Midnight Blood (Born Immortal)

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Midnight Blood (Born Immortal) Page 12

by Yanski, Nicole

  “Maybe we would, but, I still don’t want to go,” Shayna stated.

  “Whatever!” Melina said, but she wasn’t about to give up, “Come on Shay. Do it for me,” she paused and looked at her twin with pleading eyes, “Do it for yourself. High School is almost over, ya know? You should go to at least one dance, before you lose the opportunity,” Melina got in the car and started it up, and pulled away from the house, leaving Shayna standing on the curb.

  Maybe Melina is right, she thought. Maybe I should attend one formal function before we’re out school.

  Shayna laughed, “Yeah right,” she said out loud, “Maybe senior prom.” She turned and walked inside the house.

  Chapter 11

  Cain never showed up like had said he would, and didn’t answer his phone when Shayna called him either. She figured that whatever had kept him away, must have been important.

  She went to bed around eleven o’clock dreading what dreams may come to her. When she finally did drift into oblivion, she found herself in the meadow, surrounded by daisies, and standing face to face with Aiden.

  “Now what?” she said to him, rolling her eyes.

  He chuckled, “Nothing tonight Shayna,” he said, and reached for her hand, and lead her to the downed tree to sit down. “Tonight I talk.”

  “What if I don’t want to listen?” she asked, she didn’t want to listen to him.

  “That’s fine,” he said, smiling at her, “If you can wake yourself up, you don’t have to listen.”

  He won that battle, Shayna could never wake herself up out of a dream.

  “What do you want then?” she demanded.

  “Shayna, those girls I showed you weren’t just random girls,” he told her looking into her eyes. “They were Halflings Princesses, like you.” he wanted her to understand exactly what he was trying to tell her about Cain, and why he was there.

  It took a moment for what Aiden was saying to sink in. When it finally did, a lot of things began to come clear to Shayna.

  “He’s a Changeling,” she said quietly.

  Aiden nodded his head, “Yes. He killed those girls, before they ever had a chance to turn. You saw what he did to Roslyn, and that poor girl in Amsterdam,” he looked angry when he spoke Roslyn’s name, “Roslyn had agreed to change him, but then changed her mind. He took her blood, and her life,” he said, and sat down next to Shayna on the tree. “The poor girl had agreed to change him too, she never had a chance,” Aiden looked away into the distance, picking at the bark on the tree, and gouging a divet in it with his finger nail.

  “I don’t think he has any control, once he tastes the blood,” Shayna told him, “He can’t help himself, believe me Aiden. I’ve processed this through my mind many times. I saw him,” she said thinking back to what she had seen, “He didn’t mean to kill those girls.”

  “Shayna you’re delusional!” Aiden said to her, “He’s using you to get what he wants,” he stood back up and began pacing. “He wants your blood, and if you’re not careful, he will kill you. Whether he means to or not.”

  “I’m delusional?” she asked, and laughed at him, “You’re the one invading my dreams.”

  “I’m just trying to make sure you don’t die in his hands, you’re no good to me dead. You’re father sent me to protect you from Changelings like Cain. I swore when I set out to spread his ashes over Humboldt Bay, that I would never let Cain, or any other Changeling touch you,” he said, and he had every intention of keeping that promise. He kicked at the ground, and looked at Shayna like he was embarassed, and said, “I have to be honest with you Shayna. Entering your dreams for the last few years, has been nothing compared to actually standing face to face with you,” Shayna blushed and Aiden continued, “If I would have known how truly magnificent you are, I would have tried harder to find you, and come a lot sooner,” he knelt down in front of her, on one knee, took her hand, and said, “For myself.”

  “Aiden,” she said to him, “I do love Cain.” although she was flattered, she knew Cain was her soul mate.

  Aiden stood up, clearly frustrated, “Fine Shayna. See it your way,” he said, “But, I will show you how uncontrolably lethal he really is.”

  “Aiden please. Why is this so hard for you to understand?” Shayna said, “Can’t you trust me?”

  “I don’t trust him, Shayna,” Aiden spat out. He turned around and walked into the meadow, “I’ll show you Shayna. You will believe me!”

  Shayna watched Aiden walk across the meadow, and out of sight. She didn’t try to stop him because she knew, neither one of them were about to budge on the way they felt about Cain. It would just lead to another pointless argument, ending in Aiden promising to “show her”. She took a deep breath, in anticipation of what he could possibly show her this time, that would make her change her mind about Cain.

  She was beginning to miss the old dreams of Aiden. When he wasn’t trying to stop her from loving, who she believed, was her soul mate. But, Shayna’s convictions were strong and pure, Aiden would have to try harder, and Shayna had a feeling he would.

  Shayna waited for Cain, for twenty minutes after Melina had left the house, and finally gave up and made her way to school. She wondered where he was, and she hoped and prayed, that he had not left for the rest of her mortal existence. She hoped he was already at the academy, but he wasn’t. He didn’t show up later either, and still didn’t answer Shayna’s calls or texts. By the end of the day, Shayna had no other choice, but to believe that he was gone.

  On her way home from school she stopped at ‘Between the Lines’, to talk to Aunt Mill. She did feel a little better when she left the bookstore, with the reassurance from Aunt Mill, that Cain was fine, and although she didn’t know where he was, he would be back soon. The seemingly old woman said she didn’t sense or see, anything out of the ordinary.

  By the time Shayna laid down to go to bed, she had still not heard from Cain. She slept dreamless, but woke up often, sweating and trembling.

  When morning came, she was getting dressed and stopped and looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, “One more week,” she said to the reflection, “Then the big day.”

  She had decided she wasn’t going to wait too long for Cain, and after waiting long enough, she grabbed her backpack, and headed for the door. She opened it, and to her surprise, there stood Cain leaning against the passenger door of his car, waiting for her. She smiled, and all but ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Don’t ever do that to me again,” she scolded. “I thought you were gone, and that I would be alone for the next week.”

  He took her face in his hands, and kissed it all over, careful not to touch her lips with his.

  “I’m sorry Princess,” he said. “I had to go take care of some things at the last minute. It won’t happen again,” he promised.

  Shayna stood on her tip toes, and tried to kiss him. He gently put his finger on her lips and stopped her.

  “Not now, we have to go to school, and people might see us.”

  “Okay,” she whispered to him, “I’m just glad you’re here.”

  He opened the car door for her, and she sat down, on the already warm, leather seat. He closed the door and walked around to the other side, and climbed in himself.

  Cain pulled into the school, and parked. He looked at Shayna and smiled. His green eyes sparkling, with what looked to Shayna like excitement.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he said.

  “You do?” she asked, curiously.

  They climbed out of the car, and walked to the front of it, reaching for each other’s hands.

  “I do,” he said, still smiling, “But it all depends on what your mom says.”

  Shayna wasn’t used to any of this. Cain was the first boyfriend she had ever had, and she wasn’t even quite sure, if that was what he was. She was pretty sure he was more than her boyfriend. She wasn’t used to surprises either, although she had gotten the surprise of her life, the day in the attic, when s
he had found her father’s things, that he had hidden there for her.

  “I can’t meet you at lunch today, Princess. I have to run to the bookstore, and keep shop, while Aunt Mill goes to an appointment she has,” Cain said to Shayna, when they walked into one of the various school buildings. He kissed her forehead, wishing he could just kiss her sweet lips, “But, meet me at my car after school, and we’ll go talk to your mom,” he gave her his best, most handsome smile, and pulled away from her, leaving her standing in the hallway, with the other students shuffling in around her.

  Shayna barely made it through the day with the anxiety, of what Cain’s surprise was, taking over. The final bell rang at the end of the day, and she didn’t even stop to get the books that she needed for the weekend, out of her locker. I know the assignments, and have the internet. She told herself, justifying her decision.

  Cain was right where she knew he would be when she exited the Drama building, at the front passenger door of his car, waiting to open it for her.

  He kissed her on the cheek, and whispered, “I missed you my Princess,” in her ear, before she sat down on the leather seat of the BMW.

  Shayna was anxious and curious to find out what he had planned. He had been able to surprise her with the hot spring. He had been right about that. As far as she knew, no one knew it was there. But what could this be? She wondered.

  “Are you excited?” he asked her climbing into the car on the driver side.

  “I have to admit, that I am,” Shayna said, “I don’t have a clue what it could be.”

  “Don’t worry,” he told her with confidence, and putting his hand on her knee, “You’re going to love it.”

  Cain started the car, and left the school. When they walked up to Shayna’s front door, Cain opened the door, and motioned for Shayna to walk in first.

  “Go get your mom.” he whispered, as she walked in past him.

  “Mom!” Shayna yelled into the house, she knew her mother was awake, “Can you come down here please?”

  “You didn’t have to yell,” Cain said to her.

  “Yes I did,” Shayna said sarcastically, and smiled.

  Sarah appeared at the top of the stairs, a little surprised to see Shayna and Cain.

  “What is it Shay? I’m getting ready for work,” she said, descending the stairs.

  “Um, Cain has something he wants to ask you,” she told Sarah when she reached the bottom of the stairs, she guided her to sit down on the couch, in the livingroom. Shayna sat down next to her, and Cain took a seat in the chair across from them.

  “What is it Cain?” Sarah asked, now almost as curious as Shayna, who also, was hearing this for the first time.

  “Well Mrs.Verona, I know Shayna’s birthday is next weekend,” Cain began. He made eye contact with Sarah, and continued to hold it, so that his connection to her would be stronger, “And I have planned something very special for her,” Cain glanced briefly at Shayna. “If, you allow her to go, that is.”

  Cain waited for any sort of response from Sarah, whether it be mental, or physical. His eyes lit up noticably, when he heard her think, before she said,

  “And, where are you planning on taking my daughter, Cain?”

  Cain had not fully impelled her mind, because, although he wanted Shayna to go with him, he also wanted it to be more Sarah’s decision than his own. He just gave her mind, a sort of push, towards saying yes.

  “Well,” he said looking at Shayna, knowing she had been waiting all day for this moment, “I have theater tickets, and would also like to take her to dinner tonight.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad,” Sarah said, easing up a little.

  “On Mackinac Island,” he added.

  Shayna eyes sparkled in delight, and a smile formed on her face. Cain would give the world to see her smile like that everyday.

  “You would be gone all night?” Sarah asked Cain, realizing what he was getting at, and ruining the joy of Shayna’s moment.

  Mackinac Island, was a couple hours away, Shayna realized, her excitement began to grow again.

  “Yes ma’am,” Cain answered, “But if it’s any consolation, we would be more than happy to take Melina, and the girls would have their own room.”

  Cain really didn’t care if Melina came along, he had gotten an extra ticket just in case, he only wanted to make Shayna happy. He had nothing but the utmost respect for Shayna, and didn’t want her mom to think he was trying anything sneaky.

  Both Cain and Shayna sat anxiously, waiting for an answer from Sarah. Cain wondering if she would ask any of the questions, he knew she was thinking. When he finally heard her mental response, he made eye contact with Shayna, and nodded his head, pleased that her mother approved.

  “Cain, I don’t think it will be necessary to take Melina along with you,” Sarah smiled at them both. “I don’t know you yet, young man, but I trust my daughters judgement. I want you guys to have a wonderful time.”

  Cain was satisfied that he had not let his power over Sarah influence her decision, to let Shayna go, too much. She truly was comfortable letting Shayna go with him.

  “Really Mom?” Shayna was ecstatic. She couldn’t believe, that her mother was letting her go away for the night with Cain.

  Sarah almost couldn’t believe it either, but she also knew, that they belonged together. Who was she to stop it.

  She looked at her daughter with eyes full of love, “Have fun Shayna. But,” she gave Cain and Shayna a stern look, “Shayna will have her own room.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Cain didn’t hesitate to say, “Of course.”

  Shayna hugged her mom, and kissed her on the cheek twice.

  “Thanks Mom. I love you,” she jumped up and went to Cain, hugging him too. She wanted to kiss him on the mouth, but knew she couldn’t. So she hugged him tighter, and whispered in his ear, “I can’t wait. I love you.”

  While Shayna packed an over night bag for the trip, Cain remained downstairs with Sarah, supplying her with the name of the hotel, which he had not told Shayna, the phone number, and the room numbers. She also had requested his driver’s license number, and his license plate number. Cain found it all a little comical, but gave everything to her, without question. Promising to have Shayna home Saturday afternoon.

  They were able to finally get out of Interlochen, after filling up the BMW’s gas tank at the EZ mart, around four thirty. Sarah had kissed her daughter goodbye, brushing her hair off of her shoulder.

  “Have a wonderful time Shayna,” she had said. She knew it was time to let her daughter go for good.

  Shayna was nervous about the evening. She felt one hundred percent safe with Cain, and wasn’t going to let anything that Aiden had said ruin her night. The last two weeks, with Cain, had been incredible to Shayna, although everything was all very new and a little weird to her, she had developed unusually strong feelings for Cain. She felt like she had known him forever.

  It would take them around two and a half hours to get to Mackinaw City, where they would have to get on a ferry to the island, where no cars were allowed. They would have to drive north along the coast of Lake Michigan, to the tip of the Lower Peninsula. Shayna sat pondering on whether she should bring up Cain’s secret, or let him.

  They had been on the road for about an hour, when Shayna looked at him, and said, “Cain,” Now or never. She thought. “Why didn’t you tell me, that you are a Changeling?”

  Cain was silent for a while. Shayna turned and looked out the window, into the dark northern Michigan country side, not sure what the silence meant.

  Finally, Cain sighed. “Shayna, My past is the worst thing that I must exist with everyday,” he said, and zipped around a corner, a little faster than Shayna would have liked. “Roslyn was the one who found me in the alley that fateful night. She told me that she had thought I was too beautiful to leave this earth, so she took me home to her father. I remember he cut his wrist with a dagger, and fed me his blood,” Cain winced at the thought of his change.
br />   Shayna could tell that Cain did not like talking about the night he should have died. The only other person, he had ever spoke to about it was Aunt Mill.

  Cain continued, in a soft whispered voice, that Shayna had to strain to hear. “Because most of my blood was already drained when she found me, and it couldn’t be returned to me, I turned into a Changeling. An existance no vampire wants.”

  Shayna was sure that the feeling that she felt inside at that moment was pretty similar to the one Cain had, when he recovered from his transformation, and found out what he had become.

  “That was selfish of Roslyn,” she said quietly.

  Cain looked at Shayna, she never ceased to amaze him.

  “That is exactly how I felt that night. She had been selfish. I told you I wished I had died that night,” he said.

  He accelerated the BMW faster, and they raced along next to the Lake Michigan. Shayna knew Cain would never let anything happen to them, but she became nervous, when she felt like at any moment, they would leave the road and sail into the glistening water.

  Cain went on, “She made a deal with me. She didn’t want to be a vampire, and she wanted to actually die before she turned.”

  Shayna’s full attention was on Cain. She knew what it was like, to not have a choice, about who you would be, and what you would be.

  “She was only sixteen when she found me,” Cain told Shayna, “So she told me to return to her the night before her eighteenth birthday, and she would complete my change. And then I, was to take her life. I agreed,” it was getting dark out, Cain appeared to close his eyes briefly and sigh before he continued, “So I left my home for two years, and I came back the night before her eighteenth birthday. When I came to her bed chamber, she told me she could not fulfill her end of the deal, she had found somebody she loved, and wanted to spend the rest of eternity with him.”

  Shayna spoke up before he could go on, “ Couldn’t she have still changed you?”

  “Yes, she could have. But she refused. She had promised her lover that she would never share her blood with another, and she meant to stand by her promise. I understood, and I got up to leave, but I kept thinking that, she should have left me behind the stables that night. I didn’t know what to do, or where I was going, I was so angry, I just had to get out of there.”


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