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Dark Intentions

Page 20

by J. A. Owenby

  “Ten,” Layne said softly before opening the shower door.

  I shook my head, my wet hair clinging to my face. “Don’t.” I held up my hands in a feeble attempt to block him, but he scooped me up and held me anyway.

  “I can’t lose you,” I said, sobbing. “I can’t.” I hiccupped as I placed my palm against his cheek. “You’re the air I breathe. You gave me life when I didn’t even think it was possible. And now …” I curled up against him and buried my face in his neck.

  “Babe, what do you mean? I’m not going anywhere.”

  I didn’t know how long we sat there, but eventually my tears ran dry and a numbness sank deep into my bones.

  Layne turned off the water and stood with me in his arms. “I’ve got you. I’ve always got you,” he whispered. His soft words grazed my ear and pierced my heart.

  I’d never had a guy dry me off before, but Layne took extra care with me. The soft plush towel dried every last tear and water droplet from my body.

  “Let’s get you tucked in.” Layne wrapped me in the towel and guided me to bed. He turned the covers down then hurried to the dresser and grabbed some warm pajamas for me. I held up my arms like a small child while he dressed me, then he brushed and dried my hair with the dryer.

  After he got me settled into bed, he placed a sweet kiss on my forehead and tucked the blankets under my chin. “I’ll be right back.”

  Although the covers were warm, I shivered. How was I going to keep everyone safe without sharing my terrifying secret? I was Jack Flannery’s daughter. But it went way deeper than that.

  Minutes later, Layne strolled out of the bathroom in low-slung sweatpants.

  “Are you warm enough?” he asked, joining me under the covers. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him.

  My teeth stopped chattering almost immediately, not because I no longer felt cold, but because, at least at that moment, I felt safe.

  Layne nuzzled my neck. “I know you talked to Franklin.”

  There was no reason to beat around the bush. “He’s my father.”

  Layne’s arms tightened around me. “This changes nothing, babe. I love you more today than I did yesterday. When I lost Nicole, I never dreamed I’d find tomorrow with someone.”

  I rolled over on my other side and faced him. “I’m the daughter of a serial killer. His blood runs through my veins. You should be afraid of me.”

  Layne propped up on his elbow, his expression growing intense. “Listen to me.” He cupped my chin with his fingers and tilted my head up. “I know who you are. I fell in love with you before we ever learned who your father was. If you’re scared, then hold on to that. I’ve loved you for a long time.”

  I placed my hand on his and leaned into his touch. “Earlier tonight …” My words caught in my throat. “When I was in the bathroom before we came home …” I pulled away from him and sat up in bed. If I confessed to Layne that I had seen my father, his life would be in danger. Pulling my knees to my chest, I looked at him. He was so trusting, so gorgeous. This man in my bed had proven over and over again that he loved me. Maybe it was time that I took another step and told him the truth. “Matthew didn’t talk to me.”

  Layne’s brows knitted together in confusion.

  “I’m sorry. I lied to you.” I hopped out of bed, paced back and forth, and waited for his anger.

  An exasperated and confused expression settled over him. “Why? I don’t understand. Did you want me to be jealous? Because I am. I’m man enough to admit it.”

  I shook my head. “I was trying to protect you. He said if I told anyone, he’d kill you all and make me watch.” My heart rate skyrocketed. “Jack Flannery cornered me in the bathroom tonight.”

  “Jesus.” Layne jumped out of bed and hurried over to me. “Did he hurt you? Are you all right?” He ran his hands over my face and shoulders, scanning me for any indication that the monster had hurt me.

  “Oh God. What if I’ve done the wrong thing by telling you? Layne, I can’t lose you. I’d never forgive myself if he found out and killed you. Or Benji or Avery.” The pitch of my voice rose with each name. I wrung my hands together, my fear escalating. “I shouldn’t have told you. I should have just lied to you and let it go.”

  His fingers tightened on my arms. “We’ll go to the FBI.”

  I stumbled backward, horrified at the mere idea. “No. No, we can’t. I’ve already taken a huge risk by telling you, but I don’t know what to do. He’s going to come back.”

  Layne sank down on the edge of the bed, staring at me. “What do you mean?”

  “He said he doesn’t want to hurt me, and although he didn’t go into detail, I got the impression he wants to get to know me.”

  “Hell no!” Layne’s shoulders slumped forward, realizing his voice was too loud.

  “I have to leave.” I dropped to my knees in front of him, my eyes never leaving his as the truth crashed down around me. “If I’m not around, he won’t hurt you or anyone else I love.” I shot up off the floor and hurried to my dresser. “I can’t tell you where I’m going. Don’t look for me and don’t come after me.” I tossed my clothes on the bed, then flung the closet door open and rifled around for something to put them in. I had some money saved up that would get me a few states away, but I would have to find a job soon, maybe even change my name again. I’d disappeared once—I could do it again. “That will work.” I crawled into the closet on my hands and knees and dragged out a medium-sized duffel bag.

  Layne watched me, wide-eyed, while I hurried to the bathroom and grabbed my toiletries. I quickly shoved my belongings in the bag, then realized I was still in my pajamas. “Shit.” I shimmied out of them, added them to my other clothes, and pulled out a pair of jeans and a black sweatshirt.

  “You can’t tell anyone why I left.” I slipped my tennis shoes on and hefted the bag on my shoulder. “This is it. We have to cut all communication.” My chest tightened as reality slapped me in the face again, but it didn’t matter. I would rather give Layne up and allow him to live a good life without me than attend his funeral.

  Layne stood, and without a word, he slipped the duffel off my shoulder and kissed me. For a moment, everything disappeared around me, and we were the only people that existed. He deepened his kiss, his hands sliding up my back and pulling me against him. My knees turned to Jell-O. How will I make it without him? I’d finally let someone in. I’d fallen in love. And now …

  “Tensley, we need to talk.”

  “I have to go,” I replied between kisses. “The longer I stay, the more danger you’re in.”

  Layne kissed the tip of my nose and hugged me tightly. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding. When I told you I loved you, I meant it. When those words left my mouth, I committed to you on every level, not just when it was convenient or safe, but every moment we had together. I’m not letting you go, and you’re not leaving me. We—did you hear that, Ten?—We will figure this out together. You’ve been on your own for way too long, but I’m here now.”

  I peeked up at him with tears clinging to my eyelashes. “I can’t ask you to put yourself in harm’s way.”

  “You’re not. I’m telling you I’m not going anywhere. This is my choice, babe. You’re what I want, and that’s all. If that means we take down a sick son of a bitch together, so be it.”

  I shook my head in disbelief. No one had ever loved me enough to stick around for long, much less put his life on the line in order to be with me.

  Layne released me, grabbed the bag, and dumped the contents on the floor. “Now get the idea out of your head that you have to leave. Jack Flannery never has to know you told me.”

  I frowned. “How? He has eyes and ears everywhere. He knew more about my past than you did.” I shuddered and rubbed my arms.

  Layne bent over, grabbed my pajamas, and for the second time that night, put them on me.

  “Bed.” He pointed.

  “Bossy, much?” I couldn’t hide the small grin pulling
at the corner of my mouth. “I might like bossy, Layne.”

  He cocked an eyebrow, then turned the covers down for us. Although it went against everything inside me, I agreed to stay. Layne and I would just have to keep our secret.

  He gently stroked my hair while I laid my head on his chest. “I need some time to think.”

  Exhaustion tugged at me and I stifled a yawn.

  His soft lips brushed my head. “No more secrets?”

  “No more secrets.”

  I inhaled deeply, willing all the bad shit to disappear. I wasn’t sure what would happen next, but there was one thing I’d learned about bouncing around foster care. Enjoying the good moments was important because they could be gone in a heartbeat.

  Jack’s fingers wrapped around my throat and squeezed. I clawed at his hands, desperate to suck even a tiny amount of air into my deprived lungs. My feet lifted off the floor as I struggled.

  “Babe.” Layne shook me gently. “Babe, wake up, you’re having a bad dream.”

  My eyes popped open. I gasped for air and sat up ramrod straight. I reached for my neck, but no one had me pinned against the wall. Sweat trickled down the side of my face, and my heart pounded against my rib cage.

  “Layne?” I reached out to touch him, and the warmth of his skin eased my terror.

  “I’m right here. What happened?” The blankets had fallen to his waist, revealing his upper body. The muscles in his chest rippled as he took my hand in his. “You’re safe.”

  I nodded and attempted to calm my out-of-control heart rate. “I thought you were Jack. He was strangling me in the bathroom at Barney’s.” It was a good thing I’d confessed what had happened to Layne because there was no way I would have been able to hide the nightmares. Plus, what if I talked in my sleep? I collapsed back on the bed and rubbed my bleary eyes. “What time is it? I feel like I just fell asleep.”

  “It’s almost five thirty.” Layne settled back into his pillow next to me. “Can I hold you?”

  I turned to look at him. “Please.”

  He wrapped his arms around me, and I snuggled up against him.

  Layne’s fingers traced up and down my back. “Is there anything else I need to know? Did Jack say anything else, Ten?”

  “No. I told you everything. I just have a really awful feeling, and not because he’s here or because you’re in danger. I’m not sure what it is. I just don’t think we’re going to get out of this without losing someone.”

  “You can’t think like that, Ten. We have to stay ahead of him and figure out how to communicate with each other and the police.”

  That time, I didn’t argue.

  “I might have an idea, but you’ve got to trust me. I can’t say anything yet until I’m sure,” Layne said.

  I stuck my lower lip out in a pout as I looked up at him. “I don’t like this.” I flattened my hand against his chest.

  “Me either, but I’ll tell you as soon as everything is ironed out. In the meantime, I’d prefer that you not go anywhere in public without Michael or me. I’m not trying to be a controlling ass, but if Jack got to you in Barney’s and slipped past the bodyguards, this guy knows what the fuck he’s doing. Plus he’s eluded the FBI across eleven states. We have to be more careful.”

  I massaged my temples and blew out a big breath. “I know. I was just grateful Avery wasn’t with me. She usually is, but she left since Justin broke up with her. Shit. I’m supposed to have girl time with her today. I can’t not see her, babe. She needs me. And what excuse would I give her anyway? Oh, hey, so Jack Flannery held a knife to my neck last night, and I can’t see you today because he might fillet us all.” I cringed as the words left my mouth. The gruesome details of the women he’d already killed were front and center in my mind.

  “Have her over. You girls can talk in here or in the family room. I’m sure Benji’s parents would prefer that right now anyway. Benji and I will hang, maybe pick up some dinner for everyone.”

  “Are you and Benji getting closer?” My heart fluttered with hope. It would be beyond amazing if Layne and Benji became tight. I knew that sometimes friendships drifted apart when someone fell in love, but I refused to let that happen. Benji and I were a package deal. If Layne loved me, then he would have to love Benji too. Well, maybe not love him, but I couldn’t have someone upset over me sitting in his lap or planting a juicy kiss on his mouth.

  “He really loves you,” Layne said, his voice full of respect. “He straight-up told me I’d better not break your heart, or there would be serious consequences.”

  “Did he?” I giggled. “And he would make sure you paid for hurting me too. I love him so much. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had. There was just something with us that clicked. No judgment … just acceptance. It’s been like that since day one.”

  “I can tell. I hope to have that with you as well.”

  I propped up on my elbows. “Layne Garrison, if I didn’t have that kind of trust in you, I wouldn’t have told you about Jack. I just hope like hell I didn’t make a horrible mistake.” I leaned over and kissed him. “I’m not sure what part of you is my favorite: your lips, your eyes, or your dick.” I slid my hand beneath the covers and into his sweats. He was already hard and ready for me. “I need a distraction.” I moved my leg over his and let him take control. Sometimes it was sweeter to surrender.


  Avery looked like hell. Her green eyes were swollen and red from crying. All I wanted to do was pop Justin in the nose for what he was doing to her. Instead, I hugged her and pulled her inside Benji’s house. Other than the previous night at Barney’s, it was the first time we were all together, but first, she needed girl time.

  She slipped off her coat, and I attempted to mask my surprise. Avery never ever wore T-shirts, especially not wrinkled ones. Her eyes fell to the floor as a hint of pink crept up her cheeks. “Thanks for having me over.” She tucked her dark-brown hair behind her ear.

  Where was my confident friend? I wasn’t sure what had happened yet, but it seemed as though Justin had done a number on her, and I didn’t like it at all.

  “Yeah, I think we will have more privacy here than if we went out for coffee. At least you can cry and yell if you need to without anyone staring.” I took her hand then pulled her up the stairs and to my bedroom.

  “Your ass looks great,” she said, walking behind me. “Probably because it’s getting tapped.”

  I giggled. “Thank you. I’m … really happy.” I shut my mouth. She wasn’t there to discuss Layne and me. This was about her and how I could make her feel better.

  She flopped down in the middle of my king-size bed, and I closed the door before joining her.

  I moved the cream and black decorative pillows, then crawled onto the bed and propped up on my side. “Spill, sweetie.” Avery had my full attention.

  She sniffled, then rifled through her jeans pocket for a tissue. “I don’t know what happened, Ten. One week, I’m meeting his parents. Then the next, bam! Like, he wants to see other people? I don’t know what I did wrong.”

  My heart cracked right down the middle. Why did women think that if a guy didn’t like them, it was because something was wrong with them? Sometimes people weren’t a good fit, and sometimes the guy was a straight-up asshole. I’d seen how well Avery treated Justin, so I didn’t think it was anything she had done.

  “There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re smart, seriously hot, fun, and you have an amazing heart.”

  “I caught him with another girl,” Avery wailed.

  Dammit. I would string him up by his dick. “What do you mean caught? As in they were in bed together? A kiss?” Not that it mattered. He was obviously a complete and total jack wad.

  “Kissing while we were all at Barney’s! They snuck off to the parking lot, and …” She trailed off, swiping away tears.

  My stomach dipped. Jack had been out there. What if something had happened? Whatever plan Layne was figuring out, I hoped it was good.

�And then Ramsey caught us arguing,” Avery continued. “I was so embarrassed.” Her hands flew over her face as she broke down in sobs.

  “I’m sure Ramsey didn’t think anything about it. He seems pretty nice, right?” I had no idea if he was or not. I was just grasping at anything to say that would help her feel a little bit better.

  “Yeah,” she squeaked.

  “He certainly was gorgeous. Did you say he’s transferring to college up here?”

  Avery wiped her cheeks and blew out a big breath. “In January. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other, but our parents have been friends for years. We used to visit Ramsey and his family every summer. Well, sort of. We’d all meet in the Hamptons for the summer. I went until I turned seventeen, then I was too cool to hang out with them. It’s been four years since I’ve seen them.”

  I cleared my throat and prepared to give the best speech I could. I wasn’t sure if Avery would believe it, but I would.

  “You know I love you, right?” I started.

  Avery’s eyes connected with mine, and she nodded.

  “Although I pretended to be normal, bouncing around foster homes fucked me up. Men thought they had the right to screw me, and often times, the wife grew jealous even though I wasn’t asking for it.” I rubbed my forehead. Telling her about my past was harder than I’d anticipated. “I moved to Spokane to start over, and you and Benji became my family. There weren’t expectations or sex involved, just me. You just loved me for me. It didn’t matter what flaws I had, how difficult it was to get to know me, or how long it took me to warm up and trust you—you loved me anyway.” I sat up and took her hand, hoping she understood what I was trying so hard to convey. “You loved me because you saw something inside me that was worth the risk. You showed up day after day until my walls crumbled, and I let you in. Avery, there’s a guy for you that will do the same. He will show up for you over and over and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re worth every minute.”


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