” Jerry Tate ended the call on his end.

  Deke got to his feet and turned to address Lance, “Is that all or is there more?”

  “Did you know anyone that owned a green jacket?”

  “The only one I ever knew was Robbie. He had a green jacket. He used to wear it all the time, summer or winter. Probably the only thing his mom ever bought for him.”

  “Was this before or after Robbie died?” Deke asked.

  “This was after he died,” Lance informed them.

  “Are you sure he actually died?” Peaches scoffed.

  “Why do you say it that way?” Lance inquired.

  “I know Cassie really messed him up that night but I wouldn’t put it past either Janelle or Robbie to fake his death for another reason.”

  “Another reason?” Lance asked. “What would that reason be?”

  “Janelle was losing control of her son. Cassie always said one day, Robbie was gonna kill somebody and after what he did to her, I didn’t doubt it a bit.”

  “What did he do to her?” Lance asked.

  “That’s Cassie’s story to tell you but only if she wanted you to know,” Peaches replied with a glare. “You saw part of what he did to her. She showed you the word he carved in her back. That was just the icing on the cake. He’s done so much more than that and none of it was pretty.”

  “Why can’t you guys just leave Cassie alone? Hasn’t she endured enough?” Marnie asked.

  Lance’s phone rang and when he answered it, he paused and then turned the speaker phone on. “We’re leaving. We heard enough to know Janelle Walden lied under oath. She violated her order of protection.”

  Iceman looked over at Deke and raised an eyebrow. He knew Janelle wasn’t in custody anymore anyway. Neither man said anything.

  “Wait and I’ll join you. I was leaving anyway.” Lance ended the call but before he left he looked at Deke and the others. “I hope Cassie is going to be okay. When I get back to Boston, I’ll look into Robbie’s death a little better. If I find anything off, I’ll let you know. Either way, please look out for her. Someone out there doesn’t like her and they will stop at nothing to get at her.”

  “Thanks for the warning.” Deke nodded.

  They all watched from the doorway as Lance got into his vehicle and drove to the front gate. Wiley was there to open it and when Lance pulled out, he closed and locked it again.

  Deke turned to Frankie. “Can you get a hold of Amos and have him bring Cassie home?”

  Frankie nodded. “You bet boss.”

  Peaches chuckled and leaned into Iceman’s arms. “God, I’ve missed that woman.”

  “Haven’t I kept you happy enough?” he wanted to know.

  “Oh, yeah,” Peaches agreed and leaned into his kiss.


  A while later they all waited for Amos to bring Cassie back.

  Reva had joined them in the clubhouse. She assured Marnie the children had been bathed, feed and now they were all resting.

  Marnie went outside to walk the grounds of the compound when Deacon found her. “Why are you out here?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “I don’t really know too many people in there. I feel like I’m imposing.”

  “You’re not imposing at all,” Deacon insisted. “But if I may ask, what brought you here today?”

  “Did you see the kids at the hospital?”

  Deacon nodded.

  “Those kids have gotten the shaft from Social Services since they lost their mother three years ago. They lost any faith they had in the system when a judge ordered them into three different homes. Peaches told me about Redemption House and I was bringing them here, so at least they could stay together. Now that might be impossible.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “If the cops are still after Cassie, Redemption House may never be all it could have been. Peaches told me all about what Cassie wanted to do and I thought it had a great chance.” Marnie shrugged.

  “We have to find a way to end this shit.” Deacon shook his head. “Otherwise, her dream is over before it began.”

  “Will it truly end?” Marnie asked.

  “It won’t if Deke and I have anything to say about it,” Deacon vowed.

  “Are you in love with her then? This Cassie?”

  Deacon smiled. “Yes, I love her but I think you misunderstand. She’s my niece not my girlfriend.”

  “Oh.” Marnie blushed.

  “So, you’re Iceman’s sister?”

  “Yup, Jesse’s my brother.”

  “Jesse?” Deacon raised an eyebrow.

  Marnie made a face. “He insisted I call him Iceman but to me, he’ll always be Jesse.”

  Deacon laughed. “And he’s with Peaches now? I wonder how her Dad and Granddad like that?”

  Marnie giggled. “I think for now, they’re letting it slide. They are just so happy to get her back, anything she wants is fine with them.” She paused then peeked at him from beneath her lashes. Her tongue poked out of her mouth to wet her dry lips.

  Deacon followed the movement. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of her mouth. So much so, he almost missed her softly spoken question.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  Deacon shrugged. “You can ask me whatever you want.”

  Marnie’s fingers twisted around each other. Then before she could lose her nerve, she stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She brushed her lips against his. The second their lips touched, Marnie felt the zing. It zapped her good. From the point of contact all the way to her core.

  Deacon pulled her closer and deepened the kiss considerably When she gasped under his assault, he pushed his tongue into her mouth. He lifted her off her feet and took a few steps over to a tree. Backing her up against the trunk, he kept the kiss alive.

  When he finally broke contact with her mouth, they were both gasping for air. He pressed tiny kisses along her jaw and down her neck all the way to her collarbone. “What the hell did you do to me just now?’ he whispered into her ear as he sucked her earlobe into his mouth.

  Marnie groaned as shivers of want slid down her heated body. “I never knew a kiss could be like that.”

  Deacon pressed his hard cock against her belly. “That was as close to an orgasm we could get without taking off our clothes.”

  Marnie peeked up at him and found his eyes on hers. Licking her lips again, she heard Deacon groan with need. She also felt her body respond to the same need. “When I saw you today at the hospital, I got a funny feeling here.” Her hand slid down to her belly. “I couldn’t explain it and I couldn’t ignore it either. I had to know if this would happen when we kissed.”

  Deacon frowned. “If what would happen?”

  “Didn’t you feel it?” she asked. “When you touched me I felt a spark of lightening inside.”

  Deacon smiled. “Yeah, I felt it.” He rubbed his erection against her belly again. “You made me hard in a second.”

  Marnie’s eyes twinkled. “My parents call it instant karma. They’ve been feeling it for years. My mother always told me if I was ever lucky enough to feel the zing of it the first time I kissed someone, there would never be anyone else for me but the man who gave me that zing. I had to know if you would give me the zing.”

  ~* * * *~

  Deacon raised his brow and stared into her eyes. The zing she was talking about had hit him like a sledgehammer. With every other woman he’d been with, he’d felt the desire but never the electric jolt he’d just felt with her. He leaned in closer and when he touched his lips to hers, he felt it again. His cock hardened and he felt his balls tighten almost to the point of release. Deacon was stunned.

  Marnie groaned under his lips. She arched her lower body to his. Rubb
ing herself on him she felt her body responding. Before she could let it happen, she tore out of his arms and took a step away from him. Gasping for breath, she took a few minutes to gain control.

  Deacon closed his eyes and reined his desire in. His body needed release badly but he knew now was not the time. A few deep breaths later, he finally asked. “So what do you do then?”

  “I’m a councilor actually.” She had begun to pace in order to cool her body down. “I was hoping Cassie would give me a job.”

  “She might at that,” he replied as he adjusted himself. “She’s going to be busy very soon with the baby and all.”

  At that moment, Reva ran across the yard and ducked into the first cabin.

  Marnie frowned and followed her to the door. When she heard a child’s cry, she went inside. “Benny, is that you?” she called out. “Are you okay sweetheart?”

  When she rounded the corner, she found Ben in Reva’s arms.

  Jack and Alaina we curled up on the other side of the bed. Alaina was holding Jack and both had a frightened look in their eyes.

  “What’s going on?” Marnie asked.

  “Benny had a bad dream,” Jack told them as he plopped his thumb into his mouth. “He woke up and didn’t know where he was.”

  “It’s okay darling. I’m here,” Reva soothed the young child in her arms. “Bad dreams can scare a person can’t they?”

  Benny’s arms crept around her neck and he held on for dear life. “I was scared. I didn’t know where you were.”

  “I was just next door,” Reva told them. “As long as you guys are awake, would you like to meet some friends of mine?”

  Alaina looked over at Marnie. “Can we?”

  Marnie smiled. “If you want to.” She motioned toward Deacon. “This is Deacon, he lives here too.”

  “Hey, do you ride a motorcycle too?” Jack asked. “Are you part of a gang?”

  Deacon chuckled. “It’s called a club not a gang. We don’t hurt anyone.” He knelt beside Jack and Alaina. “I’ll bet you’ve never seen a tiger up close before have you?”

  Alaina shook her head and Jack’s eyes got big.

  “My niece Cassie painted one in the clubhouse and he’s beautiful. His name is Rufus.”

  “Can we see him?’ Alaina asked.

  “Sure can, come on. I’ll introduce you.”

  Alaina looked over at Reva. “Can we go?”

  Reva smiled. “Sure, Benny and me will be along right behind you.”

  Deacon took Alaina’s hand and Jack grabbed onto Marnie. Together, they walked back to the clubhouse and went inside.

  ~* * * *~

  When Jack saw the tiger, his eyes widened. “Wow, he’s huge!”

  Deke and Gator had been sitting in the main room. They glanced up and Gator broke out laughing. They both turned and gazed at the tiger on the wall behind them.

  “I think I like the lion better,” Alaina commented. “He’s prettier. The tiger looks kinda mean.”

  Benny and Reva came in. Benny was in Reva’s arms and when everyone looked their way, Benny hid his face in her neck. Reva smiled gently at him and whispered something that made him laugh.

  Gator’s eyes softened at the look on her face. He could see how much being with the kids meant to her and for a moment, his heart hurt that he could never give her the family she’d always wanted. He had to turn away from the domestic picture she made.

  They all heard the honking of a car horn. Deke, Deacon and Gator rushed to the door to see Amos’s car waiting by the gate.

  Deke rushed over, punched in the code and the gate opened.

  Amos pulled into the parking area and before the car even stopped, Deke was at the back door. Gator closed and locked the gate while Deke reached in and pulled Cassie out of the car.

  She curled into his arms and he walked her carefully inside. Making his way down the short hall, there were footsteps following him. Pushing the door to his room open, he carefully walked over to the bed. Peaches was there to pull the blankets down for him and he carefully laid Cassie down. “Are you okay?” he asked as he brushed her damp hair off her forehead.

  Cassie sighed. “I’ll be okay. Amos took good care of me.” She looked over at Peaches, then back to Deke. “How did it go with Sullivan?”

  “They found a video of the night Jeremy Talbot died. They thought it was you who beat him to death,” Peaches informed her.

  Cassie closed her eyes. “Are they ever going to stop?” she whispered as tears rolled down her pale cheeks.

  “Honey,” Peaches whispered. “Sullivan said he was going to dig into Robbie’s death.”

  “Why?” Cassie frowned.

  “Because I asked him to,” her best friend replied. “I also told them Janelle was the biggest god damn liar on the planet and not to take anything she said at face value.”

  “Enough talking,” Deke ordered as he pulled the covers up around Cassie. Looking over at Peaches he said, “She needs to rest.”

  “Okay,” Peaches whined. Leaning toward her friend, she pressed a kiss on her forehead. “Get better soon sweetie.”

  Cassie smiled slightly as she closed her eyes. “I’ll see you all later.”

  Deke waited after Peaches left the room for Cassie to fall asleep. He sat down on the bed and brushed the hair from her face. Before he left the room, he walked over to the window and looked outside. He’d stood here before without a clue as to what really mattered to him. Then he turned and looked at the woman in his bed.

  She was what mattered, now and forever. He vowed to keep her safe for the rest of his life.

  ~* * * *~

  There was man standing in the shadows behind the tree line just beyond the chain link fence surrounding the compound. The large man standing at the window couldn’t see him but Robbie could see him. He’d also seen him carry a young woman inside and he wondered if it was Cassie he carried.

  He had followed the FBI agents all the way to the city of Troy, New York. He had found her after all these years. His eyes began to burn as he stared at the window. The large biker had moved away from the glass and Robbie smiled. He might not get close to her today or even tomorrow, but one day soon, he would stand right in front of her and he would end the torment she had put on him. He would end it by ending her life. He’d vowed that as a child and he always kept his promises to himself, even if no one else kept theirs.

  He and began walking away. His car was on the other side of the woods. Each step he took was painful for him and that was another thing he had to thank Cassie for. His life had become hell the day she left…now hers would become hell too.

  ~* * * *~

  When Cassie opened her eyes later, she felt rested. She turned her head slightly and found Deke sitting in a chair, head back and snoring slightly. She had to smile, that is until she looked toward the door and found a pair of curious eyes staring back at her.

  They were pale blue and set in a face with high cheekbones and lips that smiled easily. Her long dark brown hair was pulled back. The woman just stared back at her. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” Cassie whispered back. “Do I know you?”

  “Not yet.” She smiled. The woman stepped closer and stuck her hand out toward Cassie. “I’m Maggie. I’m Morris’s sister and a nurse. The big guy…” She jerked a thumb in Deke’s vicinity, “…Asked me to come over and check on your condition.”

  “Why would he do that?” Cassie frowned slightly.

  “You’re kidding, right?” Maggie stared at her. “You were shot yesterday, remember?”

  “Vaguely, I do seem to remember that part.” Cassie raised an eyebrow.

  “Then you also remember Deke carried you out of the hospital against medical orders.” Maggie sat down on the edge of the bed. “From what I read of your medical chart before I left this morning, everything should be okay. Your abdomen should heal just fine but you did have a blood loss and they did have to do surger
y to stop the bleeding. Deke just wanted me to check your progress, that’s all.”

  “You’re not going to make him take me back to the hospital are you?”

  Maggie giggled softly. “Honey, nobody can make that man do a damn thing he doesn’t want to do.” She lifted the covers. “Come on sweetie, I need to see it.”

  Cassie moved her hospital gown out of the way and watched as Maggie lifted the edge of the tape holding the gauze over her wound.

  A few pokes here and there and Maggie lifted the covering completely off. Her wound looked clean, there were a couple of stitches, but the edges seemed all right. She applied a fresh bandage and shook out a couple of pills in her hand for Cassie. Handing her a glass of water she watched as Cassie swallowed them.

  “What did you just give me?”

  “Antibiotic. I picked up your prescription before I left work. Don’t worry they won’t hurt the baby.” Maggie nodded. “Everything looks good. I would suggest you give yourself time to heal, stay in bed for the next few days at least. Get up to go to the bathroom but otherwise…rest. You need time for your body to replace the blood you lost. Give it at least a couple days before you shower. I can give you something for the pain, if you like.”

  “No, I don’t want anything for pain.” Cassie’s hands cradled her belly protectively.

  Maggie smiled and her eyes twinkled. “So the big guy is gonna be a daddy, huh?”

  Cassie nodded.

  “Well, it’s about damn time.” Maggie grinned. Then she sat back and stared at Cassie. “I’ve been hearing some rumors around town.”

  Cassie fidgeted with the edge of the blanket. “Oh, what kind of rumors?”

  “Something about some kind of housing project for people down on their luck, needing a second chance sort of thing.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Cassie plucked at the blanket. “What about it?”

  “Well, if it were true, it would be a wonderful idea,” Maggie assured her. “A friend of mine, Joey, came back from the war on terror, a few months back. The things he saw and did for his country really messed the poor guy up. The VA couldn’t or wouldn’t help him adjust back to civilian life. He isn’t doing so well.”


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