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A Reverse Harem Romance Collection Box Set

Page 59

by Lane Hart

“How?” Cash asks.

  “Psychic,” I tell him as I point my finger at the Hawaiian-looking dude. I bet he’s even got tribal tats and shit on his biceps.

  “Psychic?” Cash repeats. “Is that really a thing?”

  “You’re a vampire, so why is it that big of a stretch to believe I see the future?” the psychic replies. “I’m Evander,” he adds, holding out his palm for me, Cash and Trent to shake. “So, where’s Nadia?” he asks as the whole group crowds around in the living room. “I’m dying to meet her.”

  “Are you sure we can trust him?” Cash asks the council. “Did he tell you that someone’s after her?”

  “We vetted him, man. Relax,” Drake assures us.

  “Nadia? Can you come down here?” I yell up the stairs.

  “Ah, sure,” she says before she appears on the stairs and makes her way down. “What’s going on?”

  “Don’t worry, baby. These people are friends. More like our leaders,” I explain as I slip my arm around her back to pull her to me. “Nadia, meet Harper, a witch; Drake, a vamp; Kingston, who is a warlock; and Rowan, who is a shifter. These four make up the council to protect and educate all of us freaks.”

  “We prefer the term supernaturals,” Rowan mutters.

  “Oh, well, it’s nice to meet you all,” Nadia says, holding out her hand to Drake to shake since he’s the closest. And I swear the vampire physically shirks away before Harper tugs him behind her.

  “Glad to finally meet you, Nadia,” Evander, the psychic kid, tells her when he finally steps up to take her offered hand. Then, he faces me. “How are you feeling, man?”

  “Fine,” I reply, wondering why he’s singling me out.

  “It was a close one last night, but I knew you would pull through,” the Evander guy says to me.

  “Huh?” I ask in confusion as I look to Nadia, Cash and even Trent for answers.

  “You don’t remember?” the psychic says. “They didn’t tell you?”

  “How do you know about that?” Cash questions the man.

  Evander points to himself and says, “Psychic, remember?”

  “So you knew what was going to happen?” Cash asks him point blank.

  “I did,” Evander responds with a single nod.

  “So then why the fuck didn’t you try to stop it?” Cash snaps at him.

  “If I had warned Zaine, then he may not have done it,” he says coolly.

  “Done what?” I ask in confusion.

  “Let her feed from you,” psychic boy answers.

  “Feed?” I repeat. “She didn’t feed from me. Nadia’s not a vampire.”

  “Actually, Evander seems to think she is. Sort of,” Harper tells us.

  “What? That’s ridiculous,” Nadia huffs. “I don’t drink blood.”

  “No, you don’t need to syphon blood to survive, but apparently you do need sex,” Evander tells her.

  “What are you talking about. No one needs sex. I don’t need sex,” Nadia scoffs.

  “Yes, you do,” Kingston responds. “Evander says you’re a succubus. We think your mother was a demoness and your father was a human. The academy doesn’t have many resources, but we’re still searching.”

  “You think I’m a…succubus?” Nadia asks.

  “You feel weak if you go too long without sex, don’t you?” Evander questions her. “And after you touch a man, he’ll become obsessed with you, will move heaven and hell to be with you – unknowing that during intercourse you’ll feed from his soul, draining his life force until there’s nothing left but the shell of his dead body.”

  “You took my soul? That’s what happened last night?” I exclaim as I feel all the blood drain from my face. Vaguely I remember Cash being in bed with us, giving me his blood. “Did you give me your blood to save my life?” I ask him.

  “Yes,” he replies.

  “Something happens during sex, but I’ve never killed anyone!” Nadia responds.

  “No, you’ve always stopped before you take their life,” Evander replies. “Luckily for them, you only take what you absolutely need to survive. And after a few days, the soul repairs itself, so no long-term damage is done.”

  “Hold on a second,” I say to interrupt. “You said the obsession with her happens whenever she touches someone?”

  “A man, yes,” Evander answers.

  “You touched her!” I point out.

  “I know. I did,” he easily agrees. “And it’s making this conversation rather awkward since I can’t stop thinking about how good our first time will be.”

  Holy shit, I really want to hit this fucking dude.

  “That’s awfully presumptuous of you, psycho,” Cash grumbles, apparently sharing the same sentiment.

  “Not psycho. Psychic,” Evander corrects.

  “Why would you do that?” Nadia asks. “After everything you’ve just told me, I should never touch a man again!”

  “Too late for that,” the psychic says. “Human men can eventually forget you or at least forget enough to move on and have a normal life, get married, etcetera. But not supernaturals. We’re all the last gasp of a dying species. Biologically, we aren’t likely to give up on our chance to be with our soulmate when we find them, no matter what it takes.”

  “The three of us can testify to that,” Rowan mutters as he wraps an arm around Harper and kisses the top of her head.

  Evander goes on to add, “And the more times you’re with a supernatural man, the harder it will be for him to leave you. We’re talking a sexual servitude here, one that doesn’t end until death, and could mean the risk of death each time.”

  “So, psychic,” Cash starts. “Who does she choose, me or Zaine?”

  “You haven’t been paying attention, vampire,” Evander says on a sigh.

  “Elabo-fucking-rate,” Cash huffs.

  “Zaine, you’ve only had actual intercourse with Nadia just once, last night. Can you see yourself leaving her?” the psychic asks me.

  “Hell no,” I answer without hesitation.

  “And yet the two of you are completely incompatible!” he declares. “She will most likely kill you without a nearby supply of vampire blood.”

  Or maybe I’ll kill you, jackass.

  Rubbing my temple, I ask the question I dread hearing the answer to but can’t stop myself. “So we can’t be together?

  “There is one way for it to work,” Evander replies.

  “Fuck, this dude is giving me a headache,” I mumble.

  “Vampires are immune to a succubus,” Evander explains. “Their life force regenerates fast enough that she could never kill them.”

  “So, Nadia and I can…without me passing out like Zaine?” Cash asks for clarification.


  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

  “It’s about time being a blood sucker was good for something,” Cash says. “There we go then. I’m the one she’s meant to be with!”

  But thankfully, the psychic holds up his palm to stop him before he breaks out his celebratory dance. “Vampires can also act as buffers.”

  “What the fuck?” Cash grits out.

  “Buffers in bed,” Evander elaborates. “Multiple human or non-vampire lovers at the same time would also work. A succubus could survive off a vampire alone, but they usually prefer to have a…variety.”

  “You-you’re talking about having a threesome?” Nadia asks, and I can’t figure out if she’s outraged or curious.

  “Can you honestly tell us that you haven’t always fantasized about being with several lovers at the same time?” Evander questions her point blank.

  Comically, Nadia’s jaw falls open and her face flushes, but she doesn’t answer.

  “It’s good. Trust me,” Harper whispers.

  Nadia blinks at the witch with her brow furrowed. “You don’t mean you and…all of them?”

  “Oh yeah,” Harper easily agrees. “All at once and separately sometimes while the others watch…but yeah, our bed is super crowded,
and I love it!”

  I’m sure everyone else in the room is trying not to think about that.

  Clearing his throat, Cash nods his chin at Nadia and asks the psychic, “What about her blood?”

  “Yes, you can drink from her as long as she approves, and you don’t overeat,” he says. “Having one of us there to supervise would be wise.”

  “I’ve only ever been able to drink from Jezebel, my maker,” Cash remarks, looking ready to burst with excitement because he was just told he can fuck Nadia and drink from her without any issues. While I nearly died last night.

  Hold up. Did this dude just say ‘us’?

  “So you came here just to shake her hand and join us in a ménage or foursome?” I huff.

  “Yes,” Evander replies without any guilt. “And also to tell you all who is after Nadia so that you can stop them.”

  “Wow! Don’t you think you should’ve led with that?” Cash asks. “Her safety is more important than you getting laid.”

  “Getting her laid is how she’ll defeat them,” Evander tells us. “Nadia’s cravings have been suppressed her entire adult life. Once she has a chance to really indulge herself, she’ll become stronger. So strong that her seductive touch could quickly become life-threatening.”

  “You think she could kill someone by touching them?” Kingston asks.

  “If she wanted to or had to, yes,” he responds.

  “I don’t like hurting people, and I won’t kill anyone!” Nadia shouts at him.

  “No, but you do love how it feels when you hurt them. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s just who and what you are,” Evander assures her. “You’re still a good person. If you weren’t, you would’ve left a pile of bodies everywhere you went. Just always be sure lovers wear condoms to provide a small layer of protection for them.”

  “Let’s go back to who wants her rather than worry about wrapping up,” I grumble.

  “Oh, right,” Evander says. “The compulsion for her is stronger than I was prepared for,” he adds with a shake of his head. “The old coven masters from the academy want to use her to kill these three men to get access to their witch.”

  “Why would they want me to do that?” Nadia asks.

  “Because my father is an idiot,” Kingston answers. “He thinks we protect Harper when she’s stronger than all three of us combined and nearly immortal from drinking regularly from a vampire. She could end all three of the masters in the blink of an eye.”

  “Why hasn’t she?” Nadia inquires.

  “Because I’m pregnant,” Harper tells us, rubbing her palm over her lower belly that has a small bulge now that I look closely. “We don’t know enough about pregnant witches to be certain if using a large amount of magic could harm the babies.”

  “We’re not risking losing our twins. They’re too rare, and we’re already too attached to them,” Kingston adds when he places his hand on top of Harper’s palm and plants a kiss on her cheek.

  “So you want us to handle the coven master for you?” I guess.

  “Fuck yes,” Drake replies. “Power Nadia up and then let her get captured so she can kill them. That’s the only way to end this, to put a stop to these fuckers for good.”

  “That sounds too risky,” Cash says, echoing my own thoughts.

  “I’ll do it,” Nadia announces. “I want my life to get back to normal. So, if Zaine and Cash will help me, I’ll put a stop to the coven guys.”

  “Don’t forget me,” Evander says with a grin. “Oh, and, ah, him.” He nods his head to Trent, who is stretched out in his recliner, no shit, eating popcorn from a bag while watching the show before him. That’s what that buttery smell is!

  “Him too?” Cash whines.

  “I’m in,” Trent says, having apparently been paying close attention. He tosses the popcorn bag down on the floor and then starts to undo his belt.

  “Not here!” Harper yells just before he pulls his dick out. “We wanted to invite you all to stay at the academy until this mess is over.”

  “Nadia may be interested in searching through our library for information about her background,” Kingston suggests.

  “And we can make sure you’re all safe until the powering up thing is done,” Rowan adds.

  “We’re having one of the bigger dorm rooms furnished with an orgy-sized bed to…accommodate everyone,” Drake says with a grin.

  “When do we need to do all of this?” I ask.

  “Tonight,” Evander says rather enthusiastically. “I mean, the sooner, the better.”

  “Do we draw straws to see who goes first?” Trent asks.

  “We’ll leave you all to decide that,” Kingston says.

  “Have fun!” Harper cheerfully tells us before her and her men head out the door.

  The living room is quiet for several long moments afterward until the psychic pipes up. I’m starting to realize he’s a talker.

  “Now would probably be a good time to add that oral sex is fine one-on-one, as long as you don’t…finish in her mouth.”

  “We already knew that,” I tell him with a wink.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Cash grumbles before saying, “Trent, man. Why don’t you pack a bag since it looks like you’ve been included in this party?”

  “Give me five,” he says as he gets to his feet, fastening his belt as he goes up the stairs.

  “This should be interesting,” Cash mutters.

  “No shit,” I agree. “You okay with all of this?” I ask Nadia.

  “Would you think badly of me if I say yes?” she replies hesitantly.

  “Of course not,” I tell her.

  “Then, yes, I’m okay with…everything.”

  Chapter 16


  The academy is nothing like I expected. It’s a huge mansion within a gated property, heavily guarded. Several other smaller buildings surround the main home, but that’s all I see before Cash and Zaine show us the way inside.

  “Bedroom is on the second floor,” Evander informs us.

  “How about we all have a drink before we get down to it?” Zaine suggests. “A little alcohol before we get naked can’t hurt, can it?”

  “Sounds good to me,” Cash agrees with Zaine, which is shocking.

  I’m not sure if the men are stalling because they’re nervous or they think I am. But I’m not, oddly enough.

  A foursome or fivesome with a group of gorgeous men is, like, my secret desire come to life. I’ve had tons of naughty dreams over the years, ones that include multiple lovers, all touching me, kissing me, fucking me at the same time. I’ve always wondered what it would be like even though I couldn’t handle sleeping with one man without hurting him…

  And now I know why.

  I’m a succubus.

  While I had a general idea what that term meant before Evander told us, I would still like to do some research to find out more in the academy’s library.

  My mother was a demoness? That’s insane!

  Guess that explains why she gave me up when I was born. I doubt demons are known for being loving mothers. No, she just threw me away without any explanation and no warning about the type of thing I would become.

  At least I know why I’ve had such an awful time with lovers. And, thanks to the psychic, I may be able to finally have a mostly normal sex life, if normal includes multiple lovers at the same time.

  I should’ve known I was a freak because I’ve always been attracted to all types of men, and yes, my exes have been a little clingy to the point of stalkerish, even after nearly dying, which never made any sense. It must be the obsession that they have no control over. I could’ve taken advantage of them, kept feeding off of them, and the poor guys would have let me even if it meant sacrificing their life. That’s just so…wrong. And I would never do that to anyone, despite how good it feels.

  Once the guys and I all have a few shots of fireball, we make our way upstairs to the room Evander said was intended for our use. As promised, there’s a gigant
ic bed that takes up about ninety percent of the floor space in the room. There’s a bathroom with a shower adjoining and a small closet. Other than that, it’s just the enormous mattress that could hold a small army.

  Awkwardly, the guys follow the psychic’s lead and start getting undressed. They become a little more enthusiastic about stripping down to their underwear once I remove my shirt, then my pants.

  Keeping my bra and panties on for the time being because I’m not ready to get naked with four sets of eyes staring at me at one time, I sit down on the edge of the bed and…wait.

  “Can you all give us a minute?” Cash asks.

  “Seriously?” Zaine huffs.

  “Ten minutes. Tops,” Cash replies. “I just want to talk to Nadia alone.”

  “Fine,” the warlock grits out in annoyance. “We’ll wait outside the door.”

  Evander follows him, but Trent looks confused. “Are we gonna do this or not?”

  “Come on, big man,” Zaine says when he grabs the shifter by his elbow and pulls him out the door.

  When they leave and shut the door behind them, Cash finally comes over and sits down on the bed beside me, his thigh close to mine but not quite touching.

  “You still sure you want to do this?” he asks.

  “I do. More than anything actually,” I tell him honestly.

  “So, why do you look so unsure?”

  “I feel guilty for wanting four men…”

  “You shouldn’t feel guilty,” Cash says. “We’re all adults who know what we’re doing. You’re not cheating on anyone.”

  “That doesn’t mean no one will get hurt,” I point out. “It seems like, by doing this, someone will most likely get their feelings hurt.

  “True, but if they do, it won’t be your fault. It’ll be theirs.”


  “The psychic has already seen it happen apparently,” Cash reminds me.

  “Yeah. I know. And I can see all of us, in the middle of things too. But I just don’t know where to even start,” I admit.

  “You can start wherever you want,” he assures me. “So just think about it and then tell me the first thought you have. We’ll go from there.”

  “I want all of four of you at the same time – filling every inch of me, making me come so hard I can’t remember my own name,” I tell him.


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