Midnight Blood (Born Immortal)

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Midnight Blood (Born Immortal) Page 11

by Yanski, Nicole

  “Oh my God!” Cain was ashamed of himself. He sat straight up off of the swing, and Shayna fell to the porch. He immediately helped her up, and sat her back down on the swing. He knelt down in front of her, his eyes glowing more red than she had ever seen, “Oh my God!” he said again. “I am so sorry my Princess. I can’t stay here, I have to go.”

  “No,” she protested, “Please stay. I’m fine, see,” she showed him her neck. There were two small red marks, that he could see under the porch light, but no blood. “You stopped. Please don’t go.”

  “No. You stopped me., he told her, with pleading eyes. “Shayna, I love you. I have no reason to go on without you. My soul is already damned, but I won’t take your life.”

  Shayna sighed, she knew she needed to let him go. She only had a little more than a week and then neither one of them would ever have to be inconvenienced by the fact that, he was a danger to her, again.

  “Fine,” she said.

  “I love you,” Cain said. He kissed her below her earlobe, his favorite spot, and stood up. “You are my Princess.”

  She smiled up at him, he turned, and in three sprints was at his car. He opened the door to climb in, and looked back at Shayna. He hated leaving her, but hated the thought of hurting her, more.

  Shayna leaned back in the swing, and pulled her knees up to her chin, and watched Cain’s tail lights go around the bend. She took a deep breath, finding herself smiling. After she had discovered her fate, she didn’t think she would be happy after the transformation, but she knew that Cain would do anything to make the best life for her. She sat on the swing thinking about the life that she was about to begin. She was so lucky to have Cain. He was her dream come true.

  She thought about Aiden. Why was he so persistant on showing her bad things, from Cain’s past? If he was Cain’s brother, why doesn’t he show her good things? Why was Aiden with those men in her dream? She wondered. She had noticed that the clothes he wore when he was with them, was more the style of the time period her dream was in. When he stood with her, he wore different clothes, modern clothes.

  “He must have been there,” she said to herself.

  It was late when Shayna finally went inside the house. She went to her room and locked her door. Opening her closet, she grabbed the screwdriver, and pried up the loose board. She took out the book, Halfling Princess, and sat down on her bed. She opened it, and started to read.

  Chapter 10

  Shayna wasn’t surprised to look over and see Aiden walking next to her in the dark alley. She looked around. There were make shift shelters and shacks, everywhere. She knew she was in in a large city, but she wasn’t sure what time period.

  “Please don’t make me watch this again,” she pled.

  Aiden looked down at her, “Would you just stay away from him then?” he asked, with frustration in his voice.

  “No,” she told him, “Please Aiden, don’t make me watch this”.

  “Shayna, don’t you understand?” Aiden said, “He only wants your blood, and he will say anything to get it. I made a vow to protect you, and I will do anything to keep that vow.”

  “I don’t believe that,” she told him, she felt that Cain was as much in love with her, as she was with him.

  They approached a little shack that had a thin stack of smoke coming from the chimney. Shayna could see candle light eminating from a small window. Aiden pulled Shayna by her hand around the small shack, and towards a window in the back.

  “No Aiden,” She protested.

  Aiden pointed back towards the alley, “It’s too late, he’s coming,” he said.

  Shayna looked, and saw the silhouette of someone walking down the alley toward the shack. She knew it was Cain.

  “You don’t have to watch, but he’s going to bring her outside eventually, anyway,” Aiden told her, “ I don’t know how to wake you up. You’re kinda stuck, unless you can do it yourself. I’m sorry.”

  Shayna glared at Aiden and turned her face away from him. She found herself looking right through the window. She saw a small fire place and absentmindedly stepped closer to get a better look inside. The single burning candle just barely gave enough light for Shayna to see. In one corner, on the dirt floor, was a mattress with a dirty, ratty quilt on it, and in the other corner, was a table. She glanced toward the table, which held the candle, and saw a girl there, writing by the candle light. Her blonde ringlettes bouncing as she moved her pen to the ink well, dipped it in, and resumed her writing. She too, like Roslyn, looked Shayna’s age.

  Shayna turned back to Aiden, he was gone. Go figure! She thought. Shayna trusted that he meant well, but his disappearing act was getting a little irratating.

  Cain approached the shack, Shayna peered through the window again, her own curiosity getting the better of her. She knew what she would probably see, and what would happen, but she didn’t know why she had to look.

  After the girl answered the door to Cain’s knocking, the two sat down at the table together, and talked for a while. Shayna could tell that they enjoyed each other’s company. Cain eventually pulled a pocket watch out of his vest pocket, and showed the girl the time. Shayna wished so much, that she could hear what they were saying.

  Cain and the girl stood up, and approached one another. Shayna watched them. She couldn’t take her eyes away. She felt a wave of jealousy rush through her, as Cain placed his hand on the girls neck and pulled her closer to him, she felt sick to her stomach, if that was even possible in a dream. Why is Aiden showing me this? She wondered. When Cain’s razor sharp teeth punctured the girls skin, Shayna’s jealousy grew stronger, she hated the feeling.

  The girl looked like she was enjoying herself, and Cain, while he so gracefully took her blood. But, quickly the scene changed. Shayna watched as the girl grabbed Cain by the shoulders, digging her nails into his immortal flesh, and appeared to be trying to push him away from her. Cain didn’t respond, he didn’t even move. To Shayna he looked like he was in a trance. His eyes were closed, and aside from a little movement in his neck when he swallowed, he was virtually motionless. Shayna had never felt so helpless in her life. She was dreaming, and she knew this had happened in the past, but she wished there was some way she could intervene, and help the girl, and pull Cain out of the catatonic state that he was in. But, she could only watch from the window, helpless.

  The blonde girl swung at Cain, trying to punch him, but he remained unphased, and she was unable to stop him. After a while she became lifeless in his arms. Tears ran down Shayna’s cheeks. They felt cold to her, it all felt so real. It was real! She remembered. Although she was assuming, she was pretty sure everything Aiden was showing her, had happened. Shayna felt sadness for the poor girl, but mostly for Cain. When he finally pulled away from her, and saw what he had done, he fell to the dirt floor of the shack, and wept over her body. She was just as beautiful in death, as she was in life. Shayna wept with Cain. She knew it was an accident, he hadn’t even looked conscious.

  Cain stood up, with the girl in his arms, and walked to the door. He effortlessly opened it, never loosing his hold on the girl. Shayna knew he couldn’t see her, but she could see him around the side of the shack, and she crouched down with her knees to her chest, next to a small pile of fire wood. She could see Cain, as he went knocking, from door to door, with the girl in his arms, with no one answering. Shayna buried her face in her knees and cried. She knew nothing could be done for the girl, she was gone.

  Melina arrived at school the next morning, and immediately went to the library to meet Noah. Shayna and Cain had left before Melina, but they had not arrived at school yet. She wondered where they were. Melina sat down with Noah at a table tucked in a secluded corner.

  “Morning Kiddo,” Noah greeted her, when she scooted her chair closer to him.

  “Good morning,” Melina replied.

  Noah took his fedora off, and placed it in the center of the table.

  “So, I can’t get anything out of her,” he told Melina. />
  “Me neither,” she said, “But, I did hear her crying in her sleep last night, and I heard her yell out a name in her sleep a night or two before.”

  “What was the name?” Noah asked.

  “Aiden, I think,” Melina said, “I was listening at the door. I tried to open it, but it was locked. She never locks her door,” she confessed.

  Noah looked around the library. A couple other students had came in early to work on homework before classes started. Noah leaned closer to Melina, and lowered his voice. “Monday after school, she said, she wished I could get to know him,” he told her.

  Melina was a little dumbfounded. “So?” she said.

  “Why can’t I get to know him? I am her best friend, aren’t I?” Noah explained.

  “You might be on to something,” said Melina, “Why can’t you get to know him? What did you say when she said that?”

  “I asked her why I couldn’t, of course,” he began, “And, she said, that was not what she said. She had said, I can’t wait for you to get to know him,” Noah rolled his eyes after telling Melina what Shayna claimed to have said. “I’ve never felt like Shayna was lying to me before. Keeping things from me yes, but not lying to me. But I really feel like she’s hiding something and lying about it.” Noah picked his fedora up off of the table, and put it back on his head.

  “Me too,” Melina said. She was becoming more concerned about the situation “I do like Cain though, and I don’t want to think he’s a wierdo creeper, or anything.”

  “Well let’s just stay on the down low, and we’ll see what happens,” Noah said. He stood up, and held his hand out to Melina, and helped her to her feet. “Don’t worry kiddo,” he winked at her, “We’ll figure it out.”

  Melina couldn’t believe it when she felt her cheeks burning. Noah had made her blush.

  “This is kind of exciting. Trying to figure out Shayna’s mystery,” she winked back at him, trying to draw his attention away from her cheeks, that still burned. If he had realized that his silly pet name had made her blush, he didn’t say anything, or acknowledge it. They walked out of the library, and parted ways to their classes.

  When Shayna walked into the lunchroom the first thing that Cain noticed, was the high collared shirt, that had been hidden by her coat, that morning. He felt horrible for what had happened the night before, and wondered if he should leave for the next week until Shayna was eighteen. Maybe it was the best thing to do. He thought. If it meant keeping Shayna safe from him, he would walk out of the lunchroom, at the moment, and not come near her for a week. Which to Cain, was a very, short period of time. I should just let Aiden do, what he came here to do. He thought to himself.

  Shayna sat down with him, and gave him a smile.

  “Hello,” she said.

  “Hello, beautiful Princess,” he said, greeting her.

  Hearing Cain call her Princess, would never grow old to Shayna, but she had something else on her mind, that she couldn’t keep from him, any longer.

  “Cain,” she said, “I need to talk to you.”

  She couldn’t stop thinking about her dreams, and she needed answers from him.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  Shayna took a deep breath, her life was getting so, crazy. “I’ve been having some dreams,” she started.


  “And in them, I have this guide, who is showing me these dreams,” Shayna had been looking down at the floor, and looked up to make eye contact with Cain. She felt tears sting the back of her eyes, and tried to force them back. She could tell that his full attention was on her, and what she was about to say. “His name is Aiden.”

  Shayna’s eyes never left Cain’s face while she waited for a response from him.

  The expression on his face reamained calm, and loving, he took her hand in his.

  “Shayna, I want to tell you everything, but not here, not right now,” he told her.

  “Okay,” Shayna said, relaxing a bit.

  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before,” Cain looked around the cafeteria, “I will come over, when I’m done at the shop tonight,” a look of relief swept over his face. “I’ve been wanting to tell you,” he paused briefly, “It is definitely time.”

  They walked to their art class together, and Cain wondered if he should tell her everything.

  When they walked into the room, Mrs. Olson had everyone taking their original seats. That was fine with Shayna since she and Cain now sat together. She remembered that first day when he had looked at Mrs. Olson so intently, and the teacher had sent him to sit with her. Shayna wondered if Cain had impelled Mrs. Olson that day, so that he could sit next to her.

  “Alright everyone,” Mrs. Olson said, when the tardy bell rang, and everyone was in their seats. “If you will look to the back of the room. I have placed your still life drawings on the wall,” at once, everyone turned to the back of the room. “I have written catagories on the chalk board. I would like for everyone to vote for their favorite in these catagories. I have placed a sticky note on each drawing, assigning it, it’s own number.”

  The catagories read:

  Best Lettering

  Best Shading

  Best use of creativeness

  Best Overall

  Mrs. Olson continued, “Vote for one drawing for each category. Make sure you write the number, and category, you are voting for on a piece of paper, and put them in the box I have provided,” she pointed at the box, “Remember, you can vote four times, for all four catagories. You may begin.”

  Shayna and Cain waited for the other students to exit their seats, before getting up themselves. They walked up behind the other students, and they heard little gasps and whispers. Things like, “She’s beautiful” and “Got my vote.” Shayna looked at Cain, and he just shook his head and smiled, oddly at her. When the students saw Shayna approaching, they stepped aside, for her to see the drawings, and immediately she saw her own face amongst them, on the wall. She stepped closer, completely amazed, and grabbed for Cain’s hand.

  “You did this?” she asked him. He nodded his head, and just stood there and smiled at her, “It’s beautiful.”

  He had been staring at her during class, because he had been drawing her. The drawing was incredibly perfect, it looked just like her. She was the focal point, and the still life was the background. He had captured her looking down at her own drawing, perfectly. They could hear the whispers behind them, as all the students gathered at the wall to see what the commotion was about. Cain knew this was the reaction Mrs. Olson had anticipated. He could hear the jealous thoughts of the other females in the class, regarding himself and Shayna. They envied her.

  Mrs. Olson walked up behind the students, “Should we vote now?” she asked them.

  “Do we need to?”aA tall lanky blonde, named Jill said.

  “Is everyone in consensus?” Mrs. Olson asked.

  “Yes,” they all said together.

  Shayna couldn’t help but blush. The drawing was amazing, and so was Cain.

  After the class was over, Cain kissed Shayna goodbye, on the cheek.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” he said, and turned in the other direction and disappeared down the hall. She couldn’t wait for him to come to her later. She needed to hear from Cain, what Aiden was trying to say.

  When school was over Shayna began walking home. As she walked passed the city park she noticed a familiar figure sitting on the gazebo, like he was waiting for her.

  Aiden smiled at her, as she walked across the grass toward him, glaring at him the whole time. She was still upset that he had made her watch Cain again, and that he had left her again.

  “Hello,” he said to her, when she approached him. She didn’t sit down. She stood glaring at him, with her arms folded at her chest. “Will you please trust me now, and stay away from him?”

  “Aiden, I stayed and watched, he didn’t mean to kill her, and he was upset and tried to get her help,” she told him, defending Cain. She knew Cain woul
dn’t hurt her. He tried so hard, not to, “Besides, I told him about you, and he’s going to tell me everything tonight.”

  “We’ll see if he tells you everything. But, Fine,” Aiden said, and stood up and walked over to her, “I just want to make sure he doesn’t hurt you, and I know he will. He can’t resist, and if he kills you, then I don’t succeed in what I came here to accomplish,” he walked to the other side of the gazebo.

  “What did you come here to accomplish Aiden?” Shayna asked him.

  “To make sure he doesn’t have you too!” he exclaimed.

  “Doesn’t it matter to you, that I want him too?” she asked. She didn’t care that Cain had taken lives, she didn’t care about his past, she loved him.

  “You won’t,” Aiden said, then paused, “When you know.”

  All Shayna saw next was a brilliant flash of light, and feathers falling to the boarded platform of the gazebo. She ran to where Aiden had been standing, and looked up expecting to see him flying away, but he was gone. She wondered what he had in store to “show her” next.

  “I’ll never stop loving him!” she yelled into the air. She believed Aiden meant well, but he just didn’t seem to understand. Hadn’t he ever been in love before? She wondered.

  When Shayna walked up to her house, Melina was walking out the front door, leaving for work at the Dutch Cup, but stopped to talk to her sister.

  “Hey Shay,” she said, “What’s new?”

  “Not too much,” Shayna answered. She had noticed that Melina had seemed more interested in her these days. Probably because of Cain. She thought. “What time do you work until?” she asked Melina.

  “Ten thirty,” Melina said, then changed the subject, “So, are you and Cain going to the Winter Formal?”

  Shayna laughed, “What do you think?”

  “I think,” she looked at Shayna, in a matter of fact way, as she opened the door to the Honda Prelude, “That you two, would have fun, and should go.”


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