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Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack

Page 13

by Natavia

  “Don’t worry about that,” he answered then yanked me toward the house. After he unlocked the door, he pulled me in; the inside his home was beautiful. In the foyer on the wall there was a picture of Sosa and I. He had his arm wrapped around my waist and I was smiling, but behind my smile you could see the sadness in my eyes. I wasn’t physically locked away but I was emotionally.

  “I think about you every day,” he said.

  “You killed my family! I will always resent you!” I yelled at him.

  “One more outburst like that and I will bite a clump out of your face. This is your home now and we will raise those pups together. I was thinking about killing you but now I’ve changed my mind. You are a strong female and you will make even stronger females after I breed with you. Now, follow me because I want to show you something,” he said sternly. I slowly followed him up the spiral staircase.

  “Hurry up, Anik!” he yelled. I caught up to him and he was standing by a set of big wooden doors. The carvings in the door were of wolves and Indians. He pushed the floor-to-ceiling doors open and it was a computer room. He pulled me in then pushed me down into a chair. He did something on the computer until Dayo and I appeared on the screen inside the club Roar.

  “Did you enjoy his pleasure?” he asked as he watched Dayo play between my legs while the sex show went on in front of us.

  “What is all of this?” I asked him.

  “Sex sells with humans. That club was a big investment. I was going to go into business with a guy named Xavier but your wolf friends killed him. I was going to go into business with Dash because he was going to get a lot of jewelry that he was promised by Keora. But then your wolf friends went to war with his pack and he never got the jewelry. We were going to use the money from the jewelry to open the club. I was desperate, so I made a deal with a witch named Ula. I walked into a bank to see if they would give me a loan for my club. It was just my luck that the loan officer was a witch. She gave me everything I wanted right in the palm of my hand. Do you know how much money humans spend on having sex with a female wolf while she shifts? They spend thousands! That’s why I need all the females I can get to be groomed to give pleasure to humans,” he said then tears ran down my face.

  “How did you end up with Arya? You told me she was your daughter and forced me to raise her. Who was that man that showed up and wanted to take her the day I ran away with her?” I asked Sosa.

  “Her real father. He owed me a debt! He got one of my females pregnant and didn’t pay me, so I took his pup. He didn’t have my money for the female he mated with. The female didn’t want the pup, so I took her and decided I would make better use of her when she got older. I wanted you to take care of her while her mother made me a lot of money. The money that the male couldn’t come up with,” he said.

  “You sell your females without an ounce of guilt,” I said to him.

  “I was going to sell you until I figured out how special you were to me. I don’t just sell female wolves; human females are a little valuable, too. You saw it for yourself the first time you came to my club. You were aroused, I almost smelled you through the computer. I could’ve had your mate killed then but I wanted to see how well he knew your body. I had one of my humans follow you two when y’all left my club. He put a tracking device on your van when you went to work the next day. If I would’ve used a wolf, then you and your mate would’ve smelled him. Humans really do come in handy. They are very hard to detect,” he said.

  “If the humans sell our species out, then what?” I asked him.

  “Money is what matters and it gives you the ability to do everything that our beast can do, plus more. I have a circle of business partners who are millionaires that invest a lot of money into this, and they aren’t thinking about selling our species out,” he said.

  “You don’t make a deal with a witch without giving something in return. What did you have to give her?” I asked him.

  “It’s simple, don’t you think? Ula had a vision that Ammon would come to Earth for Naobi. I only became friends with Dash because he is Ammon’s son. Ula wanted me to lead her to Ammon through Dash. So, in the meantime make yourself at home. Oh, and that golden jackal is very feisty and she can make me millions!” he said.

  “Goon will not allow that to happen. He is more than just a beast!” I said to him.

  “That he is, but too bad I can’t say the same about his father,” a voice said from behind me. When I turned around I jumped up. There stood a woman with black eyes holding a snake in her hand. The snake was long and black and had red eyes. A thick cloud covered her then she disappeared. When she came back she no longer looked wicked; she was a beautiful woman with long braids and nicely done make-up. She wore a pair of ripped jeans, a cropped, white top with a pair of red pumps. She looked to be only twenty-three but I knew she was older.

  “I just love that scary effect but how do I look now?” she asked posing like a model. “I’m Ula by the way, sorry I’m late. I had a date with the devil,” she said then laughed. Sosa’s eyes roamed over her hips and a light growl escaped his throat. I could see how bad he wanted her and I didn’t blame him. Even though she seemed wicked she was still stunning and her figure was perfect.

  What did I get myself into? I thought to myself.


  A woman jumped in front of my car then I slammed on my brakes. I was in deep thought because I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. It was too quiet and peaceful. I pulled over then got out of my car.

  “Excuse me, Ms. Lady, I didn’t mean to do that,” I said to her.

  “Watch where the hell you are going next time!” she spat then walked off.

  “Fuck it then,” I shouted back at her. If only my pack brothers were there to hear me sound like them. I got back into my car then drove around the corner to the mall. Once I parked, I headed straight to the Footlocker.

  After being in the store for an hour, I had a few jogging suits and tennis shoes in my hands. I saw that my brothers wore a lot of comfortable clothes and I decided to try it out. I lived my life on a schedule and have been since I could remember. I had to dress a certain way because it was a certain day and I was getting tired of it. I wanted to live freely like the rest of my brothers. Even Amadi was happy and laughing more. I was the only one whose life wasn’t interesting. I missed out on a lot just sitting and waiting for something that never was going to come.

  After I paid for my items, I walked out of the store. As I walked past a hair salon, a young woman came out. She had a pretty, nutmeg complexion with a short haircut. The soft curls framed her gorgeous face. She wore a jogging suit and her face was clear of make-up. When she walked past me, I turned around and so did she. She rolled her eyes at me then kept walking with a sway of her hips. I realized it was the wolf at Camille’s house. She looked different because she wasn’t in the process of shifting and she cut her hair off. I didn’t recognize her until her stank attitude started to show.

  I went into an urban store and looked around. Goon, Dayo and Izra wore a lot of urban clothes. I grabbed a few pairs of denim-washed jeans and collared shirts. When I turned around she was behind me looking through a clothes rack. I towered over her, more than a foot. She looked at me again then rolled her eyes at me.

  “Are you following me?” I asked her.

  “No, I’m not following you. Perhaps you are following me. If so then I suggest you to cut it out,” she said. Her scent filled my nostrils, her scent was inviting. She growled at me low enough so only I could hear.

  “That’s very cute by the way,” I said to her.

  “And what do you mean by that?” she asked then cracked a smile.

  “Your inner beast is beautiful,” I whispered into her ear. Her scent rose something in me that had been dormant for years. I felt my erection press against my jeans. I stepped back from her as a low growl escaped my throat.

  “Are you hitting on me?” she asked.

  “Naw, your beast isn’t appealing.
I call all females beautiful. It’s a respect thing. But we need to talk because I have some questions to ask you. I couldn’t formally introduce myself the other night. I want to know how you know Camille?” I asked. When Kofi and I went to Camille’s funeral, we stayed outside of the church. I watched her burial a few feet away. I thought it was a ceremony just for her family. I didn’t feel comfortable being around her husband’s family, either. Her family didn’t know me and I wanted to avoid questions.

  “She saved my life years ago. We have been friends since then. What she saved me from is none of your business, just know that she was the only human I held close to my heart,” she answered.

  My eyes roamed her breasts but I didn’t mean for them to. I tried not to look at a woman’s body without looking into her eyes. Kofi told me that a woman’s body is like the finest gem. He said that the gem value is worth more than meets the eye.

  I cleared my throat. “Have a nice day, beautiful,” I said to her then walked away. She stood in the same spot as she stared at me.

  After I paid for my items, I headed out of the mall and back to my car. When I turned around she was standing on the sidewalk in front of the entrance to the mall. She had two small bags in her hand as she flagged down a cab but it kept going. I put my bags in my trunk then walked over to her.

  “You need a ride?” I asked her.

  “No, thank you, I don’t deal with strangers. I still don’t know you like that,” she said.

  “Your beast can handle her own,” I said then she smiled.

  “Charming,” she answered.

  “What’s your name?” I asked her.

  “Fabia,” she answered then her stomach growled.

  “Do you want to walk to the restaurant around the corner?” I asked her.

  “I don’t know if that will be a good idea,” she said.

  “Don’t worry, beautiful, if I bite, you can bite me back,” I said to her then she blushed.

  “You are so different from the others,” she stated.

  “How so?” I asked her.

  “The male wolves that I have run into are very aggressive but you are different. I hope you don’t think that I’m being nice. I can somewhat see why Camille was taken by you,” she said smartly. I chuckled because Fabia wasn’t as mean as she appeared to be; I could tell she didn’t trust others much.

  “I’m from ancient Egyptian roots. Our kind is a little bit different,” I explained.

  “Maybe some other time, Elle. I have to get going,” she said. A cab pulled over then she got in. “Meet me here in two days at four,” she said then closed the door. I waved her off then headed toward my car.


  When I walked into the house, Dayo was in an uproar. Between him, Izra and Goon that was normal. Dayo punched the wall. “Calm down, bro!” Amadi said to him. Dayo pushed Amadi away from him.

  “What is going on?” I asked as I sat my shopping bags down.

  “That bitch left me and took Arya with her. I thought maybe she took Arya to school then went to work. But when I went to get dressed, I noticed some of her shit that was in the closet was missing. I checked Arya’s things and some of her shit was missing, too. I’m going to bite her fucking face off. I mated with her then gave her pups and she left me. I think this was a set-up,” he said then punched the wall again. His body shifted into his beast and his beast howled. Amadi and I took a step back away from Dayo as he ran down the hallway then jumped through the window.

  “He is hurting, bro. Arya meant a lot to him. To all of us,” Amadi said. Goon walked into the house.

  “What’s up?” he asked with the pups in their carriers.

  “Anik left Dayo and took Arya with her,” Amadi answered.

  “WHAT!” Goon shouted which caused the twins to cry.

  “Maybe she is coming back,” I said.

  “She is hiding something and didn’t want us to know. I bet it involves that other pack that attacked her. She could’ve left Arya here,” Goon fussed. I took the twins from him. “I’m going to go find Arya. Anik can stay where ever her dumb ass is! If that pack is after her then that means Arya is in trouble,” Goon said then walked back out of the house.

  “I’m going to go and look for them, too. When Jalesa comes downstairs tell her that our date is cancelled. She doesn’t know about Anik being missing yet, so tell her for me,” Amadi said then shifted. His large beast ran out the door behind Goon.


  A few days had passed and there was no sign of Anik or Arya. Kanya located the van and it was at a tow truck yard. The window was busted out with specs of blood on the back seat.

  “Can’t you locate them?” I asked Goon as we all sat in the kitchen thinking and drinking. Izra and Dayo were smoking weed. Dayo passed the blunt to me but I declined.

  “I can only locate Kanya because she and I are mated. I can’t see visions of Anik or Arya. I can feel that they are alive but that’s it,” he said.

  “Ask your mother,” Kanya said to Goon.

  “No, I’m not asking her anything. This is my damn pack and it’s my responsibility. This is not Naobi’s concern and I will not make it. Besides, they aren’t of Egyptian roots. She doesn’t have a connection to them,” he answered then took a shot of Henny.

  Jalesa and Adika appeared at the table. “Welcome back, Jalesa, but I wish you would have left Adika where she was at,” Izra said then growled at Adika.

  “Go to hell, punk!” Adika shouted at Izra.

  “I’m in hell as long as you are in my presence,” Izra said.

  “Y’all need to shut the fuck up!” Dayo said to Izra and Adika.

  “Wait a minute, nigga, you can’t talk to her like that,” Izra said standing up. Dayo growled at Izra.

  “Just stop it! Anik is out and possibly in danger while pregnant along with a child. We have to do something about it like figuring out who those wolves are and what they want. I know Anik, and she wouldn’t do this to hurt anyone. She did it because she thought we wouldn’t accept her,” Kanya said.

  “It doesn’t matter what her simple ass thought, Kanya. I mated with her and if she wanted to leave she should’ve done it as soon as Goon healed her. She’s being a bitch about the situation and when I catch her, you know what I’m going to do? Stick my foot up her ass. She took my damn pups away from me and possibly put them in danger,” Dayo spat.

  The sound of glass shattering startled us then we all ran to the living room. In the middle of the floor laid Arya with a broken arm. Shards of glass were embedded in her body, which caused Kanya to scream. Dayo hurriedly ran to cover her small, naked body up.

  “It hurts,” Arya cried. I hurriedly ran to get some wet towels. Her scream pierced my ears when Goon healed her. Everyone surrounded Arya as she cried. Her wounds weren’t too bad but it was enough for a wolf her age.

  “Who did this to you?” Goon asked her after she was completely healed.

  “I was hit by a car on my way back home. I was lost in the woods for a few days. When I leaped out of the van, Anik called after me, but I kept running. I should’ve went back to her but I feel safe here,” Arya cried.

  “Who is after y’all?” Dayo asked.

  “My father and his name is Sosa. Anik told me that he was the one that attacked her and that’s why she left. She didn’t want to bring harm to the pack,” Arya replied. Adika and Izra looked at each other suspiciously.

  “Where does he live?” Dayo asked.

  “I don’t know. I was never to leave the house and Anik wasn’t allowed far from the house. She knows where he lives,” Arya answered.

  “I thought he was dead,” Jalesa said.

  “He is dead to us,” Arya responded. Everyone followed Dayo as he carried Arya upstairs to her room.

  “Izra,” I called out.

  “What’s up, bro?” he asked me.

  “If you know something you will tell the pack right?” I asked.

  “Yeah, why you ask me that?” he lied.

sp; “Are you lying to me, bro?” I asked him.

  “Naw,” he answered then walked off. When I turned around Adika was standing behind me.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked me.

  “I hope so,” I said then walked up the stairs. When I looked at the clock, I noticed that it was past four in the afternoon. I missed my date with Fabia but I had a feeling it wasn’t the last of her.


  I noticed something was off about Izra and Adika. They seemed quiet and to themselves. I’d been around the pack long enough to know when one was lying. Izra was hiding something and I wanted to know what it was. When he left the house, I followed him. I covered myself in a lot of cologne and Amadi’s oil to fade out my sent. If I hadn’t, Izra would’ve known that I was following him. His motorcycle weaved in and out of traffic. My car wasn’t as fast but I managed to keep up with him. Whatever was on his mind must have taken him off focus because several times he almost hit another vehicle. I followed him for about twenty minutes until he pulled up to a building. Seconds later a woman ran out of the building then hugged Irza. He got off his bike then picked her up. She kissed his lips.


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