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Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)

Page 13

by Sabrina Sexton

  “What’s this,” Krista asked.

  “Your shot,” Tyler replied. “It’s a blow job. The boys and I were hoping for a demonstration of the technique you used to convert our dear friend Eric from a horse’s ass into a respectable guy.”

  “Damn Krista,” Steve said. “How are you going to handle that?”

  “Who said I used my hands at all,” Krista asked with a grin. She put her hands behind her back and leaned forward, sucking some of the cream off the top. A seductive lick of her lips followed before she wrapped her mouth around the shot glass. When she leaned her head back, the drink spilled into her mouth and she swallowed the contents. As the glass emptied, she sucked it into her mouth letting her lips close around it before it pushing it back out. Several times she did this before finally dropping the shot glass on the table, with a lick of her lips. Cheers erupted from the table of guys and Krista felt herself blush.

  “I feel cheated,” David said. “I’d be an ass too if that was my reward.”

  “Don’t you know that all girls are attracted to assholes? It’s a rule somewhere or something,” Eric said. “Although to tell the truth, I think the shot glasses blow job was better than mine. I want a do over.”

  “You wish,” Sam said. “You’re lucky she went along with it this long.”

  “I don’t know,” Krista said, winking at Sam. “I think the shot glass might have lasted longer.”

  “Dude, she burns you again and again,” Sam said, slapping Eric on the shoulder. “You need to start carrying around your own personal fire extinguisher.

  As the afternoon progressed the jokes got more and more taudry. Krista wasn’t sure if she was egging them on because she was horny or not, but when Tyler announced that they had to leave for dinner, her panties were wet.

  “Sorry boys,” Krista said. “Gotta go.”

  “Awww,” Xavier said. “But we were having so much fun.”

  “I know,” Krista said, “But a girl can only take on seven guys for so long before, she needs a break.”

  “When will we see you?” Steve asked.

  “We’ll hang out soon, don’t worry. You all gave your numbers to Ty right?”

  “Yeah,” Xavier answered.

  “Alright then. We’ll get together and play some ball or something. Maybe next time, I can ride you into the ground,” she said, nudging Xavier in the shoulder.

  “Darling,” Xavier responded. “I’d let you ride me anytime.”

  “I’m sure you would,” Krista said with a laugh. “The question is whether I would enjoy it as much as you would. See ya guys.”


  Krista and Tyler left the bar and climbed into the car. It was about four-thirty so they had plenty of time to shower and get ready. As Tyler put the car in gear, he looked over at Krista.

  “I think I should pretend my ego is broken,” Tyler said. “Eric seemed like a completely different dude when he came back.”

  “Yeah, well, you told me to,” Krista said.

  “Don’t lie,” Tyler said. “You know it got you hot or you’d never have put on such a show with the blowjob shot.”

  “Why’d you bring me that one anyway?” Krista asked.

  “I couldn’t resist with all the banter going back and forth,” Tyler said. “Nice call, by the way, talking about it. The others will never believe you actually did it. They’ll think it was cover for whatever sentimental stuff you talked about.”

  “Why did I do it?” she asked. “Why did you want me to?”

  “Several reasons,” Tyler said. “One, I knew it would turn you on and was considering it foreplay for tonight. Two, we wouldn’t have had nearly as much fun if Eric had kept being a dick all night. And three, it was a test.”

  “A test?” Krista asked.

  “Mm-hm,” Tyler replied. “Periodically I will have to test you to see whether you are willing to do something or not. Some of the things you may want to do. Some you may not. But the way you react shows me what you really want and how far I need to push you.”

  “But what do you want?” Krista asked. “I mean does it make you happy?”

  “It makes me happy to be a part of you finding and taking the things that make you happy,” Tyler said. “That’s what all of this really means for me.”

  “Oh,” Krista said. “Ok.”

  Tyler pointed to the back seat, drawing Krista’s attention to a large white box that was sitting there. She had noticed it earlier, but had no idea what it was.

  “It’s for you,” “Tyler said. “I picked it up while I was in San Diego and had it shipped here.”

  “It’s a little early in the relationship for gifts, isn’t it,” Krista asked.

  “Not really,” Tyler said. “Besides, it’s not really a gift. More like a promise,” he said. “Of things to come.”

  Krista reached into the back, grabbed the box and sat it on her lap. She slowly lifted the lid, carefully pushing the tissue paper out of the way. Inside the box, nestled on what appeared to be a large swath of white velvet, were some of the most exotic bindings she could imagine. There was also a pair of silver strappy sandals and a cloak made of the softest, sheerest material Krista had ever seen. When she picked it up, the material sifted through her fingers like liquid silk.

  The bindings were just as exotic as the cloak. There was a set of nipple clamps with pink rose quartz stones inlaid on the sides to resemble roses. A set of silver bracelets, also decorated with pink roses were lined with black leather and had a round protrusion that allowed them to be attached to restraints. Another slightly larger set would fit her ankles and a long chain of matching disks would ride low on her hips. In the center was a collar that matched it all.

  Tyler looked over at her as she perused the contents of the box, running her fingers along a piece here and there. He was dying to know what she thought and more importantly if she would comply with the request he was about to make.

  “What do you think?” he asked quietly.

  “They’re amazing,” Krista replied. “But too much.”

  “Nonsense,” Tyler said. “Of course you may not like them as much when you find out what they are for…”

  Tyler let the sentence hang there out in the open for several seconds waiting for Krista’s curiosity to get the better of her.

  “Okay,” Krista said, “I’ll bite. What are they for?”

  “In a month, there’s a party, a BDSM party, in New York. A number of my friends, both dominant and submissive will be there. I want to take you and I want you to wear that.”

  “I would wear it under my clothes?” Krista asked.

  Tyler shook his head.

  “Just that,” she responded, “in front of people, other people, people I don’t know?”

  Tyler nodded.

  “Panties,” Krista said. “You would at least let me wear panties with it.”

  Tyler shook his head again.

  “I can’t,” she said shaking her head. “Really, there’s not enough confidence in the world for me to be comfortable around other people wearing nothing but that.”

  Tyler looked at her from the corner of his eye as he drove.

  “It’s not about being confident or comfortable,” he said. “Quite the opposite in fact. But you asked what makes me happy. Taking you to the party wearing that would make me very happy. Whether you know it now or not, it would make you happy too.”

  “It’s in New York?” Krista asked.

  “Yes,” Tyler replied. “Every room of one of the most exclusive five star hotels in the city has been booked and the hotel will be shut down to all outsiders for the weekend. All guests must arrive by nine pm on the night it begins and cannot get back in if they leave. Basically, it’s like when you went to lock-ins as a teenager, except everything that happens is very, very adult themed.”

  “How many people will be there?” she asked, fingering the bindings, curiosity sneaking into her thoughts about how it would feel to be walking around wearing
only this.

  “Five hundred – maybe a thousand,” Tyler said. “I would be with you at all times, and nothing would happen to you that you did not want. I give you my word.”

  “Why do you want this?” Krista asked. “I mean aside from proving you are my Master, what does it accomplish?”

  Tyler sighed. “There are always activities a lone Dom can engage in at a party like this and my room has been booked for almost a year,” he said. “I have been to parties of this nature many times, but never brought anyone with me. I’ve never had anyone I wanted to bring with me.

  “You are special, though, strong-willed and independent. To dominate a strong willed person is a heady thing and a gift that you give me. I cherish it, more than you will ever know. But I also want to show it off, flaunt it, if you will, to the other Doms. Together, you and I would be the envy of the entire party. It’s selfish of me to want that, I know. But it doesn’t change that I do want it.”

  “And there will be others, dressed like this?” Krista asked. She was stalling and she knew it. She was going to do it. To be honest, her blood was stirring a little at the thought.

  “There will,” Tyler said.

  “You said you ordered it last week after we had spent only one night together.”

  Tyler grinned sheepishly.

  “How did you know I would call you?”

  “I wasn’t certain that you would,” he said. “But I hoped so and planned to give this to you as a gift.”

  “So you have purchased a set like this for every sub you’ve ever trained?” Krista asked.

  “Actually no,” Tyler said. “I always give a gift to a new sub, but nothing like this. I knew from the first night, though, that you are special. So I wanted to give you something special.”

  Krista wasn’t sure what to think. It all sounded a little weird. Of course, a year ago, this would all have seemed much weirder.

  “You told me once,” Krista said as she picked up the collar and closed it snugly around her neck. “That a good Dom doesn’t need to humiliate his subs. That hasn’t changed, right?”

  “Right,” Tyler said. “Humiliation is the farthest thing from what you would feel.”

  “Okay then,” she said, letting her hair fall into place. “I’ll do it.”

  “Good,” Tyler said. “You should probably do a few test runs, so you can get used to how it feels to be around people wearing nothing but this. You should wear it tonight and I will take you back to my club.

  “Although I think we should wait to unveil you until we reach the VIP section. Unlike most clubs, you can’t just buy your way into the VIP section at Chained. You have to be vetted or accompany a vetted member because the entire area is basically a big staging ground for various scenes.”

  “How do you become vetted?” Krista asked curiosity piqued.

  “You have to attend ten events sponsored by the club and then be recommended by a vetted member,” Tyler said. “It’s impossible to get recommended if you don’t follow the rules. This allows all of the members to play in the VIP section knowing that the others around them are playing by the same rules. Also, only vetted members are allowed to use the private rooms in the back.”

  “It sounds pretty serious,” Krista said.

  “It is serious,” Tyler replied. “There’s always the opportunity to abuse subs in your care, beyond what they are willing to accept, when they are tied up. It can be very dangerous to play this game with people you don’t know. The rules are put in place to protect those that choose to play the game.”

  “The first night,” Krista said, “when we met, I was just lucky then?”

  “Actually no,” Tyler said, grinning again. “It’s pretty easy to figure out who’s new to the scene and the veterans among us try to work with the new ones to be sure that they don’t get more than they bargained for. I saw you walk in the door and knew that I would have you if you were willing. You were so new, standing in the middle of the room staring at everything. It was kind of cute.”

  Krista rolled her eyes. “Whatever,” she said. “Hey, how do you feel about not going to dinner tonight? We can just pick up something to go and bring it back to your house.”

  “Sure,” Tyler said, “but why?”

  “I know you were planning to take me to that new French restaurant everyone has been raving about, but I’m not really the fancy restaurant kind of girl,” Krista said. “An Olive Garden or TGI Fridays is about all I need. Plus I kind of want to try on all this stuff and just walk around in it before I have to go walk around in it at the club.

  “Be still my heart,” Tyler said in a fake thespian voice. “A woman who doesn’t want to go to the most expensive restaurant in town.”

  “Who needs an expensive dinner,” Krista replied with a wink. “You just bought me enough jewelry for the first two years of our relationship. I mean this is solid silver. It had to cost a fortune.”

  “It will be worth it,” Tyler said, “to see you in it and know you’re mine.

  Chapter 17

  Krista walked into the club’s VIP section feeling apprehensive and excited. Underneath the trench coat she was wearing, she was practically naked, adorned with exotic bondage jewelry and the translucent cloak that would accomplish nothing except maybe keep her from freezing. When she had looked in the mirror, she’d been astounded at the figure staring back at her. It didn’t seem possible that it was her. For the first time ever, she truly believed that she looked amazing.

  Taking a deep breath, Krista surveyed the club. It was just after ten and the club was surprisingly busy. She figured the people who came to this type of place must start their fun a bit earlier. Tyler was standing behind her with a hand on her shoulder for support.

  “Take off the coat, Krista,” Tyler said, thinking that it might help if told her to do it.

  “Yes Master,” she replied. She was really going to do this. Deep down, she admitted, if only to herself, that she kind of wanted to. This was the first time she hadn’t been self conscious about her body. Of course there was a difference between not being self conscious and being flat out scared.

  Krista’s hands began to shake as she reached up to slowly untie the belt. The belt fell to hang limply at her sides and the jacket parted down the middle. Determined to do this, Krista pulled the front of the jacket open and pushed it off her shoulders. She let it fall into Tyler’s waiting hands, exposing the outfit, or rather lack of outfit.

  “Good girl, pet.” Tyler said. He raised Krista’s arms, lifting her to her tip toes and attached one of the ceiling’s chains to her bracelets, locking it with a small key. “I’m going to check the coat. People will want a closer look. They know the rules and will follow them. They also know your safe word. Don’t be afraid.”

  As Tyler walked away, Krista tried to concentrate on her breathing for a few minutes, without success.

  “It’s just a room full of people,” she said to herself finally. “No big deal. I can handle this.”

  “I don’t know if giving yourself a pep talk will help,” a blond haired woman around her age said as she walked towards Krista.

  Krista looked at her, wondering what she wanted. She was slender and elegant although her attire was not. A black corset, constricted her waist, and lifted her creamy breasts. Custom made black leather pants stretched around what Krista thought most men would consider to be a nice ass. The woman’s only accessory, a riding crop, hung from a strap around her wrist.

  She walked around Krista, admiring her from every angle, before stopping to stand in front of her. Krista found her breathing had gotten out of control again and didn’t understand why. She had no interest in women, but somehow or another, this woman was getting to her.

  “You are exquisite,” the woman said, lifting the riding crop. She placed it against Krista’s face and dragged it slowly down, stopping when it reached the opening above Krista’s breast. With her arms raised, the cloak hung open, bunching around Krista’s shoulders.

  Slipping under the edge, the woman pushed the cloak off one shoulder, exposing Krista’s naked form beneath. Krista didn’t know why she was letting this continue. Maybe because Tyler had said to let people admire her. Maybe because this woman was in control. For whatever reason, she couldn’t stop it. She took a deep, ragged breath, feeling it catch in her throat as she exhaled.

  “Your name?” the woman asked, drawing the riding crop back down Krista’s chest to snag on the chain attached to her breasts.

  A small moan escaped from Krista’s mouth at the contact.

  “Krista,” she answered, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth and biting down on it to hide its trembling.

  “Lovely,” the woman said. She stepped closer putting her mouth against Krista’s ear and licked the lobe, drawing it slowly into her mouth.

  Krista’s pussy clenched and she could feel the wetness gathering between her legs.

  “I think you should stop,” Krista said, softly.

  “Why?” the woman asked, letting Krista’s earlobe slip out of her mouth, but not moving away. “You are enjoying it.”

  “Yes,” Krista responded. “But I already have a Master.”

  “Oh, I’m quite sure that you do,” the woman said, laughing. “Perhaps your Master didn’t explain this part of the game to you.”

  “What game?” Krista asked.

  “Why do you think your Master left you here?” the woman whispered. “In the middle of all these people, adorned as you are?

  “So he could check my coat?” Krista asked.

  “My, my,” the woman said, sliding her cheek across Krista’s face, before moving away slightly. “You are new.”

  “What do you mean?” Krista asked, unable to focus on anything other than the woman’s lips as they came into view.

  “Masters display new subs here,” the woman said, coming closer, “to find others who are willing to assist in the sub’s training.”


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