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Fated Dreams (Book One In The Affinity series)

Page 11

by Christina Smith

  Leaning up, I kissed him on the cheek. “Okay, good night, Dad.”

  He grunted, heading back to his room, and I went in mine.

  I lay on my bed, wondering if Lucas made it home yet, replaying the dream in my mind. The memory of how I felt as I gazed into his eyes shocked me. I had never felt such a strong emotion and didn’t realize it was possible. It was strange how strong the feeling toward him was, since I hadn’t known him that long. The odd thing was, although I liked Lucas a lot, more than I thought possible, my feelings were nowhere near as strong as they were in the dream. Not yet anyway. My phone beeped, waking me from my thoughts.

  I leaned over and picked it up off my nightstand. It read: “I’m home, see you tomorrow. Luke.”

  The next morning, after my shower, I did my homework. There wasn’t much, since I skipped my last two classes on Friday. My mother hadn’t mentioned it all weekend. I hoped that meant she had forgotten, but I knew that I wouldn’t be that lucky. Sooner or later, she’d make her move.

  I went downstairs to have some cereal. The smell of bacon changed my mind.

  “So what’s up for today?” my mother asked me from the kitchen table. My parents were having their breakfast and reading the paper.

  “Not much, but tonight I’m going to the movies with Lucas.”

  She smiled, tucking her disheveled hair behind her ear. “Did you do your homework?”

  “Yes, I just finished it before I came down.”

  “Don’t be out too late, you have school tomorrow.” She took a bite of her toast.

  “I know, Mom, don’t worry about it. Hey, Dad, are you feeling better than you were last night?” I asked, grinning at him. There was a plate of bacon and eggs sitting on the counter. I picked it up and sat down with my parents.

  “Yes. I told you that I’d work on it. But just don’t stay out until three a.m.”

  I laughed. “I’ll try.”

  “Emma called when you were in the shower,” my mom said, getting up from the table to put her dishes in the dishwasher.

  “I’ll call her when I finish breakfast.”

  “Hey, what are we doing today?” Emma asked, once I returned to my room and called her.

  “Why, what’s up with Derrick?”

  “Ugh…he’s stuck visiting his aunt for the day. I’m bored; please tell me Lucas is working so you can hang out with me.” I could hear a familiar buzzing sound on Emma’s end of the line, and I knew it was her cat, Freckles,, purring. I could picture Emma sprawled back on her pillows with her legs lifted up against the wall, and her very overweight cat lying on the pillow beside her.

  “Lucas is working, so I can hang out with you.”

  “Really? Damn, I’m good. What else will you do if I tell you to?”

  “Nothing. How about lunch, I’m buying.”

  “Ooh, I knew there was a reason we were friends. Since you’re buying, I’ll drive. I’ll pick you up in twenty minutes.”

  “Sure, I’ll meet you out front.” I hung up and rushed into the bathroom. I didn’t have a chance to tell her where I wanted to go.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Are you serious? You’re taking me to his family’s restaurant?” Emma asked. Her voice was a little loud considering we were standing at the front entrance.

  “Well, we need to eat, and I get to sneak a peek at Lucas. Why not kill two birds with one stone?”

  She smiled. “I’m kidding. You’re lucky to have a boyfriend with a chef as a father. My boyfriend’s dad could do my taxes, but cooking is much cooler.”

  We stepped inside and were greeted by Lisa. “Hello, girls, table for two?” she asked with a knowing grin. Lucas’ mom must have spilled the beans. I couldn’t picture Lucas telling everyone we were together.

  “Hi, Lisa, that would be great.”

  “Follow me. I’ll put you in Luke’s section or he’ll kill me.” She led us to a booth. The restaurant wasn’t that busy, but the people that were there were a tad noisy. A big group took up two tables at the back, probably celebrating a birthday. Presents sat on the table, and they were talking loudly.

  “Thanks,” we said in unison, sliding in on opposite sides.

  “Enjoy your meal. Lucas will probably be here as soon as he sees you.”

  We laughed. She gave us a smile then headed back to her station to greet an older couple who had just walked in.

  I saw Lucas at a table by the window, but he was busy taking an order. When he finished, he turned around and met my gaze. He smiled instantly, brightening his face, and hurried over to our table. “Well, aren’t I lucky today, two beautiful girls at my station.” He bent down for a quick kiss and then glanced around to make sure no one was watching.

  “You better be careful, Lucas, or the rest of your customers will expect the same service,” Emma said with laughter in her voice.

  “Well, we’re not really supposed to fraternize with the customers. But I thought I’d make this one exception.” Emma and I laughed. “This is unexpected; I didn’t think I’d see you until later.” He leaned against the booth beside me. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming?”

  “Because then it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”

  “No, I guess not, and I like surprises. I’ll go get you some menus.”

  I watched him walk over to a counter where a girl in the same uniform was standing. He said something to her that made her laugh.

  I looked back at Emma, who was grinning. “What?” I asked.

  “I’m so happy you found someone you really like, Sarah, although I’m a little surprised at Lucas. Who knew he was this cool. What are you guys doing later?”

  “We’re going to the movies.”

  “You’re hooked, aren’t you? If he can get you to go there without a fight, you’re gone. There’s no turning back.”

  I sighed. “Yep, I can deny him nothing.”

  “Who can’t you deny?” Lucas said, sneaking up behind me. He was holding two menus in his hand.

  My cheeks heated. “Nothing.”

  “Pick whatever you’d like, it’s on the house.” He placed the menus in front of us.

  “Oh no, Lucas we couldn’t—”

  He lifted a hand to cut me off. “My parents own the restaurant. You should have some perks since you’re dating their son.”

  Emma and I both smiled. “Thank you.”

  “I’ll be back,” he said, before hurrying to another table.

  “So what are you going to order?” I asked, opening the menu just as a plump woman wearing a red checkered dress walked by and bumped me in the head with her purse.

  Emma laughed. “I don’t know, what do you recommend?”

  “I was only here once with my mom, and I only had a sandwich and a salad.”

  We read the menu silently, and once we decided, Emma asked, “So how do you know the hostess?”

  “I don’t really. She looks familiar, but I’ve never talked to her before. She’s in the eleventh grade at our school. Lucas was telling me about her. Actually, you two would get along great.”

  She raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “Why?”

  “He said if you want information about anything, she’s the one to go to. She knew once that Logan cheated on a test; no one knows how. She told their mom, and Logan lost his phone for a month. Friday night at his house, his mom knew about what happened with Logan and me, but wouldn’t reveal her source.”

  Her eyes brightened. “Lisa? I like her. Is Logan in trouble for what he did to you?”

  I groaned. “Yeah, he lost his car for two weeks, and he thinks one of us told his mom. So he tried to pick a fight with Lucas.”

  “Like a fist fight?

  “Yes, it’s happened before. Logan punched Lucas, but it was Lucas that gave him a black eye.”

  She scrunched her eyebrows. “Lucas, really, who knew?”

  “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” my boyfriend asked, walking up to our table. We both
looked up at him. God, he was so cute.

  “I’m a little surprised, that’s all. You seem more like the book reading type than a fighter,” Emma explained.

  Lucas scoffed. “Hey, I don’t fight, I defend myself, he came after me. And what do you mean, the book reading type?”

  “Nothing, Lucas, you’re a big strong guy,” I said, grinning at him.

  He ignored the obvious sarcasm in my voice. “Thank you. Now what do you want for lunch?” He took out a notepad and pen.

  “I’ll have the chicken caesar salad, please, with a diet cola.”

  “I’ll have the same,” Emma said, when Lucas glanced at her.

  “You guys are boring,” he said, shaking his head, shoving the notepad in his pocket without using it. He picked up our menus and walked away.

  Emma started telling me about a trip she and Derrick were planning. They wanted to go see The Pink Ladies and Monster Ball. They were playing in a concert in Burlington, which was three hours away. That meant spending the night.

  Her parents were concerned about the sleeping over part. “So I was thinking, you and Lucas could go with us. We could share a room, and the guys could share one. My parents said I could go if you went, so please, it will be so much fun, and the two of you will get to see a great concert. Everybody wins.”

  I thought about my father’s reaction to us watching a movie together in my room. “I doubt my dad would go for that, but we’ll think about it. When is it?”

  She averted her eyes, and started to fidget with the buttons on her blouse. “Friday night. We’d have to leave right after school, and we’d have to buy our tickets today, or there might not be any left.”

  I sighed, knowing that the chances of me going were very slim. “Fine, I’ll talk to Lucas when he comes back and my parents when we get home.”

  “Awesome. Do you work Friday?” she asked absently, turning her head as a woman passed holding a screaming baby.

  “Not until Saturday at three o’clock. Would we be back by then?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  Lucas came with our lunch. His sweet and spicy scent smelled better than the food.

  “Hey, what do you say about going to a concert in Burlington with Derrick and Emma? Emma’s parents don’t want her to do an overnighter alone with her boyfriend. So she thought we could go, to appease her parents. What do you think?” I asked him.

  Of course he smiled. What teenage male would turn down an overnight trip with his girlfriend?

  “Sounds fun, when?”

  “Friday after school, but we’d be back by Saturday afternoon. The catch is we’d have to buy the tickets today, so we have to ask our parents as soon as possible.”

  “My parents won’t care, and I can get Saturday off. I can’t see your dad agreeing though,” Lucas said, his smile fading.

  “Well, ask him anyway, maybe your mom could convince him,” Emma suggested hopefully. “Let me know so I can order the tickets online and book a hotel room.”

  “I’ll go ask my parents right now. Eat,” he said, pointing at my food. “When you’re finished, I want to show you the kitchen, and you can meet my dad.” He turned around and walked through a door that must lead to the kitchen.

  I took a bite of my salad. “Mmm. That’s good.”

  “Isn’t it? It’s just a caesar salad, but I think it’s the best I’ve ever tasted,” Emma said, shoving another bite into her mouth. “So why don’t you call your mom and ask her now, we’re running out of time.”

  I scowled at her, not looking forward to asking my parents’ permission for something like this. My dad was just getting used to Lucas and me dating. I had a feeling he wouldn’t be happy with us going away together so soon.

  I took my phone out of my bag and dialed my home number.

  “Hello,” my mom answered, after it rang once.

  “Hey, Mom, what are you doing?”

  “Just doing some laundry, how’s lunch?”

  “Very good. Listen, I have something to ask you, and I want you to remember that you said you trust me.”

  She sighed on the other end. “What is it?”

  I went into the whole thing about Emma and Derrick, and how she wanted us to come, and we thought it sounded fun. I also pointed out that I was very trustworthy and never got into trouble. When I was finished speaking, she paused briefly, thinking about my question. I looked at Emma as I was waiting for my mom to speak. She was staring at me, holding her breath.

  “I’ll talk to your dad. I’ll call you back soon.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” I said as I hung up. “She’s going to talk to my dad, but she’s okay with it.”

  Emma squealed. “That usually means yes. Your dad is more of a pushover than your mom.”

  I laughed; she hadn’t seen him since I started dating Lucas. “Usually, but since I have a boyfriend he’s more protective.”

  “I can vouch for that, he was going to kick my ass last night,” Lucas said, appearing in front of us.

  Emma glanced up at him, curiosity burning in her eyes. “Why, what did you do?”

  “Nothing, she’s the one that shut the door to her bedroom when we were watching a movie.” He pointed at me accusingly.

  “Yeah, but it didn’t help that you fell asleep, and didn’t leave until three a.m.”

  “I think you have some gossip for me, but first, Lucas, what did your parents say?” Emma asked.

  He smiled, showing perfect white teeth. “No problem, like I said.”

  Now that I was the only unsure one, I really wanted to go, although I knew my dad wouldn’t let me. My phone rang, making my heart speed up. “Well, I guess I’m about to get my answer.”

  They both stared at me, their faces holding matching nervous expressions. I answered and listened to what my mother had to say. After I hung up, I scowled.

  “I knew your dad wouldn’t let you. Maybe if I don’t go, he’ll change his mind.” Lucas was trying to be positive, but his eyes showed his disappointment.

  “Sure, but you’re going to miss a great time, I’ll miss you,” I said, smiling.

  “You can go?” they both asked.

  “Yes.” My cheeks hurt from the wide grin on my face

  Lucas leaned in to kiss me quickly, and then pulled away. “I’d better get back to work before they fire me.” He rushed off, disappearing through a door in the back.

  “Yeah! I have to call Derrick.” Emma took out her phone and dialed.

  Ignoring her as she rambled into her phone, I ate my salad quickly. When I finished, I stood up from the table. “I’ll be back in a minute,” I told her. She nodded, but kept talking to Derrick as she picked at her salad with her fork.

  I approached the door that Lucas had entered and was about to push it open when I heard a voice. “I’m sorry, miss, staff only through that door. Are you looking for the restrooms?”

  I turned to see a waiter standing in front of me, holding an empty tray. He was tall, with shoulder-length black hair, a crooked nose, and a large scar over his right eyebrow. He looked older than me, about twenty. I was about to tell him that I was searching for Luke when the door opened and Lucas almost ran into me.

  “Hey.” He smiled. “Are you finished?”

  “Yeah, Emma’s on the phone, I thought I’d come find you.”

  The waiter cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize she was with you.” That was all he said before he walked away.

  Lucas stared after him then turned to me for an explanation.

  “I was about to go in there and look for you, but he stopped me.”

  “That’s Mark,” he said, taking my hand to lead me into the kitchen.

  It was huge, with industrial-size stainless steel appliances against the back wall, and a big counter in the center for food preparation. His mother was off to the side against another wall making salads. It was loud and confusing, with about four people making different dishes. Pots simmered on the stove with yummy smells seeping out of them. A
variety of meats sizzled on a large grill. The scent of melted butter and onions drifted from a frying pan, making my stomach think it was hungry again.

  Waiters were rushing in and placing orders on a high counter, then taking plates and rushing back out. It was chaos.

  His mother looked up at us and smiled. “Sarah! Luke said you were here, I’m glad you came in to see us.” She glanced at Lucas. “Table four’s order is ready to take out, Sarah is fine.”

  He looked at me, not sure if he should leave. I nodded, and he went to take care of his order.

  Karen washed her hands then motioned me to come over.

  “I’m not in the way, am I?” I asked, feeling out of place.

  “No, not at all.” She took my hand and pulled me over to the man in the center. He was around the same age as my dad, with black hair, dark eyes that sparkled, bushy eyebrows, and a round face. He looked like the kind of man that was full of mischief. He stood on the other side of the counter, wearing a white chef’s coat and a matching white chef’s hat that covered his thick hair.

  “So this is the girl who’s stolen my boy’s heart. It’s lovely to meet you, Sarah, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Nick Tate smiled warmly.

  All my nerves melted away. He had the same smile Lucas had, one that lit up his whole face; it made me smile. “It’s nice to meet you too, Mr. Tate.”

  He scoffed. “Call me Nick.” He started spreading some seasoning on chicken.

  “You have a really nice restaurant, Nick. I love the food here.”

  With a laugh, he said, “Yeah, right, Lucas told me all you had was a salad. But don’t worry, I’ll have you trying new things in no time. Why don’t you come for dinner Wednesday night, that’s our one free night, when I have my sous chef working. What do you say? Do you want to try some of my cooking? It won’t be too strange.” He glanced at Karen. “Don’t forget to bring the octopus home for our dinner.”

  I gasped; everyone who was paying attention laughed.

  “I’m kidding. We’ll save that for the next time you come over,” Nick said with a chuckle.


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