Book Read Free

Southern Perfection

Page 15

by Casey Peeler

  As we walk through the door to the large room full of recliners, all I see is white. Everything is bright, sterile, and white. Then, I notice all the people in the chairs. Each of them is covered with a blanket, and the majority of them look feeble. I spot Grandaddy on the right side, and my heart shatters as I see him surrounded by cords and monitors. He smiles at us as we approach.

  “Wipe that look off your face, Sunshine. If you are gonna mope, I’m sendin’ ya to school. You got it?” he says with a little attitude.

  “Yes, sir.” I smile because at least he doesn’t have one of those blankets. “How are ya?”

  “Okay, now that they’ve quit stickin’ me. I guess I shoulda got that portacath thingy. Oh well, I’ll just have new battle wounds.”

  “Anything we can do, Uncle Dover?” Cole asks.

  “Yep, get me that fishing magazine outta your truck. I’m gonna be here about two hours they said. Y’all might want to find something to pass the time.”

  That’s easy for me. I pull out my kindle and begin to read Jillian Dodd’s newest release.

  “Whatcha readin’?” Cole asks.

  “Adore Me.”

  “Is that the one about Moon Boy or somethin’?” Cole questions.

  “Yup. Still don’t know, but I’m hoping it’s Aiden or Damian. Who knows?!” I say.

  “I don’t get you girls and your books,” he says as he shakes his head.

  “Me either,” Grandaddy chimes in.

  We spend the next two hours reading, talking, helping Grandaddy stay comfortable, and making the nurse laugh. I believe she’s gonna remember us, for sure. Once Grandaddy is finished, they check his vitals, and we make our way to the truck. Grandaddy begins to walk slower than normal. I don’t say a word; I just put my arm in his for support.

  “I love you, Sunshine,” he says.

  “I love you more, Grandaddy.”

  Once we arrive back at the farm, I help Grandaddy get comfortable before going to school. Cole is going to keep an eye on him until I get home today. Thank goodness, cheerleading is over for now.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” I question before leaving.

  “Yes, Raegan, I’m fine. Now, get on to school before I drag you there myself.”

  “I gotcha. I’ll be home after school. Call me if I need to pick up anything on the way.” He nods, and I kiss the top of his bald head before telling Cole to call me if anything happens. I leave and put the truck in the wind.

  I arrive halfway through third block, but have totally missed lunch. Dang, I’m gonna be starving by three o’clock. Pushing it to the side, I pull my notebook and pencil from my bag and take notes like a mad woman.

  As the bell rings to end the day, I exit class to head to my locker, but come face-to-face with Jace instead.

  “Hey, Jace, how are ya?” I decide to be a Southern Belle and play nice.

  “I’m good. Have you seen Emmett today?” he prods.

  “No, I came in late today. What’s it matter to you anyway?” I ask.

  “No reason.” No reason, my ass. “A’ight, I’ll see ya around,” he says and walks away. That was totally weird.

  Rounding the corner, I see Emmett waiting on me at my locker, and a smile develops across my face.

  “Hey, Em,” I say as I wrap my arms around him in a tight squeeze. “Gosh, I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too,” he says, but I can tell his mind is elsewhere.

  “He’s doin’ okay,” I say into his ear.

  “Good. Rae, I need to talk to you.” Oh gosh. I feel my stomach begin on a rollercoaster ride.

  “Sure. Is everything okay?”

  He doesn’t reply. He’s gonna break up with me. What have I done? Then, my mind stops spinning out of control as my eyes land on Jace across the hallway. That POS! He’s up to something. I get my nerves under control as we make our way to my truck.

  “Hey, why don’t you meet me at the creek? I don’t want an audience,” I say. Emmett looks at me like he’s caught off guard by my reaction. “Plus, I gotta get home to Grandaddy.”

  He nods, and once he closes my truck door, he makes his way to his truck and follows me to the creek. As I wait for him, I send Cole a quick text before getting out.

  “So, what’s up?” I question with my arms crossed.

  “Rae, I’m to blame for what happened Saturday night.”

  Confusion engulfs my body. “But, you said you didn’t tell anyone?” I question as fear rises in my throat.

  “I didn’t, but Jace did that on purpose. He wanted to know. He baited me, and I fell for it. Hook, line, and sinker.”

  “I’m no blonde, but I think I might need you to explain,” I say as calmly as possible.

  He begins to take a step toward me, and I take a step backward. “Explain before you take another step, Emmett Bridges.”

  “A’ight, Jace didn’t know anything about us, but I guess he assumed. Anyway, when he made that comment about you, he knew by my reaction it was true. So, he didn’t tell the world. I did without even knowing,” he says as he waits for my response.

  I close my eyes and replay what he has just told me. Emmett told our business thanks to Jace. Oh gosh, I’m gonna be sick. I lose everything I had for breakfast.

  “Rae, are you okay?” Emmett asks as he hurries to my side.

  “I’m fine,” I say as I take a step away from him. As my reality smacks me in the face, I become angry. Not really at Emmett, but just at the world in general. “I’m sorry, Em, but I just can’t do this today.” I walk toward my truck and leave him dumbfounded.

  “Rae, wait!” he yells as he runs to catch me. “Please, don’t leave me.”

  I turn abruptly to him. “I never said I was leaving. I said I ‘can’t do this.’” I point to us. “Not today. I’ve been on a rollercoaster ride of emotions since Saturday night, and if it’s going to continue, we are done, because I have more to focus on right now. Grandaddy needs me.”

  “You can’t, Rae. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Em. That’s why I have to go. I can’t put you through this mess. I love you too much.”

  Emmett tries to keep me from getting into my truck. He eventually realizes my mind is made up. It’s not that I don’t want to be with him, because I do. I just can’t right now. I need to focus on Grandaddy.


  As Raegan tells me she can’t be with me anymore, I feel the air leave my lungs, and I don’t know if I am going to survive. That girl is everything to me. I knew telling her was a risk, but I had to tell her. She couldn’t hear it from Jace, and I knew sooner or later that was going to happen.

  As she pulls away in her truck, I watch because I can’t move. The only thing that gives me hope is her telling me she can’t do this right now, and right now isn’t forever. From this point forward, I’ll give her space with her grandaddy, but when the time comes, I’ll be there like I never left.

  Chapter 34


  I haul ass back to the farm. Not only has Jace managed to ruin my relationship with Emmett, but he also helped me realize what I need to truly focus on right now.

  As I park the truck, Cole meets me. “Care to explain what the heck just happened between you and Emmett?”

  “Nothing,” I say as I try to walk past him, but he puts a stop to it quickly.

  “‘Nothing,’ my ass. That boy loves you, and he only reacted that way because he didn’t want someone talking ’bout you like that. I know life sucks right now, but don’t go through it alone. He wants to be here for you, me, and Uncle Dover.”

  “I just told him I couldn’t do this right now. I didn’t mean forever. Just. Right. Now. Cole, Grandaddy needs me more.”

  “I understand, but you broke him.” Hearing Cole say those words makes my heart crack, but my mind is made up. It isn’t about Emmett, Cole, or my feelings. It is about helping Grandaddy survive.

  “Whatever, Rae. I just hope he’s still around when you come to your senses. This is
the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.”

  “Ughhhhhh!” I huff as I push into him and make my way toward the house.

  As I clomp up the steps, I swing open the screen door with all my might. Grandaddy turns to look at me from his recliner.

  “What’s wrong with you?” he asks.

  “Nothing, except I’m done with Emmett for now.”

  “What’d you do that for?” he banters back.

  “Don’t worry about it. I just want it to be you and me for now.”


  I cut him off. “No. This is it, end of discussion,” I say, and he doesn’t respond because he knows I’m just like him, and when my mind is made up, there’s no changing it.

  Over the next week, Emmett continues to blow up my phone, but I ignore him. He tries to talk to me at lunch, but I sit at the opposite end of the table beside Jordyn. She doesn’t understand what’s going on, but she doesn’t question. Other than the whispers from people about Emmett and me breaking up, everything continues like usual. No one has a clue about Grandaddy. He’s doing okay, and he only has one more treatment because his numbers are doing so well. I begin to feel some hope in my life, and I want to talk to Emmett about it, but I won’t do that yet. I need to make sure everything is back to normal. I think I need to talk to Cole. I pull out my phone and text him to hang around until I get home today.

  As I walk to my truck after school, I notice Emmett is parked beside me. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. I’m not ready for this. I smile as I pass him and make my way to the driver’s side. He smiles back, but doesn’t approach me. In that moment, my heart cries because I think he might be moving on, and if I’ve lost him, it’s no one’s fault but my own. I put the truck into drive and hurry to meet Cole.

  “Hey, Cole,” I say as I get out of the truck, but he’s sprinting toward me. He meets me with a huge hug. “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “You bet! You need to get in there.” I don’t know whether to be happy or scared.

  “Okay, but I need to talk to you.” He follows me inside, and I see Grandaddy shelling pecans as he watches a basketball game on TV.

  “Hey, Grandaddy,” I say as I walk to him. A big grin covers his face. “What’s that grin for?”

  “Oh, ya know, Dr. Charles called with my blood work, and we’re good. No need to do that last one.” Did I just hear that right? “You heard me right, Sunshine. I’m cancer-free.”

  Tears begin to pour down my face from pure joy. I turn to look at Cole, and he’s crying, too. We did it! We got through this. No one knew. He’s gonna be okay.

  “A’ight. Now, quit the crying. I hope to be back to full-time work in the next week. I plan on driving into town tomorrow and going out to dinner with my buddies. They were startin’ to get suspicious.”

  “Sounds good. Hey, Cole, I think I need to take a ride. Do you wanna go with me?” I ask.

  “Sure. I bet I can beat ya to the fence post.”

  “Yeah, right,” I say mid-run toward the door. Cole and I race to the fence line, and when we reach it, I’m completely shocked when I see Emmett standing against it. I turn to look at Cole, and he shrugs his shoulders.

  “I figured it was time to get back to living, Rae. Don’t be mad at me,” Cole says and then turns back toward the house.

  I turn off the ignition and make my way to him. “How’d you know I’d be here?”

  “There are some things between Cole and me that you will never understand. He’s not my blood brother, but he is my brother. He’s kept me informed, told me about everything. I knew today when you walked to your truck that your life was about to change for the better. I couldn’t miss it, and it’s good to know we know you well enough to know when things are at either extreme—good or bad—you take them out on this field. I’m just glad Cole clued me in,” he says as he walks toward me.

  When we are a foot apart, he stops. “Rae, I know why you pushed me away. It’s made my life a living hell for the past couple of months, but knowing Cole was there for you helped. I love you with my entire heart, and I can’t wait to have you back in my life.”

  “What makes you think I’m ready?” I ask as I look into his eyes.

  “The fact you didn’t follow Cole back gave me a little reassurance, but the way your eyes fell on mine today warmed my heart. I knew you were ready.”

  “Em, I’m so sorry I pushed you away, but that’s what I felt I needed to do. I’ve never stopped loving you,” I say as I take a step toward him and place my hands upon his firm chest.

  “Rae, I’ll love you as long as I’m alive,” he declares as he places his hand behind my neck, and my lips meet his like they never left.


  The moment I lay my eyes on her after school, I know her life is about to change. I’m thankful to have Cole in my life. When Raegan pushed me away, Cole pulled me in closer. He knew how I felt as well as her. He kept me informed through all the treatments, visits, and her smiles and tears. I’ll never be able to repay him for that. When he called me saying Mr. Lowery was cancer-free, I had to see the truth in her eyes before she let the calm waters predict our future.

  As she approaches, I can see her hesitation. I’m not going to talk to her, but when her eyes meet mine, I stare into her soul like I did months ago. She still loves me, and after today, I pray she’ll let me back into her life, but there would be one difference. If life gets tough ever again, I am not leaving, no matter how hard she pushes me away. I love her too damn much.

  Chapter 35


  When I walk back into the house, Grandaddy looks over his shoulder at me. “’Bout damn time,” he says before turning back to the TV. I just shake my head and think about all the men that love me.

  Over the next two months, life returns to normal. Grandaddy is back to his full capacity on the farm, Cole and Tammy are spending a lot of time together, and Emmett and I…well, we are together every chance we get. I love him more and more each day. Jace has finally gotten over himself and doesn’t get in our business anymore.

  As March approaches, we begin to prepare for the summer crops, and I can’t wait to go to the Braves game with Grandaddy, Cole, Tammy, and Emmett.

  “Hey, Grandaddy, I got those tickets ordered,” I say as I come downstairs to cook supper.

  “Allll righhht!” he says. I could listen to him say that over and over.

  We eat supper, watch the ACC Tournament, and then retire for the night. Glancing at my calendar, I realize it’s been six months since Grandaddy got the news, and I know he has to go back for a check-up sometime soon. I’ll have to ask him about that in the morning. I drift off and wake up to live my life to the fullest on the farm and at school.

  At breakfast, I ask Grandaddy about his appointment. “Oh, it was last week. It was fine. Go back in six more months.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? I’d have gone with you.”

  “I know, but I’m fine. You need to be at school. Education is what is important.”

  “I know. I know,” I say as I finish eating and leave for school.

  Emmett meets me in the parking lot, and to be honest, I can’t wait to lay my eyes on him. I swear, it’s a good thing we have school to distract us.

  “Mornin’, Beautiful,” he says as he greets me with a kiss.


  “You sure are chipper this morning.”

  “Grandaddy got great news. Everything is still good. Oh! And, I got the Braves tickets for this summer.” Emmett begins the tomahawk chop and sings the chant. I just shake my head.

  I meet Jordyn in the hall, and she looks like a wreck. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “It’s just Ridge. He’s being an ass.”

  “What did he do?” I inquire sincerely.

  “He told me that my butt looks big in these jeans. Can you believe that?” Ohmygosh! Seriously!

  “J, are you kiddin’ me?! I thought he broke up with you or somethin’. You got yourself an honest one. You knew tha
t when you started dating him.”

  She shakes her head. “I swear, sometimes I wish he’d just not tell the truth for once.” We both laugh as we walk to class.

  As we sit at lunch, Emmett looks at me for guidance on the situation earlier. “We’re all good,” I whisper as we sit down.

  “Good,” he says as he kisses my cheek quickly.

  “Hey, I have an idea,” Jordyn says.

  “Oh, brother,” I say with an eye roll and a laugh.

  “Let’s go to my mountain house this weekend. Ya know, get away from here. You in, Rae?” she suggests, as she looks my direction.

  “Let me check with Grandaddy, but I think we should be good. Who’s all game?” As I look around, Jordyn, Ridge, Emmett, and I are all in.

  “Make sure you keep it quiet. I mean, Cole and what’s her name can come, but I don’t want those meatheads to think it’s an open invitation.”


  As the bell rings for lunch, Emmett pulls me back from the crowd and lightly guides me under the stairs before attacking my lips. I kiss him back, but not for long, because Mr. Wall catches us and tells us to quit locking lips before he has to call my grandaddy. I giggle as Emmett walks me to class and then promises to meet me after school.

  After school, he’s waiting on me as usual. “Hey, Em,” I say as I greet him with a kiss. “So, you think your mama’s gonna let you go?” I ask.

  “Yeah, especially if Cole goes. You have more to worry about than me.”

  “Nah, as long as Cole is going, he’ll let me.”

  “Ya know, something’s not right about that. He’s my brother, not yours.” He laughs.

  “But, if you hurt me, he’ll beat your ass.” I smirk.

  “Got me there,” he says as he kisses me goodbye, and I make my way home.

  As I approach the farm, I see Cole working in the lower field. I gotta go see if he’s in for the weekend. I put away my backpack and grab a can of Sun Drop for both Cole and me as I make my way out there.

  “Thanks, Rae,” he says. “What’s up?”


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