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Dark Currents: Elementals, Book 1

Page 24

by Mima

  A scalding hand cupped her jaw, and then she was slurping and gasping across the tip of Markos. He was too fat to get in her mouth while she rocked with the force of Adam’s hard fuck, but she licked him in delight anyway, her lips tingling with his heat.

  Rolling her eyes up, she watched Adam’s narrowed eyes stare at her. He was so very close to Markos’s veined cock. Adam’s breath fell harsh across her face with his efforts. Markos had to feel it. Again, the stunning sensations Adam worked on her body combined with the forbidden fantasy in her mind’s eye.

  On Adam’s next crushing drive into her body, she breathed, “Lick him. Taste him.”

  He growled, retreating and banging down on her with rough precision.

  She tempted him. “He tastes like my come.” A tiny but brilliant release lodged in her clit, bloomed up her spine and sighed out her throat. And still she was rigid, waiting for the real climax.

  A wash of thick cream poured from Markos, branding her cheek. Just as she turned her head more fully, opening her mouth to catch his come and drink it, Adam yanked his torso across hers, moving her just an inch away, robbing her of the taste.

  Between one hard stroke and the next, his face swooped down on her. With a shove and jerk of his head, he muscled Markos’s wet erection away from her mouth and claimed her lips. The kiss stilled her body that tiny bit more for his next deep thrust, his tongue stabbing past her teeth to stroke hers. He swished his hips against hers, a side-to-side movement that seemed to settle him deeper between her lower lips, and she felt the brush of metal around his cock press hard against her softness.

  The next time he pressed into her clit, the winding pressure gripping her belly exploded, sending her legs flailing around his. Her arms wrenched from her aching breasts to grab at his waist, pressing his tailbone to seal him tighter against her, to hold the pleasure. Light took her breath and her sight, and her world spun. Tearing his mouth from hers, Adam howled in agony above her, a raw cry of need. But no, then he was below her. They’d rolled, and now it was her hands trapped beneath Adam.

  It was Markos. Adam hadn’t rolled them. Markos had. Xia dropped her head onto Adam’s shoulder, trying to come to grips with the strength-stealing, breath-stealing, mind-stealing pleasure still jolting beneath her skin. She felt Adam swallow beneath where her forehead rested on his throat. And then liquid lubricant was dripping down the crack of her ass, sparking overtaxed nerves. Adam twitched, and she knew he could feel it where it seeped down to their juncture. He was still huge and hard inside her.

  He groaned. “Fuck. I gave it to you, and damn Ignis, but it was good. Now me. Give it to me.”

  Markos was between their legs, kneeling above her. His balls brushed her thighs, and heat scorched her anus.

  “Push out.” He didn’t wait for her. He was in and she twisted, her high cry breaking, but Adam’s arms wrapped around her shoulders and held her to him.

  “No! No more!” She gasped. Lord, help her. It burned, from pain and fire’s kiss.

  “Yessss,” Adam hissed. “I want this.”

  Markos moaned long and low, and he pressed his length into her ass. With the weight of him behind her, the pressure of Adam below and inside her seemed to double. Xia shrieked at the stunning, ripping beauty of it, but then he stilled. His touch settled on her waist, and the burn of his dual handprints there combined with the aching heat of their penetration.

  In the time it took to register Markos’s weight behind her, that she was between the men, penetrated as she’d never been before, there was one moment of utter silence where they all held their breath. The echo of her last cry drifted on the still air, and then the torches fluttered wildly.

  She came, screaming and thrashing. They held her. Melting. Everything was melting. Animal sounds filled the clearing, from her.

  “Get it off now or I’ll end you all!” Adam snarled.

  Distantly, she felt Markos twist behind her. His hands brushed beneath his balls, wiggled between them, scalded the skin of her cunt stretched around Adam. There was a click, and the scrape of metal through her soft lips as he pulled Adam’s cock ring away.

  And then Adam was roaring, cursing, bucking beneath them both. She almost wrenched her neck pulling her arms from beneath him, but she managed to get them free. Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she rode his bucking body, kissing his jaw, his throat, his collarbone. His elemental strength threatened to crush her between the force of his heaving thrusts and Markos’s weight above her.

  “Adam, Adam,” she keened. What would it do to him, when they stripped Aqua away now?

  Markos’s bull roar ripped free through the night, holding her against Adam as he shook, pressed hard against her ass. The heat that seared her tailbone was his come filling her forbidden hole, and she knew Adam felt it too when he hissed.

  A giant hand scooped her face to the side, and Markos kissed her, the angle of their lips awkward, but soft. “You sate me. Fucking you is exquisite. So strong, but so different.”

  His thick chest hair against her back protected her from the worst of his heat, but his lips sizzled against hers.

  “No,” Adam whispered. “It’s fading. So good. No, No.”

  Markos stroked out, a pinching sting she couldn’t help but clamp down on, and Xia gave a guttural, broken cry as she came again, consumed. It was too much, too gentle and too harsh at the same moment. Her nerves were flayed.

  His hand stroked her hip in praise. He was somewhere behind her, kneeling between her legs.

  “You should see the picture you make. Your legs stretched and splashed with come, your skin shining and Aqua’s balls still twitching. I’ve danced with Aer, and ridden her well. All her openings explored, she’s opened to me, and I’ve mastered her. But Aqua is on the bottom, among the dregs, again.” His voice was raspy, with a gloating taunt.

  Adam’s chest vibrated hers with his steady growl.

  “She was mine first, and I know her best. She watched her friend Tibor fuck a man once. It’s one of her most erotic memories.” Markos continued to stroke her thighs as he provoked Aqua.

  And still her toes hadn’t uncurled.

  “But you didn’t know that, did you, selkie prince. You don’t know who she’s killed, and who she’s killed for. We’ve fucked you over with the richest rapture, but all you did was struggle to join in. You don’t know what she—”

  A snarl burst from Adam. He bucked beneath her, his powerful thighs lifting and thrusting between hers as he brought his legs together then thrust them out. Markos grunted with the force of his dual kick, the mattress bouncing. There was a thud and a rustle. Xia tried to sit, to lift and twist to see where Adam had kicked him to, but she had no strength.

  Adam’s hands settled high on her ribs, just beneath her breasts. With one decisive push, she was sitting up on him, straddling his hips. His presence in her was thicker, shorter. Her ass stung and sang as she clenched it, missing something to grip.

  “So, dream storm. You like to pit two men against each other.” Adam’s singsong voice was lower than she’d ever heard it. But it wasn’t him. “You like to toy with pain, the giving and receiving. You plot against my selkie, fearing what you desire.”

  Lady, Lady, Lady. She didn’t want to do this. She didn’t want to be the one. Her heart beat so hard her breasts rippled, her breaths coming in jagged gasps. Barely, she remembered to hold tight to Aer, but it shared her agitation, and the flames of the torches whipped wildly, casting violent shadows across his face.

  “You want me sleeping, don’t you dreamer witch with the fire-touched hair and sleepy-earth eyes. Your heart beats hard to remember our visit.” Adam smiled, and it wasn’t his smile. It wasn’t his sweet, slight, tipped-to-one-side shy smile. Instead, a wide, cocky grin revealed his white teeth. “But I have such clear memories of you.”

  He twisted one nipple with a lightning quick snap of his fingers. “Last time I saw these breasts, we were drowning you, my creatures feasting on your marrow. You’ve dabbl
ed long in my dreams, both shallow and into my fathoms. You think you’re so clever.”

  He yanked her down onto his hardening cock, and now his flesh filling her hurt, but her traitorous clit throbbed with need. “I’m still the one fucking you. I always seem to be the one who gets to fuck you over, Morphi.”

  Rage bloomed and triggered courage. She pressed her hips down on him, the pleasure seizing her thighs but more importantly catching his breath, interrupting his gloating. “You only fuck my body because of Adam. I’ve allowed you here.” He was so hard inside her. It was impossible that he’d grown in girth. It must be her over-used pussy swelling.

  “It’s been a long time since one of my creatures invited me to a fuck. I thought I’d had enough of tasting life’s soft flesh.” His hands worked with his bucking hips. In a flash of stunning strength, he raised her, stroked hard from below, and slammed her down on the thick stalk of him again.

  She moaned as her stressed body spasmed at the strike of prickling pleasure.

  “Do you want to know why I bothered to accept the selkie’s invitation this time?”

  She was slightly more prepared. He did it again. Lift, pump, jab. The pleasure wrapped her, spun tight bands around her throat. Where was Markos? Aqua was deeply agitated. They were on the cusp. She wanted the bitch finished, and Adam freed of her presence.

  “It’s not every century I find a witch who’s ghosted through three of my masks, worming secrets from each. If you weren’t so mortal, I could love the strength of your soul.” His chest bulged as he sat in a rush of muscle, hands spread across her back. She squeaked at the speed his face appeared in front of hers. He lifted her on him, but this time she resisted with all the trembling will left in her muscles. The slow stretch of his greater strength dragging her up his cock set bursts of light off behind her eyes. Focus.

  “You’re gifted. You’re stubborn. You’re unpredictably dangerous. I could love you, but I have to kill you.”

  Her eyes flashed open in shock. Nothing about the face in front of her reminded her of Adam anymore. This being inside her body was her enemy. She shook her head, her tangled hair tossing on her spine.

  “I won’t be stopped this time. I’m awake, and I’m not going back. Whatever little ploy you’ve set up in this tableau won’t work.”

  It grinned. “Did you think to trick me with some fucking flesh? Oh no, little witch. Ignis’s invitation and cock trap and taunts to my pride were all quite pathetically revealing. You weakened me but you weakened yourself too. Didn’t human science teach you that flesh is mostly water? I tasted you, and I’m tired of you. I’ll be holding my selkie, and you can die.”

  It reared forward and set its teeth to her neck, closing hard around the vein there. Holding her still with iron hands anchored over her shoulders, it began to hump from beneath, its slight movements effective as it crushed her clit against rock-hard abs. Its thick cock stretched her singing cunt, the sucking pleasure-pain at her neck and the strength of the heaving body beneath hers swamping her. Her heart stuttered, her body so trained to pleasure it was impossible not to tighten in need, even with her enemy.

  Teeth set harder into her neck, and she knew she was going to come. They’d pushed Aqua to the brink, and if any kind of transfer was going to happen, it had to be now, because she wasn’t going to be able to hold Aer much longer, not when her bones were threatening to disintegrate.

  Ignis rose up behind Aqua on the bed. His thick black hair stood in a corona around his dark, delighted face, eyes wild and blind. One wide hand slapped down on the middle of Aqua’s back. White teeth gleamed as Ignis grinned, flames dancing in brown eyes. Aqua growled, and the teeth bit harder. Hands tugged her down and hips rolled beneath her. It was about to come and she wasn’t ready.

  She came. Light. Terror and menace and a heart pumping. It almost unraveled then. Almost, she was erased in the culmination of flesh’s spell. But her hands curled around the strong, corded neck of the body she was pinned against. Adam. Stalwart, simple, wild, hers. This wasn’t supposed to be personal. It was supposed to be deadly business, and it had come down to that. But now it was more than personal too. It was essential. The bitch would not have him. She pulled Aer in with a wrenching spiral.

  Aqua’s tongue stroked once across her jumping pulse. She felt it smile against her skin. Magic crackled and Ignis was thrown away with a low cry. Pain bore into Xia’s skin. Her body had been so drowned in pleasure all night, it no longer reacted with self-preservation, even when the pain spiked.

  At that moment, she snapped the bubble of air to her, the same sort of bubble she’d summoned for so many weeks of the gloaming’s long dreamtime. It had been a globe of safety then, to keep water out. Not tonight. The sphere popped around her, encasing her dangerous lover as well.

  “What!” Aqua whipped his head back, eyes narrowed.

  “Aer, fan Ignis’s embers.” Xia forced the hoarse whisper out through terror-stiffened lips. She tightened her vagina hard and writhed in Aqua’s grip. Maintaining the luxury of desire now was her selfish choice, a contest of who could last longer.

  “You bitch.” Hearing the words spat from Adam’s body was hard.

  Markos had heated her body all night, had branded her with Ignis’s come. He’d placed his mark on both of them, and the handprints on her hips flared bright, as she knew the one on Aqua’s back would. Inside the bubble of air, humidity was suddenly thick enough to choke on. Sweat poured down her spine and ran between her breasts.

  “Yeah. I am.” Her self-disgust at the pleasure she’d found in this dangerous ritual, at what they’d driven Adam to host, gave her strength to taunt her bitter rival. “That’s right. Hasn’t millennia of human faith taught you that spirit is stronger than the elements? Now come, by Lady’s Light. Come, and feed Ignis, and boil.”

  It must have been instinct that drove her to return the mark of passion and dominance Aqua had given her. Xia lunged forward and bit deep into the thick muscle at the side of Aqua’s throat. She closed her eyes, struggled to breathe, and worked her body on the hardness below her. Adam. She needed Adam close. She needed him—

  “Xia!” The praise tore from Adam’s throat and brought answering pleasure rolling through her. It washed away her fear and she fused to him, sobbing, clutching at him. His body was like silk over stone beneath her, rigid with release. His arms cupped around her, cradling along her spine and supporting her head with tender protection as his hips thrust.

  Markos stood at the side of the bed again, his deeply muscled body gleaming with sweat, his curls limp around his snarling face. “Feel my mark on your spine. Feel how swollen her folds are from my control. Dance. Again.”

  Adam’s hands wrapped around her waist, and he pinned her to him as he came again, body shuddering and groaning. “Xia. Xia.” He shook, rocking.

  Her poor patch of Aer lunged and boiled, her sphere seething with misshapen bumps. The wrench against her psychic grip had spots sliding across her vision. “It’s fighting me. Did we do it? Is it done?”

  “Let me check.” Adam’s palm trembled as it stroked down over her head. “Oh, Lord. I think—” He pulled back, cradling her shoulders, but broke off, his jaw going slack as he looked at her neck. “Fuck!”

  His free hand slapped hard against her throat, and Xia swallowed with effort, shivering as the memory of Aqua’s cruelty combined with the last shadow of orgasm. Satisfaction had melted her bones and settled into her muscles. So heavy, so sweet.

  “Bring it down, Xia. Let me in!” It was Markos, sounding as if he were half a mile away.

  “Do it, woman.” Adam sounded as shaky as she felt.

  But Aer was wild inside her bubble. Humidity still drenched her skin. The pressure was incredible, like she wrestled with a shred of hurricane instead of the steady breeze she’d known. “Too soon, Adam. I don’t have control of it. Is Aqua fully blended?” Her head lolled on his shoulder, her arms slumping to the soaked sheets.

  “Yes, now, oh sweet. Your th
roat—I’m sorry. So sorry. Xia, drop the spell.”

  “Not yet…” She couldn’t find out later that Aqua still stalked the waters, awake and all-powerful.

  “Drop the spell!” Markos bellowed. Palms out, he blasted her bubble with twin fireballs, a truly impressive sight.

  The force of the heat shuddered the air inside the sphere, sent it spinning around her limp body. The air turned opaque as every bit of liquid vaporized, and her bubble expanded against her will.

  She leaned her weight into Adam’s grip on her throat. It throbbed, an echo to her core. Aftershocks of sizzling sensation twitched in her thighs. Her breath caught as her nipples dragged over Adam’s hard chest, and another small orgasm trembled through her belly, an aftershock.

  “Adam?” Her throat rasped, and her lashes scoured over her eyeballs. There was no moisture in her body, it was all in the air.

  “Xia, please.” His voice was agonized. “I’m begging you. Let it go.”

  Her breath came in small pants. “Don’t be sorry, Adam. Wasn’t you.” She closed her eyes. “So tired. So scared. Too much.”

  Gentle kisses rained over her brow and cheeks. “Listen to me, Morphi. You’re bleeding. I’ve nearly torn out the front of your throat. Your duty is done, your battle won. I am your rampart, if you can find your way to trust me again.” His lips feathered across her jaw, touched the corner of her mouth.

  Breathing in the thick, soupy air was hard. She turned her head and kissed his lips softly. “Adam, that was the best sex I’ve ever had. But I never want to have it again, okay?”

  He spoke against her mouth. “Never. Never fucking you like that again.”

  “Good. It was a beautiful kind of awful, but sharing with you is so much better.” She found the strength to tap her fingertips along his hips.

  “Xia.” He shook her. “Focus. Finish. Let go of Aer.”

  “I’m afraid. I can’t do that again. We have to get it right.” She considered her slipping hold on Aer. It churned in a strangely thick new way.


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