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Loving Mr. July

Page 15

by Margaret Antone

  It was a stunning photograph. And the females in the audience showed their appreciation loudly.

  Smiling a little, Adam kissed Cynthia on the cheek and waved at the audience.

  “Brody,” Cynthia said, leaning toward the microphone and raising her voice over the hollering women. “Let’s auction off our first bachelor!”

  Brody shook Adam’s hand and turned to the audience. “Okay ladies, do I have a hundred?”

  And we’re off and running, Cynthia thought, turning to take a seat while she let Brody do his thing. She had a few women planted around the audience to bid on the men at her command, if necessary. She didn’t want anyone slighted, either by lack of bids or by the size of the bids. Not after all the time and money these men had invested in the evening.

  But Adam wasn’t going to need one of her mercy bidders, Cynthia noted with satisfaction. Two women near the front had already bid him up over seven thousand dollars. She hoped for Adam’s sake that the tipsy divorcee in the front row lost. He was a nice guy, and that woman was known for chewing through husbands. Cynthia suspected that even a mere weekend with her would drive Adam up a wall.

  “Sold!” Brody rapped his gavel. “To the lovely woman on my right with paddle number #240.”

  Cynthia looked up and breathed out a sigh of relief. She got up and walked over to Adam, linked fingers with him, and whispered in his ear. “You lucked out. The other one is a piranha.”

  “I figured,” Adam whispered back. “That’s why my girlfriend just spend a ton of my money outbidding her.”

  Cynthia put her other hand to her mouth and hid the giggle that threatened under a rapid clearing of her throat. She gave his hand a squeeze and let go to approach the podium. “Let’s give Adam a round of applause.”

  When the noise had died down, she added, “And the lucky winner, make room at your table, because Adam is coming down to join you!”

  “And now on to Mr. February…”

  ~ ~ ~

  Kurt tuned out the proceedings after his buddy Adam left the stage. He watched Cynthia emcee the auction with ease. She hit a different tone with each bachelor, bringing out their different personalities in a subtle, but clear way. She was good. Better than good.

  So good, in fact, that when she first started the flirting overtones with Adam, he’d felt his hackles rise, just a bit. Was Adam one of the men who knew how beautiful Cynthia was naked? Being to the side and somewhat behind Cynthia, Kurt could watch their interaction closely. And it was only after he noticed the casual stance between them, friendly but not intimate, that his stomach muscles unclenched.

  He blew out a breath, and glanced at the other men in between him and Adam. Had any of them been on a date with Cynthia? Kissed by Cynthia during their photo shoots? He shook his head. No, going down that path was madness. He had his plan in place. And in, he glanced at his watch, less than ten minutes now, based on how long it took to auction off all of the men before him, he would have his answer.

  ~ ~ ~

  As Mr. June walked off the stage to sit with his highest bidder, Cynthia glanced over at Kurt. He still slouched in his chair, his head bent down, and he clasped and unclasped his hands. Interesting. It almost looked as if he was nervous. The thought took away a smidgeon of her own nerves.

  “And now, I’d like to introduce Mr. July.” She smoothed out the introduction notes, waited for the audience to quiet. “Mr. Kurt Renton is a co-founder, along with his brother, of RentBro, Inc., an electronics firm in Carlsbad. Mr. Renton held the position of CFO up until just last week, when it was announced that he would be taking over the CEO position from his brother, Blake, who wanted to return to his geek roots.”

  She smiled over at Blake, as light laughter filled the room. “His fantasy weekend includes a drive up the coast in a beautiful Ford mustang convertible, complements of Encintas Ford, who has long been a sponsor of the Bocher Foundation.”

  A picture of the powder blue convertible appeared on the screen, followed by pictures of Big Sur, the Golden Gate Bridge, and finally Napa valley.

  “Your final destination is a beautiful bed and breakfast, housed in a quaint 19th century Victorian, where you will be wined and dined and if you so desire, treated to in room spa service.”

  As the murmurs of appreciation filled the room, Cynthia set aside her notes and turned to gesture to Kurt. “So please join me in welcoming Kurt, our Mr. July!”

  As the applause filled the room, the screen behind them switched to Kurt’s calendar pose. The women went nuts, hooting and hollering. Cynthia saw Holly put her fingers to her mouth and let out a shrill whistle.

  Holding back a laugh at Kurt’s wince, Cynthia turned the proceedings over to Brody, just as she had all the others. Only this time, she sat in a chair where she had a clear view of one of her planted bidders.

  The bidding was fast and furious. Every time it seemed like the bidding would finally wind down, Cynthia signaled to her plant to bid again. Five thousand. Six thousand. Seven thousand. But as the price reached fifteen thousand dollars, only two women were left battling it out, Cynthia’s plant, and a small, dark-haired woman at the very back of the room, beyond the range of the stage lights.

  Damn it, why wouldn’t the woman give up?

  “Going once!” Brody started the final count.

  Her plant gave her a signal. Bid higher? Cynthia waited. Was there any other place she could obtain some cash? She added up her savings and credit limits in her head again. Nope, still stuck back at fourteen thousand.

  “Going twice!”

  The signaling from her bidder grew frantic. If she bid up, she had to find the money. It wasn’t just a question of finances. Those kids at the center depended on this fundraising. And the source wasn’t going to appear from thin air. Cynthia slowly shook her head and her plant sat down.

  Cynthia hunched in her chair. What to do now?

  “Sold!” Brody turned to Kurt. “How does it feel to have women fighting over you that much?”

  Kurt put his hands out, palm upward and shrugged, a pained look on his face.

  As Cynthia made her way up to the podium to announce the winner, she made a quick decision. Now was the time to lay it on the line.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen,” Cynthia looked out at the audience and avoided Kurt’s face. “I have a confession to make. You see, that woman over there,” Cynthia motioned to her planted bidder, “she was my plant. Bidding for me, as I was supposed to be the impartial host of this evening.”

  The room grew silent. Cynthia took a deep breath. “But you see, I’m not at all. Impartial that is.”

  She motioned to Kurt. “I’ve known Kurt through my best friend, Sharon, whom many of you know is not only the owner of Grandma’s Antiques, but also the proud wife of Kurt’s brother Blake.”

  She waited for the light applause to die down.

  “And I’ve lusted after him ever since I met him.”

  Laughter didn’t obscure the sound of Kurt approaching the podium. Cynthia held up a hand, still not looking him in the face.

  “I probably join scores of other women in that category.” Cynthia heard some whistles from the back of the room.

  “But over the course of these last few months, I got to know Kurt as a person. A person of integrity, kindness, compassion, and strength.”

  Kurt came over then, put his hand on Cynthia’s shoulder.

  She turned to face him, taking one of his hands in hers. “I’ve been a total idiot where you’re concerned, Kurt. And I’m very sorry. I planted the bidder because I wanted to have a weekend with you. Time to apologize. And time to tell you I love you.”

  Kurt pulled her into his arms, tucking her head against his chest with one hand. After a long moment, he set her back from him, turned her face up and ran a hand along her cheek. He kissed first one side of her face, and then the other before turning to the microphone, one arm still draped around her shoulders.

  He cleared his throat. “I guess there is some karma in th
e world somewhere that indicates I should be having this moment in front of all you people.”

  Laughter traveled across the room.

  He hugged Cynthia. “It took a tremendous amount of courage for Cynthia to make this statement so publicly, to open herself up to risk and ridicule. Courage that maybe not all of you understand as I do. And that’s a gift she’s given me that I will always treasure. However, I have to tell you all that she’s a bit nuts…”

  Cynthia stiffened and tried to turn away. Kurt tightened his hold on her, as gasps filled the room.

  “A bit nuts to think she had to go through all of this,” he continued, waving his hand around the room, “and even be willing to put herself into deep debt in order to just have a single weekend with me.”

  He turned to face Cynthia. “Because I want so much more.” He turned her face up to his and lowered his head to kiss her fully on the mouth.

  Cheers, clapping and laughter filled the room. All Cynthia felt was the warmth of lips on hers, the promise of more in his hold. And when he lifted his head, a look that was for her alone.

  Brody cleared his throat and tapped Kurt on the shoulder. “Ah, Cynthia, Kurt? Are you forgetting something?” He inclined his head toward the audience.

  “No.” Kurt spoke directly into the microphone, one arm still encircling Cynthia’s waist. “I want everyone to know how much I love this woman.”

  Wolf whistles, hoots and hollers, laughter and clapping filled the room.

  “And,” Kurt tried to talk over the noise. When it didn’t stop, he held up his other hand. “And, I would like to ask my friend Stella to come forward.”

  The small, dark haired woman who was the winning bidder walked up to the podium, a big smile on her face.

  When she reached Kurt, he put his free arm around her shoulders. “This, my friends, is Stella Martinez, the wife of my dear friend Mario. Stella was my planted bidder.”

  Cynthia put a hand up to her mouth. Oh my God, what had she done?

  “Yes,” Kurt said, chuckling. “You just cost me a whole lot of money.”

  Cynthia bit her lip, shaking her head, as tears came to her face.

  “So Cynthia,” Kurt said, “will you be my fantasy date?”

  She nodded, crying, and turned to bury her face in Kurt’s chest.

  Stella slipped out from under Kurt’s arm, and he hugged Cynthia. Over her head, he spoke into the microphone. “I think that’s a yes, folks!”

  Stella pried Cynthia’s notes from her hand, and gave them a gentle shove so she could reach the podium.

  “Okay, then, shall we continue with this auction ladies?”

  ~ ~ ~

  Kurt watched the rest of the proceedings from the back of the room, where he’d gone after spending a few moments with Cynthia back stage. They still had some things to work out, but then again, he still had a few plans up his sleeve. For now, her dedication to the Bocher Foundation and the kids it served took first place. So she had resumed her emcee duties, joining Stella onstage to introduce Mr. September. Their easy camaraderie made the proceedings even livelier.

  Kurt turned to Mario. “You know, Dude, I may have to rethink my communications director. Stella could give you a run for your money.”

  “My lady’s one of a kind,” Mario agreed, glancing at the stage with pride before turning back to Kurt and clapping him on the shoulder, grinning. “But when word of this night gets back to the office, you may need both of us to handle the fallout.”

  “Up yours,” Kurt said, grinning back at him. Yeah, his staff would give him major ribbing. Hell, the entire company would give him major ribbing. But he knew it would all be in fun. And Cynthia, well, she was worth it.


  The sun dipped in the sky as Kurt drove Cynthia away from the Napa resort where they had spent their get away weekend. Driving through the country roads, surrounded by vineyards in the last stages of fall color, he whistled. He felt at peace, happier than he’d ever been, and wanting with everything in his power to make the same true for Cynthia. He knew their just concluded weekend had fulfilled just about every bit of fantasy that Cynthia had dreamed up. And he had enjoyed it more than he would have thought possible.

  But the day wasn’t over. And he wasn’t finished. He had a few dreams of his own.

  Taking a quick glance at his watch, he smiled. Perfect timing. The traffic gods had been kind to them, and as he took the turnoff toward the Golden Gate recreation area, he glanced over at Cynthia to see the question in her face.

  “Thought since we’re here, we might as well enjoy the sunset.”

  Cynthia seemed to take the statement at face value, just nodding and giving him a smile while snuggling deeper into her seat.

  Turning west along the roads that led to the old battery installations, Kurt parked the car where he knew they could take a trail to the cliff edge. He pulled a blanket out of the trunk and led her down the trail to a point where they could see the Golden Gate Bridge to the east, and the opening of the bay to the west. After draping the blanket on the ground, he sat down, pulling Cynthia to his lap.

  For once, the bay lacked the fog it was so famous for, and the light smattering of clouds on the horizon provided ample canvas for the sun to display its glorious colors as it dipped toward the sea.

  Watching silently, Cynthia sighed. “Beautiful. Thank you.”

  Kurt hugged her. “Like you.”

  She turned to give him a smile, and he took the opportunity to give her a deep kiss.

  “Just one thing would make it better.” Kurt pulled the small turquoise box out of his pocket and handed it to her.

  Cynthia’s face took on a look of wonder as she opened the lid to reveal the four-carat yellow diamond engagement ring.

  Kurt chuckled as she gazed at him, speechless. “Marry me?”

  Cynthia put a hand to her throat, tears flowing down her face and nodded. Then she glanced between him and the gorgeous ring and shook her head.

  “Kind of giving me mixed messages here, Cyn,” Kurt teased her. “I take it that was a yes? Or was it a no, you don’t like the ring?”

  Cynthia laughed then through her tears. “Of course it’s a yes, you crazy, impossible, wonderful man.”

  She reached up to kiss him full on the mouth. Coming up for air, she said, “But this ring, it’s too much. It must have cost you a fortune.”

  “As I plan to see it on your finger for the next fifty years or so,” Kurt nuzzled her neck, “I think the amortized cost is well worth it. Does that satisfy my businesswoman girlfriend?”

  Cynthia giggled. “No, but it satisfies your businesswoman fiancée.”

  After sliding the ring on her finger, she leaned back into his embrace and enjoyed a long kiss.

  After a while, Kurt lifted his head. “Remember the first time we made love?”

  Cynthia nodded.

  “I came this close,” Kurt said, bringing his fingers together in a pinching motion, “to asking you right then and there to marry me.”

  Cynthia looked at him in wonder. “Truly?”

  “Uh huh.” Kurt gave her a little squeeze. “But I wanted to make it more memorable.”

  Cynthia giggled. “Oh, we made our relationship memorable all right.”

  “True.” Kurt gave her a lopsided grin. “But in the end, I’m glad things worked out the way they did.”

  “Because you enjoyed watching me make a fool out of myself?”

  “As if I didn’t?” Kurt reminded her.

  “There’s that.” Cynthia grinned.

  “No, because thinking I’d lost you and then getting you back made it all the sweeter.”

  “Ah, Kurt.” Tears came to Cynthia’s eyes as she brought a hand up to his face. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I love you.”

  “I love you more,” Kurt said, kissing one of her fingertips. “And you have to admit, that’s a pretty spectacular sunset I ordered up.”

  Cynthia smiled as they watched while the sun
made its final dip into the sea.

  And watching the beautiful display with his arms wrapped around a radiant Cynthia, Kurt realized he’d finally found home.

  Loving Mr. July. Copyright © 2011 De Vries Creative LLC. All rights reserved.

  Smashwords edition. ISBN: 978-0-9837588-2-2.

  About the Author

  Margaret Antone is a California author and avid reader who grew up thinking everyone made up stories to put him or herself to sleep at night. And didn’t everyone hear dialogue between characters in their heads? Eventually abused of that notion, she decided to start writing the snippets down, and eventually they became stories, and turned into a dream of writing books for others to enjoy. Although her educational path and professional career took her into science and technology fields, she continued to work on fiction in her “spare” time. She is a member of the RWA and SCBWI author organizations. She makes her home in the bay area with her family. She would love to hear from readers. Email her at:

  Read Blake and Sharon’s story in “Practice Makes Perfect,” also available from Smashwords:

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