Book Read Free


Page 7

by Desiree Holt

  He turned on the radio to his favorite country music station and deliberately forced his mind away from Flame and anything to do with her, focusing instead on the job site he was heading toward.

  * * * * *

  By Thursday, Jen had already decided to skip Finesse for this weekend. She was sure Tyler would be there and for her mental health, she needed to take a break. She could feel herself drawn deeper and deeper into a circle with Tyler. Since the day she’d finally managed to wrest herself away from him—okay, say it, Derek Collins—she’d made a vow that no one would ever have that level of power over her again. There was a big difference between domination and total control. She’d had to learn the hard way how to submit without completely submerging herself. Now she’d met a man with whom she had such instant unexpected chemistry that it was taking all her discipline to contain herself.

  Worse yet, after a few sessions she was having a hard time imagining herself with any other partners. Not good. How had this man worked his way under her skin in such a short time? Hadn’t she learned her lesson? Talk about being a glutton for punishment, in more ways than one.

  Was Tyler expecting her this weekend? They hadn’t confirmed anything but she’d seen him talking to Marco before he left. If she just didn’t show up he’d be angry. Maybe even hurt. She certainly didn’t want that. She just needed some breathing room to get her head on straight.

  Grabbing her cell phone she texted the dungeon master. Call me when you get this message. Because he stayed until the club closed each night, she knew it would be early afternoon before she heard from him. Decision made, she forcibly pushed thoughts of Tyler McMann from her mind and went back to work, trying to focus on what was on the screen.


  Only supreme discipline and the knowledge that a lot of people were paying McMann Development a great deal of money had forced Tyler to really focus on the job site today. He’d brought the new employment paper to Phil D’Amico, a man he’d hired frequently and one of the two he’d offered a fulltime slot to. Then he’d hightailed it back to the office to take care of his other hire, Lew. Tyler finally gathered the papers he’d been working with that were spread out across his desk and tucked them neatly into a folder before buzzing for Leah. Unlike Alex and Josh, he didn’t need his own secretary. While they were more than willing to share theirs with him, he preferred to tap Leah when he needed work done. Besides, she was bright and prompt and doing her best to learn as much about the business as possible.

  But even as he made notes for Leah on the folder, his mind drifted again to Flame. Again his mind filled with images of her naked except for that mask and those very sexy boots. He saw again her nicely rounded ass in the air, the skin shaded pink and rose and hot red from his strokes against her skin. Her cream slicking her pussy. He closed his eyes for a moment, again feeling her clench around his cock as he pounded into her. Her light sandalwood scent teasing his nostrils.

  His eyes flew open as he realized his hand had drifted toward his cock.


  He looked quickly to make sure no one had walked into his office while he was in fantasyland then gave himself a mental slap. What was he doing having almost-wet dreams about some woman?

  But this wasn’t just any woman. This one was special. Very special. And it hadn’t taken much time at all for him to realize it. In all the years since he’d embraced his Dom personality, Tyler had searched for a woman whose taste and desire matched his. Who submitted because the exchange of pleasure was real. Who wanted him.

  Tyler liked to think of himself as a responsible Dom, always respectful of his subs. Some he’d been able to push harder than others. Some were what he liked to call “professional subs”, women looking for the dominance without a relationship. As long as he hadn’t realized that life was catching up with him, he was good with that. But then his brothers had gotten themselves very happily married and he’d taken a good look at where he was in his life.

  And exactly where was he?

  Shying away from marriage, jealous of what his brothers had found, suddenly tired of the meaningless sessions at Finesse that relieved his sexual tension and nothing else. Still trying to convince himself that was what he wanted.

  Until Flame.

  A laugh shook him from his reverie and he turned to see Josh standing in his doorway.

  “Those quick naps are great, aren’t they?” he grinned.

  Tyler frowned. “I was just thinking about something.”

  “Must have been some heavy thinking.” He nodded at the folder in Tyler’s hand. “Want me to give that to Leah? I’m on my way out. Got a meeting with a possible new client.”

  “Yeah?” Tyler lifted an eyebrow. “One day we’re busting our balls to build a clientele and the next they seem to keep falling into our collective lap.”

  “I think we can thank Concordia for that. When you hit the big leagues everyone wants to come along. With, by the way, appropriate credit to our sister-in-law Olivia.”

  Livy was a corporate officer at Concordia and the one Alex worked with the most when they were creating the project. The president of the company put a lot of stock in her opinions but they also knew she never slanted her opinion if she didn’t believe in a project.

  “Which is why,” Josh went on, “you should definitely make yourself available for her barbecue Saturday night and be very charming to her friend.”

  Tyler twisted his lips in a wry grin. “Don’t you think I’m a little old to be fixed up? Don’t your wives think I can get a woman on my own?”

  Josh laughed. “Come on, you know that’s not it. For one thing, I’ve discovered that all married women, especially newlyweds, want all their friends to have the same happiness they do. And secondly, for some reason, you’re considered quite a catch. Livy must have someone special in mind for you.” His face sobered. “You don’t seem to date any woman more than two or three times. We’re all a little concerned that you need to think about settling down.”

  “At thirty-six?”

  “You don’t want your kids in high school when you’re collecting Social Security, right?”

  “Enough.” Tyler would have thrown up his hands if he wasn’t holding something. “I’ll be there Saturday night and behave myself, but I’m not bringing any engagement ring with me. Got it?”

  “Got it. Want me to take that stuff to Leah?”

  Tyler shook his head. “No, I’ll do it. I’ve got some more stuff to get ready for her.”

  “Okay. Don’t work too late.”

  Tyler could hear Josh’s laugh all the way to the elevator.


  He rubbed his forehead. He was so fucked here. He wondered what his brothers would say if they knew on the one hand, he was obsessing about a gorgeous woman who hid her identity and on the other, about a woman who could make an icehouse feel warm.

  He pulled another folder from his desk and walked out to Leah, explaining his notes to her. Then he tried to settle his mind down in his office and go over his notes from Wyoming. There were some minor changes Alex needed to make in the shopping village and he, Tyler, would need to adjust the construction accordingly. In addition, they were predicting a heavy storm and he’d urged the crews to hustle to get framing up and roofing in place so they could work inside during the bad weather. He returned calls from two of the site supervisors to check on progress and discuss some changes in materials orders.

  He had some serious brainwork to do but he couldn’t settle his mind. And he hated admitting to himself that he was stalling, hoping that he’d run into Miss Tightass when he left.

  What is this, high school? Why am I such an idiot? This is just another woman, right?

  Leah rapped on his door jamb at five thirty to tell him she was leaving and she’d have his stuff finished in the morning. Behind her he could hear others leaving—the secretaries, the junior draftsman who did the grunt work. Then everyone was gone and he had no excuse to stay. He certainly wasn’t doing anythin
g productive.

  By seven o’clock, he was driving himself crazy so he locked up and headed for the elevator. He couldn’t believe he was obsessing about not just one but two women. And two polar opposites.

  What the fuck?

  He was still talking to himself when he reached the parking level. Beside him, he heard a thunk! as the other elevator reached the floor at the same time. He glanced sideways to see Miss Tightass exiting at the same time he was. Her jaw dropped when she saw him and he could have sworn every vestige of color drained from her face.

  “Hey. Sorry if I frightened you.”

  Maybe he could get her to engage in a little conversation. Find out why the hell she ran from him like a scared rabbit and hid in her office all the time. But she turned away from him, slim briefcase clutched to her like armor and tap tap tapped her way to her car.

  Tyler stood there literally scratching his head. He’d never had a woman run away from him before. Ever. And if Miss Tightass was as capable and bright as Jack Shelton said she was, why the hell couldn’t she at least exchange a civil greeting with him?

  He shook his head. He’d do better to avoid her rather than try to solve that puzzle. He had enough on his plate as it was. He was busier than ever with work and the rest of his time he spent thinking about Flame. Miss Tightass would have to be relegated to a corner of his mind. To be dragged out if he ever had the time.

  Period. End of thought.

  Chapter Seven

  Tyler leaned against the deck railing in Alex’s back yard, nursing a bottle of beer. He’d given up a precious night with Flame to keep peace in the family and he was already regretting it. He only got to see her on the weekends, just enough to leave him hungry for more. Now he’d had to cancel one of those and he wasn’t too happy about it.

  He let his eyes roam over the crowd in the back yard. Livy had set up her iPod in a docking station with speakers so music provided background noise, mingling with the buzz of conversation. He had to grin at the sight of Alex playing Mr. Barbecue at the grill and Livy, the icon of the corporate female, fussing with appetizers and making sure everyone was taken care of. He’d never thought to see either of his brothers so immersed in such domestic bliss but it certainly seemed to agree with them. Josh, helping Alex at the grill, looked up every few minutes to see where his wife was. Every time Ness turned to look at him, he got a loopy grin on his face.

  Apparently this was what they wanted for him. And just as apparently, his sisters-in-law didn’t think him capable of finding it on his own. At least the one heading toward him right now didn’t. Livy opened the sliding door from the kitchen to the deck and stepped out, her hand on the arm of what Tyler had to admit was a really good-looking blonde.

  “Oh Tyler, there you are,” she called, towing her friend behind her. “I want you to meet Margot Schrader. I think you two will have a lot in common.”

  Tyler lifted an eyebrow. “Yeah? You in the construction business?”

  Before she could answer, Livy said, “Sort of. She does interior design.” She laughed. “You know. You build them, she decorates them.”

  Apparently comfortable with Livy’s enthusiasm, Margot just grinned. “At least we both deal with buildings of some kind. Livy, go take care of your guests. Tyler and I will be fine.”

  Oh? Would they?

  He deliberately let his gaze roam her body from head to toe. Sleek blonde hair was pulled back into a long tail, accenting the sculptured lines of her face. High cheekbones, aquiline nose, full lips. And hazel eyes that seemed to change color every moment. The soft fabric of her pink top draped almost lovingly over full breasts and white shorts left exquisitely long legs bare.

  She crossed her arms and leaned against the corner of the railing, mischief dancing in her eyes.

  “I take it you got the spiel from Livy about the exciting person she wanted you to meet?”

  Tyler chuckled. “Actually, I got it from Alex. My brother. Her husband. But then you know that, right?”

  “I do. I was in their wedding party but I’m sure you don’t remember me.”

  He frowned, trying to remember which of the females in the long pale-green dresses had been her. He and Josh had been so focused on making sure the ceremony went off without a hitch, he’d hardly paid attention. And later he’d had a few drinks and danced obligingly with the bride, his mother, and everyone’s relatives. He never really paid much attention to the women at these events because the last thing he expected to find was a submissive just waiting for a Dom to claim her. The circles his brothers traveled in were so vanilla he wondered if they even knew what BDSM was.

  And he wasn’t about to explain it to them.

  “Sorry.” He hoped he sounded appropriately penitent. “I think the entire evening was a blur for me. All the relatives and stuff. You know how it is.”

  She laughed, a pleasant sound that at least didn’t grate on his nerves.

  “Relax, Tyler. It’s okay. It should probably be a blow to my ego that I was so unmemorable to you, but my ego can take a hit. And I have no expectations of this evening, either.”

  Well, that laid it right out there, didn’t it.

  “I don’t know—”

  She put her hand gently on his arm and moved closer to him. “I know Livy, god bless her, has some notion of getting us together. Since she got married she thinks everyone should be coupled up.” Her hand caressed the bare skin of his forearm. “I’m just here to have a good time. I hope we can have it together.”

  “I’m thinking since you were a bridesmaid, you and Livy have known each other for some time,” he guessed.

  He was determined to make the best of the situation, even though what he really wanted was to be at Finesse fastening clamps to Flame’s nipples and sliding a plug into her beautiful ass. Then ordering her to her knees to take him into her mouth as she’d done the first night.

  “We met about five years ago. I did some work for Concordia, an office complex they developed and we just hit it off.” She glanced at her friend who was weaving in and out among people chatting and making sure everyone was taken care of. “I’m glad she and Alex found each other. He’s absolutely perfect for her and she’s nuts about him.”

  “No crazier than he is about her. I like seeing my brother happy. Both of them.”

  “I’ve never met Josh and Ness.” She looked around again. “That must be him over there with Alex. The three of you really look a lot alike.

  “I guess.”

  “And that must be his wife he’s giving that lovesick look to.”

  Tyler laughed. “Yeah, he’s got it bad. They both do.”

  “Well.” She moved close to him again. “I’m glad I got to meet the unattached brother.” She winked. “I’ll bet you’re the best of the lot.”

  Her perfume was a floral scent that at any other time might have appealed to him. But tonight it seemed overpowering when he compared it to Flame’s hint of sandalwood. Everything about this woman seemed overpowering—her slightly too- tight shorts, her nipples that managed to protrude through both her top and her bra. The way she moved close to him so there was barely room between them. The hungry smile on her lips and the predatory gleam in her eyes.

  He shifted slightly to put a little room between them, trying to do it without offending her. She was definitely a hot looking woman. Maybe he should give her a chance. She certainly seemed more than willing for anything he had in mind. He’d be a fool not to at least consider it. Maybe he could at least ease some of the incredible sexual tension that had built up since he’d last been with Flame. He supposed he could give it a shot. His heart wasn’t in it but maybe his dick could be.

  And aren’t I just being the asshole of the night.

  He pointed to the big coolers on the other side of the deck. “What’s your poison? They’ve got beer, wine and soft drinks.”

  She looked at the bottle in his hand. “Whatever you’re having is good.”

  He fetched one from its bed of ice, pri
ed the cap off and handed it to her. She clinked her bottle against his.

  “Here’s to having fun tonight.” She paused. “You good with that?”

  Tyler paused for the briefest of moments, while the vision of a woman with rich red hair and luscious curves danced in his eyes. Then he nodded. What the hell, he was here anyway. Right?

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They took their drinks and wandered through the back yard, stopping to chat with people. Some of them she knew, others Tyler knew. None that they both knew, however. All the while it was happening Tyler had the feeling he was physically removed and was keeping an eye on two people, neither of whom was him. It was an odd feeling.

  Margot was a toucher. One minute she had her hand on his arm, then his shoulder, or his back. She casually brushed the hair back from his forehead, her fingers lingering just a little too long on his skin. When they sat at one of the picnic tables to eat her hand kept finding its way to his thigh. And oh wow. Was that a gentle squeeze he felt? Could she be more obvious?

  Tyler did his best to be polite without giving out the wrong signals. Especially with Livy casting glances at them every chance she had.

  “So,” she said, finally plopping down across from them. “I’m so glad to see the two of you getting along so well. I just knew you’d fit together.”

  “Oh, I think we’ll fit together just fine.” Margot’s laugh had a sultry edge to it. She squeezed his thigh again.


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