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I Will Always Love You

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by Kathryn Shay


  The Gentileschi Sisters

  Book 1

  Kathryn Shay

  I Will Always Love You

  Copyright © 2018 by Kathryn Shay

  All Rights Reserved

  Published by Ocean View Books

  Cover Design by Shelley Kay at Web Crafters

  Smashwords Edition

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  Once upon a time, in a faraway land called Casarina, lived King Alessio Gentileschi and Queen Renata. Their seven girls are the center of their lives. All grown up now, these women journeyed to the United States to train or educate themselves but the king and queen fear they will never return home.

  Who are the princesses of Casarina?

  Callandra (Calla) Gentileschi, 31, heroine in NO OTHER LOVE, in the To Serve and Protect series. Married, with one child, Razim, she resides in the U.S. for six months and in Casarina for the other half of the year.

  Francesca (Frankie) Gentileschi, 29, cop in Baltimore City, just transferred to a new task force. She uses the queen’s surname, Marcello.

  Gabriella (Brie) Gentileschi, 27, grade school teacher in a low income area, plans to open her own school in the U.S.

  Ravenna (Raven) Gentileschi, 26, artist, art therapy practice, and has illustrated her sister’s children’s book. She uses the queen’s surname, Marcello.

  Evangelina (Evvie) Gentileschi, 24, dedicated neonatal nurse, main hobby is watching major league baseball.

  Mariela (Mari) Gentileschi, 23, widowed at 20, she’s now in Georgetown Law School and has a five-year-old daughter, Lilliana. She uses her married name Moretti.

  Alexandra (Lexy} Gentileschi, 21, has just sold her children’s book to an American publisher. She uses the queen’s name, Marcello.

  The men of The Gentileschi Sisters:

  Connor Marino, husband of Callandra, hero of NO OTHER LOVE.

  Tyrell Beauregard Collingsworth, cop in Baltimore, on the same task force as Francesca.

  Dante Federico, new Physical Education teacher at Gabriella’s school.

  Blake Parker, gallery owner, plans a show of Ravenna’s art.

  Mike Jagielski, star player on the Baltimore Raiders major league baseball team, meets Evangelina at a game.

  Jordan Dubois, professor at Georgetown Law School, has Mariela as a student.

  Ryder Reynolds, vice president of Reynolds Publishing, buys Alexandra’s children’s book.

  Chapter 1

  In the limousine on the way to Madison Avenue in Manhattan, Lexy tried not to fidget, not to squirm with excitement and nervousness. She was selling a book!

  On one side of her, Raven took her hand. This sister wasn’t as demonstrative as the rest of the Gentileschi girls, but she was always, always there when one of them needed her. “The meeting will go great, kiddo. You’re in the driver’s seat.”

  “I know. Here.” She put a finger to her temple. “But here,” a hand on her heart, “I’m scared to death.”

  Her mother, the queen of Casarina, smiled over at her girls. “You have us and Emma Wilder to support you, dear.” Emma was Lexy’s newly-hired agent.

  “And you have always been there for me, Mamá.”

  Raven stared out the window. “The traffic in this city is so congested.”

  “Combined with the February snow and slush, it would be difficult to drive the streets of New York.” Renata turned to Raven. “I like your hair, darling. It’s lovely longer.” Since the first royal grandchild’s christening six weeks ago, Raven had been growing out her short, spiky locks, and waves were beginning to frame her face.

  “Thanks.” Raven shrugged. “Time for a change.”

  The car stopped and started all the way down the crowded Madison Avenue. Horns beeped as New Yorkers, all buttoned up in heavy coats, darted past them at pedestrian crossings. Finally, they reached a towering glass and chrome building.

  “We’re here, Your Highness.”

  “Oh, dear, Antonio. Please don’t use our formal names of address on this trip.”

  The longtime bodyguard/driver Alessio insisted accompany them on their journey to the United States caught Mamá’s gaze in the mirror. “Yes, of course. Beg your pardon.”

  Renata leaned back in the cushions. “Good luck, girls.”

  “I’m sorry you’re not coming with us.” Lexy meant that.

  Her mother gazed fondly at her youngest. “Having your Mamá with you when you meet with these publishing people wouldn’t be professional. Call me when you’re done.” Her eyes danced. “I’m going shopping. And I’ll be totally anonymous here.”

  Antonio opened the back door, and Raven and Lexy disembarked the car. A gust of wind rushed through them. “Oh!” Lexy wasn’t used to severe February winters and tightened the scarf around her neck, held close the pink cashmere coat. Raven seemed unaffected by the weather. But she sniffed. “The street smells of exhaust and something else. Too many people?”

  “It does.”

  Once inside, they both slid off their outerwear, and Raven leaned into Lexy. “You look great in that silk outfit.”

  Mamá had bought her a new suit to wear to the meeting. “I love it.” Made of deep blue silk, it flattered her coloring and figure. She’d put her hair into a demure bun.

  They reached the reception desk. “Hello,” Lexy said. “We’re here to see Emma Wilder.”

  “Ms. Marcello?” She nodded to Raven. “And Ms. Marcello?”

  For privacy, she used her mother’s surname, as did Raven and Frankie.

  The woman picked up the phone, pressed a button and spoke into it. “Ms. Wilder, your nine o’clock is here.”

  In minutes, Emma came down the hall and out to the foyer. With blunt-cut, reddish hair and a sturdy build, Emma stood as tall as Raven who had several inches on Lexy. “Hello, Alexandra. Nice to meet you in person.” They’d had many video calls together. “And you must be R.M. Marcello. Those illustrations are perfect. I already love Pickles.”

  “Thank you. But this is my sister’s show.”

  “Is that so?”

  Her office was high up in the skyscraper, something Alexandra was not used to. She bit her tongue so as not to reveal that where she came from there were no buildings this tall.

  At floor twenty-nine, Emma led them through a door into a huge space with bookshelves lining the walls and a fantastic view out the wide windows. “Let’s sit over here. I’ll take your coats.”

  When the clothing was hung up, Emma brought her tablet to the couches overlooking the street. “Did your trip go well?”

  “Yes.” Lexy smiled at the agent. “We visited my other sisters in Maryland and came down from there yesterday.”

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No, thanks.”

  Raven shook her head.

  The agent scanned the tablet. “We’re meeting with the Reynolds men in an hour. Their offices are right across the street.”

  Lexy and Raven both glanced out the window to see more looming edifices.

  “We should all be on the same page,” Emma continued. “We’ll hear their proposal in person, then iron out details probably over several days or weeks. They’re going to ask a great deal of you, Alexandra, in return for your demands.”

  “So you said. Do you have details?”

>   “Some clauses in the initial draft of the contract will have to be changed.”

  After researching the business online, Lexy had gained some understanding of it. “Standard things, you said.”

  The agent ran down a list of expectations: a non-compete clause, payment of the advance, a due date for revisions, responsibility for promo. Alexandra had made restrictions on the promo. After finishing the discussion of those points, Emma checked her watch. “It’s time to go.” She gave Lexy a warm smile, though she’d been rumored (on the Internet, again) to be a shark in the business. “Don’t worry, I have your back.”

  They left the office and headed downstairs, to the outside and across the street. This time, they took an elevator that opened directly into Reynolds Publishing. A woman at the desk addressed them. “Hello, there. I’m Alyssa. We’ve all been anxious to meet you two.”

  “I’m Alexandra Marcello.”

  Raven said, “I’m her sister, R.M. Marcello.”

  “The wonderful writer and illustrator. Welcome. Shall we go in?”

  Given the offices they passed, the publishers must take up up the entire floor. Alyssa walked with them to the end of the hall, then knocked on a door with the nameplate reading, “Ryder Reynolds, Vice President.”

  Someone called out, “Come in.”

  When they entered the office—again, with excessive space, several windows, a huge fancy desk and a couch—they found two men seated at a conference table. Both stood.

  “Ah, we finally get to meet.” The younger of the two approached them and held out his hand. Alexandra took it. He had a firm grip, without being overbearing. “I’m Ryder and this is my father Richard.”

  “Hello Mses. Marcello,” the elder Reynolds said, but didn’t offer to shake. “The mothers of Pickles.” Richard smiled at his own comment.

  Raven rolled her eyes when Richard turned to greet their agent. “And Emma. Nice to see you again.”

  “You too, Richard.”

  “Hello, Emma.” Ryder gave them all a bright smile.

  She’d researched him, too. He had an interesting background. Tall and fit with startling blue eyes and longish blond hair, his appearance was appealing.

  When they were seated, he began the conversation, signaling he was the lead on this deal. “We’re sorry this meeting had to be postponed, especially since we’re hoping to release the first book in six months.”

  “So soon?” Alexandra was surprised—no, shocked—at the short timeline. She’d read most books took a year to hit the stores.

  “We’re very fond of your story.” This from Richard. “And as I told your agent, we’ll be wanting more than one book.”

  Emma, who’d informed her of this, said, “Alexandra?”

  “I’m willing to write more books, and Raven will illustrate them.”

  “We should discuss the timeline for them.” This from Raven.

  “One book every six months,” Richard answered before Ryder could.

  “Seriously?” It had taken Lexy years to finish the first.

  Ryder jumped on this. “In reality, you’ll have more than six months, Alexandra. To finish book two, you’ll have six months before publication of number one, which is already written, then three more before the second due. That’s nine months.” He arched a brow. “Enough time to have a baby.”

  “It would be a two-book contract?” Alexandra asked.

  “No, three. The last is due six months later.”

  She looked to Raven. “Could you consider nine months for each book?” Raven asked Ryder.

  “We’d rather not.” Ryder’s voice was serious, but warm still. “Fans will be clamoring for more.”

  Lexy said, “We’ll need to think about that then.”

  Richard frowned. “I’m not sure the timeline is negotiable.”

  “Let’s see about the other points before we make statements like that.” Emma was pushy, and Lexy was glad. “They might affect the timeline.”

  Richard didn’t appear happy; nonetheless, Ryder went on. “You’ll be expected to be on hand for publicity.”

  Not her favorite thing, but Lexy knew she’d have to do this going in. “All right. But it will take away from writing time.”

  Ryder turned to Raven. “Also, we’d like you to be available, too.”

  Her sister frowned. “Did you agree to that, Alexandra?”

  “No. I told you, Emma, Raven doesn’t want to be a visible part of this.”

  Raven arched a brow at Ryder. “I’ll do what I need to for Alexandra, but I don’t live in the city and I have a business to run.”

  They negotiated a few appearances. They went through several items that Lexy and Raven could accept. Then Richard leaned in. “And we’ll need to know more about you, young lady. Background, where you grew up, when you started writing. Biographical items.”

  Lexy raised her chin. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. I told Emma that my background won’t be part of this endeavor.”

  “Most writers give us this information.” The older man’s tone was patronizing, like her father’s often got. “Especially unknown ones.”


  “No?” Ryder looked to Emma. “You said you’d try to convince her.”

  Lexy stared at her agent. “Did you?”

  “What I agreed to was to bring it up with you at this meeting.” Emma’s gaze narrowed on Ryder. “Don’t put words in my mouth.”

  Richard sat back, his face set in stern lines. “Revealing your background is a deal-breaker.”

  Ryder’s head snapped around to his father. Before he could speak, Lexy stood. “Well then, I guess this negotiation is over.”

  Raven stood, too.

  With a glare, Emma got to her feet. “We’ll be putting the book up for auction.”



  But the three women had picked up their coats and were already on their way out.

  * * *

  “Great going, Dad.”

  “Go get her. See what you can do. I’m done with this.” His father, tall, imposing and a bully, stood and walked out through the door that connected their two offices.

  “I’m in charge then,” Ryder called after him.

  Worried, and pissed off royally, Ryder strode out of his office and caught up with Alexandra and the others just as the elevator pinged. “Wait.”

  Holding her finger on the open button, Emma turned. Raven shot him a fiery glance. But it was the face of Alexandra Marcello that affected him the most. Her complexion was pale, she bit her lip and one hand gripped her bag tightly.

  “Do you want something, Ryder?” Emma was a force to be reckoned with, but he liked her.

  Don’t beg. Don’t apologize. But he could be kind. “Would you please come back to the office, Alexandra? The meeting didn’t go as I wanted it to.”

  She shook her head. Strands of hair escaped her bun. She seemed as vulnerable as a fawn.

  “We’re done,” Raven told him tightly.

  Emma straightened. “Are we, Ryder?”

  “I sincerely hope not. I discovered this book and very much want to publish it.”

  “Alexandra?” Emma again.

  Alexandra turned to her sister. “Raven, what do you think?”

  “Up to you, honey.”

  “All right. We’ll come back.”

  Ryder breathed a sigh of relief. And not because his father would be pleased. “Thank you.”

  Once in the office, Emma scanned the room. “No Richard?”

  “Nope. This is my account. I’m handling it.”

  “Too bad you didn’t do that earlier.”

  “Emma, please. I’m trying here.”

  He took a different seat at the table, and so did they.

  Alexandra leaned over. “Did you and your father plan to do all that?”

  “All what?”

  “He’d be the bad cop then you come after us as the good cop?”

  Hmm. Perhaps she wasn’t so vuln
erable after all. “No. I was caught off guard, too, when he said not divulging your background was a deal-breaker.”

  Emma put both hands on the table. “Where do we start?”

  “First, could you explain why you don’t want your background revealed?”

  “Maybe she’s a criminal.”

  “Well,” he said back to Raven. “That certainly wouldn’t help sales.”

  “Maybe I’m from the French mob.” A smile curved up Alexandra’s lips. Not a cute one, but a confident one.

  “Um, a sex slave?” Raven again.

  “Ladies. Stop.” But Lexy could tell Emma was amused.

  Lexy let out a deep breath. “I’m a private person. I don’t feel comfortable revealing my background to the world.”

  “But we have to have something. Knowing details about you will make the book stand out. Like Danielle Steele. She was poor, had five kids she couldn’t feed.”

  “Well, none of that is true for me. I have no children and I’m not poor.”

  “If you were, you wouldn’t have walked out.”

  “You said you’d rectify this.” Emma’s tone had become impatient.

  “Tell you what. Give me five things I can build a bio on, then we can discuss the rest of the contract.”

  Alexandra raised her chin. “I’m the youngest of seven girls. My parents and sisters read children’s books to me my whole childhood. I’m not married. I go to church.” She arched a brow. “And I like pickles.”

  He had to laugh. She had a good sense of humor, even in this tense time. “One more on where you live.”


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