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Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)

Page 5

by Sabrina Sexton

  “In the hallway,” Krista said. “Bent over the speaker, actually and up against the wall.”

  “In the hallway?” Hannah asked again.

  Krista laughed. “Yes in the hallway,” she said.

  “Bent over a speaker?” Hannah asked quizzically.

  “Yup,” Krista said.

  “And against the wall?” Hannah asked.

  “Uh-huh,” Krista replied.

  “In the hallway?” Hannah asked going back to the beginning where she had gotten confused.

  “For god sakes, yes,” Krista said. “In the hallway.”

  “Okay then,” Hannah said. “I’m gonna let that one go for now and focus on something I can wrap my brain around.”

  “Sure,” Krista said.

  “So how’d you get him to go back into the hallway,” Hannah asked.

  “I didn’t,” Krista said. “He was just there. Same thing in the bathroom the night before.”

  “So you had sex with a stalker,” Hannah concluded.

  “No,” Krista said. “He’s not a stalker.”

  “He sounds like a stalker,” Hannah said.

  “Nope,” Krista said.

  “How do you know?” Hannah asked.

  “I know he’s not a stalker,” Krista replied, “because he’s a rapist.”

  “He raped you?” Hannah asked.

  “I wasn’t raped,” Krista said. “I said he was a rapist. Turns out, you can’t actually rape the willing, and he had me more than willing before he even put away the knife.”

  “He pulled a knife on you?” Hannah asked, outraged.

  “Cut me with it too,” Krista said, tilting her head to the side so she could point to where Damien had nicked her with the knife.

  “So you knew he was a rapist,” Hannah said. “and that he was willing to cut you with a knife. And you still went back the second night. Why?”

  “Because Friday night was the first time I had ever actually had an orgasm,” Krista said, “and I was hooked. Unfortunately, since I didn’t know who he was, I didn’t know what to do. The only thing I could think of was to go back. Although, I did consider putting an ad on CraigsList.”

  “So the best sex you ever had was with a rapist,” Hannah said, “who actually cut you while he was trying to rape you, but you didn’t care and had sex with him anyway two nights in a row, one of which landed you in the hospital for observation. Am I missing anything.”

  “Well, at the time I didn’t know who it was, but I do now,” Krista said.

  “So who was it?” Hannah asked.

  “Lance McPherson,” Krista said slowly. “Known to almost everyone as Damien, the bartender.”

  “Oh god,” Hannah said, a look of horror on her face. “Krista I have to tell you something.”

  “What?” Krista said blinking up at her innocently.

  “Krista, Damien’s not a rapist,” Hannah said, taking a deep breath. “I guess I sort of put him up to it.”

  “Huh?” Krista asked, feigning ignorance.

  “I accidentally told him about your fantasy,” Hannah said. “He’s really into you and he’s been asking me things about you for a couple of months now. I didn’t mean to tell him. It just sort of popped out. But he’s not a rapist.”

  “I know,” Krista said, smiling. “I figured that out when he and I were talking before I passed out. Just giving you a chance to come clean.”

  “I’m sorry,” Hannah said, coming over to give Krista a hug. “It was truly just a slip of the tongue.”

  “I’m not,” Krista said laughing as she hugged her back. “Seriously, the sex may have changed my whole life. I mean come on. I went back to a club to stalk a guy who I thought had tried to rape me the night before and ended up fucking him in the hallway. Given what you know about me, what are the odds of that EVER happening? None, right? But it did because the sex was so fucking amazing, I’ve gone insane, actually lost my mind.”

  “Start at the beginning,” Hannah said. “I need details.”

  As Krista opened her mouth to explain everything, the doctor came in. “Hello Ms. Hamilton,” he said while flipping through her chart. “You’re looking much better this morning.”

  “Thanks Doc,” Krista said. “So can I finally get out of here?” she asked.

  The doctor looked at Hannah.

  “You can talk in front of her Doc. She knows the whole story now anyway.”

  “We didn’t find anything wrong with you, so you’re free to go as soon as you sign the paperwork. One of the nurses will bring it by shortly. I would advise that you try to take it easy after any anal penetration. This type of occurrence is really rare, so I doubt it would happen again, but just be on the safe side. You ladies have a good afternoon.”

  The doctor shook both of their hands and walked out of the room, leaving the door open. No sooner had he left than a nurse zipped through the doors with a clipboard and some papers in her hands. She quickly checked Krista out and gave her copies of the information for her insurance. The two girls thanked her and were glad to be on their way.

  As they left the hospital and Hannah drove to Krista’s house, Krista replayed the entire two days for her friend. She started at the beginning and told Hannah everything. By the time they arrived at Krista’s house, she had talked about her thoughts and feelings – about all of it. More importantly, she was completely addicted to Damien and the way he made her feel. The only problem was that he wasn’t aware of how she felt. In fact, he thought she didn’t like him at all and she had blacked out before she had a chance to tell him differently.

  “So what are you going to do?” Hannah asked as they sat at Krista’s kitchen table sipping coffee after Krista finished telling the story.

  “The first thing I have to do is get a hold of Damien and explain how I really feel,” Krista said. “I have to wait until the club opens tonight, but if he’s there, I’m going to go talk to him. Will you come with me?”

  “Of course,” Hannah said. “I just can’t stay long. I have to work tomorrow morning.”

  “Me too,” Krista said. “I just need a little while.”

  “You know, if you’re serious about this whole change thing, it may not just be about Damien,” Hannah said. “I’ve always thought there was more to you than the sugary sweet feelings you always wore on your sleeves, pretending there’s nothing deeper.”

  “Maybe I never looked too deep because I was afraid of what I’d find,” Krista said. “The only thing I can say for sure is that this is the first time I’ve ever been satisfied sexually. I fought it at first because it’s so far outside what I consider to be normal, but honestly, it was like coming home. It felt so right. I don’t know if that’s because I was finally being who I was supposed to be or if it was because I was with Damien. Maybe it’s both. I just don’t think I will ever be the same.”

  Hannah grasped her friend’s hand. “It’s just another thing that makes you, you. To tell you the truth, I’m glad to know. It puts a few things in perspective,” Hannah said. “Anyway, I have to get some groceries and stop by my house to pick up a few things for tonight, but I’ll be back in a few hours so we can get ready to go.”

  Hannah pulled into the parking lot of her apartment a few hours later, all of her errands finished. She was planning to take a quick shower, when the phone rang. It was Krista.

  “Hey you,” she said juggling her keys and the groceries as she walked up to the door of her apartment.

  “Don’t bother coming back,” Krista said sounding depressed. “We aren’t going.”

  “You’re not having second thoughts,” Hannah said.

  “No, I’m not,” Krista said. “I just called the club and the other bartender, Greg I think, said Damien doesn’t work there anymore. Hannah, they fired him and it’s my fault.”

  “You don’t know that, Krista,” Hannah said. “It could be something else.”

  “It’s not,” Krista said with a sob. “I know it. He’s never going to talk to me ag

  “It will be fine, honey,” Hannah said assuredly. “I’ll ask Ryan to call him. Okay?”

  “Okay,” Krista said with a sniffle. She had broken into tears when she realized it was her fault he’d gotten fired. She couldn’t imagine that he would still want to have anything to do with her.

  “Now take it easy,” Hannah said. “Everything will work out.”

  Chapter 5

  As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, Krista lost hope. Everything hadn’t worked out. No one could get a hold of Damien. Ryan had even gone by his apartment, but it looked like he didn’t even live there anymore. Krista went back to the club a few times, but Greg had quit shortly after Damien was fired and the new bartender wouldn’t tell her anything. As a last resort, she’d called the hospital to find out if he had put down his phone number when he filled out her paperwork, but he’d left it blank. She was never going to see him again and it left her feeling empty and alone.

  Krista’s daily life turned dull and tedious. She went to work every day, paid her bills, and occasionally met up with her friends, but there was no sparkle. There was no thrill. She wasn’t even sure she knew how to go about looking for what she was missing. She didn’t see any way for normal, average, everyday life to measure up to her experiences with Damien.

  One Friday evening after a long day at work, Krista’s phone rang. Hannah was calling. She would probably want to drag Krista out of her apartment in an effort to cheer her up. Krista used to love to go drinking and dancing with her friend, but it all seemed so mundane. She answered the phone, resolved to go with her friend where ever it was she wanted to go. None of this was Hannah’s fault.

  “Hey Hannah,” Krista said. “What’s up?”

  “I’m on my way over and I have a surprise for you,” Hannah said. “Take a shower and get yourself together. Don’t worry about make-up. I’ll do yours when I get there and I’m bringing something for you to wear.”

  An hour later, Krista thought she had gone into the twilight zone or something.

  “You are fucking crazy,” Krista said surveying herself in the mirror. “I can’t wear this.”

  “Are you kidding?” Hannah asked. “You look amazing. Every single guy with a penis will want you. Shit, some of the girls might even want you.”

  Hannah had brought several outfits, but finally settled on a black leather pencil skirt that tied in the back with black silk ribbons sort of like the skirt version of a corset. Black high heels with thin leather straps wound around her legs to mid calf, creating the illusion that she was bound. Matching leather cufflets circled each wrist adding to the illusion. A sheer pink toga style shirt topped a black bra, clearly visible through the fabric. It was the perfect mix of bondage and softness and it matched Krista’s personality perfectly.

  “What if somebody I know sees me?” Krista asked.

  “Believe it or not,” Hannah said. “This is you. After everything you told me about what happened between you and Damien, this is totally you. Besides, this is actually pretty tame for where I’m taking you. You’d be amazed by how far most of the people you think are ‘normal’ descend into the depths of depravity when no one is looking. It’s human nature.”

  “Human nature or not,” Krista said, secretly pleased by how different the outfit was from her ‘normal’ self. “I look like a high-class call girl. How’d you talk me into this again?”

  “I cheated,” Hannah said. “You promised to ‘just go with it’ before you ever knew what it was.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Krista said rolling her eyes. Grabbing her purse, she said, “Let’s go.”

  Fifteen minutes later, the girls pulled up to a large black building. On the front in red neon letters it said, Chained. As Krista reached for the door handle, Hannah grabbed her other hand. “Listen,” Hannah said stalling her. “The most important thing about an outfit like yours is attitude. You look amazing, but sexy is only ten percent about how you look. The other ninety percent is attitude. Don’t be afraid to let people see you. No one in this club is going to judge you negatively. I promise.”

  Pep talk finished, Hannah grabbed the door handle and slid out of the car. Hannah wore a bodysuit that was skin tight all the way past her ass and then loosened softly so it swished when she walked. Decorative rips in the fabric accentuated her stomach and thighs. Hannah had finished off the outfit with gold sandals and jewelry including a chain link belt riding low on her hips. She looked over at her friend as they walked in and hoped this would work.

  Hannah knew that being with Damien had started to break Krista out of her shell. The two of them had been friends for years, but Hannah had always felt like Krista was holding something back. She didn’t know what it was until Damien entered the picture. Now that she did, she was determined not to let Krista revert to the safety of her former self. Her friend would never be happy that way.

  As the girls walked up to the door of the club, the bouncer checked their IDs and opened the door for them. They walked inside giving their eyes a minute to adjust to the lighting. The walls were painted black with blood red sconces hung sporadically. Plush black booths lined the outer wall. Some had tables. Others had what looked like a cross between a bed and a couch. Gleaming in the red light, silver chains dangled from the ceiling. Seduction, sensuality and danger breathed through the club.

  The patrons of the club were even more interesting than the decor. There were people dressed in exotic fetish wear, engaging in acts that brought a blush to Krista’s cheeks. In one corner, a woman was hanging from cuffs at her wrists that attached to the ceiling chains. She was wearing a sheer dress through which Krista could clearly see her nipples and the curves of her ass. Her companion stroked her pussy while whispering something in her ear. The oversized booth in the other corner was filled with leather clad patrons, appearing to be on their way to a massive orgy. It was as if hyper-charged sex was traveling on air currents throughout the room.

  Krista jumped as the crack of a paddle hitting bare skin reverberated through the club. She blushed as she turned and glanced at her friend, who seemed to be silently laughing at her. Hannah linked their arms together, leaned over to Krista’s ear and said “Walk like you dance.” She carefully pulled Krista to the bar.

  The girls sat down on the bar stools and ordered their drinks. Krista took the opportunity to scan the room again. Desire was thick in the club and Krista felt like she was swimming in it. She was halfway to aroused and they had just gotten there. As the bartender set their drinks down in front of them, Krista glanced at her friend. Despite her desire, she needed some answers. This was not their typical excursion.

  “Hannah, what are we doing here?” she asked, sipping her drink.

  “You’ve been skulking around for months,” Hannah said, “dreaming of Damien and the things he did to you. It’s time to move on and I couldn’t think of anything better than getting in touch with the wild side he unleashed within you. I watched you fight against your fascination when we came in. Why not just go with it and see where it leads. You’ll never know what’s there unless you try.”

  Krista remained silent for a few moments, gathering her thoughts.

  “You know, you’re right,” she finally said. “I’ve tried so hard my whole life to fit in and be normal. Damien smashed through all my barriers. Then when he was gone, I lost not only him but the freedom to be myself. I’ve spent the last few months thinking that I couldn’t do this without him and trying to figure out how to rebuild the walls. But I’m done trying to be something I’m not. This place calls to me and I need to know why.”

  “Only one way to find out,” Hannah said as she grabbed Krista’s hand. “Come on. Let’s dance.”

  The music was different from what Krista usually listened to. It was provocative, with a dark flavor to it, an edge of rawness that beat against her, touched something in her. Krista let the music fill her senses and began swaying her hips in time to the beat. Lifting her hair off the back o
f her neck with both hands, she piled it on top of her head and tangled her fingers in the soft strands.

  Krista didn’t know if it was the music, the environment or the freedom of her decision, but she closed her eyes and took her abandonment on the dance floor further than she ever had. With one hand still tangled in her hair, she pulled the other down the side of her face and turned her chin into the caress. Everything but the music melted away as she relished the feel of her hand on her body while moving to the music. A ragged breath lodged in her throat as her fingernails scraped down the side of her neck and across her chest. Her hand brushed the outer edge of her breast, and she flicked a finger across her nipple as it went past. She moaned softly as her hand continued its downward movement. When she reached the top of her thigh, she squeezed it roughly, letting a gasp fall from her open lips.

  Hannah watched her friend dance. She wasn’t the only one actually. She glanced around the room and could see several pairs of eyes glued to Krista’s undulating form. It was as if they could feel the desire coming off her in waves. When Krista brought her hand back up her body, one finger trailing between her breasts, Hannah realized her friend wasn’t acting. Hannah couldn’t help but watch as Krista twisted her hand around her face enabling her teeth to graze the tip of her thumb. She sucked it into her mouth and dragged it back down her throat, leaving a glistening trail of wetness behind.

  Krista was losing control. She knew in the back of her brain that she was in the middle of a club surrounded by people, but was beyond caring. Truthfully, the fact that they might be watching her as she’d watched them earlier was turning her on. She moved her hand down her body again, taking the time to squeeze her breast along the way.

  As her fingers trailed down the middle of her stomach, a large rough hand grabbed her arm, holding it in place. Krista’s eyes flew open at the contact and she was surprised to find a handsome man staring back at her with a grin on his face.

  “Tsk, tsk, naughty girl,” he said, moving closer and bringing his body in contact with hers. “You go much further and this entire club will descend like a pack of rabid dogs.”


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