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Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack

Page 2

by Natavia

  “She needs someone to whip her ass,” Kanya said then growled. Akua came down the stairs. “What’s going on down here?” he asked.

  “Hey, handsome,” Keora said to him.

  “Oh, it’s that hoe,” he said then chuckled.

  “If I’m a hoe, then so is your mate. I know all about Xavier licking between her legs and her enjoying it. Oh, yeah, I was there. I have always been there. Even when you couldn’t see me, I was there. How was it, Kanya? I heard you moan from it and you weren’t thinking of Goon while doing it,” Keora said then laughed. Kanya charged into the cage again. Akua pulled her back.

  “Chill out, Kanya. You know this bitch is just messing with you. She is just bitter because her pussy wasn’t enough to make me remember it,” he said.

  “Mama’s boy. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kanya is breastfeeding you too,” Keora said. Akua’s eyes turned blue then he growled. All of a sudden Keora fell down onto the floor into a deep sleep, her snores echoing through the basement. I smiled at Akua because he had been practicing his spells.

  “Don’t wake her up until we leave,” he said then grabbed Kanya’s hand as they walked up the basement stairs. All I could think about was what Keora called him. She stated he was a mama’s boy. I have heard that term before and I knew what she meant. I guess I have been overprotective of Akua and for a very long time. Akua can handle himself and protect his family. I headed upstairs then sat down at the dinner table. “Goon, pass me the wine, please,” I said to him.

  “Are you calling me Goon now?” he asked me. His smile lit up the room.

  “Everyone else does, so maybe I should, too,” I said to him. When I looked at my son it was as if I was looking at Ammon. After dinner we talked for a while then Akua and Kanya started to get the twins ready to go home.

  “Dinner was very delicious. You should teach my husband how to cook. I get tired of eating raw meat and grapes all the time,” Kanya said then Akua growled to himself. I noticed he did that a lot when he was agitated.

  “She is very ungrateful. I hunt the biggest deer for her then serve it to her, cut it up nicely on a platter with grapes and a nice glass of wine,” Akua said then I patted his back.

  “That’s all in your tradition, my son,” I said to him.

  Kanya kissed my cheek. “Thank you very much for having us over,” she said. Moments later they were out the door.


  A bright flash came through the sky, brightening up our bedroom. I hurriedly sat up and watched another pass through the sky. I ran outside then headed to the woods. I ran until I came to the portal from Anubi. I wasn’t expecting them that soon. A black paw stepped outside of the portal then the rest of Ammon’s beast. Behind him stood almost twenty wolves from Anubi. The wolves had gold beads in their manes and gold bangles around their tails and legs.

  “My beautiful queen.” Ammon’s voice came inside my head.

  “You have no right on this land,” I said to him.

  “You’ve been so busy trying to become a jezebel and a human that you forgot about the rules in Anubi. I can step foot on any ground that my mate stands on,” he said then growled at me. His ice-blue eyes stared into mine and his big, black beast walked toward me. I couldn’t deny that I still loved him but it wasn’t meant to be. I spent thousands of years with him and it was hard to let it all go.

  “Let me live in peace, Ammon. You have another life back in Anubi and I have one here,” I responded.

  “My beautiful queen, I missed you so much,” he said. His big beast pushed me, knocked me down. He towered over me then rubbed his bushy mane on the side of my face. The bushes shook followed by a roar. It was Kumba. Ammon perked his head up then sniffed the air because he sensed another animal.

  “I smell your mate,” he said to me. Kumba’s oversized tiger leaped out of the bushes and landed in front of me. Ammon’s pack growled at Kumba then circled around him.

  “Kumba, please, there’s so many of them,” I said.

  “Fuck that! This son-of-a-bitch is in the woods in back of my home, coming onto my mate!” he shouted inside my head. Ammon growled at Kumba then Kumba charged into him, knocking him into a tree. The tree howled before it came crashing down onto the woods’ floor. I put a block up to keep Ammon’s pack from attacking Kumba. It took a lot of my strength to hold up such a big shield.

  Ammon bit Kumba then Kumba’s big tiger paw came down onto Ammon’s snout, slicing it open. Ammon howled then charged into Kumba. Their beast rolled around biting and slamming each other. Kumba’s tiger jumped up into a tree then leaped onto Ammon’s back, slamming him face-down. Kumba’s teeth sank into the back of Ammon’s neck.

  “Kumba, NO!” I called out. Ammon’s pack started to charge into the shield I had up, and they were strong. Two of them got through the shield then attacked Kumba, but he fought them off. I turned them both to dust but more started coming out of the portal. One of the wolves jumped on me then howls could be heard from deep in the woods. They were my son’s howls.

  “Stay away, Goon!” I said into his mind.

  “I saw a vision of you and Ammon,” he responded then out of nowhere Goon’s pack leaped into the ambush. Goon’s beast was fighting and turning wolves into ashes.

  Kumba was injured but he fought a battle of his own. Three wolves tried to take him down but his huge tiger wasn’t easy to fall. Jalesa and Adika floated around in the sky sending bolts of lightning into Ammon’s pack. It was a war zone between Anubi and the immortals on Earth. I watched before my eyes as my son tore apart his own people. Ammon’s pack didn’t have a choice but to fight because he was their god. A lot of wolves were killed that didn’t want any parts of it. A tear fell down my face because our tradition would never be the same.

  Kofi appeared through the portal then froze, looking confused. He didn’t know whose side to take because he, too, was a warrior in Ammon’s pack.

  Three wolves attacked Izra’s beast. Kofi charged into them then started to shred them apart. After I got my strength back, I sent some of the wolves back inside the portal then closed it. Ammon charged into Kofi then Akua charged into Ammon as the three of them rolled over a cliff then fell deep, down into a ditch. Kumba’s tiger was drenched in his blood. He looked at me then collapsed. I ran to him but was knocked over. When I looked up, Dash was standing over me, his beast growling at me. His eyes glowed and I knew what Ammon meant when he asked Musaf to make his army stronger. He wanted it for Dash. He wanted Dash to be as strong as Akua. Ammon knew Akua was going to go against him; he was using Dash as his protector.

  Dash tried to bite me but I moved out of the way. I sent a bolt of lightning into his body. It shocked him then he charged back into me. I disappeared then reappeared behind him. I sent him crashing into a tree. A wolf snuck up on Kumba, aiming for his neck, but I turned him into ashes. I couldn’t turn Dash or Ammon into ashes because they were too strong. Dash tried to attack me again then Adika turned into a large snake. She wrapped her body around Dash’s body, squeezing him until Ammon appeared from nowhere then attacked her. Izra and Amadi charged into Ammon. I crawled to Kumba then disappeared; we appeared back in our bedroom.

  “I will be right back,” I said then teleported back to the fight. When I returned there were dead wolves from Anubi lying around in the woods. Ammon was fighting Kofi, and Goon and his brother were biting each other. I sent everyone sailing into the air to break it up then disappeared. We came crashing down in the basement of Kumba’s house. Everyone was naked when they shifted back to human form. I waved my hand in front of me then clothes appeared on their bodies.

  “Damn it! I was just loosening up,” Izra fussed. Akua’s wounds started to close up and so did the rest of the pack. I knew their healing came from him. I hurriedly went to Kumba to heal him. I chanted over his body then pricked a small hole in my hand. I held the dripping blood over his mouth. When a drop of my blood went into his mouth he yelled as it pulled his skin together to close his wounds. Sweat drenched his cla
mmy body.

  “You scared me,” I said to him then he squeezed my hand.

  “I’m your protector, Naobi. I will be less of a man if you had to use your magic all of the time to defend us,” he said. I had to figure something out because Ammon wasn’t playing fair. I needed to get rid of him without Akua having to rule Anubi, leaving his family behind.


  “What temple is this?” I asked Dash.

  “It’s my home,” he answered. I looked around his temple and wasn’t pleased.

  “You lived in a hut?” I asked him.

  “It’s an apartment! This is all me and my mate could afford after we lost everything. I’m sorry I’m not rich and live in a mansion like Goon,” he spat.

  “Don’t you use that tongue with me! I am still your king!” I shouted at him. He growled then walked away. He came back with a piece of cloth then tossed it at me.

  “You got blood on your jewelry,” he said. I walked around his hut to look around.

  “We shall stay here until the portal opens again. Musaf has a spell over it until I bring him Jalesa,” I said to Dash.

  “I don’t mind staying here. My pups are better off with my mother anyway,” he answered.

  “Your pups won’t be able to stay that long. It’s against Anubi’s rules. You can’t stay there until it’s your time to go, unless you are born there,” I replied.

  “How do you feel about Kofi turning on you?” Dash asked me. He ignored what I said about his pups.

  “One more word from your mouth and I will pull your tongue out,” I said to Dash.

  When Kofi, Akua and I fell off the cliff, I stuck my nails on the side to keep from sailing all the way down. Kofi and Akua did the same, but I managed to get back over the top before they did. The fall could’ve caused a lot of damage.

  “What’s the matter, Father? Are you mad that something is out of your hands?” Dash asked before I knocked him over while he was seated. I took my foot and brought it down on his arm. “Now, let’s see how that will heal,” I said then walked away.

  “You are going to regret everything you just did,” Naobi’s voice came into my thoughts.

  “No beast will live to tell the story of them bedding my mate! No beast shall defeat me because of my mate. I’m going to walk your precious Earth until you come home,” I said to her.

  “You are going to see a witch that you’ve never seen before,” she gritted.

  “And you are going to see a wolf fight a battle like you’ve never seen before,” I answered.

  Dash cracked his arm back into place. “Ancient muthafucka!” he said to me.

  “I’m assuming you are speaking in sin,” I replied.

  “Look, nigga. I’m home now, and I can give zero fucks about your little fantasy home and stupid-ass rules. I can care less about your robot-speaking ass right now! You made a deal with that old, creepy nigga with the lion skin. I didn’t make a deal with him so you can get the witch yourself,” he fussed.

  “You are a waste of good warrior blood. I made the deal for you to become stronger, but without that witch, Musaf takes it back. Do you know what that means? That means Akua is going to snap your neck like a stick,” I responded.

  Dash sat down on what looked to be a long chair. “You set me up,” he said.

  “I don’t know what you are speaking on,” I said to him. There was a knock at the door. “Who is that?” I asked him.

  “A friend of mine. I texted him a few minutes ago,” he answered. When he opened the door a tall man stepped in, smelling like an animal. He was a wolf from a different tribe.

  “You look different,” the man said to Dash.

  “I was cursed—it’s a long story but let’s just say a witch hid my real identity from my father,” he answered.

  “Who is he?” I asked him.

  “He is a friend of mine and he just moved back into the area. His name is Sosa,” Dash said.

  “Sosa? What’s the meaning of that name?” I asked him.

  “Your father is a little coo-coo, and why is he dressed like that?” he whispered to Dash.

  “He is from Egypt,” Dash replied.

  “How is he a comrade of yours? He is from a different tribe,” I said to Dash.

  “I did business with him is all you need to know,” Dash said.

  I grabbed Dash by the throat then slammed him into the wall. “I am still your god and you will respect me,” I said to him. His comrade growled at me. “I shall fear no beast,” I said then dropped Dash onto the floor.

  “His tribe is willing to help us,” Dash said as he held his throat.

  “In exchange for what?” I asked.

  “Your gold, of course,” Sosa replied.

  “Do you know that wolves with Egyptian roots are stronger than an ox? What can your tribe offer me?” I asked him.

  “My tribe is very large in numbers,” he said.

  “I’ll leave it up to you. I don’t know this comrade of yours nor do I trust him. I will let you be in charge, but just know that if you fail me, you will become a memory. No pup of mine should fail and that includes you. I came to Earth for my mate and I shall leave with my mate. If all fails then you shall feel the wrath of the Egyptian wolf god,” I said to Dash.


  “It was crazy last night. Wolves were everywhere fighting and biting each other. Amadi and Izra are mad at Adika and I because we came to the battle, but Naobi is like Adika’s and my mother,” Jalesa stated.

  “Goon came home pissed off that his father came to Earth. It’s only a matter of time before the big BOOM!” Kanya stated.

  “I hope Goon’s mother is okay,” I said.

  “Naobi is fine as long as she stays out of Anubi. She is happy with her mate and her new environment. The pack is going to do whatever it takes to make sure she is safe,” Kanya said.

  “What about that Kofi guy? He came back home with the pack last night. Dayo said something about him being locked out of the portal, his mate still in Anubi. I met him briefly then he went to his old room and stayed,” I said.

  “Kofi has a lot to take in right now. His mate is in Anubi and he went against Ammon, who is like a brother to him. He will come around after a while,” Kanya said. We all made small talk as we walked toward Beastly Treasures.

  “So, where are you and Amadi going tonight?” I asked Jalesa while Kanya unlocked her store. The rest of the staff arrived at ten o’ clock.

  “He didn’t say, but he said it was a surprise. What if he wants to bed me? I’m nervous. I have never been with a man in this new life. When Naobi reincarnated me, I lost all memories,” Jalesa answered. Kanya yawned. She and Goon had just come back from their two-week honeymoon a few days ago.

  “You can go home and rest, Jalesa, and I can handle everything,” I said to Kanya then she laughed.

  “Pardon me. Goon wore me out physically and mentally. I don’t think I have any of my essence left in me. I think he screwed it all out.” Kanya blushed.

  We walked into the store then headed straight toward the back. Jalesa turned on the lights to the showcases where the jewelry was held. I pulled the curtains back. Kanya eyed me. “What’s going on?” I asked her. I already knew what she was thinking.

  “How was it?” she asked me.

  “How was what?” I replied.

  “Losing your innocence?” she responded.

  “It hurt like hell when he first entered me, but after a few seconds, the pain slowly went away. It was the best thing I have ever experienced. My body felt like it was floating. It was beautiful,” I told Kanya.

  “That’s the part about sleeping with a wolf. It’s amazing how it makes your body feel. I feel sorry for the women who will never get the chance to get pleasured by a werewolf,” Kanya said.

  A few hours later, the store was crowded. Izra started his own jewelry line and his gold bracelets with red rubies sold fast. Kanya advertised them on the Beastly Treasures website; the customers were all looking forward to th
e bracelets.

  Moments later, Dayo walked in wearing black jeans and a black wife-beater with a black leather jacket over it. On his feet he wore a pair of black leather boots and he carried his motorcycle helmet in his hand. My hands started to sweat and my skin felt clammy. The attraction I had for him was unexplainable, his aura was enticing. The way his strong hands massaged my body and the way his tongue brought me pleasure caused my body to go through spells. My nipples hardened, so I closed my blazer to hide it. A dampness seeped from between my slit. I hurriedly rushed to the bathroom.

  I splashed water on my face, my caramel, reddish-looking skin looked a little pale. I stared at myself in the mirror as my face changed. My lips darkened, my fangs protruded out of my gums and my eyes were a brownish-yellow. I almost howled but I hurriedly covered my mouth. Dayo’s presence drove my wolf insane. I needed his thick and long member buried deep inside me. I craved his love bites and the high I received when he sank his fangs into my neck.


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