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Love Me Tender

Page 13

by Wendy Vella

  “Nothing. Now stop being a bitch for a second and look after her, will you?” Rory pushed June gently toward her daughter, then turned and walked past Jack and back inside.

  “What was that about? Did she upset you?” Jack grabbed her arm.

  “Do I look like the upset one?”

  “Yes.” His eyes ran over her face.


  “You’re so tough, aren’t you, Princess Aurora May.”

  Before she could move, he’d grabbed her hand and dragged her behind him. Then they were climbing stairs.

  “Let me go, Jack.”

  He didn’t, and soon Rory found herself in what looked like a storeroom. He hit the lights and slammed the door, locking it behind him.

  “I need to go back. Our team could lose without me there.”

  “We’re miles ahead, thanks to me.”

  “Ha, I don’t think so.” Rory suddenly had no saliva in her mouth.

  “What was going on between you and June Harvey?”

  “Nothing. The Harveys were just inviting me around for Sunday roast. I had to decline due to a prior engagement.”

  He was stalking her, and she didn’t mean to, but her feet were tracking backward.

  “Bullshit. That was no dinner invitation. Tell me the truth.”

  “What is this, Jack? Why do you care about me when you have a harem of women down those stairs who want you no matter what?”

  “No matter what?”

  He was close now, close enough she could see the muscles under his shirt, and the patch of skin visible through the V-shaped opening.

  “No matter what you do or say, they’ll always worship you for some pathetic reason.”

  “Insulting is just like breathing for you, isn’t it, Princess? I wonder if it’s a protective instinct?”

  “Not normally. You bring out the best in me.”

  “You scared of me, Aurora May?”

  “Ha, no way.” She was in fact terrified. Her body was suddenly on high alert, and she had this urge to jump him.... Rory had never felt that before.

  “You know what I think?”

  “You can think?” It was weak, but all she had.

  “I think whatever the hell this thing is between us, it’s getting to you too.”

  She swallowed to ease her dry throat. He was so close it wouldn’t take much to lean in and lick his throat.

  Dear Lord, stop!

  “There is no thing, Trainer.” That was better, she sounded like her old self. “And there never will be.”

  “You sure about that, Princess?”

  He leaned in and nibbled on her lips. It wasn’t exactly a kiss, but she felt it right through her body. Suddenly every inch of her was aroused, and he’d only touched her lips... softly.

  “B-back away,” she rasped, but it came out a moan, which had him laughing softly. He then took her mouth with his, and she was lost. She grabbed handfuls of his shirt and held him. It was long, hot, and wet, and she wanted more... so much more.

  “Jesus, you taste good, Princess.”

  It was a standard man line, nothing special, yet her nerve endings went from sizzle to burn in seconds. Before she realized what was happening, he had her shirt out of her jeans.

  “Your skin is soft.” He breathed the words against her neck, where he was nuzzling between placing wet kisses on her skin.

  Rory could do nothing to stop the tormented moan as his hand roamed her stomach. It then journeyed upward, over her ribs to cup her breast. Arching into the large, warm palm, Rory pulled his shirt free and slid her hands around his back.

  They were frenzied in their need for each other, all other thoughts obliterated as they gave in to the urge to touch, kiss, and feel.

  “More, Jack. I need more now!”

  He grunted something she didn’t catch. Lifting first one foot and then the other, he tugged off her boots. Opening her jeans next, he pushed them down to her ankles and then stepped on them.

  “Pull your feet out,” he demanded, wrenching his mouth from her neck briefly.

  She did while his hands got busy stripping Rory out of her top and bra, and then his lips were there, his mouth sucking her nipple deep, causing Rory to buck her hips forward, and Jack to grind his into her.

  “Wait... we need to slow down.” He pulled back, sucking in a lungful of air.

  “To hell with that,” Rory hissed, grabbing his hair and yanking hard until his lips met hers. She wanted this man desperately and needed him now.

  He didn’t pull back again, and in seconds she had his zipper open and a hand inside his shorts, stroking the hot, hard length of him. This time it was he who moaned. Nipping her bottom lip, he moved to her breasts again, tormenting each with his lips and teeth. His hand slid inside the waistband of her panties and stroked, lower and lower until he’d reached the part of her that ached for him.

  “Yesss,” she sighed as he touched the small, tight bud.

  “Who knew you wanted me this much.” He was upright now, looking deep into her eyes.

  “Shut up!”

  “I don’t think so,” he said, his words deep and guttural. He plunged his fingers inside her, making Rory cry out. “Come for me, Princess.”

  “Don’t tell me what— Oh God!” She came undone as he stroked his large thumb over the hard bud again. Rory lost it, drowning in the most intense climax she’d ever experienced.

  “Good girl,” he purred, kissing her softly.

  She still had her hands on him, so she tightened her fingers around the thick length when she could form a coherent thought, and he hissed out a breath.

  “Good boy,” she whispered, biting into his jaw softly. She continued to stroke and torment him until he was breathing heavily. Pulling back, he wrenched his wallet from his back pocket and pulled out a condom.

  “I bet you have a standing order for those.”

  “Shut up.” He sheathed himself with what Rory thought was practiced ease. “These need to go.” He stripped off her panties before she could blink, and then picked her up, carrying her to a table. He lowered her onto the surface. Rory yelped as the cold hit her. He didn’t stop; gripping her thighs, he slid home.

  Chapter 18

  Too good, Jack thought. Being inside Rory was way too good. She had her hands braced behind her, head thrown back, and she looked like a pinup girl.

  He drove into her again and again, setting the pace so she would get maximum enjoyment, as he always did. All that changed when she slid a hand up his chest and scraped a nail over his nipple.


  One word and he was ready to explode. He fought with himself, fought for control, but it was no good; in seconds he was hurtling toward his release. He’d never climaxed before a woman before, and it wasn’t starting now. Grabbing her hips, he pulled her forward, tilting them for a deeper penetration, then touched her again, stroking her until he felt those tiny tremors signaling her release. Only then did he drive in harder.

  “Come for me again,” he gritted out, and seconds later she did, moaning softly. He followed within a heartbeat, slumping forward on top of her.

  His breathing was rapid, and he was squashing her, but Jack couldn’t seem to move.

  What the hell just happened? He didn’t lose control. That was his thing... control, it was how he operated.

  Totally freaked out, he made himself stand upright and help her off the desk. He hadn’t even taken the time to remove his clothes!

  “You okay?”

  “Peachy,” she said, not meeting his eyes.

  She had a beautiful body, Jack realized. Strong and lean. Her breasts weren’t big, which he normally liked—or thought he did—but they were pretty close to damn near perfect. A perfect handful. She bent to grab her jeans and pulled them up in jerky movements. He noted the blue scarf was still in place, because he hadn’t touched her hair... and now wished he had. All those curls running through his fingers….


  “We d
id it, end of story, now you can add me to the list.”


  “This... us. Like you said, we had an itch, now it’s scratched.” Her words were muffled as she was inside her top.

  “It’s inside out,” Jack said, zipping up his jeans.

  “What?” She appeared, looking angry.

  “The shirt.”

  She looked down, swore, then wrenched it over her head and turned it the right way.

  “I never said you were an itch that needed scratching.”

  “Sure you did. ‘I think whatever the hell this is between us is getting to you too.’ Those were your exact words.” She was snarling now like a rabid dog, not someone who’d just had a fucking spectacular bout of sex.

  “You were not an itch,” he gritted out. Then what the hell was she?

  “You’re not going to insult me by saying I mean something to you, are you, Jack? Mr. Hot Pants, the man who can charm a woman from a hundred yards.”

  Her words had the desired effect, riling him up. Since he was already feeling off-balance, it didn’t take much.

  “Cut that out, it’s insulting.”

  “Aww, sorry, pretty boy, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “What the hell is your problem?” Jack grabbed her wrist, hauling her to his side as she tried to storm by him. “You were with me the entire way.”

  “My problem!” she shrieked, making him wince. “My problem is I had sex with a man who respects his horses more than the women in his life. A man the women I met in the restroom told me was for a good time, not a long one!”

  She wrenched her arm free and stomped to the door, unlocked it, and in seconds was gone.

  “Well fuck!” Jack walked around the small room, cooling down. No good would come of him following her and yelling loudly in her face, refuting her words... because he couldn’t actually refute them.

  “Hell.” Running a hand over his face, he tried to think.

  When Rory hadn’t returned, he’d gone looking for her. Finding her with June Harvey had made his anger climb. What the hell did that woman want with her now? But June had been crying. Once he’d got Abigail, he’d tried to talk with Rory, but all his emotions got tangled—or was that his lust? Whatever, he’d had to get her alone right at that moment.

  Dragging her up here hadn’t been his smartest move, yet he’d done it because he’d needed to. If she’d fought him he’d have let her go, but instead in seconds she’d been right there with him.

  The woman could kiss, he had to acknowledge that. Her hands on him had been pretty special too, way more special than he’d ever experienced before.

  “Damn it!” She got to him, and he had no idea what the hell to do about that. Nothing. Surely it would pass?

  She was an interesting mix. Unsociable, with attitude, but there were those glimpses of the other Rory. The one who’d allowed herself to be manipulated into coming here tonight. Allowed the Robbins sisters to take control and dress her. She was good with Mandy too, and as Jack had a soft spot for Mandy, that made him happy.

  However, he was far from happy right at that moment; in fact, he was furious. The woman had screwed his brains out, then stormed from the room after basically calling him a stallion in heat.

  Jack gave it a few seconds, needing the time to get himself under control. Just sex, he told himself. No different to any of the women he’d slept with.

  Why, then, did what they’d just done feel different? Why had he felt a connection with Rory?

  “Shit, shit, shit!”

  Shutting the door, he headed down the stairs and visited the restroom before wandering back to his table. Rory was at the bar talking to Bailey, he noted.

  “Where have you been? You’ve missed a round,” Fin said.

  “How come you’re at our table now?” Looking around he noticed everyone seemed to have moved seats.

  “It’s musical chairs. Now where have you been?”

  “I got a call about a stallion I’ve been after for a while. I’ve been up in Joe’s office. Sounds like I may get to see him day after tomorrow. His sire is—”

  “All right, I get the point.” Fin held up one hand for him to stop. “Now sit. Loath as I am to admit this, we missed you.”

  “Aww, sweetheart, I didn’t know you cared.” Jack made himself look around the room, even though he knew where Rory was. “Did you run Princess Aurora May off?”

  “She never came back. According to Cindy, Abigail Harvey got into her over you in the restroom.”

  “What is with that woman?” Jack shook his head and tried to keep his expression calm.

  “She’s jealous,” Fin said. “Abby’s always had designs on you, Jack, surely you know that?”

  “No she hasn’t. We dated, but it was never serious.”

  “Are you seriously that oblivious?” Maggs shook her head.


  “Abby’s already picked out her dress, Jack. She wants to be Mrs. Trainer.”

  “Cut it out, Maggs, that’s not funny,” Jack said, feeling his insides go cold at the thought of marriage to Abigail Harvey.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t help teasing you, but there is some truth to my words. Abigail would like to get serious with you, so watch your back there, Jack.”

  “Does anyone know why the Harveys left in a hurry?” Miss Marla asked, returning with a tray of tea.

  “Yeah? What’s up with them?” Jack said, pleased to change the subject. He had no idea what he’d interrupted between June Harvey and Rory, and as every thought had been obliterated from his head minutes later, he’d not asked again.

  “Not sure, but June looked like she’d been crying,” Miss Marla said, looking annoyed she didn’t have more information.

  “Want a beer?”

  Jack looked up as Luke arrived at their table.


  His brother frowned, his eyes focused on Jack.

  “You all good, bro?” He mouthed the words, but Jack got the gist and nodded.

  The Trainers had only had each other for years, so they pretty much knew how the other worked. Luke was sensitive to moods. He’d toughened up as he’d got older, but he still liked everyone to be happy.

  “The next category is Christmas,” Mayor Gripper called.

  “Yippee,” Jack muttered.

  “Don’t be a humbug, Jack,” Maggs said.

  “Christmas is not really my strong suit,” he said, watching Rory. She was now talking to Tim Braggs, a local. He and Jack had gone to school together, and he was single. What the hell was she talking to him for?

  He’d just jumped Aurora May Haldane, and the real kicker was he wanted her again... right now. Why her? Belligerent, angsty, and general pain in his ass.

  Damn, she’d felt good. Her body in his arms, him deep inside her.

  “Name all eight of Santa’s reindeer!” Mayor Gripper called.

  “Stoner, and Loner,” Dylan said.

  “Homer, the Organ Donor,” Fin added.

  “Skinny the fast food Owner,” Luke said.

  “Now there’s a misnomer,” Miss Marla chirped.

  “How many points does a snowflake have?” Mayor Gripper asked.

  “Nine hundred and ninety-nine,” Pip called out. The wine and beer were now flowing, so things were getting a little off point at their table.

  Determined not to watch Princess Aurora May anymore, Jack focused on the game and his friends. He even threw in a few comments for a laugh and told himself he was having a good time.

  When Rory hadn’t returned by the end of the round, he looked for her again. She was gone.

  “Where’s Rory? We need to win this round,” he said calmly.

  “Tim took her home. She said she had a headache,” Fin said, placing a beer in front of Jack.

  “What? He can’t be trusted alone with a woman!”

  “Tim’s a good guy, he would never take advantage of her,” Maggs said. “Relax.”

  “He’s a man, single, and
will chase anything in a skirt!” Jack couldn’t seem to stop roaring.

  “Gosh, like you, do you mean?” Maggs smiled sweetly, and Jack snapped his teeth together. “Luckily, Rory is wearing jeans.”

  “I had no idea your opinion of me was so low.”

  Maggs’s smile softened.

  “Aww, Jack, you’re one of the good ones, we all know that. Just like Tim is, and he’s a friend, so relax. Rory will get home just fine. It’s nice you’re worried about her,” Maggs added, and Jack didn’t like the look on her face one bit.

  “Sure, and you’re right. She’s a big girl. I just didn’t want her getting into it with anyone else over her dad. Her being alone and all.”

  “I’ve always said it, but it bears repeating. You’re one hell of a guy, Jack Trainer.” Maggs blew him a kiss.

  “It’s all over town,” Jack muttered.

  “What is the French name for Santa Claus?” Mayor Gripper asked.

  Jack made himself sit through the rest of the quiz night and forced himself to laugh and smile. He flirted with the girls at J.T.’s table, and even pulled a few pints for his brother.

  Okay, so maybe he’d texted Rory to make sure she got home safe. Her reply had been a yelled YES! But the relief had been acute, and disturbing because of its acuteness, which made no sense.

  He needed to back away from her now. She was doing okay and had a few friends. She didn’t need him looking after her, and had made it clear what she thought about him. It had hurt, he wouldn’t lie about that... at least not to himself.

  Her words had cut deep, and maybe that was because there was some truth in them—or maybe it was because he didn’t want her to think about him that way. Whatever the reason, he was done with her now. He needed to get his life back on track and find his stallion.

  Chapter 19

  Rory spent the first day after making love with Jack angry. No matter how much she told herself to call it sex, she couldn’t. Nothing that good could be just sex.

  And it had been good... so good. In fact, she was struggling to push the memory from her head.

  She was angry at herself for being unable to resist him, and angry with Jack for everything else. Not rational, but it worked for her until she reached day two.


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