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Page 9

by Desiree Holt

  Tyler looked expectantly at the dungeon master.

  “What’s the word?”

  “She’s waiting for you.”

  Tyler relaxed, the tension easing from his body. “Good. Thank you.”

  Marco put a hand on his arm to stay him. “Be good to her, Tyler. If you feel for her what you told me you do, then be very good to her.”

  Tyler scowled. “You don’t trust me with her?”

  “That’s not it at all. Flame is…special.”

  “I get that, believe me. So let me ask you a question. And I want an honest answer. Do you think it’s possible for this to happen so fast? This connection? Am I making this up in my own mind?”

  The other man smiled at him. “I’ve seen it happen before. Who can tell why? I wish both of you luck.”

  Tyler felt like a nervous teenager when he opened the door to her room and found her standing there, the vision that danced in his dreams every night. He stood there mesmerized, drinking in the sight of her like a man dying of thirst. Then he blinked, shaking himself back to awareness, and realized that she was trembling. Was there something wrong? As a responsible Dom, it was up to him to make sure his sub was properly prepared both mentally and physically. That she was as ready for the session as he was. With Flame, it now went even deeper. If he wanted to approach her about taking this beyond Finesse, he had to make her feel safe with him.

  He took one of her hands in his, surprised at how cold it felt.

  “Is something wrong? We can cancel this if you’re not up to it.”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m fine.” She smiled. “Just excited to see my Master.”

  And that’s what I want to be. Your Master. The only one.

  He captured both her hands and held them to his chest, drawing her close to him.

  “You have to know I want more than this with you. I want to see you outside Finesse. Know who you are behind that mask.”

  She dragged her even, white teeth across her lower lip. “You might not like that person as much.”

  “I can’t imagine that. Besides, I can sense you feel the same way. Right?”

  She hesitated a moment then shook her head, a desperate look in her eyes.

  “No. I’m sorry. I can’t do that.”

  He frowned. “Why not? Flame, we have something going here. I’ve never wanted that with any of my other subs. Or any of the vanilla women I dated who I thought might have submissive tendencies.” He kissed each of her fingers. “Tell me you want this too.”

  She was silent for so long he began to think he’d misread the entire situation. When she wet her full lower lip with her tongue, he wanted to forget the question and just bite her lip.

  “When do you go back to Wyoming?” She wanted to know.

  He’d managed a few personal discussions with her after each of their sessions, although it was like pulling teeth.

  “Next Monday. I’ll be gone for a week or two.”

  Another long pause. “I’ll give you an answer when you return. Can that be good enough for you? For now?”

  Hell no!

  “Apparently it will have to be.” He dropped her hands. When he spoke again it was with his Dom voice. “You know the drill. Bustier off and assume the submissive pose.”

  His cock threatened to push its way out of his jeans as he watched her release her full breasts and expose the rest of her body. He wanted hours to lick her all over, her hands tied to his headboard, her eyes blindfolded so the only thing she could concentrate on was the feel of his tongue everywhere.

  She was on her knees now, head bent, hands behind her back. He’d tried to think what different things he wanted to do with her tonight, something that would separate him from all her other Doms. He’d already decided against a punishment session tonight. She might get off on that, as did he, but tonight he wanted to leave her still so aroused, wanting him so desperately that she’d agree to his request.

  “Tonight we’ll use the table. Rise, sub, and walk with me.”

  She followed him to the well-padded leather table, fitted with cuffs for the wrists and ankles. It put her at just the right height for him to do whatever he wished with her. He’d seen candles in one of the drawers and the glass holders for them. After cuffing her wrists and ankles, he searched to find the colors and scents he wanted, along with a wand lighter and a set of nipple clamps.

  “Tonight,” he began, his voice soft, “I plan to leave you wanting more with me. I want to be in your head every minute I’m gone so the answer to my question will be an easy yes for you.”

  Setting up everything on the wide edge of the table, he stepped to the wall and pressed a button to turn on the programmed music. He chose classical to set the mood and smiled when soft notes drifted into the room. He wanted to create the right atmosphere.

  “No speaking at all,” he commanded.

  She nodded, her eyes wide beneath the mask.

  Lowering his head to her breasts he took a nipple into his mouth, sucking it, nibbling on it, soothing it with his tongue over and over until she began to squirm as much as her limited ability allowed.

  “No moving,” he ordered.

  “But Master, I—”

  “No talking at all.”

  When he was satisfied he’d tormented the one nipple to the fullest, he placed one of the clamps on it and tightened down. The bud protruded, swelling a deep ruby as the blood was compressed in the tissues. He repeated the same process with the other nipple, fastening the second clamp in place. He swallowed a smile as he watched her body tremble with the effort to remain still.

  “Very good,” he told her.

  He lit the wick on the red candle, the strawberry scent immediately releasing into the air. Carefully and with a steady hand he let it drip first on one nipple then on the other until each one was covered with a layer of the warm wax. As the first drip landed Flame curled her fingers into the palms of her hands so she could control any movement of her body. Through the slits in the mask she watched every movement he made.

  “I think purple next,” he told her, “to blend with the red.”

  He took his time drawing a design on her body, outlining each rib and circling her navel. One piece of music segued into the next as he slowly created a design. He knew her nipples were tightly compressed, the clamps pinching them hard, the wax preventing the air from soothing them. He also saw the heat in her eyes as the pain speared through her breasts and down to her cunt. Oh yes, she was getting off on this. Too bad he’d decided to deny her the ultimate satisfaction.

  Before selecting another candle, he slipped his hand between her thighs, his thumb tracing the line of her slit. He was more than pleased to find her flesh slick with her juices. Teasingly he rasped the pad of his thumb over her clit and her body jerked involuntarily. Her nails dug into the palms of her hands and every visible muscle in her body tightened.

  “I’m sorry, Master.” Her eyes pleaded with him to understand. “It’s just…hard.”

  Yeah, it damn sure is. If I bump into the table it might break off.

  “I’ll forgive a little disobedience but not much.”

  He took his time with the other candles, adding orange and yellow to simulate the dancing colors of a flame. One was used to outline the previous one. And each time he completed a color he brushed a fingertip over her clit. He watched her carefully when he did it but now she was prepared. Her body was in a tense state of readiness, of expectation. She was determined to please him. Good.

  He was down to two colors when he lifted the vibrator he’d collected and slipped it easily into her pussy. Her eyes behind the mask widened as she felt it filling her. He was about to test her discipline to its limits. Deliberately he set the toy on its lowest setting, knowing from experience that it would arouse her just enough to want an orgasm but not enough to actually achieve it. He was definitely making sure she’d be thinking only of him while he was gone.

  He hummed along with the music as he completed the wax
design on her body. Setting everything aside, he released the manacles and eased her over onto her stomach without breaking the wax. The candles that Finesse stocked were a special kind of wax that took a long time to set. Expensive but worth it.

  Squeezing a generous amount of lube onto his finger he used one hand to spread the plump cheeks of her ass while he slowly inserted the well-greased finger into her rectum. He felt the vibrator humming softly away through the thin shield between the two channels.

  Taking his time, he worked the lube into her tissues, her tiny little moans sending waves of pleasure straight to his balls. He began to wonder who was being tortured here. He picked up the butt plug he’d chosen and slowly and carefully inserted it into her well-prepared ass. She twitched just once, at the first contact. He caressed her when it was fully lodged inside her, feeling the fine tension running through her body as she reached for every bit of control.

  He left her face down on the table while he stripped off his clothes, tossing them to the side. Then he lifted her off the table and eased her to the floor.

  “On your knees,” he commanded.

  He saw the effort she made not to respond to the toys or the wax as she obeyed him.

  “Take my cock in your hands and put it in your mouth. Cup my balls and suck me hard.”

  He clenched his hands as her full lips surrounded his rigid shaft and she slid it over her waiting tongue. Her hands were soft as they found his balls, her fingers manipulating them. Her fingers gripped the root of his cock as her head moved up and down, her teeth gently scraping the skin.

  “More. Suck me harder.”

  He wasn’t going to last very long, He’d hoped to stretch this out but he’d managed to fray his control along with hers. In mere seconds he felt the punch of the orgasm rising through him, muscles in his back tightening.

  “Swallow it,” he gasped as he exploded into her mouth.

  She did as he commanded, taking every bit of his semen into her, squeezing his balls as he spurted over and over again. He barely had enough strength left to stand when he was finished. He stood for a moment, catching his breath before cupping her chin and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

  “You performed very well, girl. Very well. I’m pleased.” She smiled, obviously expecting her turn to come.

  He lifted her to the table, stretching her out, and using the tip of a finger to brush the wax from each nipple. Slowly he released the clamps, sucking each taut bud to ease the return of the flow of blood. Next he bent her legs up to remove the butt plug. Finally he turned off the vibrator and eased it from the hot wet grip of her pussy.

  He swept everything he’d used into a basket and left it for one of the attendants to clean or dispose of. Then he helped Flame to sit up. Her eyes held a confused expression.

  “Do I…am—”

  “Going to come?” He shook his head. “Not tonight. I spoke with Marco and you have no other sessions scheduled.”

  “But I—”

  “No. You don’t. I can’t control what you do while I’m gone but I sure as hell don’t want anyone with you after I leave tonight.” He eased a hand between her thighs, found her clit and gave it a light pinch. “No getting yourself off when you’re alone at home, either. And if you have an orgasm with anyone else while I’m away you won’t enjoy it because you’ll be thinking of this. Of me. Of us.”

  “Tyler, I—”

  Again he interrupted her. “I want you to think long and hard about everything, Flame. About what we could have beyond these walls. About what we could build together. About letting me see what’s behind the mask.”

  “Oh, Tyler.”

  She sounded so despairing he almost changed his mind. Almost.

  “One month,” he reminded her. He took a step forward, cradled her face between his palms and kissed her with everything he felt. He tasted her lips, her tongue, even her gums. He coaxed her tongue to dance with his and sucked it into his mouth. Her hands gripped his wrists for balance as she answered heat with heat.

  “Think about that while I’m gone.” He turned at the door and repeated, “One month.”

  * * * * *

  Jen looked at the calendar on her computer knowing that the date hadn’t changed since five minutes ago. Or five hours. She’d marked it with a star so she’d remember, although how she’d ever forget was a mystery. It was a Friday and Tyler was due back today. He’d called Marco a week ago and Marco had called her.

  “The man’s on a mission, sweetie,” he told her.

  “I know, I know. What shall I do, Marco? You always have all the answers.”

  He laughed. “Don’t I wish.” Then his tone sobered. “The choice is yours, you know. But if you feel comfortable with him, if he’s not given you any reason to distrust him, if you want to be with him, then you know my answer.”

  “Take off the mask and tell him what he wants to know.” How many times had he told her that already?

  “Let me know what you decide. He’s asked me to block out Friday night for him, the night he comes back, but if you want out of this I have to know how to handle it.”

  “I will. I promise.” She couldn’t leave Marco hanging, not when he’d been so good to her. Actually been her savior.

  Staring at the calendar she chewed her lip and wished for once she could make up her mind. She’d taken months to recover from Derek’s control and manipulation of her. He’d cut her off from all her friends and terrorized her so she scarcely spoke to anyone at work. Just kept her head down and did her job.

  With Marco’s help—and she still didn’t know what compassion had driven him to help her—she’d found an apartment, gone to counseling, pulled her life together. He’d even gotten her a recommendation to the job at Larkin and Associates. She was damn good at what she did, that she knew for sure. She supposed Ed Larkin still wondered why she refused to come to client meetings and preferred to hole up in her office all the time, meeting only with him. But she’d made herself the best at what she was so he didn’t ask questions.

  Finesse had become her other home, a place where she could give free rein to her submissive side behind the mask of Flame. And switch at times to reassure herself that she could hold the upper hand. But oh lordy, how she’d yearned to find someone she could be herself with. Was Tyler that person? Could she actually trust her instincts?

  She now had another problem to consider. Larkin had met with Alex and Josh McMann and the development firm was now a client. But he told her the brothers had requested she be present for client meetings since she’d be doing the bulk of the work. Since she had no logical explanation to offer him as to why that was impossible, she’d just nodded and wondered how she was going to get out of this. She felt as if her carefully constructed life began dissolving the moment she met Tyler McMann and she needed to figure out what to do about it.

  She glanced at the clock. Four thirty. Marco hadn’t said what time Tyler would be landing, only that he flew back and forth on one of the Concordia jets. Which meant he could already be here. Or not.


  She was making herself crazy. She’d just finish this one thing she was working on and go home. If she did go to Finesse tonight, she wanted time to prepare herself. Treat herself to a bubble bath. Spread on her favorite sandalwood cream. Take extra pains with her hair and makeup. And maybe in the privacy of her place she could straighten out her muddled brain and get it in tune with her over-aroused body.

  And over-aroused was definitely the word. Something perverse in her psyche had made her cancel all her sessions at Finesse. Probably because now she couldn’t see herself in that kind of situation with anyone but Tyler. But it also meant that since the night he’d teased her and brought her to the edge of orgasm without giving her the release she needed, she’d felt as if she was dancing on the head of a pin.

  He’d told her that if she found release with any of her other partners, she’d see his face instead of the one she was with. She knew that was probably the damn tr
uth so she’d had Marco wipe the books clean. She also knew instinctively that if she’d given herself the release she so badly needed, he’d know about it and not be pleased. Several times she’d thought to do it and beg for the punishment but something had stopped her.

  With determination, she focused on her computer screen and went to work. At five o’clock she closed everything down, gathered her purse, locked her office and headed for the elevator.

  “Leaving early?” Jack Shelton’s voice held a note of amusement. “I didn’t think you went home until the cleaning crew got here.”

  She wanted to smack him. If not for his newfound friendship with Tyler she wouldn’t be in this muddle. Wait, no. This was her fault, but he didn’t help matters.

  “Just decided to change my routine.” She stared at the elevator, willing it open, jabbing the button with her thumb.

  “It gets here when it gets here. What’s the rush tonight?”

  “It’s Friday.”

  Before he could ask her what she meant by that the elevator car arrived, the doors opened and she stepped in, heaving a sigh of relief. The car was jammed, something she wasn’t used to and she realized she’d never left the office during the usual exit time. Not to mention the fact it was Friday.

  She often wondered why everything was so much more crowded on Fridays. Did people suddenly bloom like plants to jam the streets and roadways on the weekends? She was beginning to think so as the car made three more stops and people squeezed in where she swore there wasn’t any more space. She breathed a sigh of relief when the elevator finally bumped to a stop at the parking level where she’d left her car. Looking neither right nor left, she almost ran to her parking space.

  The first thing she did was undo her usual bun and release the cascade of curls. Keeping her hair pinned up so tightly usually gave her a headache by the end of the day but it was part of her public image. Then she took off her glasses and put them in the console tray.

  It took her a few minutes to back out and pull into line to leave the garage. The steady flow of outbound vehicles was another reason she never left early. Her mind was so engrossed in her dilemma, in what she would say or do tonight at Finesse, she didn’t take the time to be sure no one else was coming down the lane heading out. She simply backed up without checking her rear view mirror again and slammed on her brakes before shifting into drive.


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