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Sweet Summer Love (The Sweetest Thing, #3)

Page 17

by Sierra Hill

  “That’s not what I meant - ” I interject as our gazes lock for battle.

  “Maybe not...but that’s how it would feel to me. I have a life here. A job I love. This was a fun reunion that we both enjoyed – let’s leave it at that. As for next steps, I’ll contact you when I’m ready to proceed with the adoption investigation. Outside of that, we have one more night together. I want to be with you without this cloud hovering above us. Can you give me one more night?”

  I drop my head, ready to protest that one night won’t be enough.

  Slipping my fingers through hers, I lift her hand to my mouth and kiss her palm. I wish I was a psychic so I could clearly see what the future looks like for us. So I’d have a clear path into the future to know for certain if walking away from her now is the right thing to do, or if I should stay and fight for her. To find a way to make this work between us.

  Instead, I take the coward’s way out.

  “Okay, Lo. One more night. I want that with you.”


  My dental appointment is scheduled for Tuesday morning at nine a.m. I’ll be returning to Dr. Connell’s office for the remaining two-hour session where they will replace my temporary bridge with the permanent structure that would hopefully be good for the next ten years. Barring any further incident or injury I sustain while playing, that is.

  Logan and I spent the rest of Sunday night and a good part of Monday morning wrapped up in each other’s arms. Talking, reminiscing and making love. I give myself an internal laugh for using that term. I’ve never made love to a girl before.

  I’ve fucked lots of girls. But sometime in the middle of the night, I made love to Logan. She fell asleep afterwards, curled against my body, softly breathing as she slept, and my mind became aware of what my heart already knew.

  I am in love with Logan and perhaps have never stopped loving her.

  This love is not a childhood crush or a simple first-love sentiment. This is a connection between a man and a woman – the completion of two halves of the whole.

  All the shit I’ve given Cade over the last year over Ainsley – his now fiancée – is finally biting me in the ass. Now I know what compels him to lay down his life, if need-be, for the woman he loves. I would, without a doubt, do the same thing for Logan.

  A thought occurred to me while I was buried deep inside Logan yesterday, before I left her soft, warm body sleeping in her bed. Once dressed, I quickly typed out an urgent text to my agent to see if he could get the ball rolling. The idea would certainly take some finagling on his part – but he was a whiz with making deals and brokering trades. I was confident he could come up with a solution that worked out for me.

  Crissy had called me around seven this morning, just as I getting up.

  “Yeah,” I greeted him brusquely. “Give it to me.”

  “Listen, we have a few balls up in the air right now – I’ve got some tugs and bites. I think this will pan out for you. But I don’t want you to get your hopes up, either. There’s still a lot of unknowns.”

  My body released a tense sigh. “That’s cool, dude. I appreciate all your work on this one. I know it’s kind of last minute, but if it works out...well, that’d be awesome.”

  He chuffs. “I don’t get it, kid. You’ve done a complete one-eighty from where you were not even a week ago. Your change in direction is worse than my twelve-year-old daughter’s weekly boy band craze. I swear, the minute I find out who she likes, she’s on to someone new. Fickle. But whatever. It’s what you want and I’ll make it happen.”

  We said our good-byes and I sent off a few messages that I hadn’t returned over the weekend before showering and dressing to head out to my appointment.

  I step into the front entry of Dr. Connell’s office just before nine a.m. and the girl behind the reception desk practically flies out of her seat. She must now know who I am.

  I plaster on a smile and stride up to the desk, leaning over to casually lower my elbows to the counter.

  “Good morning, gorgeous. I think you have me down for a nine o’clock this morning. Carver Edwards.”

  I give her a flirty wink, only to mess with her. My experience has proven that a good-looking guy like me can get a lot of life if I ham it up with the ladies.

  She stammers a little, obviously flustered by my attention, “, good morning...yes, you’re Carver Edwards. Uh...let me see. I just need you to fill out these forms for your insurance and we’ll get you back there shortly.”

  She hands me the clipboard and pen with shaky hands, which I take and plop down on the uncomfortable couch.

  I’m finding it difficult to focus on the paperwork, knowing I’m going to see Logan in a few minutes. I’m not even sure she knows I’m on the schedule this morning. I failed to mention it while we were together this weekend.

  A thrill shoots through me, because now that I’m not doped up like I was the last time, I’ll get to see exactly what she does in her job.

  I have no idea if I completed all the forms correctly, but I walk them back over to the counter and hand them to the star-struck receptionist.

  “Thank you, Carver. You can have a seat and Logan will be right with you.” She says sweet-as-syrup. But then her tone changes – turning demeaning and snotty. “I’ll need to go find her, though. She’s never on time.”

  With a roll of her eyes, she gets up to turn toward the hallway, but I stop her.

  “It’s fine – I’m a little early and don’t mind waiting. I’m sure Logan is busy with her other patients. She’s very thorough and that’s what makes her so good at what she does.”

  I give the girl – Bethany, her nametag says – a verbal smackdown. I know women, and it’s clear that this chick is jealous of my girl. I’m not about to stand for her piss-poor and catty attitude toward her. Logan is leagues above this woman.

  Bethany looks like the wide-eyed emoji, her round cheeks flaring red, her eyes bugging out like a caricature.

  She backpedals quickly. “That’s nice of you to say. Dr. Connell does hire the best.”

  That’s more like it.

  I’m about to return to my seat when the lobby door opens and Logan steps out looking fresh-faced and beautiful. Her hair is up in a messy knot, a medical mask pulled beneath her chin to reveal her pink lips, and her bright blue scrubs hang loosely over her slight frame. The uniform does nothing to hide the curves of her breasts and hips. Curves I had my hands all over the last seventy-two hours.

  Shit, I have it bad for this girl.

  “Good morning, Carver. I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting. We’re already backed up due to the holiday closure yesterday. Please follow me and we can get started.”

  X-rated thoughts rush my head as I follow behind her, watching her ass swish in the cotton of her scrubs. My hands have a mind of their own, and on their own volition, I reach out and grab her butt. She startles, jumping forward, throwing her head over her shoulder to give me an evil glare. Her blue eyes mean business.

  “Stop it, Carver. This is where I work.”

  “Sorry,” I whine apologetically, raising my hands in surrender with a shoulder shrug. “My bad.”

  Hovering over her shoulder, I whisper in her ear. “How do you expect me to stop myself when I know exactly what that ass looks like naked? I had to touch it. It’s been so long.”

  She giggles. “It’s been less than four hours. I’m sure you’ll survive.”

  “Doubtful,” I mumble, lowering myself into the dental chair.

  She busies herself at the medical counter behind me, but I can tell her breathing is heavier than normal. It’s killing me not to touch her. Kiss her. Consume her.

  The next two hours are going to be hell. And not because of the dental work.

  Chapter 21


  Carver’s presence has me so flustered and nervous, I can hardly think straight. When I saw the schedule this morning, I did everything I could to prepare myself for this moment. Nothing is working, so I
make a show of organizing the dental tools that will be used during his procedure, but my thoughts are scattered all over the place.

  Mainly on the hot man lying in the chair two feet from me.

  The one who did wicked, dirty things to me all weekend long. Whose masculine scent swirls around me and has my body amped up and fighting for air. The one I imagine straddling and fucking hard in that chair he’s lounging in right now. I’d tilt him all the way back, unzip his jeans and stroke the steely bulge that I eyed earlier when he walked toward me in the lobby.

  “Carver!” Dr. Connell exclaims, jolting me out of my erotic fantasy as he walks in to greet his patient. Holy crap, my cheeks are flaming red and must look like big red apples.

  “Hey, Dr. C. Good to see you again. This time I hope to remember our encounter.” They both get a good chuckle out of Carver’s self-deprecating humor.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Jeff drop his hand and give a pat of appreciation on top of Carver’s shoulder.

  “Sure wish we could have met under better circumstances, but hopefully this hasn’t set you back too much. I hear you’ll be heading into the NBA draft soon.”

  “Yep, that’s true. Doesn’t mean I’ll get picked up, but we’ll see where it goes.”

  It occurs to me that this encounter between the three of us should feel all kinds of awkward. My boss – a guy I’ve dated a few times and have even let kiss me – is having a casual conversation with my current love and former boyfriend.

  I swallow the lump of uncomfortable and hand Carver’s file over to Dr. Connell, who accepts it with a smile. Our eyes meet for a second before I look away, but not before I see a flash of something in Jeff’s eyes that I can’t quite make out. But it’s gone in a moment as he opens the chart and begins reading through its contents.

  “How has the temporary crown and replacement tooth been treating you? Had any sensitivity or pain with them?”

  Carver shakes his head. “Nope. None at all, mostly thanks to your good work. And Logan offered me some very helpful after-care instructions that I followed to the letter. She’s incredible.”

  I choke and drop the utensil I was prepping for the doctor. This garners looks from both men as I bend to pick it up. Carver gives me a flirty wink and Jeff with an inquisitive eyebrow quirk.

  “Sorry,” I mumble, jumping up to retrieve a replacement in the cupboard overhead.

  My hands tremble and the full weight of this situation hits me with the force of a hurricane. I can’t breathe. I’m afraid if Carver so much as implies that we’ve been sleeping together, I could easily lose my job. Even if I explained that we’ve known each other for years, I’m sure it’s frowned upon. Especially if my boss acts out like a jilted lover and fires me out of spite.

  When my eyes land on Carver, I glare at him, hoping he gets the message and shuts the hell up.

  Jeff returns his attention to Carver. “Yes, Logan is definitely a keeper. She’s one of the best assistants I’ve ever had.”

  Oh, Lordy. I can’t believe my life right now. It’d be comical if it weren’t so damn nerve-wracking. Now they both need to shut the hell up with the over-the-topo compliments before I run out of the room like a crazed lunatic.

  “Speaking of which...Logan, would you mind stepping out with me for a moment so we can chat?”

  Lovely. This isn’t awkward at all.

  “Sure,” I respond, my voice wobbly with embarrassment.

  I swivel out of my chair and walk around the corner, Jeff following closely behind. In a small dental clinic there isn’t much privacy, unless we go to his office. Uncertainty plagues me. I’m freaked out he’s about to fire me.

  I take a large breath to steady my nerves and cross my arms in front of my chest, hoping to look both confident and calm. I keep my composure and watch as Jeff’s gentle smile etches at the corners of his mouth.

  “Logan,” he says softly. Not like the tone a boss would take in firing their employee. I let out a sigh of relief.

  His hand lands on my arm, his fingertips a little cold. “I know that this might be uncomfortable for you, seeing as what happened between us on Friday night. I just want you to know there are no hard feelings on my end. I’ve had a wonderful time getting to know you better. In fact, I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. You are a beautiful woman, inside and out. And in the future...” he clears his throat, talking in a hushed whisper.

  Jeff smiles bashfully, the pink creeping up his throat and neck. “If you’d ever want to rekindle things, I’ll be here. But for now, I’ll honor your request to return things back to normal. I must admit, after seeing you again this morning, I think it’s going to be harder on me than I thought.”

  He laughs, looking away from me and then squares his shoulders, as if to resolve himself in what he must do.

  “But that’s not your problem. It’s all on me. I want you to know I won’t treat you any differently than I did before. You have my word.”

  My mouth is dry and my stomach bottoms out. Even though I can’t control my feelings toward him, guilt takes up residence in my conscience. I shouldn’t have gone out with him to begin with, since I never liked Jeff in that way. Not in the way I feel about Carver.

  He gives me a nod of assurance and my mouth curves into what I hope is a bright smile, even though I’m trembling on the inside.

  “Thank you, Jeff. I’m sorry I can’t return your affections, but you are a great boss. I appreciate your kindness.”

  He stuns me by leaning in and placing a swift kiss on my cheek, just as I hear a gasp come from behind him. My eyes pop wide when I see Bethany over Jeff’s shoulder, seething with anger. Great. Now she has even more reason to despise me.

  Jeff takes a gigantic step away from me, creating the more appropriate distance between doctor and employee. He turns and nods, acknowledging Bethany’s appearance.

  “Bethany. Can I help you with something?” His voice is clipped; a harsh tone I’ve never heard him use before. Huh, maybe Bethany grates on his nerves, too. The idea has me snickering with mirth.

  She holds out a form in front of her, offering it up to Jeff. “Oh, yes. I just wanted to inform Carver that his insurance has covered the procedure in full, except for his deductible.”

  “Great,” Jeff responds, plucking the sheet from her hands to hand it over to me. “Logan will let him know. If that’s all, we’ll get back to our patient now.”

  Bethany stands there for a minute, looking like she is biting back words she desperately wants to let out, but finally nods, giving one final disdainful glare at me before returning to the front. If I thought things were difficult between us before, I’d say it’s going to get a helluva lot more unbearable.

  Heading back into the exam room, I find Carver sitting rather rigidly in his seat, phone in his hands typing out a text, a frown displayed across his mouth.

  Wonderful. The only thing that could make this morning any worse is if Carver heard any or all of that exchange between Jeff and me. Although we spoke in hushed whispers, there’s not much ambient noise to drown out conversation. Unintentional eavesdropping can happen.

  “Carver, I think we’re all set to go. Logan will get things started with you and numb you up for the procedure. It’ll take about fifteen minutes for the numbing to take effect, and then we’ll begin. Do you have any questions for me?”

  Carver’s guarded expression changes, as he looks first at the doctor and then his gaze lands on me, a smirk replacing his frown. “None for you, Dr. Connell. Thanks.”

  It’s easy to read between the lines if you know Carver. He clearly overheard our hallway conversation. Shit.

  Not that it’s any of Carver’s business who I dated before spending the weekend with him. He didn’t mention any of his previous relationships, so it shouldn’t matter either way. For all I know, Carver’s not even single. He might have a girlfriend back in Phoenix. I could have just been a weekend fling.

  Jeff taps Carver on the shoulder and walks into the exam roo
m down the hall, leaving Carver and me alone.

  As I’ve already prepped the syringe and oral anesthetic, I pick up the cotton swab covered in Lidocaine and I’m about to apply it to the inside of his cheek when he speaks, his voice low with a tinge of anger.

  “You failed to tell me you were dating someone.”

  I sigh. “It’s not what you think. You don’t know the whole story and this is not the time, nor the place, to discuss it.” I wrench open his jaw and shove the swab deep into his cheek. “Close.”

  He snarls but does as I say, allowing me a few moments to compose myself and consider what I’m going to share with him.

  Our eyes lock and I see the evidence of his emotions in his brown sugar gaze. It’s ridiculous. This thing between us isn’t even serious. Carver is set to leave tomorrow and I don’t know when, or if, I might see him again, yet I feel compelled to tell him everything.

  Although it’s none of his business, I want him to know.

  “Jeff and I never amounted to anything. I couldn’t reciprocate his feelings. We went out three times since March, Carver. The last time was Friday evening when I ended things. Before I ran into you.”

  His sigh is as deep as the ocean and it swallows me whole.

  “I know I have no right, Logan. No claim to you. But these feelings are here, none-the-less. And they run deep.” Carver grasps my hand and places it above his heart.

  I jerk my hand away and pick up the syringe, turning back to hold it in front of him. It’s almost comical how he shrinks back into his seat, squirming uncomfortably as his eyes go wide with fear.

  “Don’t worry, Carver. It’ll be over before you know it and you won’t feel a thing.”

  I think we both know that it’s not the sting of the needle I’m referring to.

  Chapter 22


  It was a lost cause trying to have any discernable conversation during or after my procedure. With a rubber dam in my mouth most of the time and my tongue swollen to the size of a grapefruit, everything I wanted to say to Logan was limited to simple head nods and blinking eyes.


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