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Turning A Page: A Student Professor Romance

Page 39

by Hazel Keys

  Brad pulled away just enough to stare down at her, his eyes full of arousal and appreciation. “You are so beautiful,” he rasped, taking in her small curves, flat abdomen, and the swell of her pert breasts from beneath her push up bra. Whatever reservations she felt about getting involved with someone from work, they melted in those few moments.

  “Kiss me,” Rachel whispered, pulling Brad back down to her. She gasped and moaned as Brad picked up exactly where his lips had left off, trailing over her breasts. With a simple flick of his wrist her bra was off and flung across the floor. She heard his moan of approval as he stared, only for a moment, at her naked breasts before taking her left nipple into his mouth.

  “Oh!” She gasped, her back arching into his mouth, where his wicked tongue and teeth were teasing her ruefully. Brad took his time, teasing one nipple, then the other before he continued his exploration down Rachel’s body. She loved how thoroughly he explored every inch of her, and how he whispered praises of her beauty every time he removed another piece of clothing.

  When she was finally naked, he stared down at her as if she were the finest piece of art he’d ever seen. “I am a lucky man,” he mused, his eyes gliding slowly over every inch of her.

  “Brad, I…” she gasped, her hands wondering up and under his shirt. He felt so warm and inviting under his clothes, and she wanted to see as much of him as he saw of her. Knowing what she wanted, Brad immediately took off his shirt to reveal the muscled topography of his chest and torso.

  She moaned in pleasure as she greedily took in the sight of his ripped, tanned flesh, her hands already roaming over the handsome physique that was Brad’s body.

  “Pants,” she breathed, and he obeyed quickly, stripping down until he was just as exposed as she was. They both moaned as he gently lay down on top of her, feeling the full vulnerability of one another as their bodies slowly began to move with one another as they begin to kiss passionately yet again.

  “I want you,” Brad whispered, his voice raw with need. “I want to taste you.”

  Rachel’s eyes rolled upwards at the mere thought of the pleasure, and she quickly agreed that she wanted the same thing. Once again his lips travelled down her body, faster this time until they reached their destination. She gasped and bucked her hips when his tongue, so wet and skilled, slid expertly over her clitoris and lit her entire body on fire.

  “Bradley!” She gasped, her hands delving into his hair as she let the waves of pleasure roll over her again and again as he continued to taste her, to explore the depths of her with his wondering and expert tongue. All too soon she felt her orgasm rise up, and with a cry of ecstasy she felt her wave of pleasure crest and wash over her. When she tried to pull him away though, he refused to budge, and instead flicked his graceful tongue ever diligently over her most sacred spot again and again.


  Rachel smiled lazily as she watched Brad making them tea in kitchen. He was still gloriously naked, and she found she loved him being so doing the most normal of things. He had incredible body, she thought as he poured boiling water into mugs. In a suit he looked bulky, almost rounder. But with no clothes it became very obvious that Brad was a man that took very good care of his body.

  “What are you smiling at?” Brad asked, catching her staring.

  Rachel stretched languorously out on the large couch, letting every bone and vertebrae pop before she answered. “You’re a very handsome man, you know that?” She mentioned, taking her mug from him.

  Brad chuckled, and picked up her legs with one hand so he could sit down and drape them over his lap. “I think I’ve been told once or twice,” he told her.

  Rachel rolled her eyes, and playfully pushed at his free arm with her foot. “Seriously though. Do you see how many girls hit on you? Or do you just think they’re being super polite and peppy?”

  Brad sat his steaming mug down on the coffee table, and began massaging Rachel’s right foot. She moaned in relaxation, and sank further into the couch. This man was heaven.

  “I see it,” he said, after a while. “At least part of me does. When it’s women I know that are married, like Summer, I think I try to block it out even more so. After what my wife did to me, I was jealous for a long time. I ruined every relationship before it even got started because I just assumed she was going to cheat on me. When I realized what I was doing, I started yoga, and took a step back from the dating scene all together.”

  He looked over at Rachel, smiled, and switched over to her other foot. “Well, until you that is,” he added.

  Rachel smiled back, and leaned up to kiss him affectionately on the lips. She was starting to like Brad, baggage and all.

  Chapter 15


  Brad woke up the next morning, instantly reaching out across the bed for Rachel. They had started kissing on the couch and somehow graduated to his bedroom, where Rachel performed some of the best fellatio that he’d ever had in his life. He remembered the feel of her lips around him, the electric shock of his ejaculation, and then her small, warm body wrapping around him. But…had he fallen asleep so quickly after that?

  “Oh no,” he groaned, putting a hand over his face in embarrassment. It had been late, yes, and it had been his first blow job in over a year, but really? To pass right out after? He hadn’t done that since he was a freshman in college and a novice at sex. Getting up, he looked around his small house for any sign of Rachel still being there. In the kitchen he found her note.

  Dear Brad,

  Woke up early to go home and get changed for work. Hope you don’t mind that I slept over, but you were just so comfy  See you at the office.



  Brad sighed in relief. So she had spent the night. Good. He hadn’t planned on her staying the night, but he was glad that she had. As he started getting ready for work, he wondered if he could convince Rachel to spend the night with him at his place that night or tomorrow, since it was the weekend after all. So far she was respecting his pace with all the sex stuff. Maybe it was time to reward her for that.

  At work, Brad went straight to his office. He had a meeting with Ryan and the investors at 2:30, but until then he wanted to spend his time with Rachel and Tristan to see where they were on the new project. Tristan came in first, and happily showed Brad all of his progress on all the social media platforms.

  “Our sales have been steadily increasing since we started advertising on Facebook and Twitter,” Tristan explained, showing Brad the report. “Every time we get a new product it immediately goes up on our social media platforms.”

  About that time, Rachel and the Bella’s walked in. Brad couldn’t help but give her all of his attention as she walked by, and without even noticing it he was starting to smile. She looked beautiful in her outfit, a black pencil skirt with a matching belt and shoes, and a lavender fitted button up shirt rolled up to her elbows. Sleek and classy, that was his woman.

  “I knew it,” Tristan said suddenly, shoving Brad’s arm.

  Brad snapped his gaze back to Tristan, surprised. “Knew what?” He asked.

  Tristan rolled his eyes and smiled. “I knew that you and Rachel had a thing for one another! Don’t try to lie, I already know.”

  Brad opened his mouth, the shut it again. What use was it to argue, other than to make a scene?

  “Don’t say anything to anyone,” Brad warned. “It’s new, and the employee handbook doesn’t say anything about fraternizing. It just states that we are supposed to be respectable and friendly to one another, which we are. Don’t you think?”

  “A lot more than you ever were before,” Tristan remarked. “I haven’t seen you two yell at one another in a week!”

  Brad couldn’t help the smile that started to spread across his face. It was true, they hadn’t really argued over anything in the past week. In fact, their work relationship seemed to be going better than ever. A few minutes later Brad and Tristan walked into Rachel’s small office and started on their mee

  “Good morning gentlemen,” she greeted amicably. “Shall we get started? Tristan, I believe you said that you wanted to go first?”

  Tristan immediately took her cue and pulled up his next report to show Brad. “As you can see, ever since we started using Rachel’s drawings on the platforms, traffic to the actual RushIt site has increased by twenty-four percent in just four days! Which is unheard of. We’ve even got some feedback from on Yelp and Facebook.”

  “Really?” Brad asked, impressed. “Like what?”

  Tristan picked up his Ipad and began to read the comments. “One user says: ‘Love the new interactive catalogue! The drawings are super cute, and I love that the women in them are not all model-thin. Being a plus girl myself, I like seeing things available in my size online. Wish you guys had a store front!’ Another one says: ‘Love all the choices on the new catalogue! Cute and very interactive.’”

  Tristan read three others before Brad put up his hand. “That’s incredible,” Brad congratulated. “Excellent job you two.” He took the reports from Tristan and told him that he’d be sure to mention the excellent progress to Ryan later that day. Once Tristan left, Brad shut the door to Rachel’s office and pullled her into his arms.

  “You’re incredible you know that?” He told her. Before she could answer his lips came down on hers in a dizzying kiss. He loved the way she melted into him instantly.

  “You were right,” he admitted, “about the models. They don’t all need to be thin.”

  Rachel smiled at her victory. “Told you so,” she said playfully. Her hand slid seductively between them, boldly cupping Brad’s crotch. He growled in response, but didn’t stop her. “Maybe I should get a prize?” She suggested.

  Brad chuckled, and shook his head. He loved how serious and professional she could be in one moment, and then light and coy in the next. “You know what? You’re absolutely right. You do deserve a prize.” He looked over at the door to make sure it was still closed, and then turned back to Rachel to give her a quick kiss on the lips.

  “Stay the night with me tonight,” he told her, running his fingertips down her back. “We can have a proper sleepover, and you can let me make up for falling asleep on you last night.”

  Rachel laughed, recalling how quickly he’d passed out after she had gone down on him. She had actually found it adorable. “Deal,” she said, nodding her head. A knock on the door stopped them from carrying the conversation even further, and after a final quick kiss, they parted, and Brad took a seat on the opposite side of Rachel’s desk.

  “Come in!” Rachel called, trying to sound as normal as possible.

  Bella popped her head in, a wide smile on her face. “Good morning Brad!” she piped. “Good morning Rachel! Sorry to interrupt, but Brad we have an IT issue that I need you to sign off on.”

  Brad nodded his head and turned to Rachel. “Finish this later?” He asked, not able to withhold a wink.

  “You got it boss,” she said with a smile.


  It was six-fifteen when Brad was finally turning off the little lamp on his desk. He had told Rachel that he would try to be done with work by four, and that had backfired badly. He hoped that he would get used to the juggling of titles soon, he thought, or else he was going to lose one, or even both of them. Sighing, he picked up his briefcase and started locking up the office.

  Relax, he told himself. It was the weekend, finally, and Rachel was only one twenty-minute car ride away. Still, by the time he had reached his car he was feeling even antsier. As he threw his briefcase into the back seat, he saw that his gym bag was still there. Yoga. He hadn’t been to a class in over four days now. He pulled up the class schedule on his phone and saw that there was a meditation class ready to start in fifteen minutes. If he kept his car parked and just took a brisk run to the studio he would be there just in time to change and start with the class. Quickly he grabbed his bag from the car, locked it, and started jogging towards the class.

  Inside he waved a greeting to the receptionist, and went right on back to the locker room to change. He was just coming out with his mat when a little blonde ran into his chest. Instantly his arms reached to hold the woman steady, and saw that it was Summer.

  “Summer! Hi. Sorry, I’m running late for class.” He apologized, trying to maneuver around her. She stepped in his direction, blocking his path.

  “That’s okay,” she said in a perky fashion. Though she was aware of his hurry, she acted as if they had all the time in the world to chat. “I was actually just talking with the other girls about you. We hadn’t seen you in a few days. Where have you been?”

  “Work has been crazy,” Brad told her, forcing a polite smile on his face. “Are you going to class?”

  It looked as if she had actually just finished one, but Summer nodded her head yes all the same and followed him into the class room. Since they were so late, they had to find a space in the back, and put their mats so close together that it looked like one large one. Trying not to be bothered by it, he sat cross-legged on his mat, closed his eyes, and took in a long, deep breath.

  Immediately he started to feel better, despite Summer still talking into his ear about her week and her troubles. When the instructor started the class, he shushed her into silence, and Brad couldn’t help but smile. He was happy someone could do it. The next hour of yoga did exactly what it was supposed to. Brad felt all of his stress melt away after each pose, and by the end of it, he was able to bow and whisper ‘Namaste’ with sincere feeling along with the rest of the class.

  Unfortunately, as soon as the class was over, Summer asked him out for a drink.

  “That’s really kind of you to ask, Summer. But I’m already running late to pick up Rachel and”-

  “Rachel?” She asked, interrupting him. A look of jealousy flashed in her eyes, but only for a second. “Who’s Rachel?”

  “You met her,” he told her, walking towards the locker room.

  “That brunette that knocked over the blocks?” She asked, sounding shocked.

  “Yep, that’s the one. See ya, Summer.” He turned to walk away, but she grabbed his arm, and pulled him back.

  “Brad, please,” she said, her voice and eyes begging.

  Brad stopped trying to walk away. “Summer, what’s wrong?”

  Tears started to well up in her blue eyes, and looked as if they were going to spill over any minute.

  “I have no friends,” she said, the confession coming out in a rush. “I don’t. I only know my husband and he’s never home! You’re the only one here that’s nice to me, and I really, really need someone to talk to. Please,” she implored. “It’s a rare night for me that I actually have a sitter. Just come and have a drink with me.”

  Brad felt a soft spot begin to form for Summer in his heart. Looking up at the clock, he saw that it almost eight. He’d call Rachel after drinks and let her know that he was on his way. She would understand, of that he was sure.

  “Okay,” he said, nodding his head. “But only for a little bit. I’m already running late.”

  Chapter 16


  “Why do you keep looking at your phone?” Bella asked, nudging Rachel’s shoulder. “Brad not calling you?”

  Rachel looked up at Bella, bewildered. “What do you mean?” She asked, trying to sound innocent. It didn’t work.

  “Please,” Isabella sighed, coming out of her room wearing a very fetching dark red cocktail dress. “Everyone in the office knows your boning.”

  Rachel gasped, and stood up. “We are not boning! I mean, at least not yet we’re not.” She sat back down, checking her phone again. “He hasn’t wanted to have sex yet. He wants to take things slow.”

  “And uh, where is Mr. Old-fashioned?” Isabella asked, taking a seat on the ottoman in front of Rachel.

  A look of discomfort passed over Rachel’s face. “He was supposed to be out of work at four. He was going to go clean his place up, and I was supposed to be spending the w
eekend with him,” she confessed. “But it’s almost nine now, and I haven’t heard from him.”

  “Aw hon, don’t worry,” Bella said, wrapping her arm around Rachel’s shoulder. “I’m sure he’s just finishing up work.” Her eyebrows perked up, as if she just got a brilliant idea. “Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t you come out with us? We’re going to that O’Cleary’s place beside work. You can just text Brad that you’re there and then meet him at the office parking lot. What do you say?”

  “What about my stuff?”

  Bella shrugged. “Come get it in the morning. Nothing wrong with using his shampoo and toothpaste until then. I bet he’ll find it cute.”

  Rachel thought about it for a minute and nodded her head. “Okay,” she agreed. “I could use a drink to my mind off of things. Just let me get changed real quick.”

  Ten minutes later they were all crawling into a cab and heading towards the office. Rachel had started to feel a little better, having more to do than just stare at her phone and wait for a response, and by the time they reached the office she was laughing with the Bella’s, like they normally did when they all went out for a girl’s night. When they all got out of the cab, Bella gasped, and wagged her finger towards the parking garage.

  “See! There’s Brad’s car. I told you he was just busy at work.”

  Rachel breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled. She felt silly for worrying, and after sending a quick text to Brad to let him know she was near, she slid her phone into her purse and walked the Bella’s into O’Cleary’s.

  “Hey there,” Martin greeted when they walked in. “I remember you ladies. Welcome back!”

  “Thanks Martin,” Bella returned with a wink. “Do you have a booth for us?”

  “For the prettiest girls in my bar? You bet ye arses I do. Follow me.” Martin led them towards a corner booth full of already hammered frat boys.

  “All right, ye wastes of space. I’m cuttin’ ye off. Get te hell out!” Martin decreed, pointing towards the door.


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