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Jade (Please Me #1)

Page 6

by J. J. Marstead

  “I’m close, fuck me harder,” my voice coming out as a gasp.

  “You got it darling,” his voice is rough and he fucks me like a starved man having his last meal.

  I whimper and my toes start to curl, my orgasm coming so fast that I don’t even have time to warn him. My pussy starts tightening around his cock and he curses diving into me faster than before.

  “Shit, Jade.”

  I come so hard that my eyes start to see little white stars everywhere.

  “FUCK YES,” I shout out so loud, I’m sure neighbours from two houses down heard me.

  He groans pumping his cock twice then he pulls out and comes on my ass, his jets of come hitting as far as the middle of my back. With each jet of come hitting my back makes my pussy tighten even further and my pussy does something that never happened before, I come again shouting out into the mattress.

  Jared’s breathing hard above me and chuckles through each gasp for air, “Did you just come again?” before I can even answer him, “Fuck that’s hot. You coming again from just my come hitting your body is so fucking, Jesus,” he can’t even finish his sentence.

  “What was that, three times?” his voice sounding a little cocky, he chuckles. I’m lying on my bed dead right now. My arms and legs gave out and I’m flat against my sheets. I hear him leaving my room and a few seconds later he’s back and I feel a warm cloth on my back. He cleans his come off my back, and then he rubs his fingers down the middle of my spine.

  “How are you feeling?” you can hear the smile in his voice.

  “Well fucked and relaxed,” he chuckles at my answer; he throws the wet cloth on the floor and lies down beside me smiling wide showing off his perfect teeth. God, everything on him seems perfect, his body, his hair and even his damn teeth. I shouldn’t have done this. I can see myself letting myself open up but I know it’ll be a huge mistake. Or would it? I’m torn about everything right now; my head feels like it’s going to explode.

  “I’m going to run a shower for you. I think you need it after that. Your muscles might be a little tender.”

  He leaves the room and I hear the water running, the perks of having my room beside the bathroom. He comes back into my room and lifts me off the bed holding me bridal style in his arms and brings me to the bathroom. He closes the bathroom door with his foot. The steam is already fogging up the mirror. He sets me down inside the shower and comes in behind me. He starts rubbing my shoulders and I groan because it feels so good.

  Before I know it, he has me up against the shower wall and I’m calling out his name. I’ve came a total of five times within two hours. I’m so sleepy when we get out of the shower. He takes me back to my room after were all dried off and he places me under the covers and kisses my lips with a little peck and he starts getting dressed. Once he’s fully dressed he then walks over to the bed, leaning down he places a kiss to my forehead and tells me I better be at work tomorrow night. I nod my head, a little lazy smile playing on my face, he grins leaving my room.

  Holy fucking hell, did all that really just happen? If they did this to me to confuse me even more. Well, mission accomplished. I’m more fucked up now than I was before. Shit!

  Chapter 5

  Two weeks later…

  I know most of you are probably wondering what happened to me within those two weeks, did you seriously think I would’ve left that out? Well any who this is what happened. After all the most amazing orgasms ever, Jared left to go home, Sherry came home around one AM. April well she found out her brother was in town already, he wanted to surprise her and surprise her he did. I remember the shock she was in to find her brother standing outside the apartment door. Her brother is tall with dark hair, when you look between the both of them it’s hard to see them as siblings because April has blonde hair and Mike has dark brown. He takes after his father for the dark hair. I haven’t met them yet but I’ve seen pictures of them both and April has told me that she has blonde hair like her mother.

  When Sherry met Mike, well let’s just say she wasn’t her normal self, she was shy and she’s never shy and when he did try to talk to her she would exit the room. Poor Mike would be left there open mouth and stunned at what the hell just happened. I guess he’s not used to that kind of response from women. I could tell by the way he was after she left the room, when April went up to him to ask him what happened, he was stumbling over his words, my God Sherry’s got him so baffled.

  David and Jared have both been coming around; I’m lost in what to do when it comes to both of them. They both are asking me what I want and I don’t know what I want. Yes I’m attracted to both of them. They both fuck amazingly. I’ve known David for so long that it just feels natural being around him; with Jared it’s new and exciting. Does it make me a bitch if I feel more for Jared? I don’t know what it is about him but every time I hear his name or see him my face breaks out into a smile. You would think David would be the one who makes me smile and such but it’s different with Jared, David still makes me smile don’t get me wrong, he does things that make me happy but both men are totally different, I can’t really compare them. I just hope I’ll be able to figure out what to do before someone gets hurt.

  The real kicker of the first week was when we all went to supper and April invited her brother along and Sherry didn’t know a damn thing about him being there, the expression on her face was fucking priceless. The tension between Mike and Sherry, it was so thick you could feel it in the air. I can tell Mike likes her but Sherry seems hesitant about Mike, it’s like she’s fighting with herself, fighting her attraction to him. I know she’s went on dates and stuff and I know for a fact she’s getting laid because if she wasn’t well she would be a total bitch, she gets pretty grumpy when she goes a while without blowing off some steam. Sherry might have exchanged a few words with Mike that night. Mike wanted to talk more to her but she would start talking to April when she noticed him opening his mouth to talk, poor guy.

  Hopefully Sherry doesn’t give Mike the cold shoulder too long, I know she’s attracted to him by her body language because when he’s around she lights up a little and acts like a teenage school girl. If she keeps pushing he’ll leave her alone and move on. I know for a fact that’ll bother Sherry but she needs to smarten the fuck up and try to get over whatever the fuck is holding her back from taking this chance. I know I should take my own advice. Trust me, I’m working on it. I have to get my fucking head on straight and stop stringing both of them along, I know believe me. I have history with David though which is causing conflict within me about what to do.

  Besides all that drama, nothing else is different that happened within those two weeks. I went to work, came home, sometimes I would be with Jared after work, I remember this week after my set was done he asked me to meet him in his father’s office, and oh boy did it fucking blow my mind. He had me bent over his father’s desk two minutes after I walked through the door. I still remember the sound of the desk scraping the floor from his powerful thrusts, the sounds of our skin slapping together from the force of him driving into me. It was fucking amazing, I came twice within thirty minutes and he wanted to keep going but the knock at the door stopped us from going at it again, when he came and he was still fucking hard and ready for more of my pussy, he is one plenteous man. My pussy pulses every time I think about it.

  Oh I forgot to mention, when I was on my way to David’s a few weeks ago, remember I mentioned that I felt like I was being watched and followed and I was paranoid like crazy? Well it turns out that it was Jared to see where I was off to. What an ass I know, he could have said something, so I wouldn’t have been going nuts with worry about some fucking nutcase following me. Oh well, that’s all in the past now.

  David text me earlier today asking if I could stop by his place after work, something about us needing to talk, God do I hate those four words ‘we need to talk’. I have a feeling tonight that talk will change everything; I’m just not sure if it’s going to be for the better or for th
e worse. We’ll have to see what he wants to talk about but I’m pretty sure I have a hunch what it’s about. I can’t stress about that right now, I have to get my ass to work. April and Mike are out but she mentioned that they might show up at the club later tonight. Oh fuck, I can imagine what will happen when Mike see’s Sherry on stage. She didn’t really tell him what she does or where she works, but he knows for sure because of April. I don’t think it’ll go over too well when he shows up and sees her with her ta-ta’s out for the world to see. Crap, I’ll have to warn Sherry when she gets to work that Mike might end up at the club tonight.

  Once I get to work, it’s already packed. There’s a special on drinks tonight so you can imagine the horde of men in here. It’s a good thing I came in by the back door. I don’t want to be swamped by a bunch of horny bastards. I make my way to the changing room and the girls are already there getting ready for their sets. They all mumble a ‘hi’ and they continue getting ready. Sherry isn’t here yet and with her surprise visit tonight, I can imagine she won’t be too happy about it but what can you do? The guy has been trying to get her attention. Hopefully, she smartens the fuck up and does something about it. Mike’s a great guy, he has a strong head on his shoulders, and he’s someone that would be perfect for Sherry.

  I’m almost done getting ready for my turn on stage when Sherry walks in with a grin on her face; oh boy it’s going to suck to wipe that off her face with the surprise news. Should I keep my mouth shut and not say a word to her and let her find out for herself? No I can’t do that to her, she would murder me for not warning her.

  “Hello everybody,” she sings out happily. Oh fuck, I’m really going to end up putting her in a fucking bitchy mood for sure now.

  She walks over to me and plops down on the chair beside me and smiles, well here goes nothing.

  “Hey. How was work?” I ask trying to ease myself into letting her know.

  “Oh, work, was work like usual. I’m going to be cutting back some of my hours though because having both jobs is running me into the ground,” and just then when she said that I notice she looks worn out. I don’t know why she does this to herself. I know she said she has too but if she would tell me why maybe I could understand why she’s working herself so hard.

  “Why are you doing this to yourself? I know you mentioned before you had too but you never told me. I’m your friend Sherry, you can tell me anything.”

  She bites her lip as she looks at me, her eyes glazing over like she’s lost in thought. I snap my fingers in front of her face and she blinks then she looks at me.

  “Sorry, was just lost in thought there for a minute. I know that you’re curious as to why I’m working so much. I think it’s time for you to know,” she takes a breath before continuing, “The photo you saw on my dresser in my room. That’s my son.”

  Wow, I kind of thought of that being her son but I didn’t know for sure. I can see why she’s working so much. Where is he?

  “I had a feeling it was either a little brother or maybe your son. Where is he?”

  She fidgets about in her chair clearing her throat, “He’s with my parents and my younger sister. I couldn’t have him with me while stripping and I was young when I had him. He turned six two months ago and he’s starting school. I was going to have him with me but I can’t with him just starting school,” she mumbles out teary eyed.

  She takes a breath and looks at me, “We don’t have room for him at the apartment. I need to find a bigger place.”

  I understand what she means; I don’t see a six year old in our apartment, we barely have room for us three as it is.

  “Oh, hopefully soon you can have him back. Once you get a bigger place,” I say as a little encouragement but at the same time I’m saddened, knowing that we’ll be living apart. I’ve been living with Sherry for five years now and I’ve gotten so used to having her there.

  “Yeah,” She mumbles out and gives a smile.

  It’s like fireworks go off in my head, holy shit that’s why she’s not giving Mike the time of day.

  “Ummm… is that why you’re not giving Mike the time of day because of your son?”

  She nods her head and I feel like strangling her with my hands. How can she be so dense?

  “Why would you do that? Seriously Sherry, you could talk and get to know the poor guy without getting your son involved right off the bat. He wants to talk to you.”

  “I can’t. What if he hates the fact I have a son? Humm… did you ever think of that?” she hisses out under her breath. My eyes widen what the hell; Mike doesn’t seem like the type of guy to say ‘shit, you have a son? See ya’.

  “There is no way in hell Mike would hate that you have a son, come on seriously. Can you not see the way he looks at you?” she shrugs her shoulders and I release a growl, “You better talk to him tonight and tell him why you’ve been cold towards him, he deserves to know.”

  She nods her head biting her lip worried, “I’ll talk to him,” she’s nervous about what he’ll say. She sighs and gets back to getting ready. I get back to what I was doing before she came in; I’m pretty much almost done. My set should be in a few minutes, Jodie’s song is almost up and then it’s me, and then Sherry’s on after me. I stare at myself in the mirror and I look as good, my makeup is just the right amount of smokey eye.

  I sigh, getting up from my chair and stretch my legs and back a little. Just as I’m done stretching out Danny comes in, “Your up in two minutes, Jade,” I nod my head. Well, here goes nothing.

  I wrap my leg around the pole, hooking it enough so I can spin. The hollers from the men are music to my ears. I notice Jared standing in the back of the room; watching everything to make sure that everything goes smoothly and keeping an eye out making sure the guys don’t get out of line. If one tries to touch me, I know Jared will give the guy a pounding. Jared hasn’t said anything about me dancing here every night but I know he’s not too happy about me doing this but I need to pay rent and what are we? We’re not a couple, well not officially, what are we fuck friends? So, what do you want me to do? Not work? It’s not an option.

  The music ends and that’s my cue my time is over. I grab my little bra off the stage and wrap it around my breasts, tying it. Tonight seemed to go pretty well, it was a little crazy when Mike and April walked in, seeing April’s face was fucking priceless. She has never stepped a foot in here ever and seeing your roommate wrapping herself around the pole topless with just little shorts barely tugging her ass. I can imagine what was running through her mind.

  I make my way to the back to grab a shirt, putting it over my head I walk back out to the front of the club to see April and Mike, lifting my head to see where they are and they are near the front of the stage. Well, it seems that Mike will be getting a lot more than he bargained for when he sees Sherry come out next. April sees me walking over to them and smiles.

  “Hey, that was ummm… different,” I can’t help it, I burst out laughing. April’s a goody girl type so seeing me dancing must have been a shock to her. Mike’s sitting down sipping his beer when Thomas shouts into the mike that ‘give the lovely Raven a round of applause’ and the shouts and hollers almost defying me. Mike looks confused because I told April that Sherry’s on after me. I lean closer to Mike and shout because there’s no way he’ll hear me otherwise.

  “Sherry’s stage name is Raven,” he grins and says thanks.

  Well, let the show begin. The lights point to the center of the stage where Sherry’s standing with her back to us. You see the corset she’s wearing skin tight to her body, her little booty shorts not leaving much to the imagination. Mike tenses a little beside me; oh boy this should be good.

  The speakers around are blaring her song and she starts dancing around the stage, giving each man sitting in the front row a show and the dollar bills just start pouring onto the stage. I see Mike take out a five and he leans closer to the stage and grins at Sherry. Her eyes widen and she freezes, she shakes her head and continu
es her dancing around but she ends up in front of Mike, she’s looking down at him with a smirk. I wasn’t expecting her to seem so calm seeing him here. What is she up too?

  She continues shaking her hips in front of him and he leans forward and places the five in her booty shorts and he steps away. Sherry’s song ends and she usually does a private dance for a few customers and on cue Thomas yells into the mike asking who wants a private viewing with Raven and Mike jumps over the chair and rushes over to the DJ and a few seconds later the mike comes back on and Thomas announces that Mike will be put into room three and Raven has a private dance for ten minutes.

  April’s sitting there staring at her brother with her mouth wide open. I can’t help but snicker at her. She’s so adorable.

  “What did my brother just do?” she asks.

  “Well, it seems he paid for a ten minute private dance from Sherry.”

  She has a bewildered look on her face and I shake my head.

  “I’m going to head back to the dressing room and get ready to leave. If I was you I would tell your brother you’re leaving to go home. He might be busy afterwards,” I smirk and April’s face looks worried. I know she’s worried about her brother but after Sherry and me having our little talk earlier, everything should go a little better than before.

  “Don’t worry. I know now why Sherry’s been the way she has been. She promised to talk to Mike, you have nothing to worry about,” I mention and she raises a brow.

  “Really just like that she’ll talk to him? Are you sure?” she bites her lip and I nod my head.


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