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A Royal Romance

Page 30

by Jenny Frame

  Bea nodded.

  “That thing is peace on the water. Close your eyes, darling, and let yourself float in the peace.”

  She did as asked and listened to the sounds of nature around them, while being held lovingly in George’s arms. Every so often George would place soft kisses on her head and cheeks, whispering I love you in her ear.

  They floated like that for a few minutes before Bea opened her eyes and looked up to her love above her. “Georgie, no one has ever done something so simple and yet so romantic for me. I love you.”

  “You deserve more romantic days than I could come up with, but I’ll always try to show you how much I love you. Now, how about that dessert?”

  Bea nodded enthusiastically. “Oh yes, what have you got for us?”

  George opened up her plastic container and pulled out the reddest and plumpest strawberry Bea had seen, which had been dipped in chocolate.

  “You spoil me,” Bea said.

  “I hope I always will. These were grown on the estate. I hope you like them. Take a bite.” George lovingly fed the strawberries to her, taking occasional bites at Bea’s insistence.

  Bea had her eyes closed, enjoying being held in George’s arms and waiting on the next bite of plump fruit. When it didn’t materialize, she opened her eyes slowly to be faced with a ring box. Her mind was unsure of what was happening, but her heart raced instinctively knowing this was going to be a special moment.

  “Beatrice Elliot, the day you gave me that annoyed look across the boardroom at Timmy’s, I knew you were special. You brought colour and laughter back to my world, when my heart was broken and aching with grief. You supported me as a friend and looked after me, despite our differences, and you came to be with me, even though you knew your life would change forever.”

  George opened the ring box, and Bea held her hand to her mouth as she gasped.

  “This was my great-great-grandmother Queen Mary’s engagement ring. She was the last sovereign Queen of this country and sat on the throne for fifty years. I thought it fitting that as the next Queen to follow her, I give it to my wife, if you’ll have me. I love you with all my heart, my darling. Would you do me the great honour of becoming my wife and consort?”

  Even though Bea knew when she came to Scotland that she was committing to George, and marriage would follow in time, it was still a shock to be asked and so soon. The ring had a large solitaire diamond and smaller diamonds set on either side, making the band look as if it were all set in the precious stones. “George, are you absolutely sure you want someone like me to be your consort?”

  George lifted her hand and held the ring next to her ring finger as if waiting to see if it would be accepted. “I am certain you are the perfect person to share my throne, and to help govern my people. All you do is care for others and work tirelessly for charity, and my family love you. That makes you the perfect person for the job. I know you’re sceptical about some of the ways we do things in the royal family, but you can help me by questioning what we do, and helping me modernize and keep the monarchy relevant to this changing world. Please? Say yes.”

  Somewhere deep inside, Bea knew she was meant to do this, meant to be the one to love the Queen and help her and carry out whatever duties befell her. She took a deep breath and said, “Yes, Georgie, I love you, and I will marry you.”

  George slid the ring onto her fiancée’s finger and turned on her side so she could kiss her. Bea gasped as the boat rocked from side to side but was soon engulfed in a deep, passionate kiss, which left them both breathless.

  George leaned up on her elbow. “When I look at you all I can hear are the words of the immortal bard Robert Burns. But to see her was to love her, love but her, and love for ever. Thank you for coming into my life. I love you,” George said, before lavishing Bea’s lips with some gentler, loving kisses, as they floated along Loch Muick.


  They burst through the front door dripping wet, but in good spirits and laughing. “You weren’t wrong about rain, Georgie. That was unbelievable.”

  “It was fun though, wasn’t it? The locals call it rude rain. It can be sunny one moment, and the next, you’re drenched.” George smiled.

  “Oh yes, lots of fun.” Bea realized they were both dripping all over the floor. “Have you got some towels?”

  “Yes, I’ll get them. You go on through and get warmed by the fire.”

  “But it wasn’t lit before we came out. I don’t know if I could—”

  George took hold of her shoulders and pushed her towards the drawing room door. “Just go. I’ll be back in a minute.” George ran off up the stairs, and Bea walked into the room.

  “Georgie, you are just too perfect.” She found the huge open fire burning warm and bright, and a bottle of champagne sitting in a chiller. It made for a very cosy scene with the large, thick sheepskin rug set in front of the fire. George must have had Cammy set this up.

  Bea pulled off her soaking wet jumper and jeans and tried to warm herself in front of the fire.

  “I’ve got towels darling…”

  She turned and caught George’s gaze hungrily raking over her body, and her hands were holding the towels so hard, her knuckles were turning white.

  “Can I have a towel, please?” Bea asked.

  “What? Oh…yes. Sorry.” George handed over the towel and took off her shoes and began to towel off.

  “This was so nice to come back to, Georgie. You’re so romantic.”

  “I wanted to make it nice for you.”

  Bea bent over and wrapped her long wet hair in the towel, hoping she wouldn’t look like a drowned cat.

  George moaned.

  Bea looked up and saw George looking like she wanted to devour her. She felt her stomach clench and a steady throb begin. The moisture dripping off George’s wet dark hair and running slowly down the pronounced muscles in her shoulders and arms made her ache to be touched. Her fingertips started stroking gently over her own hard nipples.

  “Georgie,” she whispered.

  Their eyes never left each other as George pulled off her T-shirt and walked towards her. She stood in front of Bea, bare chested and waiting.

  Bea trailed a fingernail from George’s neck, down the centre of her chest, over her stomach, and swirling round her navel, which drew a moan from George. She opened the button at the top of George’s shorts and let them fall, and they were soon kicked away.

  “I want you, Bea,” George said huskily.

  Bea smiled and turned her back to her, lifting her hair onto her shoulder, allowing George access to her bra clasp. “Then take me, Your Majesty.”

  George groaned deep in her throat. Bea had noticed that this term of address got George hugely turned on.

  She felt her bra being loosened and pulled off, and as soon as her breasts were free, they were taken into George’s hands. She gasped at the sensation, as George’s hands were still wet and cold from the rain, making her nipples go painfully hard. Bea placed her hands on top of George’s, encouraging her to squeeze harder.

  “You like this, my darling?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” she moaned.

  George lowered her lips to Bea’s ear and turned the heat up even more. “I thought you weren’t anyone’s subject, Miss Elliot?”

  Bea moaned as George placed kisses and soft bites down the side of her neck. She looked up at the mirror above the fireplace to meet George’s eyes. “I was wrong. I am your subject, Your Majesty, and I am yours to command.” She lowered her eyes submissively.

  George’s nostrils flared. “Lie down on your front on the rug.”

  Bea did as asked, and once George had gotten rid of both their underwear, she lay on her side next to Bea.

  George began by stroking her fingers from Bea’s neck down her spine and lingering over her buttocks, which made Bea squirm and moan. “You liked to be touched here?”

  “Yes, Your majesty,” Bea groaned.

  Bea opened her legs, knowing where she wanted Geor
ge’s fingers. George dipped her fingers quickly into her slit and then up to her arse, spreading the wetness around and teasing the hole.

  Bea gasped. “Oh, please, Georgie.” Bea had never experienced this sort of overwhelming passion before in any of her relationships, and she’d certainly never begged, but she felt anything was possible with George.

  “What?” George continued teasing both holes with her fingers. “Tell me what you want.”

  “Fuck me, Your Majesty.”

  Those words made George shiver with pleasure. Only in her deepest, darkest, private fantasies had she ever thought about this kind of play, and she was loving it. “Get up on your hands and knees, my darling.”

  George knelt behind Bea and groaned when she saw the abundant wetness coming from her sex, painting her inner thighs. She thrust two fingers inside her without warning.

  “Oh yes.” Bea cried out at the sudden fullness.

  George groaned in pleasure as she always did at the warm, velvety feeling of being inside Bea. “You feel so good, Bea, I love you so much.” George kept up a steady rhythm with her fingers.

  Bea turned her head and said breathlessly, “Love you. Harder, please?”

  George smiled and grasped her shoulder while thrusting with her hips into her hand, to make it harder, rougher. Every time she thrust, her own sex hit her hand, and her orgasm built. Then, as Bea got nearer and nearer the edge, she thrust back on George’s fingers. “That’s it my darling, come in my hand.”

  “I’m so close…can’t. I need more.” Bea’s groans turned to higher-pitched cries when George curled her fingers and rubbed deep inside. “Georgie. Too much…”

  Bea sounded as if she was almost in tears, so great was her arousal. “That’s it my darling, come for me. I’m here, you can take it for me.”

  Bea screamed in a low, guttural, primal tone as she went over the edge and collapsed to the rug, bringing George with her.

  George was very close, and she ground her clit against Bea’s buttocks below. It was more passionate than any fantasy she’d ever had, and it was all because of Bea. “Oh God, I’m going to come on you.” Bea helped by pushing her behind up into George’s sex.

  “Love you, love you, love you,” George moaned, like a mantra, her hips thrusting faster and faster, until she gave a hoarse cry and her hips started to jerk erratically as her orgasm hit.

  They both lay there panting, George kissing Bea on the shoulder and the side of her neck. “Thank you so much, my darling. I haven’t felt anything like that before.” She rolled to the side and took Bea into her arms.

  “You don’t have to thank me. No one has ever made love to me like you. It feels so raw, so passionate with you, like nothing else matters.”

  “When I look at you, nothing else does matter to me. All I want to do is show you how much I love you, and bring you pleasure. You are my greatest treasure.” George leaned in and gave Bea one of the softest kisses they had ever shared.


  Sometime later, they lay together on the rug with a blanket over them. They had shared some of the champagne and were now just enjoying holding each other, Bea with her head on George’s chest, and George holding her tight.

  Bea lifted her hand above them and admired her engagement ring. “It’s so beautiful, Georgie. I just can’t believe it’s happening.”

  “I’m so glad you like it. I feel so lucky to have found you, Bea. You are the only woman I will ever love.” George brought her hand to her lips and kissed it.

  “I think everyone in the country would say I’m the lucky one, Georgie. It’s not every day that an ordinary girl gets to marry a Queen.”

  George shook her head. “No, they’d be wrong. Bea, I’ve looked at the love my parents shared, and I prayed that I would be as lucky, but I didn’t think I would be. I thought I’d be forced to live out my life with someone I didn’t truly love, but when this little smout came along, determined to dislike me, I lost my heart and found my Queen Consort.”

  Bea giggled and tickled George’s well-defined stomach. “I just wonder, why me though? Why choose me as your Queen Consort? I have no experience and I’ll have to learn everything from scratch. Someone like Princess Eleanor would do the job better. When I saw she was with you at Ascot, I thought I’d given her exactly what she wanted, and it broke my heart.”

  George turned to face her. “I chose you because you understand that being royal isn’t about showing off, it’s about doing your duties without any fuss. It’s not enough just to be a Queen Consort, you have to get out there and do it. Eleanor might have a royal background, but she would never understand that concept, whereas you do. You are my perfect Queen Consort. I told her exactly that, in no uncertain terms, when she tried to ingratiate herself to me at the races. She left the country soon after.”

  “You are sweet.”

  “Not sweet, my darling, just honest.” George watched as Bea played with her hand nervously.

  “I’ve got a lot to learn, and I want to do the job properly, working hard for lots of charities. Will you help me?”

  “Of course I will. So will my family. But you’ll have lots of other help. A private secretary, ladies-in-waiting, and other staff. Plus, you’ll always have me, my darling. I will always protect you and try to guide you.”

  Bea nodded. “It feels so intimate, so private here at Balmoral, but I suppose the world is waiting for us out there.”

  “Yes, Bastian informs me that speculation is at fever pitch, wondering why you’re here at Balmoral with us, but don’t worry about what comes next. It will all be planned out. The prime minister arrives tomorrow, and we can discuss plans with her then.”

  “Does she always come when you’re here? You don’t even get a break from the government when you’re on holiday?”

  “No, the prime minister must come to see me at Balmoral to keep me informed on world events and government business.”

  Bea hugged her tighter. “Wait till Mum and Dad hear about this. They’ll be so excited. I do hope they get on all right with your family.”

  “Of course they will. Mama and Granny are very good at putting people at their ease. I must also speak to your father privately and ask for permission to marry you.”

  Bea sat up and gave George a strange look. “Ask his permission? Georgie, do you know what century it is?”

  George reached up and stroked her hair tenderly. “Yes, I do, but I’m also a very traditional person, as you know. I’m not asking permission because your dad owns you or something. It’s just about showing him respect, and showing him that his little girl will be well loved and looked after.”

  “You are the sweetest and most loving person I have ever met.”

  “It’s just how I feel. I wouldn’t want someone marrying our daughter without asking me.”

  “Our daughter?” Bea husked. They hadn’t talked about it yet, but she knew children were essential for the succession. It was no hardship for her, because the thought of having George’s children made her heart fill with joy.

  “Of course. If you will share that gift with me, your children will sit on the throne of Great Britain for generations to come.”

  In that moment she wanted to let George know how special she was. “Georgie, you truly are the handsome prince from a fairy tale. I didn’t think people like you existed anymore, but you’ve proved me wrong. I love you with all my heart, and I want to show you.” She took George’s hand and placed it between her legs. “Do you feel what you do to me? How wet I am for you?”

  George groaned and nodded her head. “Yes, let me…”

  Bea felt her about to roll her over. “Oh no, you don’t. I know you like to take charge, but let me give you pleasure and show you how much I love you, Your Majesty.”


  Bea got up and rummaged in the overnight bag she’d brought with her and pulled out an Intelliflesh strap-on.

  A grin appeared on George’s face when she saw what Bea was carrying.

nbsp; “I brought one from London—I thought you might like to use one again, since you enjoyed it so much the first time.”

  “Oh yes. I would love that.”

  She smacked George’s hands away, when she tried to take it from her. “Uh-uh. No touching, you don’t have to do a thing. Just lie back and enjoy, Your Majesty.”

  Once she attached it properly, Bea kissed and nibbled at George’s lips and jaw, all the time stroking and pumping George’s cock in a soft massage.

  “Bea…I can feel it.”

  Bea smiled down at her. “I know, and I can feel you in my hand. Are you enjoying this?” She kissed her way down her chest, her stomach, and then nuzzled and sucked at the cock.

  “Oh yes. It’s so good…”

  Bea took her full in her mouth, and George arched her back.

  “Oh God.”

  After a few minutes, she slid her mouth off with an audible pop and crawled up George’s body to kiss her lips. George’s arms circled Bea’s back.

  George hummed in pleasure into the kiss, and pulled back to say, “Let me? Inside, please?”

  Bea smiled at the great restraint George was showing and said, “Yes, but I’m in charge, okay?”

  George nodded. “Anything. Just want to feel inside you.”

  Bea gave her exactly what she wanted. She lifted her hips and guided George inside her. They both groaned as they came together.

  George took hold of Bea’s hips, while rocking her hips in a gentle thrust. Bea matched her gentle rhythm and grasped her own breasts, moaning at the touch. Then, as the full feeling was propelling Bea too quickly, she slowed the rhythm right down and allowed George to slip out.

  “Darling, what…?”

  George sounded confused. But her eyes went wide when Bea gave her a smile and a wink and said, “Shh. You’re going to enjoy this.”

  She spun round, so she was facing away from George, took hold of her cock, and slipped it back inside, then lifted George’s hands and placed them back on her hips.

  “Bloody hell, woman!” was the last coherent thing the Queen said before all she could manage were grunts and groans.


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