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Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)

Page 10

by Sabrina Sexton

  “You like it,” Tyler said, not even questioning now.

  “Yes, Master,” Krista said.

  “You need it,” Tyler said, pushing his boxers down his thighs and freeing his cock.

  “Yes, Master,” Krista cried. “Please.”

  In one stroke, Tyler buried his cock in Krista’s dripping pussy, pushing her body against the table. He pulled out slowly, smacked her ass, and slammed back into her.

  “You will always need it,” Tyler yelled, gripping her hips tightly with both hands as he began driving in and out of her. “Come Krista, come NOW!”

  “Yes, Master, Yes!” Krista screamed, her orgasm breaking over her and convulsing through her body. “Yes, Yes, Yes.”

  Tyler continued pushing in and out of Krista’s pussy as her convulsions subsided. When the last of it had passed and Krista’s pussy took on the extra softness that it always did after her orgasms, Tyler pulled out of her. He pulled her off the table, spun her around and pushed her to her knees in front of him.

  Krista didn’t even blink an eye as Tyler shoved his cock all the way down her throat. He loved that her gag reflex was practically non-existent. Tangling his fingers in her hair, he guided her head away from his body, then back down again until her lips smashed against his pelvis.

  “That’s right, Krista.” he said pulling her off his dick by her hair then pushing her all the way back down it. “Take it all. Swallow it.”

  As Krista knelt in front of Tyler, giving him her mouth and throat to fuck, she grabbed onto his hips for stability. She wanted him to use her mouth, to slam into it until his come shot down her throat. She secretly loved the helpless feeling that engulfed her when he took her this way, loved that his cock filled up her throat until she could barely breathe. As her lips touched the pubic hair around his dick and pressed against his body, she pulled his hips even closer, showing him with her actions that she could take it all, that she wanted it.

  “Oh god, yeah,” Tyler said.

  He pulled back giving her a second to catch a breath, then pushed in and out, faster and faster, pounding the back of her throat, stretching it each time his dick pushed down into the tight passage. As Krista swallowed him down, her throat convulsing around his dick, Tyler’s orgasm exploded through his body. One last thrust down her throat emptied his cock.

  “Finish your breakfast,” he said as he pulled his boxers and kissed her on her forehead.

  Chapter 12

  After he finished his breakfast, Tyler rinsed his plate and walked back to the table. He held his hand out to Krista, pulling her from her chair and picked her up. With her arms around his neck, he nuzzled the soft skin under her ear as they made their way to the bathroom.

  Water streamed from the showerhead after a few turns of each knob. As it warmed, steam began to waft through the room. Tyler stepped inside, pulling Krista in with him. He knew the last twenty four hours, although satisfying, would probably leave her feeling sore. Leaning against the wall under the showerhead, he let the warm water beat against Krista’s shoulders while he carefully kneaded the muscles.

  “Mmmmm,” Krista moaned, letting her neck droop forward and the tension melt out of her body. “That feels absolutely delicious.”

  “Good,” Tyler said, leaning forward to place a kiss at the base of Krista’s neck. After a few minutes, he leaned forward blocking the water flow and grabbed the loofah and body wash from the small shelf along the back wall. He applied a generous amount of body wash to the loofah and squeezed several times to get a rich lather.

  Firm, but gentle strokes worked the foamy suds into Krista’s skin. One strong hand kneaded each muscle while the other scrubbed. As Tyler worked his way down her back, Krista decided that she had never felt so pampered. The breakfast, the sex, the shower, the massage – it was almost too much to take in. She wasn’t sure why, but apprehension suddenly stole through her.

  “What’s wrong?” Tyler asked as the muscles in Krista’s back suddenly tensed.

  “Just waiting for the other shoe to drop,” Krista said, making a conscious effort to regain some of the relaxation she had been experiencing moments before. “The most important life lesson I’ve learned is that if something seems too good to be true, it usually is.”

  Tyler chuckled. “Is that what I am?” he asked.

  “You must have some idea how all of this seems,” Krista sighed, giving up on the relaxation and moving on to what had been worrying her in the back of her mind for awhile now. “Not that I’m trying to fluff up your ego, but let’s look at the big picture.”

  Krista turned to face Tyler and held up a hand ticking off a finger with each example.

  “One, you’re amazing in bed, which is not common for men who look like you according to my friends. Two, you’re incredibly sexy. Just looking at your lower abdominal muscles does funny things to my insides. Three, you’re kind and compassionate. Four, you cook, and five, you’re a successful businessman. I just don’t understand how it’s possible that with all of this, you are still single, let alone wooing me.”

  Tyler looked at Krista and smiled. “Just so you know, I’ve made a mental note of your prioritization,” he said, as he soaped his own body, taking extra time with the abs Krista was so fond of. “And for the record, I’m not single.”

  Krista’s eyes had dropped to Tyler’s hands somewhere around number three and now that she had finished talking she had a hard time concentrating on what he was saying. She shook herself mentally as his words sunk in and looked up at him.

  “I’m sorry – what?” she asked.

  Tyler continued washing his body, seemingly unconcerned.

  “I’m not single,” he said. “I’m in a relationship.”

  As Tyler bent down to scrub his legs, Krista felt the breath rush out of her body. She backed away from him and turned away, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.

  Deep down, she had known it all along. Tyler wasn’t the sort of guy who would be available to someone like her, interested in someone like her. They were from two different worlds. He probably had a sleek, stylish, high society girlfriend tucked away somewhere. The realization that she was in the shower with another woman’s man invaded her senses.

  “I see,” she said, opening the shower door, stepping out quickly and reaching for a towel.

  “Hey, where are you going?” Tyler asked.

  “To find clothes,” she called back over her shoulder, not even bothering to dry off. She wrapped the towel around her and ran out of the bathroom. She needed air, but she couldn’t just step out on the porch naked.

  As Krista walked through the bedroom door, she grabbed the clothes that were lying on the dresser and threw them on, refusing to give into the tears that were threatening to overflow. She knew it was stupid to feel this way, but she was really starting to like him. Worse, she couldn’t imagine how they had gotten to this stage of their relationship without her asking him about his status before.

  “That’s not true,” she muttered to herself, pulling a sock roughly, onto each foot. “You were too busy getting your brains fucked out to ask.”

  Krista stuffed her feet into the sneakers next to her bed and walked out of her room, heading towards the sliding glass door to the balcony. Halfway there, she changed her mind. The tears were going to come and there was nothing she could do to stop them. She grabbed her keys and walked out the door. She may have been an idiot for thinking that they had something, but there was no reason for him to see how deeply it hurt to find out that they didn’t.

  As the door closed behind her, the first tear fell – hot, as it rolled down her cheek. She reached for the railing and ran down the steps focusing on making it to the car before she lost it altogether. The stairs of her apartment building blurred and her emotions engulfed her.

  She didn’t know who to be more upset with – Tyler or herself. Although to be fair, he hadn’t taken anything she hadn’t offered. And it wasn’t like he had lied to her. She’d never even bothered to as
k, so focused she’d been on the here and now during every moment they spent together.

  Yanking open her car door, she admitted to herself that this was all her fault. She stepped inside and let the tears fall as she shut the door and started the engine. Granted, Tyler didn’t seem like a cheater, but how could she feel like she knew him at all. She had met him and fucked him on the same day which happened to be only eight days ago.

  Krista slammed her foot on the gas pedal, fishtailing through the parking lot. More space – she needed to put more space between them. Maybe that would help the bevy of emotions that were coursing through her – pain, guilt, envy.

  “FUCK!” Krista yelled, banging her fist on the dashboard as she pulled out of her apartment community without looking. Luckily it was still pretty early and the street was deserted.

  “Why couldn’t it have been me?” Krista cried to herself. Tears flowed freely down her face as she wished that his girlfriend, whoever she was, didn’t exist. It wasn’t fair and she knew it. But she had played by the book her entire life and never wanted anything or anyone as badly as she did now.

  She’d come close with Damien, but that hadn’t lasted long enough for her to know what she wanted and was over almost before it started. Course the same could be said for Tyler. It had only been what, a week, since they met? It was funny how much longer it seemed, maybe because thoughts of him had consumed her since they met. Regardless, it was over now. It had to be. She wouldn’t be ‘the other woman’, pining after some guy that wasn’t, nor probably ever would be just hers.

  “But,” she said quietly to herself as she wiped her tears, “it wouldn’t hurt to find out how serious he is about this woman.”

  Krista tried to convince herself that she was just going to satisfy her curiosity as she turned the car around. Pulling over to the side of the road, she flipped down the visor and glanced at herself in the mirror. Red, puffy, eyes looked back at her and she had tear stains on both cheeks. She leaned over and pulled a tissue from the glove box.

  After fixing her face, blowing her nose and a taking a few deep breaths, Krista was ready to go back. She pulled back onto the road and made her way to her apartment, giving herself a pep talk on the way.

  “It doesn’t make you a horrible person,” she said. “You’re just going to talk to him, find out where his head is at. That’s all.” It was fortunate that Krista couldn’t see how unconvincing her eyes were from rearview mirror.

  Chapter 13

  Tyler was sitting on the couch when Krista walked back in the door. Thankfully, he’d gotten dressed while she’d been gone. She doubted she could concentrate if he was shirtless or in a towel.

  “Umm, hey,” she said, suddenly at a loss for words. She walked over to the loveseat, picked up a throw pillow and sat down, fiddling with the fringe as she thought about what to say.

  “Hey,” Tyler said. “I was wondering how long it would be before you came back.”

  Tyler’s glib manner irritated Krista and she found that she was still mad at him, regardless of whether or not she was to blame for the circumstances.

  “So it was a foregone conclusion that I’d be back?” she asked sullenly. Krista glanced at Tyler’s face and felt her anger go up a notch. He didn’t even seem slightly remorseful. In fact, his eyes were twinkling, like the whole thing was funny.

  Tyler chuckled, thinking to himself how sexy she was when she was mad.

  “This is your place,” he said rationally. “You had to come back sooner or later.”

  Krista mentally kicked herself. Of course this was her apartment.

  “So you were prepared to wait, indefinitely?” she asked.

  “I don’t know about indefinitely,” he said calmly. “I do eventually have to go to work, but for the rest of the weekend at least.”

  Krista took a deep breath and counted to five, determined not to let Tyler push her buttons. Clearly he was baiting her and she didn’t know why. Whatever game he was playing, she didn’t know the rules.

  “And your girlfriend, she’s okay with that?” Krista asked.

  “She knows I’m here,” Tyler said. “In fact, she knows all about you.”

  “Oh,” Krista said abruptly, trying to reason everything out. At least he wasn’t lying to the girlfriend. She figured that made it at least marginally better, although she wasn’t sure where that left her.

  “So you two have an open relationship or something?”

  “Not exactly,” Tyler said. “She and I haven’t outlined the terms of our relationship yet. We just started seeing each other.”

  “Okay,” Krista said as her anger started to slip away in the face of mounting confusion. “Is she your sub? Is that why she would be willing to be in a relationship with you when you are here with me?”

  “I think she wants to be,” Tyler said.

  Krista was disgusted. She didn’t care how submissive you were, you shouldn’t have to put up with your boyfriend going out and being with other women. Course she heard about women all the time that knew their husbands were cheating on them, women who didn’t even have the benefit of mind-blowing sex as a consolation. It didn’t matter, though. Tyler was going too far.

  “Just because you are dominant in the bedroom, doesn’t give you the right to walk all over this girl,” Krista said. “I wouldn’t let you do it to me and you shouldn’t do it to her. It’s not right.”

  “Not even if it’s what she wants?” Tyler asked.

  “I refuse to believe that she wanted you to spend the weekend with me, engaged in… everything we’ve been doing,” Krista snapped, once again glaring at Tyler.

  Tyler looked warily at the pillow in Krista’s hands. The way she was squeezing and twisting it, the seams would bust before much longer.

  “She did want it,” he said, looking over at her. “She’s been looking forward to it all week.”

  “If you two are hoping for a ménage a trois or something, you’ve got another thing coming. I don’t swing that way.”

  “I don’t know,” Tyler said, humor once again glinting his eyes. “Under the right circumstances you might be surprised to find which ways you swing. And a ménage a trois isn’t always about being with someone from the same sex. Sometimes it’s not about that at all.”

  “So that’s what you’ve been doing?” Krista asked. “Prepping me for a ménage a trois with you and your girlfriend?”

  “No, I don’t think she’s interested in that,” Tyler said. “I just wanted to clarify, for future reference.”

  “So then what the hell’s going on Tyler?” Krista asked. “Where do I fit into this grand scheme and why would I want to?”

  Tyler stood and walked over to the loveseat, laughing as he sat down beside her.

  “Why are you laughing?” Krista asked. “This isn’t funny Tyler.”

  Tyler just laughed harder.

  “Stop laughing,” Krista said, hitting him with the pillow. “What’s so funny?”

  “It’s you, dummy,” Tyler said, still laughing. “The girl I’m in a relationship with is you!”

  “You JERK!!!!” Krista screamed, raining a torrent of blows on Tyler’s head.

  “Come on,” Tyler said, holding up his hands in defense. “I thought you’d be happy to find out there wasn’t someone else.”

  “Oh my god, you’re an asshole,” Krista screamed hitting Tyler repeatedly with the pillow. “You just let me think…”

  “The worst,” Tyler said, still laughing. He grabbed the pillow out of her hands and tossed it over to the couch. Scooting closer, he pulled Krista into the crook of his arm and smiled down at her.

  “It wasn’t intentional,” Tyler said. “It just sort of happened that way and got out of hand before I could even get the soap rinsed off me. Next thing I knew, I was walking around your apartment looking for you. Then when you came back, I couldn’t resist. You were so cute – simmering in righteous indignation. Plus, you’re really sexy when you’re mad.”

  Krista turned
towards him and punched him in the shoulder.

  “Oww,” Tyler said, grabbing his shoulder and faking injury. When Krista didn’t appear to be even slightly remorseful, he grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap, pinning her arms to her sides.

  “Woman, I’m trying to tell you I want to date you. For someone who was so upset about another woman, you don’t seem very interested in taking me off the market. Maybe I should go find someone to make you jealous. See if that brings you around.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Krista huffed, squirming. “You already owe me for this. Don’t dig your hole any deeper.”

  “Depends on how you plan to make me pay,” Tyler said, cautiously letting go of Krista’s arms.

  Krista turned slowly in Tyler’s lap until she could straddle him. With one leg on each side, she pushed up onto her knees brushing her mouth against the corner of his lips.

  “That was a dirty trick,” Krista said, punctuating each word with a kiss. “I think I will keep this IOU until something equally dirty comes along.”

  Krista hopped off of Tyler’s lap and walked to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee. Despite his trick, Krista felt giddy inside, like Christmas had come early.

  “How do you feel about a picnic in the park?” Tyler asked. “We could maybe bring a football or a Frisbee? Then I could take you out for dinner and do something else after. There’s a martini bar near the park or we could go back to Chained. Either is fine.”

  “Actually that sounds fun,” Krista said. “But forget the Frisbee. I stink at it.”

  “You got it,” Tyler said. “We can go to Quiznos or Subway for the food and then by my house for a football.”

  Krista smiled, knowing she had a trick up her sleeve.

  “Actually,” she said. “I have a football.”


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