Southern Perfection

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Southern Perfection Page 12

by Casey Peeler

  “Heck, yeah. Y’all want me to see if Emmett will pitch in tomorrow?” he asks.

  In unison, both Grandaddy and I exclaim, “No!”

  “Y’all, he doesn’t know, and we could use an extra hand,” Cole insinuates. I look at Grandaddy, and he asks what I want to do.

  “I guess, but I swear, Cole, if he figures out anything, I’m gonna beat the shit outta ya!” I cover my mouth from surprise of what just popped out. Both Grandaddy and Cole look at me like I’ve lost it. “Sorry, it just kinda slipped. But, I’ve had to watch every move I’ve made for the past couple of months, and if he finds out now, what’s been the point in keeping it a secret?” I say bluntly.

  “Sunshine, it’s not Emmett I’m worried about. It’s everyone else in this damn town.”

  “Well, you told me not to tell, and I haven’t. I’ve lied to everyone I care about, and I plan on keeping it that way until this is just water under the bridge.”

  After my rant on the front porch, I make my way inside to try to calm down. As I pace the floor, I hear footsteps approaching. Ignoring whomever it might be, I walk to the fridge and pour myself a glass of cold sweet tea. Maybe it will help. I turn and see Cole standing there with his arms crossed. He’s definitely pissed.

  “Rae, what the hell?” he asks.

  “Whatcha mean? I just told y’all what I was thinkin’. That’s all.”

  “If that’s what you wanna tell yourself. Listen, you do know that if you told Emmett, he would understand.”

  “Understand? He might, but I’m not gonna.”

  “Damn, stubborn ass. Get over it. Whatever you’re thinkin’, get over it!” he yells, and I stomp past him and up to my room to throw a hissy fit and a pity party all-in-one.

  After an hour or so, there’s a light knock on my door. “Sunshine.” I hear Grandaddy say just above a whisper. “Can I come in?”

  “Yeah,” I answer as I wipe my eyes and attempt to ignore the fact I just acted like a preschooler.

  When he opens the door, I can see the concern in his eyes. He takes a few steps, reaches my bed, and takes a seat beside me.

  “Sunshine, I never should have asked you to keep this secret, but we all know that with one lie comes another. As hard as it is for me to say this, I thought this was going to be a simple fix, but it’s turning out to be the complete opposite. If you want to tell Emmett and the rest of this Podunk town, I’m with ya. I love you too much to watch it eat you alive.”

  “Grandaddy, I don’t want to tell. I don’t want their pity. Let’s just see what happens,” I say.

  “Are you sure?” he asks once more.

  “I’m positive.”

  He pats my leg before he stands, tells me he loves me, and then asks about my plans for tonight. I tell him I had planned on hanging out with him, and he tells me it’s crazy to wanna spend time with an old man. He insists I pick up my phone and call Emmett to take me out on the town. I smile while shaking my head. I don’t think I can love anyone more than I love him right now.

  When he leaves, I call Emmett to see what he’s up to.

  “Hey, Beautiful,” he answers.

  “Hey, whatcha up to?” I ask.

  “Not much, I just got finished talkin’ to Cole. It looks like I’ll be at your beck an’ call tomorrow, but you know what?”


  “I might actually like it.”

  “Ohmygosh! Really? I have to say; I get the better end of that deal. You all hot and sweaty minus a shirt. Yeah, I’ll take it.”

  “You ain’t right. So, really, what’s up?” Silence.

  “Ummm, I was gonna just hang out with Grandaddy, but he’s told me that was a negative tonight. You think he’s gotta woman friend he’s tryin’ to hide?” Where did that come from?

  Emmett bursts out laughing. “I doubt that, but if he did, who would it be?”

  “Ohmygosh, I can’t believe we’re even talkin’ ’bout this.”

  “No, really, if you could see him with anyone, who would it be?”

  Never in my life have I thought about him with anyone other than Mawmaw. “I don’t know… it’s weird to think like that.”

  “What about Pearl Allen?”

  “No! She’s too prim and proper. He’d need someone like Agnes Berrier. She’s like Southern Belle meets redneck. Ya know, classy when needed and red any other time.”

  “Now that you put it that way, I totally see it.”

  “Anyway! So, the reason I called was to see what you had planned tonight.”

  “Raegan Lowery, are you askin’ me out on a date?” he asks with a fake gasp in his tone.

  “Why, yes, Mr. Bridges, I am.”

  “Are you payin’?” he asks with a laugh.

  “Whatever works for me,” I say, and he quickly informs me that he will be paying and picking me up at seven. Crap! It’s already after five!

  I let Grandaddy know I’m going out with Emmett, and he smiles. I hurry upstairs to get ready. I crank up a little Luke Bryan on my iPod and get ready as fast as possible.

  At ten until seven, I see Emmett making his way up the driveway. Grandaddy tells me to be careful, and I walk outside to meet Emmett. I’m not giving him a moment’s time with Grandaddy. I’ll wait until tomorrow to wait on the classy yet redneck jokes to start.

  Emmett hops out of the truck as he sees me making my way toward the truck. He’s standing there in a pair of Rock ’n Roll jeans and a fitted tee. Every muscle in his body is evident, and I just want to reach out and touch him. This becomes a reality when he meets me on the passenger side.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, he pulls me in closely and lightly kisses my lips. “He’s watchin’, ya know,” Emmett says as his eyes point toward the house.

  “Yeah, I know,” I reply as I kiss his nose and pull away to get into the truck. He just shakes his head. As he makes his way around, I observe that fine specimen of a guy in front of me. How’d I get so lucky? When he slides inside the truck, I cut a glance toward him, and he smiles and places his hand around my neck, giving me the kind of kiss I’ve been waiting for.


  The moment Raegan opens the front door, I can’t get out of the truck fast enough. The way her chocolate brown hair glistens in the evening light is mesmerizing. I try to meet her at the door, but it is a lost cause when she hurries to meet me. No worries, though, I meet her with open arms and a preview of what I want to give her once we are out of Grandaddy’s sight.

  When I pull away and she kisses the tip of my nose, I feel it all the way to my toes. I sound like a girl! I can’t get inside the truck fast enough. As soon as the door shuts, I firmly place my hand behind her neck and show her exactly how I feel, but I know if I don’t put an end to it, Grandaddy is gonna get a view he doesn’t want to see. Instead, I pull away, smile at her, and head down the driveway.

  Chapter 28


  “So, where are we goin’?” I ask him.

  He looks at me like he’s clueless. “You asked me out, remember?” He then laughs when I’m speechless.

  “How ’bout let’s go to the city for a nice meal and then see where the night leads?” he suggests.

  I quickly begin to rethink my attire, but realize he’s in jeans, so there’s no need to worry about a five-star, top of the tower meal. “Sounds good to me. Whatcha thinkin’?” I ask.

  “Maybe Cheddar’s?” he asks.

  “Sounds perfect!” We make our way out of Pleasant Hill and toward “the city” as we call it, but it’s not like a big metropolis. It’s more like a bigger redneck town with lots of shopping, restaurants, and a place to cruise on Saturday nights.

  After we pull into the parking lot, I wait for Emmett to open my door. I slide out of the truck, and he laces his fingers in mine as we enter.

  Walking into Cheddar’s is like going on vacation. The décor makes you feel as if you just walked out of a hotel room and into an exotic location. There are waterfalls, beautiful copper fixtures, and in
tricate rock details. After a short wait, we make our way to a table near the aquarium and glance at the menu as the waiter takes our drink order.

  Our meal is filled with flirting, fun, laughter, and pushing limits. When we both can’t eat another bite, the waiter brings the check. After Emmett pays, we walk outside. The night air is damp and cool, and I can feel my hair starting to frizz.

  “Em, I got an idea. You wanna hear?” He looks at me with question in his eyes.

  “Of course.”

  “Let’s go out to the train tracks behind the Thompsons’ place. Maybe we can catch one coming by.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” he says with a half-grin.

  During the half-hour ride back to Pleasant Hill, I try to get as close to him as I can. Damn this console! Emmett looks my way and smirks, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was thinking the exact same thing.

  As we approach the Thompson property, Emmett finds a place to park the truck off the road and hidden from any cars that might drive by. We don’t want the 5-0 called on us. Once he’s satisfied with the spot, he grabs a flashlight, and we make our way through the field toward the pond. We are greeted by the sound of bullfrogs, gnats, and a few horses.

  As I swat away the gnats, Emmett laughs.

  “What’s so funny, Em?” I ask.

  “I never thought I’d have to keep away gnats. I always thought it would just be Jace.”

  “You are too funny, and there’s no need to swat away Jace. I think he’s finally taken the hint,” I say as we begin to walk around the pond and toward the tracks on the hill.

  As we reach the tracks, I motion for Emmett to come on. With the flashlight lighting the way, I use the track as a balance beam while he follows me.

  “Em, do you wanna play Truth or Dare?” I ask as I continue to walk.

  “Sure, you can go first,” he says.

  “A’ight, Em. Truth or dare?”

  “Dare,” he says confidently.

  “I dare you to do a toe touch.”

  “Are you serious?” He stops on the tracks. “Hold this,” he says as he hands me the light. “Now, if I rip these jeans, you’re gonna owe me.” He rubs his hands together like he’s making a wish, and then he looks at me and jumps. It’s not anywhere close to a toe touch, but it makes me laugh. “My turn,” he declares as he takes the light from me. “Rae, truth or dare?”

  “Dare,” I say assertively.

  “I dare you to sing to me.”

  Taking a step toward him, I inhale deeply and sing “Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not?”

  “Keep goin’,” is all he says as he takes a step closer to me. As I finish the song, he moves my hair behind my ear.

  “Em, truth or dare?” I ask, inches separating us.


  “I dare you to kiss me.” He smiles and pulls me into him, and our lips do the talking. As our kisses deepen, the faint sound of a train whistle looms in the distance. I open my eyes and see Emmett has heard it as well.

  “Rae, truth or dare?” he asks.


  “I dare you a round of chicken on the tracks.”

  “You’re on.”


  I know the moment I make that dare, I’m gonna lose, but this game of chicken is going to be a little different. As soon as she agrees, I pull her lips back onto mine and wait for the sound of the train.

  As the train approaches, Raegan acts as if it is invisible. She’s so damn stubborn, and that makes her so freakin’ hot. She continues to press her lips to mine while her hands roam my body, making concentrating on the approaching train more difficult.

  “Not thinkin’ ’bout chickening out, are ya?” she whispers into my ear.

  “No,” I say as the ground below begins to tremor, and one single headlight lights the way. Inside, I’m about to freak out. I don’t want to die, and she’s sure not going to. As I pick her up off the ground, she wraps her legs around me, and we stare into each other’s eyes while the whistle continuously blows and the ground feels as if it’s about to crumble beneath us. When my heart can’t handle it anymore, I break my stare and move us from the track. As the train rushes by, the rush of air brings us back to the present.

  “Rae, truth or dare.”

  “Truth,” she says.

  “What’s your favorite memory of me from before I left?”

  Chapter 29


  What do I say? I have to answer truthfully. I try not to grin like a crazy person when I think about it, but I can’t help it. “When you brought me the stuffed bunny. That’s my favorite memory of you.”

  “Why?” he asks, and I know he’s not following the rules.

  “The day you brought me that bunny was the day I realized that someone other than Grandaddy truly cared about me. I knew life would get better, and it reminds me every time I look at it.”

  Emmett stands there, stunned. “You still have it?” he asks.

  “I do.”

  “Raegan, there’s a reason things happen in this world, and I have no doubt all those years ago was part of the plan. I just can’t believe you kept it.”

  “It’s always been a reminder of what happened with my parents, how you graciously gave like only a child can do, and how I never wanted to forget you… ever,” I say as I look into his eyes.

  “Over the years, I wondered if you kept it or just tossed it into the yard sale pile. I can remember going with my mom to pick it out. You were so crazy over Thumper, I knew the moment I saw it, you had to have it.”

  “You’re right. I had to have it, Em,” I say as I take a step toward him. “It led me to you.”

  I don’t know how we end up back at his truck, but after those words escape my lips, I soon find myself in the bed of Emmett’s truck, wrapped in his arms and completely falling in love with him.

  As he holds me in his arms and we look up into the moonlit sky, I realize I am going to have to tell him about Grandaddy. The question is when.

  “Em, do you ever feel like everything in your world is out of control?” I ask as I prop up on my elbow.

  “I used to before I moved back here, but that’s life. It’s out of our control. All we can do is hang on for the ride and hope we survive.” Survive. The word hits me hard.

  I push away the thoughts and ask him, “How’d I get so lucky?”

  “I think we’re both pretty damn lucky, if you ask me,” he says and then pulls me on top of him.


  Saturday morning arrives faster than I would have liked, but my first thought is that I get to spend the majority of it with Emmett—hot, sweaty muscles, and no shirt—or at least this is how I picture the day.

  After tossing on old clothes, I take my Braves ball cap and pull my hair through the hole on the way down the stairs.

  “Mornin’, Sunshine,” Grandaddy greets me as he sits at the table reading the newspaper while drinking his coffee and eating breakfast.

  “Mornin’,” I say as I pour my cup of coffee and make a plate of breakfast.

  As Grandaddy puts the coffee to his mouth, a huge smile escapes his lips. “So, I take it you had a good time last night?”

  Oh, Lord, does he know? Is it that obvious? “I did. What about you?” I banter back.

  “Ya know, just watched the Braves and then called it a night. I’m just a regular party animal.”

  “I know. What am I gonna do with ya?” I giggle. “I’m gonna scarf this down and start my chores, so I can help once Cole and Em get here.”

  “I already got the eggs this mornin’. We’ll both feed the animals and be ready to go. Take your time.” It’s almost as if he is soaking in these little moments we have together.

  After breakfast, we make our way to the barn and feed and water the animals. Then, we sit on the porch with Hank and another cup of coffee while we wait for Cole and Emmett.

  As we swing back and forth, not much is said. We just enjoy the quiet and each other’s company.
  “How are you today?” I ask him.

  “I’m great, actually.” Great? How is he great? “Spending time here on the farm, working, and being with my favorite girl in the world. It doesn’t get any better than this, Sunshine,” he says as he puts his arms around my shoulder and hugs me tightly. He’s right. It doesn’t get any better than this.

  When Cole’s truck approaches in the distance, Grandaddy stands and takes my cup and goes inside. I stand on the front porch with my hands in my back pockets, waiting to see Emmett emerge from the truck. Ohmygosh! I never knew a pair of worn-out Carhartts and a t-shirt with the sleeves cut out could look so dang good! My eyes meet his, and he smiles. Cole takes a look at both of us and shakes his head.

  “Mornin’, Rae,” Cole says as he walks past me and into the house.

  “Mornin’,” I reply, but he’s already inside. Emmett is standing on the first step and eye level with me.

  “How are ya this mornin’?” he asks.

  “I’m perfect. What ’bout you?” I say as I bite the corner of my bottom lip.

  “Life couldn’t get any better than right now.” With those words, my heart melts, yet again. He gives me a brief kiss on my lips before we make our way inside to meet Cole and Grandaddy.

  After Grandaddy gives each of us a task and what will be accomplished by the end of the day, we take our positions and work until we break for lunch. I pull out chicken salad and fresh rolls for lunch. They each eat two, and I can’t help but feel my heart warm as the three men that mean the world to me are in the same room. That’s when Grandaddy begins to cough uncontrollably.

  “Grandaddy!” I yell. “Are you okay?” I look at Cole for direction.

  Grandaddy waves us off and takes a large gulp of water. “I’m fine. Just eatin’ too fast.” I let out a breath of relief. We sit about fifteen more minutes before we hit the field hard to try to finish before mid-afternoon.

  When Emmett excuses himself for a moment, my eyes go straight to Grandaddy. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I inquire.

  “I promise. Now, Cole, I wanna have this done by three. I know y’all got better things to do than work here all day.”

  “Yes, sir. We got this,” he says and then makes his way outside. I clean up the kitchen quickly and hurry to help them.


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