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There Goes My Bailey

Page 8

by LL Dahlin

  “And I appreciate it. Offer again when it doesn’t look like you’re being forced to walk the plank.” The smile was teasing, but Scott still felt like shit for making the man take care of that himself, especially when he really wanted in on that.

  Scott just nodded as Bailey walked toward the stairs.

  “Stop looking at me like that. I may want to play with you or experiment as you say, but I know how to take care of this.”

  “You’re an ass.” Scott laughed at Bailey and it was like it was the first good laugh he’d had in days.

  “I made you laugh. A deep belly laugh and I’m satisfied with that.” Bailey was halfway up the stairs before he stopped and turned back. “Thanks for letting me stay here and thanks for trying to work through whatever you’re working through on my account. If I were a better man I’d just let it go, but I’m hoping you’ll take a chance with me.”

  Scott nodded and the sincerity in Bailey’s voice touched him. Fuck, this is what he was afraid of. The man turned and walked the rest of the way up the stairs and Scott heard the door to his room open and close. He knew he’d better get to his room and get to bed before he heard a squeaking bed, a growl or moan because whatever was holding him back wouldn’t survive that. He’d be in the man’s bedroom begging for him to forget any conflict he may have and fuck his face like he does in his dreams.

  Chapter 11

  “You’re doing much better than I thought you’d be doing.” Honey had packed up her gear that she’d just had all over the living room. Bailey had to give her credit she gave a good workout for his arm and listening to her talk and joke while they’d done it had made it less painful than it typically was for him. It also didn’t hurt that Honey had asked Scott to come down to watch a part of what she was doing in case he wanted to help out on the days she didn’t come. It had been a few days since the hotness on the couch had happened and gave Bailey more information about himself than he’d would have gathered from a month’s worth of trips to The Male Box, but Scott had pretty much reverted back to the slightly standoffish demeanor he’d had before the episode. He was attentive to Honey during the instruction and helped a bit with the stretching when he was called upon, but he was doing the bare minimum. Most days, Scott’s behavior made Bailey think there was some sort of penalty his friend had to pay if he looked directly into Bailey’s face because that didn’t happen at all.

  Honey handed each of them a sheet explaining the exercises that were supposed to stretch and strengthen Bailey’s arm. He was trying hard not to study Scott as he read the paper. For someone who was often called aloof by his lovers, Bailey was finding it hard to be nonchalant whenever Scott was around.

  “Thanks,” Bailey said, making an effort to study the paper Honey had given him.

  “No problem.” Honey stood up and surveyed the room for any more of her stuff when there was a knock on the door. A few seconds later, Ollie walked in.

  “Looks like I found the party. Hey there, Honey.” Ollie carried in a case of beer and he spoke to Honey without looking at her. He also had a bag that Bailey knew would be full of food. It was like the man was trying to make up for shoving him off on his brother. When he didn’t bring food over he sent it over.

  “Dude, you’ve got to stop feeding us. It’s got to be costing you a mint,” Bailey yelled as he walked through the living room and disappeared into the kitchen.

  “I’ll do what I want. My friend is back and I’m trying to let him know how glad I am to have him.” Ollie could only be heard as he shuffled things around. Scott stood up and walked into the kitchen with his brother.

  “I’m getting ready to leave,” Honey said, “but make sure you keep up with your stretches and exercises. I’ll check up on you tomorrow and we can plan when I come back.” Honey kissed him on the cheek right when Scott walked back into the room.

  “Honey, Ollie brought more food than a small country could eat in one sitting. Stay and have something with us.” Scott’s grin was open and infectious. It made Bailey wish he was the one who could make the man look like that. It seemed like Scott was always rushing out when he came in.

  “No, but thank you. I’m sure you guys have lots to talk about and need some space. Plus, I’ve got a few errands I need to run.”

  “Want some company? We can let these two bond without us,” Scott said like he was conspiring a heist.

  Honey looked at him like she was confused, but caught herself after a few seconds and put on her patented smile. “Nah, I think I’ll do them alone.”

  Bailey looked between the both of them and wondered what was going on. Honey gave Scott a hug and picked up her things. Scott picked up the heaviest box and followed her to the car. Bailey was going to think that one over later, but he had to talk to Ollie.

  “Don’t do any of this guilt shit with me. I’m fine staying here with Scott,” Bailey said as he walked into the kitchen.

  “What? A guy can’t bring his best buddy and his brother a bit of grub?” Scott was laying out the food along with the plates and cups.

  “You’ve done this quite often and it’s not necessary. You don’t have to try to make anything up to me. I’m fine here.”

  Ollie slumped down in one of the kitchen seats like the starch in his spine had given way. “I hate that you left so abruptly way back when and now of all times I have a visitor so you can’t stay with me. I just wanted to make sure you knew how glad I am to have you back in town.”

  Bailey punched his friend's arm playfully. “Of course I know you’re glad to have me back. I’m glad to be back.” Bailey looked at Ollie and wondered why he’d left and stayed away for so long, but then the reason walked through the door.

  “I’m going to go out for a bit.” Scott looked like a bug on a hook, and he wondered if his brother noticed he was trying to get away from the both of them.

  “What? No way. I brought all this food because even though you’re smaller than both of us, you eat double the portion. You’ve got to stay.” Ollie moved closer to Scott and pulled him in for a half hug, half tussle like wrestling move before Scott pushed him away with a laugh.

  “You two haven’t had a lot of time together and I don’t mind leaving. I’ve been in the house more than I usually am trying to make sure Bailey doesn’t need anything and it would do me good to get out.”

  “What I need a babysitter?” Bailey said with a laugh, but deep down he wondered if that’s what Scott thought he was responsible to do. “I’m a grown man who can put up a recon station in record time. I brush my teeth and comb my hair all by myself. I think I’m old enough to take care of myself and you.”

  Scott’s face pinkened a bit and Bailey wondered if he should be enjoying the man’s discomfort as much as he was. It was probably because it had been hard to tie the man down for a conversation that didn’t sound like he was trying to look out for Bailey’s needs around the house. Not the hot sex, or just intimacy needs, more like the needs to find shit around the house.

  “Come on.” Ollie elbowed his brother once more and although he didn’t agree he did make his way to the table and sat down assessing the food his brother had set out.

  There wasn’t a lot of talking from Scott but Bailey thought it was cool how he and Ollie had just settled into conversation just like old times. There weren’t any tense silences or need to walk on egg shells he could just open his mouth and talk.

  “So I see Honey has been coming back around. What’s going on with her?” Ollie asked after everyone's plates were clear and they just lingered around the table.

  “Nothing. She’s a physical therapist and is working out my shoulder. I was going to turn her down and just find a local facility, but she was adamant about helping me and she has all the stuff I need in the bags she brings.” Bailey wasn’t sure who turned on the awkward but he was feeling it washing over him.

  “I think she’s into you, man. She’s probably eating her heart out over letting you go.” Ollie took a swig of his beer and set it down r
ather firmly on the table.

  “I don’t think that’s the case, but even so, it’s been a long time. Why do you seem so upset by it?” Bailey said to Ollie, but then glanced over at Scott, who had a look on his face that implied he knew the answer.

  “She’s the one who started all this shit in the first place.” Ollie got up from the table. “The game is about to be on, let’s clean up this mess and then take these to the living room.”

  Bailey was going to have to take back what he’d said about him and Ollie being like they’d been before, but he refused to walk on egg shells with anyone else in this house. It was bad enough he did it with Scott.

  “I can’t believe you are blaming Honey. Are upset about something that didn’t involve you and that happened so long ago?”

  “Didn’t involve me, huh?” Ollie huffed out as he wiped down the table.

  Bailey brought out three beers to the living room and waited for the guys to follow. It was taking them a good deal of time to walk out of the room that was clean when he left and he wondered if Scott was talking to him about something. They walked out and sat down on the two reclining chairs on either side of the couch Bailey had chosen to sit in. Ollie stood up and got the remote control from the television and returned to his seat before he turned on the game he’d wanted to watch.

  “Dude, that break up changed my life. Both of our lives. We were going to be firemen with the city, get an apartment and go to the community college after high school. You were on board with this plan until Honey broke up with you. I was away with the Mountie scouts summer program and when I returned, you were gone. All I got was a note that said some shit about your plans had changed and you were going to the military.” Ollie glanced his way briefly when he’d finished talking but for the most part he’d kept his eyes on the television.

  Bailey felt like shit remembering that. It was true that he’d left in a hurry and he could see why the man would think that Honey was the reason he left. It was some of the reason, but there had been more. He’d been a selfish asshole to leave without more than what he gave to Ollie, but the times he’d called the man throughout the years he’d never really sounded like he was upset so Bailey didn’t think it meant as much as it clearly did. Damn it.

  “I was selfish and dealing with shit I didn’t know how to handle. I wish I could’ve gotten my head out of my ass to realize I wasn’t the only one affected.” Bailey was happy to see Ollie’s patented huge smile.

  “You’re not normally the dumb ass, Bailey. That’s usually the Callahan Boys claim to fame, but not to worry, just don’t do that shit again. It’s good having you back.”

  They all turned their attention to the men running up and down the field for the pigskin with a bit of noise from Scott and the color commentary coming from Ollie about the players that was actually pretty entertaining.

  “Hey, Bailey, I know this girl who would be perfect for you,” Ollie said during one of the commercial breaks.

  Bailey turned to look at Scott, who was trying not to look panicked and wouldn’t take his eyes away from the program on the screen.

  “Well, since I’ve been back in town I’ve been—”

  “Who’s the lady? I’m sure if you think it’s a good match for Bailey he should probably give her a try,” Scott spoke up and Bailey was shocked since it didn’t seem like the man had said more than a few words in a clip since this get together started.

  Bailey looked between the two brothers. One face was filled with excitement and the other cautiously blank. He studied the blank expression on Scott’s face and could see that he didn’t want his brother to know about the things Bailey was trying to work out for himself. Maybe it was a good idea to meet some new people. Would something happen? Probably not, but since he was still investigating what could it hurt to share a meal with his best friend and the woman he’d picked out.

  “Okay, sure. What could it hurt?”

  “Famous last words,” Ollie said with a chuckle. “But since I made the date for tonight, I’m not going to complain that I didn’t have to do more than ask.”

  “Tonight?” Bailey sat up and turned to his friend who was now acting like the game on the television held the answers to all the questions of the universe.

  “Yep,” Ollie looked over quickly and then returned his gaze to the screen. “I figured I could get you to come out, but I didn’t know if it would hold. Didn’t want you to think that hard about it.”

  “Why such a hard press to get me a date?”

  “I just want to get you back involved in the community.” The shrug should have told Bailey that this was just a casual thing but it made it seem there was more to it.

  “What I’m hearing is that if you can get me hooked up into a woman then I have less of a chance to leave. Is that right?”

  Ollie took a deep breath and then a long drink from his beer. “There may be something to that, but really I just wanted you to meet someone nice so you can start living your civilian life on the wild side.”

  It was a good thing Bailey was a mild mannered soul because if he was a hot head like either one of the two brothers used to be, he’d be pissed at everyone in the room. Scott for pushing him off on some chick and for tiptoeing around him since Bailey had preformed his first blowjob, and for Ollie for heavy handedly trying to keep him in town with some woman he didn’t know.

  “What time are we supposed to be leaving?” Bailey got up and walked toward his room. He didn’t really want to be around Scott right now and after the physical therapy, a large meal and a few drinks he wanted some time to himself.

  “It’s not until tonight. There’s no need to rush off. We can watch a few more games,” Ollie said with a frown on his usually smiling face.

  “I’m going to take a nap. Something else I didn’t do much of in the military. I’ll be down in a few hours refreshed, clean and ready to meet Ms. Wonderful.” Bailey hoped the smile didn’t feel like the sneer that was inside him. He went upstairs before anyone else could try to get him back into the conversation.

  This whole thing with Scott was making him loopy. If this was something he was going to try then maybe he should just forget about his best friend’s younger brother being anything but a roommate to him. His stomach didn’t seem to like that choice as it rolled like the beer, food and good times didn’t agree with him.

  Bailey made it to the top of the stairs and heard Ollie, who was the world’s worst whisperer. “What’s going on with you two?”

  “Absolutely nothing worth talking about.” Scott’s tone and words were level and honest. Maybe that was the way things really were. If Bailey had been on the fence before he’d been knocked off and ass out on the grass beneath him. It wasn’t a problem. He wasn’t going to run this time, but he was going to get answers but without Scott.

  Chapter 12

  Scott had talked himself out of coming here twenty times, but that twenty-first time had been too hard to ignore. He was breaking a few of his own rules. The ‘Don’t come to the bar when you’re not working’ rule and the much more important, ‘Don’t fucking chase Bailey’ rule had been blown to smithereens with one late night visit to The Male Box. It hadn’t seemed like the best thing to do when he put on his clothes immediately after Mark had called to tell him about a patron of the bar, nor when he hopped into his car and raced here like he was in a competition for the street racing finals.

  He stood against the wall, watching a few choice men try to engage what Scott’s heart screamed was his was the worst thing to do. When he’d first found this bar, he’d slept around with a lot of the patrons of the bar but that was then and this is now. These days, if he wanted companionship, there were other places to go that didn’t add to his financial health at the end of the month.

  “I knew you’d show up.” Mark walked up beside him and spoke up. It should have startled him, but the man had been doing that to him since he’d met him.

  “That’s why you called, wasn’t it? To get me to prove
to you that I’m still into him?” Scott didn’t look at Mark because if he saw that patented smirk that usually graced his face when he was proven right he might just fight him regardless of how much the man towered over him.

  “Hey…” Mark nudged him with his elbow so Scott looked over at him. “I didn’t call you so I could rub the fact your guy was here looking interested in other people. I called because the man looked like he was hurting and trying to figure shit out. I know people. It comes with being a bartender for such a long time.”

  Scott could almost feel the sincerity in Mark’s words, but that didn’t take the sick feeling away from him. In fact, his stomach got more twisted as one of the dancers Mark had brought in to increase business walked over and took the seat next to Bailey. The dancer’s name was Eric. He was hot as all shit and the man flashed a smile and a good bit of skin at Bailey. Scott would swear that almost everyone in the club had tried to put the moves on the guy to no avail and here he was sitting practically hip to hip with his Bailey.

  “Holy Shit,” Mark said with a laugh beside him. “What the fuck kind of pheromones does that guy have? He’s turned you into a shy wall flower and made Mr. Belle of the Ball become a hunter instead of being hunted.”

  “That’s hilarious,” Scott said dryly. He pushed himself off the wall and turned to the door.

  “Wait.” Mark grabbed Scott as he walked by. “Who the fuck are you anymore? One of the reasons you were so fun to be around when you were younger is because you were such a fighter. I’m looking at you and I can almost smell how much you want him. Why leave?”

  “Some things just aren’t worth fighting for.” Scott pulled his arm away from Mark who raised his hands in surrender.

  “You keep telling yourself that. It’s going to make cold company when Eric is sitting in your living room helping Bailey find out how hot it is to fulfill all the fantasies and dreams he’s had all this time to cultivate. I don’t know what brought him here when he has you at home, but whatever it is I wanted to give you the chance to fix it.” Mark turned and backed away from Scott. “But, point taken. I’ll never call you again when your Bailey shows up.”


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