Book Read Free


Page 4

by Lisa Edward

  “Yep, divorced,” I mumbled, my mouth still half full.

  “Do you have kids?”

  So many personal questions that I wasn’t sure I felt comfortable answering. But then, I’d asked him everything that had come to mind earlier, and he hadn’t declined to answer.

  I placed my bagel back down on the plate, the action giving me time to gather my thoughts. “No kids. That was one of many reasons why we separated. It was important to him to have a football team, and I couldn’t give it to him. That was the legacy that was most essential in his mind, and I was tired of being the constant source of disappointment to him and his family.”

  “I never wanted kids until recently,” he offered. “Now I’d kill to be able to find the right girl and settle down. I would love to grow old with someone beside me.”

  “You have plenty of time to find ‘the one.’ Men can still father children well into their seventies and eighties. It’s the girls who have a limited amount of time.”

  “I thought I’d found someone once. Her name was Annabel.” He shook his head. “Seems I was sorely mistaken, according to her.”

  “What happened?” I asked, softly.

  He ran his hands into his hair, leaving them laced at the back of his head while he leaned back. “Well, let me think. We met in England close on five years ago, while she was there traveling with a friend. The attraction was instant and we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.” He smiled at the memory while I felt like a Peeping Tom. “She stayed with me for a while after her friend came back to the States, but eventually she had to return. So I packed up my life and moved over here to be with her.” He said it so matter-of-factly, as if it was the expected thing to do. “I went through the visa process and found a job in Philadelphia and life was good. In fact, life was great. Perfect.”

  “So what happened?” I asked again, now perched on the edge of my seat.

  “Seems it was okay for her to spend every night in my bed, but when I wanted to make it official, she laughed in my face. Told me I couldn’t provide the lifestyle she thought she deserved.”

  My jaw dropped open. I couldn’t imagine anyone turning Adam down. He seemed so genuine, so considerate, and not to mention damn fine to look at.

  “Whatcha do for a livin’?” I was completely enthralled by this endearing man’s story. He had been so in love that he had uprooted his life to be with the woman of his dreams. It was romantic and showed a passion that I had only fantasized about, and that I wanted to write about.

  “I’m an English teacher. I paint for pleasure.” He indicated the easel on the back porch. “But teaching is my passion, all that shaping of young minds.”

  I smiled to myself. If I’d had a teacher who looked like Adam, I would have deliberately failed just to qualify for extra tutoring. “I bet half the female students are crushin’ on you,” I said teasingly.

  He grinned. “Yeah, those seven and eight-year-olds love me.” He paused, watching my face as I processed his last comment. “I teach elementary school, so I guess in a way I have twenty kids to care for.”

  Something didn’t quite gel. “I thought you were here for eight weeks. Won’t you miss part of the school year?”

  “I’m…a…I’m taking a break. Got a few things to sort out.” A half-smile fleetingly crossed his face, but soon disappeared.

  “I hope you’re not reconsiderin’ teachin’ because of one girl. Are you over Annabel?”

  “What we once had, or at least what I thought we had, doesn’t even cross my mind anymore, but I don’t think you can ever forget what’s happened and how it made you feel.”

  “No, you can never forget, but you don’t have to visit the hurt. I’ve put Charles and that part of my life in a little compartment in my mind, and on an island in my heart.”

  Adam’s brow rose but he kept listening.

  “Mimi once told me that the sayin’ ‘a piece of my heart’ came about because when you love someone, you give ’em a piece of the whole and it becomes like an island that’s just for them. They fill that piece, and all the memories and all the feelin’s that they invoke are etched there. After they’re gone, it’s a place that you can sail to any time to relive memories, or you can choose to abandon it if it becomes too painful.”

  “So when you’re in love, you live on the island surrounded by that love?”

  I nodded.

  He smiled, his eyes lighting up. “That’s a really beautiful way to deal with pain or hold on to loved ones.”

  “Well, I’m glad I could teach ya somethin’, Mr. Walker, sir.”

  I didn’t know this man, not really, but from what I had seen today, I thought he was probably an amazing teacher. “I should’ve known you were a teacher when you gave me homework earlier.” I chuckled. “Are you gonna grade my assignment?”

  “Well, let me see.” He smoothed the whiskers on his chin. “You did only come up with eight words when I asked for ten, so that’s a deduction.”

  I pouted playfully, making him laugh.

  “But you did compile a second list that I didn’t even ask for, so that shows initiative, and it was pretty hot.” Pausing, he studied my face with an easy grin. “So I’d have to give you an A. Besides, you did let Max hog the fireplace and you got changed into a very sexy top.” He winked playfully.

  Wait, what? Was he flirtin’? Was that a flirt?

  Heat flared in my cheeks and I jumped up, going to the kitchen under the pretense of searching the fridge for something to drink. I knew there wasn’t anything in there because I hadn’t shopped yet, but sticking my head in the cold air helped cool the burning of my face.

  “There’s nothin’ to drink, sorry,” I called over my shoulder. “I haven’t been to the store yet.”

  Adam stood and turned to face me, the band of his boxers just visible above his jeans before he straightened his sweater and covered it. “Why don’t I go get some groceries while you get back to writing? The last thing I want to do is stop your creative juices flowing.”

  He was through the door and gone before I had a chance to answer, and I think it would have taken me at least a couple of minutes to formulate a response anyway. I’d never met anyone like him. Nothing was too much trouble, and he seemed to enjoy doing little things to take care of me. This was a main character I could work with—I just hoped Adam wouldn’t mind being immortalized in print.

  By the time he returned, I’d churned out the first chapter and was deep into the story line. He quietly put the groceries away, then went to leave.

  “Are you goin’?” I asked, peering over the top of my glasses as he made his way to the door.

  He grinned. “I could sit here and watch you work all afternoon, but I’d feel like a total creeper doing it. Will I see you in the morning? I’ll be going for another swim at sunrise. You should join me.”

  Images of Adam’s firm naked ass flashed to mind. “I don’t think I’ll be up at sunrise.”

  With a hand at the nape of my neck, he leaned in and softly kissed my forehead, his whiskers tickling my sensitive skin. “Just a little tip in case you change your mind—if you’re going to hide and watch someone skinny-dip, don’t wear a buttercup-yellow jumper.”

  I was up at sunrise—of course I was. How could I miss the chance to gawk at a gorgeous naked man splashing through the waves as his dog ran beside him, yelping excitedly?

  Adam looked in the direction of the house as he undressed a little closer to my cottage than he had been yesterday, and like a coward I hid, peeking from behind the curtains until I was confident he had looked away. I’m sure he knew I was there—the big grin on his face confirmed it—but I wasn’t ready yet to be so blatantly interested in the man I had only really known a day.

  As with yesterday, they swam out way too far for my liking, and as with yesterday, I held my breath until they turned toward shore. But unlike yesterday, when Adam finally waded out of the shallows and onto the sand, he held his hands over his privates to conceal himself.
Yes, he knew I was there and was no doubt well aware that a freezing cold shriveled penis was definitely not a turn-on.

  His towel looked tiny as he draped it over his shoulders, shivering as the cold air blew across his wet body.

  Without taking too much time to weigh my decision, I went into the bathroom and grabbed a warm, fluffy robe from the hook behind the door, then jogged out onto the sand to where Adam was drying off, his lips blue from the cold.

  “You are probably the craziest person I’ve ever met,” I told him, holding the robe open while diverting my eyes, so he could slip it on. “I don’t know why you do it to yourself.”

  His teeth chattered as he clambered into the robe, pulling it tightly around him. “There’s nothing like…that mo-moment when the fr-freezing water reaches your nuts. It makes you f-feel alive.”

  “Well, I’ll have to take your word for it, Sugar, seein’ as I can’t test your theory,” I said with a smirk.

  He burst out laughing, the richness of his tone warming my heart. “I knew you were watching,” he said with a cocky grin.

  “Oh, I know ya did. That’s why you got all coy and covered your bits.” I may have been talking sassy, but I couldn’t meet his eyes as I was doing it.

  The breeze whipped my hair around my face. Adam brushed it from my eyes with icy fingers.

  “Oh my goodness, your hands are frozen.” I clutched the two of them between mine and raised them to my lips, puffing my warm breath onto them. “I’ve got coffee brewed if you want some,” I said in between breaths.

  Adam didn’t answer. I looked to his face from under my lashes. His eyes were intense, watching me as I tried to warm his hands. “All of me’s cold,” he whispered, his gaze never leaving my mouth.

  Oh good Lord. As images of warming Adam’s body danced seductively in my mind, heat radiated from my belly.

  “Maybe you need coffee,” I mumbled, quickly dropping his hands. I looked around for Max, finding him already up on the back deck, waiting by the door. “Do you wanna come up?”

  “Are you asking me in for coffee?” Adam asked with a lopsided grin, immediately making me blush.

  Squaring my shoulders, I refused to be intimidated just because he was gorgeous, and sexy, and naked under the robe. “I’m just offerin’ to warm you up.”

  Adam’s jaw clenched, amusement lighting his eyes, and it took me a moment to realize what I’d just said.

  “You know what I mean,” I said, trying to make light of it.

  “I’m looking forward to finding out.” He ushered me ahead of him, grabbing his clothes and following close behind.

  The fire was already lit and both Adam and Max made good use of it, warming their frozen bodies.

  “I said it before and I’ll say it again—you’re crazy for swimmin’ in that water. You could die of pneumonia. There ain’t a hope in hell you’d get me out there.” Handing Adam his coffee cup, I saw that sadness flicker in his eyes again before he twisted his jaw in contemplation.

  “That almost sounds like a challenge, and I do love a good challenge, Buttercup.”



  Definition of bad timing…meeting a gorgeous brunette, complete with adorable Southern accent, who has the habit of spying on me when I skinny-dip. I came here to come to terms with my damaged heart, but after a week she already has me second-guessing everything I thought I knew for certain. Maybe she’s just what the doctor ordered, although I’m pretty sure she would be the last thing that Anna would prescribe. She’s a writer and she’s asked for my help. It feels good to be needed again.


  The words seemed to be flowing, thank goodness, all except for the sexy scenes. I knew where I wanted them to be and how I wanted them to play out. I could picture them in my mind when I closed my eyes, always with Adam as my leading man, and I had his notes to refer to on positions, so logistically I was good—I just couldn’t convey the physical feeling and the emotion behind them. Instead, where I wanted something hot and steamy to happen, I wrote SEX SCENE in big bold capital letters, then highlighted them in magenta for extra emphasis, and planned to go back to them at a later date.

  As had become our ritual, Adam went for his morning swim and I stayed behind watching, only not so sneakily anymore. I would rise just before the sun, shower, and dress in a warm wooly sweater, jeans, boots, and a beanie, then sit on the deck with a steaming cup of coffee and wait for Adam and Max to appear on the sand, strip off, and hit the surf.

  I was just sitting back down, about to start my second cup, when I saw them coming toward me from the point. Max as usual was running ahead through the shallows, chasing seagulls. Adam was laughing and calling him back, trying to get him to heel but failing miserably. It was such a beautiful sight to behold, Adam’s tall, lean body moving gracefully as he jogged easily along the wet sand, his deep rich laugh carrying all the way along the beach.

  “Good morning,” he chortled once he reached my back steps that led down to the sand. “I hope you’ve got one of those waiting for me inside.” He indicated my coffee. “The water will be freezing today.” Then he laughed. “It reminds me of summer in England.”

  The water may have been cold, but the weather was glorious with clear skies overhead, and I was enjoying just being outdoors. There wouldn’t be too many more days like this before winter really set in.

  “Good mornin’ to you, too, Sugar. The fire’s lit, and the coffee’s on, just waitin’ for you.” I took a sip of my own drink, eyeing Adam’s firm body admiringly as he stripped off the layers until he was down to just his shorts.

  “Sure I can’t tempt you to come in with us?” He grinned, knowing full well what the answer would be.

  Leaning back in my chair, I made myself comfortable with my feet resting on the railing. “I’m snug as a bug right here, actually.” I raised my cup to Adam, then took another sip, my eyes never leaving his face. It was such a perfect face, all rugged and handsome with a childlike hint of mischief in his startlingly blue eyes.

  His smile broadened as he watched my expression. “Well, okay, then.” His thumbs hooked into the waistband of his shorts and he started to lower them, and my eyebrows shot up. “No peeking,” he told me with the most adorable grin, and I reluctantly closed my eyes. I so wanted to look. The temptation was overwhelming, but I squeezed my eyes tighter until I heard Max barking and the splashing of them entering the water.

  A feeling of contentment washed over me as I watched Adam dive under the waves, then leap back up again, his hair spraying water around him. I was happy. In this place, at this exact moment in time, I felt the happiest I think I had ever been in my entire life. We hadn’t even kissed yet and maybe we never would, but I wanted to, boy did I want to. Just the thought of his soft lips caressing mine, his hard body pressed against me as his hands tangled in my hair had the butterflies in my stomach taking flight.

  As Adam and Max ran back up the beach, I grabbed the robe from the chair beside me and met them at the foot of the stairs. Wrapping the fluffy robe around Adam’s shoulders and rubbing his rock-hard biceps to warm them, I couldn’t stop my eyes from wandering over his taut, muscular body.

  “Maybe I should have let you look earlier,” he puffed, trying to catch his breath. “My dick’s not always this tiny, I promise.”

  And there it was. A hint that maybe what I was feeling for Adam was reciprocated, and he was thinking about what could come, reassuring me that what he would be giving was worth taking. His eyes scanned my face, trying to read my expression, and try as I may, I couldn’t keep my mouth from tipping into a broad grin.

  “That’s okay, Sugar,” I said, diverting my eyes from his intense gaze. “I saw it before y’all went in the water the other day.”

  I so wanted to add, “I know what I’m in for,” but that would have been too presumptuous, to assume that I truly knew his intent. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part, and he would never be mine, not even for
this winter. He was probably just embarrassed that it had shrunk and was trying to blow his own trumpet with no intention of me ever experiencing it.

  “Good, I’m glad we cleared that up. I’d hate for you to be put off.” He bit his top lip, his eyes never leaving my face.

  I was so confused. Did he like me or was he just having a grand old time making me squirm?

  Hooking his hand behind my head, he leaned down, his icy lips cooling my heated skin. “Thank you for the robe,” he whispered, his lips brushing against my forehead as he spoke.

  My heart thumped against my chest as his closeness consumed me. I couldn’t raise my eyes to meet his. Instead I focused on his mouth and on his beard, the droplets of water descending his jaw. I raised my trembling hand to his shoulder to straighten the lapel of the robe, and watched as a drip of salty water ran down his neck to his chest until the soft fabric soaked it up.

  I wanted to lick that neck, bite that jaw. The temptation to roughly scratch my fingernails through his beard was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. This wasn’t me. I was the good girl with the naughty secret past that I gave up when I left college so I could marry straight-laced Charles and live out my dutiful existence serving our community.

  Now here I was with a dripping wet, nearly naked man wanting to tackle him to the sand.

  “Ah, would you like to…there’s coffee if you…do you want?” Oh my God, what was wrong with me? For someone who called herself an author, I couldn’t string a fluid sentence together.

  Adam’s fingertip ran from the nape of my neck around my jaw to my chin, leaving an electric current in its wake. He tilted my head, forcing me to meet his eyes, the blue so deep it was like looking at the depths of the ocean.

  “Yes to all of the above.” His voice was barely audible, his breath slightly labored.

  I tried to kid myself that his heavy breathing was because of me, but it was more likely that he was still coming down from his swim in the freezing ocean. But what was my excuse? Because I was panting like some animal in heat.


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