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Page 4

by Paloma Beck

  “Well, at first it was an accidental discovery but then I thought about how so many of the Magdalena women are missing. So many of the Breed are going longer without finding mates. This could essentially fool their body to increase life expectancy.”

  “And if a mate should come along?” Madden asked.

  “Well,” Amelia paused, “I’d guess everything could proceed as normal but that would need to be tested.”

  “Again, I’m going back to the question of why.” Gage’s voice was raised and he was shaking his head.

  “It has the potential of helping people,” Amelia defended her project.

  “Or the potential to hurt a whole hell of a lot more,” Gage growled before he turned his back on her.

  Honestly confused, Amelia looked to Madden who placed his hand over her own. “Here’s the part you don’t know. The clincher, if you will. We’ve been pursuing a man believed to have intel on the Valendite Breed.”

  “The man who held Ella?” Amelia had met Lucas’s mate and knew the story of her captivity as well as any.

  “Yes. The piece we’ve kept quiet, for obvious reasons, is that the men who held her are seeking a way to create their own Breeds,” Madden explained.

  “W-whatever for?” Dr. Whitner asked

  “War. Destruction of our race, the breeds and then humans as well.” Gage glared from the window as he answered.

  Amelia sank into herself at his words and looked for Madden’s confirmation. At his nod, she bowed her head. “But they need to find this first. I can destroy it. This is the only sample and I’ve not shared with anyone what I’d found. I hadn’t planned on it until I was certain.”

  “Well, given this new information, I suspect Dr. Whitner was right in adding extra security. My guess is somehow these men found out about our research facility.” Amelia noticed her supervisor blanch at her words. She had to be devastated her lab could possibly be breached.

  “She’s in danger,” Gage came to Amelia then and placed his hand on her shoulder.

  Without thought, she shrugged him off and scowled. “I can take care of myself.”

  “You are my mate. I will take care of you.” Gage’s anger radiated from him as he held tighter to her shoulder. Amelia said nothing.

  Madden broke the silence. “You understand that this must disappear. No records. Aside from telling my team, no more people learn about this compound. With any luck, we’re going to make this disappear.”

  “Very well. Dr. Sinster, dispose of the jar of compound. Place everything as it was for the fertility drug experiment.” Dr. Whitner stood and then turned to Madden. “And the possible security breaches into the facility?”

  “My men and I will stay on surveillance.” Madden informed her as he shook her hand. “Gage, you’ll need to stay with Amelia obviously. If someone knows anything, they’ll likely already have her connected to the facility. Being a Sinster sister, she already has a target on her back.”

  Gage nodded and Madden walked out of the lab with Dr. Whitner.

  “Do what you need to and then get your things. We’re going home,” Gage told Amelia once they were alone.

  “Yours or mine?”

  “Yours or my what?”


  Gage didn’t answer. He simply growled and then waited in silence while she got everything together.

  * * * *

  Amelia looked up from where she sat when he walked into the room after his phone call with Madden. Gage admired how good she looked curled into his leather sofa. The long curls that fell down her neck and across her cheek hid her cat-like green eyes, but he could tell by the tilt of her head that she’d looked up at him. She returned quickly to the magazine on her lap and ignored his presence though.

  Amelia had been quiet once they left her lab to return to their house. Gage wondered what she was thinking but wasn’t so sure knowing was worth the asking. He was still reeling from his call with Madden. Trevor, one of the newer TEU recruits, had turned up satellite images of what appeared to be Nassir’s men near the lab within the last month.

  His mate was definitely in the middle of this and now he was assigned to keep her safe. At the same time, the urge to claim her hadn’t subsided. They needed more time together and it didn’t look likely Amelia was willing to oblige him anytime soon. What he really couldn’t figure out was just why it was that it seemed her sin hadn’t gone away when they exchanged blood. Amelia was still roaring angry over everything he did.

  Gage ran a hand through his hair and called out to her. “How about something to drink? I’m having a beer but we’ve got a fully stocked fridge.”

  “No. I have a bottle of water over here already.” It was a good sign that she spoke to him, but there was no intonation to her voice. Angry, she was definitely still angry. Well, dammit, so was he.

  “You going to keep up this attitude? It’s a bit like being with my sister when she was a teenager,” Gage teased.

  Amelia said nothing.

  “Or just the silent treatment, I suppose.” Gage shrugged into the chair across from her, turned on the television, and settled in to wait her out.

  Amelia sighed which made him grin. “I had to destroy years of work. Do I not get to be upset about that?”

  “You do.”

  “I do? Then why the complaints about my attitude?”

  “Because, sweetheart, we’re mates. That means you talk to me about what troubles you. It also most certainly means you talk to me when I talk to you.”

  “And if I just needed time to work through it on my own?”

  “You mean, time to let your anger fester?” Gage corrected.

  “No. I’m not letting it fester. I’m upset. I need time alone.”


  “Nope?” Amelia still raised her voice every time at being told she was wrong. Goddess, did he adore how her tiny little backbone stood straight when she was challenged.

  “You don’t need time alone. You need help getting over it.”

  “And you’re the one to help me?”

  Gage grinned at how quickly she came to the same conclusion he had drawn himself. “Actually, I am. As your mate, it’s my responsibility to see to your well-being.”

  Amelia watched him, uncertain. Clearly, she was surprised by his take-charge attitude.

  “I’ll give you a bit to work this out. I’ll finish watching this game and if when it’s done, you’re up to dinner with me then I’ll know you’re set. If not, we’ll try another way.”

  “Another way?” Amelia asked, her voice still shaking.

  Gage nodded and turned his head back to the game on the television. His mind, however, was firmly on his mate’s behind. Donovan had made a lot of sense the other evening and Gage planned to take his advice.

  * * * *

  Amelia couldn’t believe the cockiness Gage walked around with. Goddess, she wasn’t even sure she liked this man. Frustrated and knowing that if she didn’t calm down, something unpleasant was going to happen, she got up from the sofa and walked out.

  Amelia wandered the house, inspecting the large, modern kitchen, and finding a sunroom along the back bright with sunlight overlooking the vineyard. She could also smell the light fragrance of lavender that would work in her favor to find calm. She sat in the silence and tried to clear her mind, but images of her lab, the shooting, her mate, and the end of her experiment flashed through her mind. She was angry with herself for bringing this danger so close to home, but couldn’t help but feel cheated not to finish her compound. It had the potential to help—she honestly believed that despite now understanding the dangers. How was she expected to have known though? Amelia had no idea there were humans who knew the Breed existed. She knew about the US government relations, but that was top secret. She’d believed them hidden and safe. Now everything she believed had blown up in her face.

  She twisted as she paced the room and felt the twinge of her bullet wound pull. Tears welled up in her eyes as she felt every
thing brim up and an overwhelming pit filled her. Amelia wanted to scream. She flung herself onto one of the little cushioned chairs and stomped her feet.

  “You did not just stomp your feet,” Gage’s voice came from behind her. She hadn’t realized he had come into the room.

  “Maybe,” Amelia answered, embarrassed to be caught in a rage she couldn’t control. “I can’t help it, Gage. I can’t stop being frustrated and mad at all of this.” Amelia flung her hands, looking exasperated.

  Gage kneeled in front of her on one knee and took her hand. “Let me help.” His words were simple but immediately unloaded the burden she carried. Amelia was awed by this large Valendite Breed kneeling before her. His dark brown hair was cropped short and his handsome face defined with deep ridges along his cheekbones. Gage was pure masculine beauty, but she wouldn’t tell him that.

  Amelia simply nodded. Maybe he actually could help her. He kissed her knuckles and raised himself to sit beside her. She didn’t give it a second thought when he patted his knee, but simply moved to sit on his lap and seek comfort. Then, to her surprise, she screeched when he tugged her across his lap as if she were a child to be disciplined.

  With a giggle, Amelia asked, “What are you doing?” She kicked out her feet and held onto Gage for balance. He must be playing with her, trying to help her to relax away from her anger.

  “You see, I’ve been told a spanking is cathartic, a means for releasing pent up energy. In your case, that’s anger. So I thought we’d give it a try.” Gage was very matter-of-fact about what he was doing, but since he wasn’t playful, Amelia’s anxiety soared.

  “Give it a try? You intend to spank me?”


  “Yep?How about ‘nope’?” Now Amelia was enraged. “How dare you think to do this to me? You have no right!”

  “Oh, there’s where you’re wrong. I have every right. I’m your mate.” Amelia couldn’t see his grin, but she knew it was there. The grin he wore to say he owned the moment. And damn him, she knew he was right but she most certainly didn’t have to like it.

  With her torso and legs dangling down from either side of his lap, Amelia was held firmly in place with no way to escape. She was truly at his mercy and that just made her angrier. How dare he do this?

  A flush stole over her skin as Gage tugged up the ruffles of her maxi skirt. She pinched her eyes closed, waiting for his reaction when he found her tiny thong underneath. Amelia wasn’t disappointed by the inhalation of breath she heard from her mate. His hand ran over her naked ass under her skirt as the cool air nipped at her skin. She felt obscene with her skirt now around her waist and her ass bared with only her tiny scrap of a thong.

  Gage rubbed along the cheeks of her ass until they felt warmer to the touch. Amelia felt her clit swell even as her bottom grew sensitive. The blood seemed to center in these two areas of her body and she couldn’t think straight. Her concentration was solely focused on her mate.

  “I’d like to try this. I believe you do too but if you truly want me to stop, say so now. Right now, Amelia, is your only chance to say ‘stop’. It’s now or it’s never again,” Gage spoke with a voice of conviction that caused a shudder to pass down Amelia’s spine.

  She didn’t make a sound.

  Gage lifted his hand from her bottom. She was bereft of his touch for one second before she heard its descent and felt his palm strike her ass. He hadn’t held back much of his Breed strength. There was no gentleness. Gage spanked her in steady, heavy strokes. Goddess help her, tears sprung immediately to her eyes. Still, she held her tongue and refused to cry out. After at least a dozen, he stopped and softly rubbed her ass cheeks again. This time, his ministrations brought the sting to the surface in waves of heat and pinpricks of sensation. It wasn’t pleasant but neither was it unpleasant.

  “You’re doing well, sweetheart, but you don’t need to hold back. Allow all of that emotion you hold inside to come out.” Gage spoke softly, coaxingly, but still Amelia held her cries inside.

  The next series of slaps came in a rhythm and Amelia fell into the pattern with ease. It stung, but as she focused on the stinging, she realized the pain inside—the anger—wasn’t so strong anymore. She could take deep breaths without feeling weighted down in fury.

  Her body was quivering. She couldn’t think beyond the constant sting of the spanking. Amelia raised her bottom towards Gage’s palm, instinctively seeking more. She craved more, needed the release this was providing her from the constant anger. She opened her mouth without thought and allowed the first of her cries to leave her. She let go one after another until her body shook with the sobbing.

  “Good girl. Let it all out. This is what you needed, just this, just to be able to let it all go.” Gage spoke as he continued the rhythm.

  Amelia did just as he said, crying softly now into his leg even as she began to feel his palm gentle on her bottom until he was massaging. She wiggled, but a single slap stopped her movement. She was too limp to move off him anyway. She relaxed into his hold and floated, not feeling anything. Content.

  “You did so well. How do you feel?” Gage asked her as if she could actually think or speak. She honestly wasn’t certain she could do either in the moment.

  “I-I don’t know. I feel relieved.” She also felt exposed and vulnerable but chose not to mention that. She wasn’t accustomed to any of these emotions and needed to consider them before she talked about them.

  “That’s what I was going for. You see, a catharsis of sorts. I’d say I’ve successfully spanked the anger right out of you.” Gage chuckled and the infusion of his humor lightened the moment. Gage was still himself and she was still Amelia. Nothing had changed and yet, maybe everything had.

  “Perhaps we don’t need to make a habit of this though,” Amelia suggested.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I believe I liked it. And,” Gage paused and ran his hand down along her thong where it clung between her thighs. She knew he’d feel the wetness and closed her eyes before he spoke again. “I believe you may have liked it more than you’re saying.”

  “Perhaps.” Then she realized she was smiling. Oh Goddess, she groaned, what kind of freak was she that this is what it took to make her feel this way? She couldn’t care less though. She was happy.

  All was silent then as Gage held Amelia. Her tears had stopped but she felt limp with the exhaustion of her release. She couldn’t remember a time when she was too tired to be angry. This was what others called peace. In his arms, she was at peace. Amelia couldn’t help but wonder how Gage had known.

  “Because I’m your mate and it’s determined that I will know what’s best for you.” Gage’s words shook Amelia and she looked up in to his face with a question on her own. He grinned. “I can hear your thoughts.”

  “I didn’t know.”

  “Be quiet again and listen. Now that your emotions are calm, you should be able to sense me.”

  Amelia still held doubt, but also hope. She did as he said and laid her head against him, finding comfort in his gentle strokes. Then she heard him inside her own mind. He was speaking in their native tongue, murmuring endearments that pinkened her cheeks.

  Chapter Four

  Amelia entered the kitchen where Gage was obviously working already. He’d strewn schematics, maps, and reports all over the large family dining table. Her entire body tensed. It was barely light out and he was already working which meant it was important. Important to a TEU agent was never good.

  Gage must’ve sensed her. He looked up from his laptop, aiming his gaze directly at her and pulling a gasp from somewhere deep inside. His eyes turned from his warm brown to blazing yellow. Amelia knew what that meant and her body reacted instantly. He was her mate and he couldn’t hide his desire.

  “You weren’t there when I woke up.” Amelia wanted to kick herself that she said such a dumb thing. She blushed and added, “I’m sorry. Clearly, you’re busy. I’ll just go…”

  Gage cut her off by pulling her down onto his lap.
“I didn’t want to wake you but I couldn’t sleep.”

  “What are you working on?”

  “The schematics for your lab. The plan is to allow whoever it is skulking around to have access. Then once they’re in, we’ll grab them.”

  “That simple?”

  Gage shrugged. “Usually not when it comes to Nassir. It doesn’t matter though. We’re taking them out and putting an end to this.”

  “Can I help?”

  “No!” Gage shouted, obviously surprising himself with his vehemence as much as he surprised Amelia. “Sorry. No, we’ve got this.”

  Gage stood up and drew her hand into his. Amelia used her other hand to touch muscles where they pulled along his shoulders and down back. The rippling of his movement as he leaned forward towards her showed each defined groove of his strength. She ached to be with him. She felt the urge to drink from him.

  “I should feed you,” Gage spoke in a huskier voice than she’d heard before. He was looking in the direction of the kitchen and obviously wondering what they had to make for breakfast.

  “Yes. You should.” Amelia agreed, though she might have a different idea for their meal than he did.

  Gage grinned at her tone. “Breakfast first.” He tugged on her arm and walked out of the room and into the kitchen prep area.

  “I’m not sure I can wait. I’m feeling faint,” Amelia teased.

  “Faint, huh? Let’s have you sit down then,” Gage spoke even as he reached his arms around and swung her onto the counter. She squealed and grabbed his waist with her legs to hold him to her. Amelia needed this more than food.

  “I like you here,” Gage agreed, “It’s the perfect height for…” His lips pressed gently to hers. “eating.” Amelia held onto his dark head of hair as he made paths along her chest and arms, down her belly and legs. Soft, wet, teasing kisses dropped to make her want more. Gage was deliberately tormenting her, she was sure of it.

  Amelia glowed in the realization that she wasn’t growing angry at this playfulness. Instead, she was laughing. Her anger had subsided. Dare she hope it was forever? Shaking away the sullen thought, she locked her legs around Gage to hold him close, not wanting to let him go. “I want you.”


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