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Justus (In Safe Hands Book 3)

Page 5

by S. M. Shade

  “It’s twisted, therefore it’s a pretzel,” Sadie defends.

  “By that logic, a Slinky is a pretzel.”

  “He’s got you there,” Amber pipes up.

  “Don’t encourage him,” Sadie giggles.

  After we eat, we stop at a bookstore and each leave with a few new novels. “You read mommy porn?” I tease Sadie, gesturing to the books in her hand.

  “They aren’t porn! They’re romance. Something you would know nothing about.”

  “Yeah, the bare chest and abs on the cover scream fairytale romance,” I snort. “You don’t need those books, I can show you romance.”

  Amber laughs and we make our way to a novelty store, where I make a surreptitious purchase while Sadie and Amber look through funny t-shirts. I still owe Sadie for that whole colon cleansing thing and now, I’ve got the perfect revenge. Slipping my purchase into the bag holding my books, I join Sadie and her mother, who are now laughing at a wall of “marital aids” and massagers.

  “I found something for you, Justus.” Sadie holds up a box that reads 9” Power Penis Pump.

  The two women perusing the merchandise beside them try to hide their laughter. “Nah,” I reply, wrapping my arms around Sadie from behind. “I tried it before. They just don’t make them big enough. Busted right out of the last one.”

  The ladies nor Sadie’s mom tries to hide their laughter this time. When we walk out of the store, Amber stops at a bench and takes a seat. “I’m sorry. I just need a minute to catch my breath,” she says, looking embarrassed. I’ll never understand women. She has a heart condition. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.

  “We can rent a wheelchair, Mom,” Sadie says. “There’s a rental place just past the toy store.”

  “I’m not going to be pushed around in a wheelchair like someone’s old granny.” It’s clear where Sadie gets her stubborn nature.

  “Hang on a sec,” I tell them. “I’ll be right back.” Before they can argue, I head off toward the rental place Sadie mentioned. I understand not wanting a wheelchair. I’d be self-conscious too if I had to use one. A scooter on the other hand, I can show her a scooter can be fun, especially when she’s not the only one driving one.

  The man at the counter hooks me up with two mobility scooters and even has an employee drive the other one back to the bench for me.

  “What are you doing?” Sadie asks when I shake hands with the boy and he heads back to his job.

  “Your Mom is right. Wheelchairs suck. Now these babies have some power. Come on, Amber, I’ll race you to the department store. Sadie needs a new sexy dress.”

  Amber laughs and shakes her head, climbing onto the scooter. “I think you may have met your match with this one, Sade.”

  Sadie is gazing at me with a strange look, like she’s never seen me before. “What? You never saw a devastatingly handsome man on a scooter? Go ahead, stare all you want. I’ll give you a moment.”

  Before she opens her mouth with another smart response, I scoop her onto my lap. She squeals as I take off, and her mom pulls up beside us, laughing.

  A group of teenagers jump out of our way and Amber announces, “Move it or lose it, people! Handicapped crew coming through!”

  Her mother’s laughter makes Sadie giggle into my ear. She tightens her arm around my neck and holds on while we weave in and out of the crowd until the department store appears in front of us.

  The sight of a jewelry store a few doors down gives me a crazy idea and I hop off the scooter, turning to place Sadie on the seat. “I’ll leave you ladies to it. I want to grab a few things from the drugstore next door.”

  “Need another enema already?” Sadie taunts, and she and her mother dissolve into giggles again like two teenage girls.

  Oh, this woman is going to get it tonight.

  They head off to shop, and I sneak into the jewelry store. I’ve been accused of being impulsive, but I’ve never done anything quite this over the top. Sadie may want to string me up by my balls when the time comes, but I’ll risk it.

  Watching her with her mother the past few days has shown me a few things, the first thing being how close they are. Even though she tries to hide it, I can feel Sadie’s devastation at her mother’s decline. I’ve also seen how her mother looks from me to her, then back again, hope and relief shining in her eyes. She believes us. That’s so important because the third thing that’s become apparent is that Amber doesn’t have much time left.

  Nothing would make this dying woman happier than to know her daughter has found someone to love her forever. And the best way to convince her of that is with a proposal and a big fat ring, right?

  The saleslady gives me a disdainful look when I enter. Apparently, my worn jeans and plain black t-shirt don’t scream money. She glances at the man working with her, and he nods in silent acquiescence, plastering a smile on his face as he approaches. At least he’s trying to pretend he’s happy to have me as a customer. The joke’s on the sour faced old bat though. I may not look the part, but I’m not hurting for cash.

  I’ve saved every dime I earned from dancing over the years, and trust me, that’s a lot of dimes. A few years ago, I decided to try investing. I’ve always been good with numbers and technology, and a few investments in upcoming gadgets and green energy projects paid off well enough that I’ll never have to worry about money again.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not hung up on financial success, but after spending my childhood as a broke foster kid, knowing I’ll never have to struggle to survive is a huge relief.

  “What can I help you with, today?” the man asks.

  “I’m shopping for an engagement ring.”

  “How exciting! Let me show you a few options.”

  Twenty minutes later he hands me the ring box, and I tuck it into my pocket. As I’m preparing to leave, I notice a display of mother and daughter necklaces. Amber’s birthday is two days away and though I know Sadie has bought her a gift, this would be perfect for the two of them.

  Watching them together has awakened something inside of me. Something sweet and sharp. I never had a real mother, one who cared about me and Hannah, or put our needs first. I’m happy that Sadie has that, no matter how painful it’ll be when she loses her. It takes another fifteen minutes to have the pendants engraved with their names and I know I need to hurry or they may come looking for me.

  I make a quick trip into the drugstore and grab a few items I don’t really need—except the condoms—definitely need those. After getting a taste of Sadie in bed last night, I can’t wait to be inside her again. I have a few more days with her and I’m going to make it count.

  “About time,” Sadie exclaims when I return.

  “Sorry, long line.”

  “We’re ready to go,” she replies, grabbing their bags.

  “I can walk to the car,” Amber insists, so we stop to return the scooters before heading back to her house.

  I grab the bags and take them inside while Sadie helps her mom out of the car. She hardly said a word on the way home. The last two days have just been too much for her. I’m coming back down the stairs when Sadie yells, “Justus! Doug! Call an ambulance!”

  Sadie sits beside her mother on the front step, murmuring to her. “Just breathe, slow breaths, help is coming.”

  “What happened?” Doug demands, bounding out the front door, the phone still in his hand.

  “She’s having trouble breathing,” Sadie replies. The door slams shut behind Doug as he darts back inside, returning with her oxygen tank. After fitting the mask over her face, she seems a little better, but she’s still struggling.

  “Ambulance is on the way, Mom,” he reassures her.

  The paramedics show up in less than five minutes, and Doug insists on riding with her in the ambulance. “We’ll be right behind you,” Sadie tells her mom, squeezing her hand as she’s wheeled away on a gurney.

  Sadie rushes into the house, and I follow. She’s standing in the living room, frozen in place, her eye
s wide. “I-I need to get her purse…and her meds…they’ll want her meds…and I don’t know if she has her insurance card,” she rambles.

  “Sade.” Her head jerks around and she looks at me like she forgot I existed. Her hand is cold when I take it. “Just get her purse and the keys so we can lock up. Anything else she needs we can come back for.”

  “Right…right.” She grabs her mom’s stuff and we’re out the door.

  “I can’t believe this is happening. I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. They said she’d get worse, but…” She rests her head against the car window as I guide us onto the highway.

  “It doesn’t make it any easier,” I tell her, taking her hand. I want to tell her everything will be all right. I mean, that’s what you’re supposed to say, right? But we both know that may not be true.

  Her eyes meet mine and I almost miss her words when she whispers, “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “I am too. Whatever you need. I’ve got you.”

  We arrive at the hospital and she directs me to the emergency parking lot. Once we’re inside, the clerk takes her information and explains that the ambulance has just arrived. They’ll call us back after they examine her mother.

  Watching her pace the waiting room, I can’t imagine how she feels. I’ve never been in this position with a family member. The scariest thing I’ve been through like this was when my friend Landon was hospitalized for severe burns after some psycho tied him to a tree in the sunlight.

  Landon has a disease that prevents him from being in the sun, even for a few seconds, so it was a close call, but he pulled through. I’ve never had any family other than my sister, and if something happened to her, I’d probably never even know. I’m a little out of my element, and I’m not sure what to do, but the fear and devastation on Sadie’s face make it clear she needs a shoulder to lean on. That’s going to be me.

  “Sadie Belmont?” a small woman in yellow scrubs asks.

  Sadie darts to her feet. “Yes.”

  “Come with me. I’ll take you back. They have her stabilized.”

  Sadie grabs my hand and we’re lead down a maze of hallways before reaching a private room in the cardiac wing. Amber looks tiny in the hospital bed, although her color is a little better. “Mom, how are you?” Sadie rushes to her side.

  “Better now. They’re giving me Lasix to remove some of the fluid buildup in my lungs. That’s why I couldn’t breathe. The doctor said I’ll probably be released in the morning.”

  She says it as if it’s no big deal, and I assume she’s had this happen more than once. Sadie lets out a sigh of relief, and Doug enters with a cup of coffee. “I’m staying the night,” he announces.

  “There’s no need for that,” Amber argues. “I’m just going to sleep.”

  Doug flops into the small reclining chair and puts his feet up. “And I’ll be here playing on my phone.”

  Amber shakes her head and regards me. “Take my daughter home, then. Throw her over your shoulder if you have to.”


  “I’m fine. You know we’ve been warned about this, honey. I’ll be in and out of the hospital until they find a donor.”

  Sadie has explained to me the chances of finding a compatible donor are very slim, but she gives a reluctant nod. “We’ll go back to the house.” Turning to Doug, she says, “Call me if anything changes.”

  “I will.”

  “And you call if you want us to bring you anything. Hospital food is disgusting,” I tell Amber.

  Amber smiles at Sadie. “This one’s a keeper, girl.”

  The little sideways grin Sadie gives me makes me feel about ten feet tall. “Yeah, I think so too.”

  When we head home, she gazes at me from the passenger seat. “I’m sorry I dragged you into this. I really just thought it’d be a week hanging out with my mom. I didn’t think she’d be this sick this fast. I know this isn’t what you signed up for.”

  I turn the car off and face her. “Hey, all this fake boyfriend crap aside, you’re my friend, Sadist. I know we give each other shit, but I like you. You don’t need to apologize for anything. I want to be here for you.”

  “Thank you,” she sighs, relief ringing in her voice.

  Sadie is quiet and withdrawn the rest of the night. We spend a couple of hours watching T.V. before heading up to bed. Without a word, she curls up in my arms as if she belongs there. The terrifying thing is…I’m starting to think she does.

  This is all for show with her, I know that. And I realize she’s turning to me for comfort because I’m the only one here, but it’s getting hard to remember that this isn’t real. What the hell is wrong with me anyway? I have women falling at my feet every night and I don’t even blink. Why does this stubborn woman get to me?

  Ever since Ayda introduced us almost a year ago, I’ve tried to get with her. Granted, in the beginning it was because she’s gorgeous. Plump ass, full tits, and legs that go on for miles. What guy wouldn’t go for it? But she has attitude enough for ten chicks and after a while it was fun to rile her up, try to get her ears to turn red.

  This is the most time we’ve spent together alone and there’s just something about her that makes me want…I don’t know what I want. To fuck her again? Absolutely. But part of me also wants her to look at me the way she did in the hospital, like maybe she sees more than just the stripper body everyone else wants.

  My hand delves into her hair, my fingers running through the long strands, and she gives a contented hum, her breath falling into a rhythm as she falls asleep with her head on my chest.

  Chapter Five


  The sound of the shower wakes me and the events of the night before come flooding back. I grab my phone from the nightstand and breathe a sigh of relief when there are no missed calls or messages.

  Doug picks up on the first ring. “How’s mom?” I ask without the preamble of a hello.

  “She’s feeling a lot better. She’ll be discharged in a few hours. They put her on a stronger diuretic to try to keep the fluid down.”

  “Good. Thanks for staying with her. We’ll be there as soon as I get cleaned up. Can I bring you anything?”

  “I’d give my left nut for an energy drink.”

  “You got it.”

  Justus struts out of the bathroom just as I’m hanging up. Fucking hell, why does he have to look that good? Wild blond curls flop onto his forehead as he bends over to dig through his suitcase. A towel is tucked around his waist concealing what I now know is an impressive cock. His lean body is lined with ropes of muscle, those v lines that drive every woman crazy prominently displayed on his narrow hips.

  “That look is going to get you fucked.”

  Damn. I was ogling him again. My tongue may as well have been hanging out. Speaking of tongues, his darts out to wet his lips and a wicked smile emerges. “Speechless?” He closes his eyes. “I’m marking this moment in my memory. Sadie doesn’t have a comeback. Looking at my sexiness has struck her mute.”

  “You’re an ass. And here I was considering a quickie.”

  His eyes darken. “No quickies with me, Sweets. I take my time and do it right. When do we need to be at the hospital?”

  “A couple of hours.”

  Rubbing his thumb down his chin, he says, “I can make that work.”

  The words are barely out of his mouth and he has me by the leg, pulling me to the edge of the bed. “Someone accused me of being a bad kisser, so I think I need to set her straight.”

  “So kiss me.”

  “Nope.” He pulls off my panties. “You had your chance. Maybe your pussy will appreciate my kisses.”

  It does. It really, really does.

  * * * *

  Mom is home from the hospital and in good spirits. She spent the first day in bed, but now she’s up and around again. Doug has actually been spending time with us instead of locking himself away in the basement to play games. As disappointed and frustrated as I am with my brother and
his unwillingness to stand on his own two feet, I have to admit he takes good care of Mom.

  Mom’s birthday is today and while we originally planned to take her out to a nice restaurant and a movie, she just isn’t up to it. Though she makes light of what she calls “these little incidents” they leave her weaker every time. So, we’re celebrating here with just the four of us.

  I’m pouring the chocolate cake batter into the pans when a warm mouth meets my neck. “Hey, sexy, we’re getting ready to play Dirty Riddles. Are you almost done?”

  “You want to play Dirty Riddles with my mother?” I laugh.

  “It was her idea.”

  His hand darts around me and he dips his finger into the batter. Before he can lick it off, I grab his wrist and bring his finger to my mouth. His eyes bore into mine as I suck it between my lips, licking every drop of chocolate away.

  Sex with him has been amazing. I swear, he’d spend the entire night with his head between my legs if I let him, but he hasn’t let me return the favor yet. I’ve never minded giving head, but I’ve never really enjoyed it either. For some reason, I want to with him. I want to make him squirm and groan and curse the same way he does me. We only have a few nights left here, and I plan to take advantage of them.

  I’m spending as much time as I can during the day with Mom, but the nights are a sweaty hedonistic retreat from my worry and fear. I’m happy I brought him, not just because Mom totally believes we’re in a relationship, but because he’s been supportive and helpful beyond anything I would’ve expected.

  Maybe I judged him too quickly for his man whore ways. After spending a few days with him, I can see how much more is hiding under that superficial stripper façade. He’s funny and so compassionate with my mother and me. It isn’t until we’re in the bedroom that the crude, dirty talking alpha side comes out and I’m ashamed to admit…I like it.

  I’ve never taken orders, never let a man—or woman for that matter—tell me what to do, but the sound of his deep voiced commands to strip or bend over excite me in a way I don’t fully comprehend.


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