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Page 3

by Madeleine Oh

  “Just me?”

  “Jane will be too, that’s what we’re arranged.”

  She should have guessed. No doubt they sorted it all out over a drink at the pub or someone’s club. “‘We’ as in you and this Alan, I suppose.”

  “And Jane, she was in the planning. You’ll like her.”

  She’d reserve judgment there. “Just lunch then we get on our way?”

  He paused at the light. “Jane’s a good cook. I guarantee she’ll provide a good meal.”

  And what else? “Have you played with her before?” Asking showed insecurity but it came out.

  “Have I had sex with her, do you mean? Or have I played with her?”

  “Either or both.”

  He considered the question a minute. “I’ve played with Jane several times. Helped Alan treat her to a threesome once, and I’ve helped flog her a couple of times. She’s a nice woman and makes Alan very happy, but…” He reached out and pushed Ellen’s skirt up above her knees. “I don’t lust after her. Never have, and you, my dear Ellen, are fast becoming an obsession with me.”

  She was, was she? That had to be good news. “I’m rather chuffed to hear that last bit. Nice to think I’m on your mind.”

  “Christ almighty, Ellen.” He ran his hand through his hair and grasped the other around the steering wheel. “Are you trying to drive me up the wall?”

  “Not intentionally, but it is nice to know you think about me when I’m not around.”

  “Dammit, woman, I have a hard time not thinking about you. You’re a bloody distraction. I think about having sex with you, about you sucking my cock, about tying you to my bed and fucking your mouth, about flogging you and watching the pink rise on your skin, about tugging on your piercing and seeing you squirm, and about hearing you cry out when I drive in hard and bugger you.”

  Seemed she really was making an impression on him. Wonderful. “What about making me soaking wet between my legs?”

  “That too!”

  She didn’t say “Good!” but she thought it, and she leaned back in the seat and shut her eyes. She hadn’t been kidding about her pussy. She was half afraid there’d be a damp patch on her skirt. Thank goodness it was lined. There was no mistaking the scent of her arousal.

  “Are you wet?” he asked.


  “Good, nice to know I can get you wound up.”

  “John, with you I’m permanently wound up. Only the degree varies.” Shouldn’t have said that. He looked downright smug. But darn, it was the truth.

  He didn’t say another word until they pulled up in the circular drive of a double-fronted house.

  “Want me to strip in the car?” she asked. Mostly to get a rise out of him.

  “No!” He was quite curt about it. “Don’t be cheeky or I’ll tan your backside for you.”

  “Just asking and you’ll probably do that anyway.” She grinned at him. Couldn’t help it.

  Nor, it seemed, could he. “I used to dream about a sweet, demure, obedient sub who spoke when spoken to.” He took her hand in his and kissed it. “What was I thinking!”

  He leaned closer, took her face in his hands and pressed his lips on hers. She didn’t need any asking. Her mouth opened and her tongue curled over his as he pressed in deep, taking her with his mouth, lips hard on hers as his hands cupped the back of her head, holding her steady as he kissed. Her lips would be red and puffy when he finally stopped. That thought kept her kissing. Her clit throbbed and her cunt flooded as he held her steady. Making darn certain she—and any neighbors who happened to be cutting their lawns that morning—knew exactly how things stood.

  She was close to running out of breath when a tap on the passenger window got both their attentions.

  A brown-haired man, thirties or so, Ellen guessed, peered in at them as he opened her door. “Come on in,” he said “before one of the neighbors calls the police.”

  What a way to be introduced and, damn, her cheeks were burning. Would she ever get over blushing? She stepped out and offered him her hand. “You must be Alan. I’m Ellen Forsythe.”

  His eyebrows shot up as he took her hand and gave her the oddest look. Give her strength! If he was one of those Dominants who thought all subs should kneel to him, he was in for a shock.

  But he recovered quickly. “Awfully glad you could come. Jane’s been dying to meet you. Come in.”

  The front hall rather reminded Ellen of her sister’s—pale peach, rag-rolled walls, a pair of convex mirrors in gilt frames, a reproduction mahogany hall table and some rather nice watercolors of what looked like Cornwall, or perhaps Brittany.

  She only got a quick look around though. Once Alan closed the front door, John squeezed her hand and said, “Get naked, darling. Everything off.”

  He’d warned her. She should have been prepared but she wasn’t. Not if the clenching deep in her cunt was anything to go by.

  He expected her to strip right here, in front of Alan?

  She met John’s eyes in the silence that hung between them. A silence punctuated only but the ticking of a clock somewhere nearby and a discreet cough from Alan.

  She steadfastly ignored the latter. The only man who mattered was John. She looked him in the eyes, smiled, kicked off her sandals and pulled off her blouse.

  “You permit her to wear a bra?” Alan asked, sounding so scandalized she almost giggled.

  Instead, as she reached behind to unhook, she looked his way and said. “At my age, it’s a necessity.” He’d see that for himself in a minute. Perky was no longer the word for her tits. Not that John had ever complained.

  Bra off, she put it on a hall chair with her top and eased down her skirt. Elastic waists came in so handy.

  John took her skirt from her and added it to the pile. “Let’s go and meet Jane.”

  As she followed the men down the hallway, she offered thanks to Edward for the times he’d as good as bulldozed her into walking around naked at play parties. The first few times she’d almost died of embarrassment, now she could handle it. Apart from that comment about wearing a bra.

  Still, he was no doubt playing Dominant. Made her doubly thankful for John. He didn’t need to work at being dominant. It was in his bones, his heart and his mind.

  “Hello, Jane!” John went forward and hugged the fair-haired woman, naked except for an apron and gold barbells in her nipples. “This is Ellen,” he said.

  “Hello,” Ellen said, holding out her hand.

  Jane gave her an enormous smile “You’re Annie’s aunt, right? I’ve heard so much about you. I’m thrilled you could stop on your way.”

  It’s hard to rebuff a genuine welcome and Ellen wasn’t about to try. Besides, she liked Jane on sight, and when Jane offered a sherry while she finished getting lunch together, Ellen gladly took a stool by the countertop. John and Alan disappeared and Ellen saw a chance to get a word in without being overheard.

  Chapter Three

  Jane beat her to it. “Look, I bet neither of them mentioned this so I’m going to warn you. Annie and Mark are due to arrive any minute.”

  Shit! “Well, I never, I somehow doubt they forgot to mention it.”

  Jane shook her head. “It was Mark’s idea. Not that Alan or John tried to talk him out of it.”

  “Oh dear. Inevitable eventually, I suppose, given how close John is to Mark and the rest of you.” She sighed. “Try as I will, I still see Annie as a schoolgirl in pigtails, bottle green blazer and straw hat. I have a difficult time seeing her as a grown woman, and a sexual grown woman at that. Silly of me, I know.” The rather good sherry had loosened her tongue.

  Jane was staring, mouth gaping. Oh dear! What had she said wrong? “You know, I’ve never thought of it that way,” Jane said. “Mark’s reasoning was the flip side, so to speak. Apparently, Annie is worried about you and John, the idea was to get her to accept John isn’t exerting some sort of compulsion over you.”

  “Dear saints in heaven! I should have gone to see Annie b
ut I’ve been so busy with moving and work and…oh damn! Silly girl! I know John scares her a bit…”

  “Not just Annie. I’ve been with him and, darn, he’s unrelenting.”

  “That’s what I like about him. But Annie said much the same. I suppose I should be thoroughly thankful I won’t have to fight either of you for him.”

  That got a smile on the girl’s face. No! She had to start thinking of Jane and Annie as women. They were after all.

  “No,” Jane agreed, “he’s not my sort of Dominant, but also, you’re not what I expected. All my aunts are old ladies.”

  A compliment, Ellen supposed. “My sister, Annie’s mother, is fifteen years older than I am. I was one of those tagalong children turning up after our parents thought they were through with nappies and school fees and riding lessons.”

  Jane nodded, absorbing that, it seemed, and then said, “I wanted to warn Annie that you were here but that will rather screw up the men’s plans.”

  “A silly idea like that needs to be kiboshed, in my opinion. But there’s not much point in calling Annie now that she’s on her way. We’ll just have to take care of it when they get here. It’s just lunch, right? No sex play or games. At least according to John.”

  Jane chuckled. “Since John tends to run the show when he’s around, then yes. I suppose. All I was told was to get lunch for six and who was coming.”

  “How about I help? May I lay the table or slice bread or something?”

  “The table’s laid, but if you’d like to put the strawberries in the dishes, that would help.” Jane opened the fridge and produced a bowl. “Dishes are the glass one over there.” She nodded toward the counter.

  “I’ll be glad to do that much.”

  “You know,” Jane went on as she sliced a joint of cold roast beef and arranged slices on a platter. “John is different with you. He’d got a twinkle in his eye I’ve never seen before.”

  “Oh that! That appears when he’d devising some new torture or sex play.”

  Jane laughed. “You have changed him.”

  As he’d changed her, but she wasn’t going into that with a woman she’d just met. “People change each other. It’s part of life. The best thing to do is hope it’s a change for the better.” Cripes, she was waxing philosophical. No wonder Jane gave her such an odd expression. Most likely thought she was going gaga. Better stay practical. “When are you expecting Annie and Mark?”

  Jane sighed. “Any minute now. There’s not much you can do about it.”

  “My dear, there’s always something you can do. Might not be much but at least I can lessen Annie’s awkwardness. And I thought Mark had some common sense.” Better not make comments about their host. He was Jane’s partner after all. Ellen looked around the kitchen. A basket of fresh rolls sat waiting. “We’re eating in the dining room, right?” Jane’s nod confirmed. “Then let me put the bread out. I’ve finished the strawberries.”

  She grabbed the basket and darted through the doorway into the dining room.

  Perfect. She could take as long as she pleased setting out the bread. Maybe she’d put out a roll on each bread plate and arrange them to geometrical precision. All the while having a grandstand view of the front drive and anyone who arrived.

  Jane had been right. She didn’t have to wait long. Mark’s shiny green vehicle purred up the drive and came to a standstill. Annie got out, glanced at John’s car but didn’t seem to recognize it. The front door bell rang. Alan opened it, with John on his heels.

  Ellen gave them two minutes for polite greetings and delight etcetera, etcetera then breezed though the doorway into the hall.

  “Annie!” She was across the floor and hugging Annie before anyone had a chance to register. “Wonderful to see you, what a fantastic surprise! How are you, darling? You look marvelous. Not long now until school breaks up, is it? I bet you’re counting the days.”

  She was babbling a bit but it had worked.

  “Auntie Ellie,” Annie said as Ellen released her. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”

  “Nor me you, dear. I think they set it up as a treat for both of us.” Was it her imagination or was John fighting to hold back a smile? “Never mind that. I’m helping Jane get the table set. We’re almost ready.” Ellen gave her a final hung and whispered, “Play it ever so cool, my dear.” And smiled oh so sweetly at the trio of men watching them. “Looks like a wonderful lunch. Oh well, I’d better give you back to Mark, no doubt he’s got plans.”

  Ellen turned back to the dining room, but not before noticing the surprise in Mark’s face, the utter astonishment on Alan’s and yes, she’d been right, the corners of John’s mouth were quirked up in that sexy smile. He was fighting to hold back a grin. Really, she expected better control from a Dominant.

  “Mission accomplished,” she whispered to Jane, who was staring from the kitchen. “I think she’ll be able to cope now.”

  “I dunno,” Jane replied. “I saw the look on her face when you turned around and she noticed your marks.”

  Darn it! “Good thing she didn’t see them last night. But honestly, what does she expect? She knows what John’s like and she knows I like him, so…” Ellen shook her head. Annie was just going to have to get over it.

  “Aunt Ellie!”

  Ellen turned. There was Annie, naked, apart from a rather fetching heavy gold chain around her neck, and fighting shyness. Time for another hug. “Honestly, my dear, you look prettier every time I see you. You and Jane are so young you make me feel like a crone.”

  That had the desired effect. Between the joint denials and reassurance, Annie saying she wanted to be just like her Aunt Ellie when she grew up and Jane repeating that line about her old aunts, they got the meal on the table and Annie was able to stroll into the lounge and announce the meal was ready without the slightest appearance of awkwardness.

  Mark had damn well better be proud of Annie.

  Which he obviously was.

  And the meal was exactly as John said—a lunch for her to meet more of his friends. Could have been in any house in the Home Counties on a Saturday afternoon. Although she imagined in most of them the women kept their clothes on.

  Conversation was great. They all ended up in stitches when Annie told them how the entire staff room at school had entertained themselves with a flasher doll she’d confiscated from a student.

  “Did you give it back?” Alan asked.

  “Not yet. Imagine the fun they’d have on the bus? I told him if he wanted it back his mother or father would have to collect it. Meanwhile, I keep it in my desk drawer under a packet of computer paper.”

  “Why computer paper?” Mark asked.

  “Because otherwise I get flashed every time I open the drawer.”

  The child—no, she had to stop thinking of Annie as a child—would do well. She had a job she liked, confidence and a lover who met her needs.

  And that was about the most risqué story told around the table. They talked about summer holidays, the best sort of hedge to keep out neighbors’ dogs and the pros and cons of hybrid cars. All very nice really, and it had been wonderful to see Annie—much as she still rather despised the underhanded ploy involved—but as they stood to clear the table, and John stroked Ellen’s arse as she reached for the dish of whipped cream, something she’d kept coiled up the past couple of hours burst inside her.

  Just being naked beside him made her horny and the touch was like flipping a switch.

  “John,” she said, turning to him as she put the dish back on the table. “How about an extra pudding? There’s just enough whipped cream left, I believe.”

  It took him all of three seconds to get her gist.

  “Here and now?”

  “Why not? Whipped cream doesn’t keep well.” Just to make sure there was no misunderstanding, Ellen dipped her finger in the cream and, keeping her eyes on his, put her finger in her mouth and sucked. Slowly.

  He laughed, the wondrously sexy, “I’m going to get you later b
ut right now you can do what you want” laugh was all the encouragement she needed. “Stand up.”

  She reached to undo his belt. He beat her to it but didn’t miss the opportunity to give it a nice crack before he draped it over a spare chair. She was no doubt going to get it later on but it would be worth it.

  In a moment, John had his trousers and underwear over the same chair and was seated. Waiting. She’d chosen to ignore the socks and shoes he’d kept on and knelt at his feet. He obligingly parted his legs for her and she moved closer.

  She wondered if the gasp was from Annie or Jane. Do them good, they’d been a little too solicitous of her age. Better let them see what she could still do.

  She’d been right about just enough leftover whipped cream to cover John’s rapidly hardening cock. She grabbed a used napkin off the table to protect the seat and got to work, spreading the cream neatly and thoroughly and very, very slowly. By the time she finished, he was as hard as she’d ever seen him.

  Ellen leaned back on her heels to admire her handiwork and, just for fun, she looked up at him, met his smile with one of her own and licked her lips.

  Chairs shifted. Someone wanted a better view. Time to give them—and John—a show.

  She leaned forward and licked off the tiniest smidgen of cream. She didn’t actually touch his cock, just licked off a trace of cream with the tip of her tongue and brushed the cream over her lips before licking them clean. All the while meeting his eyes.

  His Adam’s apple jerked as he swallowed.


  They were both going to enjoy this.

  She bent her head and gently circled the head of his cock with her lips and let her tongue play the whipped cream until she felt the smooth skin beneath. She pulled away and sat back on her heels as she licked her lips clean. Very, very slowly.

  John raised his eyebrows at her and she half expected him to say something but he didn’t. Just let his glance fix on her breasts.

  Damn! What was it with him? Her nipples hardened as he watched and her clit began the slow, sweet throb that put a smile on her face and had her bending back to the business at hand.


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