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Page 10

by Chandra Ryan

  “Not necessarily. Do you see who else signed off on every single one of these burns?” Lee turned the reader around so Adam could read through the report again. “The prime minister.”

  Adam shook his head. “He probably didn’t even read the report. He saw the others had signed off and he did the same. Rubber-stamping isn’t a crime.”

  “No, but it might be enough for me to call for a vote of no confidence in his office.” As Lee spoke, Adam’s spirits started to lift. They might actually be able to make a difference. “It’s going to be a hard battle though. We’ll be up against some stiff opposition. But if we get the vote pushed through, all of the senators will be searching for ways to distance themselves from this legislation. There’s no way it’ll pass.”

  Michael smiled. “We have Renee and Aimes. They’ll testify about the attack. And we have you,” he said, pointing to Lee. “You have the reports. You can convince them that we’re telling the truth.”

  But Jasper laughed sharply at the statement. “I’ve made a lot of waves since I was voted into office. I haven’t exactly made friends in the congress.”

  “Then let’s go beyond the congress. What if I broadcast the session live? The whole universe would be able to see what’s going on.” Michael leaned forward in his chair with apparent excitement at the idea. “They’d hear the evidence, too.”

  “Still not the best of odds. We’ve got a reporter, a dead pilot and a member of the Coalition who’s already been found guilty of treason.”

  The room fell silent as someone took a sharp breath behind Adam. He didn’t have to turn around to know it was Renee. He’d heard her gasp before. Granted, always before it’d been a gasp of pleasure, not one of pain.

  “Treason? You’ve been found guilty of treason?”

  He had to turn to face her now. But he didn’t relish the idea of seeing the hatred on her face. “In absentia.”

  She looked up at Michael. “And you knew?”

  “I knew he was Coalition. So yeah. I knew.” Michael didn’t try to shy away from the truth even by an inch. That impressed Adam. He didn’t think it impressed Renee though.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” She placed her hands on her hips and scowled at Michael.

  “To what end? You would’ve had him thrown in the brig. Or worse. And he’s been helping you since the moment he stepped on your ship.”

  “He’s Coalition.”

  “I don’t give a shit what side he’s fighting on if he’s fighting for you. Don’t you get it? You’re the most important thing in the universe to me.” He paused for a second and then shook his head. “Of course you don’t. You run from anything that even resembles a commitment. You’ll never love anything more than your job.”

  “It’s not a job. I’m a pilot, not a cook. I don’t have the luxury of a workday. I’m gone for days if not weeks at a time. And I can’t tell anyone where I’m going or when I’ll be back. Every time I walk out the door, it might be the last time I walk through it.”

  Adam was beginning to feel awkward with the fight unfolding in front of him. He could only imagine that Jasper and his men were just as uncomfortable but it wasn’t as if they could get up and leave.

  “Yeah. I know. I’ve been living that life with you for years now. But no more. You’re going to have to make a decision.”

  “You can’t ask me to give up being a pilot.”

  “I’d never do that.” He stood up as he shook his head. “And I can’t believe you’d think I would.” Michael crossed the room and kissed her deeply. “But I’m either in your life or I’m out of it. No more hanging around with one foot out the door.”

  He walked away from her without looking back. She raised her fingers to her mouth briefly and then seemed to remember where she was. Jerking them away from her lips, she shook her head and then glared at Adam. “You. This is your fault. And you’d better fix it.” She stomped off, leaving Adam alone with Jasper and his attachés.

  “I honestly don’t know if she’s more upset because her non-boyfriend broke up with her or because she found out you’re with the Coalition. That’s disturbing.” It was the first thing Gates had said all evening.

  All Adam could think about, though, what how hurt Michael must be right now. “Yeah. I think I’ve got somewhere to be.” Adam stood slowly before making his way back to the guestroom. When he entered, he wasn’t surprised to find Michael alone.

  “Sorry about the scene.” Michael sat on the bed they’d all shared only hours earlier. “That must have been awkward.”

  “A little.” He sat down next to Michael. “But they’ll get over it. How are you doing?”

  Michael exhaled sharply and when he smiled it was self-deprecating. “I’ve been better.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I was just so mad at her for yelling at me. I was only trying to protect her. And then words just started coming out of my mouth. I swear, I had no idea what I’d said until I stormed off. I don’t know what came over me.”

  Adam put his arm around him in a show of support. “I do. Being treated like a convenience sucks. Especially when you love the person.”

  Michael leaned his head on Adam’s shoulder and Adam felt a tingle of attraction. “I thought I could handle it. I thought I could handle her. Even when I realized I was falling for her and the feelings weren’t returned. Apparently I was just kidding myself.”

  Adam had to stop him there. “She has feelings.”

  Michael’s hair tickled Adam’s neck as he shook his head. “Don’t lie just to make me feel better.”

  “I’m not lying.” He pulled Michael tighter to him, which made him more aware of the citrus scent that clung to him. One deep breath and he was already getting hard. It didn’t matter that now was definitely not the time or that he had no idea if Michael was even attracted to him without Renee there. Michael turned him on.

  He relaxed his grip and tried to get a hold of his emotions. This was about Michael and Renee. Adam didn’t figure into it. “She was upset when you left. She told me to fix it. I think she considered it an order.”

  Michael pulled away and looked up at him. “Really? She seemed genuinely upset.” There was hope dancing in his eyes that made Adam smile.

  “She was.”

  “Did she say she was sorry?”

  Adam had to stifle a laugh at the thought. “Not to me. But she might if you go find her and work things out.”

  “Where is she?”

  “If I had to guess I’d say she’s bunking in Aimes’ room for the night.”

  Michael sat back and was silent for a moment as if he were thinking about it. But then his gaze drifted to Adam’s mouth. All it took was the simple glance for Adam’s skin to tingle as if he’d actually been kissed. And damn. He craved that feeling.

  “She’s been making me wait for years.” Michael leaned over and pressed his lips to Adam’s. “I can make her wait.”

  Adam moaned as Michael’s hand slid down his throat in a tender caress. “It does seem fair.” Adam turned so he could kiss Michael fully. The man’s mouth was warm and inviting as he parted his lips to welcome Adam’s tongue to explore. He tasted like coffee and something spicy. Something Adam wanted to eat.

  When Michael’s hands slid under Adam’s shirt and then over the planes of his abdomen, Adam felt the touch in his soul. His stomach tightened and his heart raced at the tender affection. But tender wasn’t enough. He wanted more and he wanted it now. “We need to be a whole lot more naked.”

  With a quick nod, Michael got off the bed and undressed. Adam had fully planned on doing the same but he got too caught up in watching the play of Michael’s muscles as he stripped to move. “You planning on getting undressed or just watching me?”

  It was funny that Michael was just as impatient as Renee. She’d pretty much said exactly the same thing to him when they first met. “You and Renee really are meant for each other.”

  “And who are you meant for?” Michael started helping him ge
t undressed.

  A pang of remorse pinched at his stomach as he remembered the look of anger and betrayal on Renee’s face. “Don’t know. Guess I haven’t found them yet.” He finished getting undressed in a hurry. He wanted this conversation over. Then they could get to the good stuff.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  He didn’t really care what Michael believed and he fully intended on telling him that. But Michael kissed him before he could get the words out. And then, as Michael deepened the kiss and his fingers began to explore Adam’s body, Adam forgot what he wanted to argue about. Everything felt too good for him to be angry.

  Adam liked women. They were sexy, bold and curvy in all the right places. But there was something to be said about the way a man kissed. The dominance and power were enough to steal his breath away. Women tended to be a bit of a mystery at times but he knew how to a man wanted to be touched.

  He reached down and wrapped his hand around Michael’s cock. As soon as he grasped Michael’s dick it grew harder. And Adam became curious at the reaction. If Michael responded that strongly to a simple touch, what would it be like to take Michael’s dick in his mouth? Would he even be any good at it? He’d been on the receiving side enough to know intoxicating and overwhelming the act could be. But he’d never experienced what it was like to hold that power over another man. The more he thought about what it would be like, the more appeal the idea had until he was straddling Michael’s legs and kissing his abdomen. It was decision time. Did he really want to do this?

  Michael moaned just as his dick brushed against Adam’s jaw and pleasure shot through Adam. Yeah, he wanted this. He pulled back on the shaft to give him better access to the head and then ran his tongue over the sensitive skin.

  “Yes. Just like that.” Michael pressed down on Adam’s shoulders and the gesture sent a fresh wave of desire through him. He liked being in control of Michael’s pleasure. He never imagined it could be so erotic.

  He opened his mouth and took Michael into him, letting the man’s weight rest on his tongue. It was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. His lips were stretched and his mouth was more than full but he liked it. And judging by Michael’s moan, he liked it as well.

  The rhythm Adam set started out relaxed and gentle as he explored. But as Michael became more excited, so did Adam and he couldn’t hold the calm tempo any longer. He devoured Michael with long licks and sweeping caresses of his tongue. He took him all the way to the back of this throat and sucked him hard enough to hollow out his cheeks. And when Michael was just on the brink of climax, Adam cupped Michael’s balls in his hand and gently squeezed.

  “Fuck!” Warm, salty come landed on Adam’s tongue and flowed down his throat, leaving him with a sense of accomplishment. He’d done that. He’d turned Michael on and then brought him to release. And he planned on savoring every last second of it.

  When Michael’s body stopped shaking and when Adam had swallowed the last of Michael’s come, he licked the man’s cock one last time before crawling up to lie next to him on the bed. “Feel better?”

  Michael smiled as his hand wrapped around Adam’s cock. “Oh yeah, but you’re still hard.”

  He wrapped him arms around Michael’s shoulders in a welcoming embrace. “I’ll be fine. I just wanted to help you.”

  “Damn, that’s sexy.” Michael kissed him. But this time it was more than the usual dominance and strength. There was tenderness too. “I think I want to keep you.”

  “Too bad the love of your life hates me and everything I stand for.”

  His hand started to stroke Adam’s cock, eliciting a shiver from Adam. “She doesn’t even know you. Besides, do you honestly think there haven’t been times when she’s hated my guts over the past couple of years? She’s just as passionate in a fight as she is in bed. But thankfully, her temper cools quicker than her libido does.”

  Michael set a wonderful rhythm that made him forget about everything that wasn’t happening in that moment. “Damn, that feels good.”

  There was a soft popping and Adam looked up just in time to see Michael take his finger out of his mouth. “And this will feel amazing.” He pulled Adam even closer to him and then traced the cleft of his ass with his finger. Without intending to, Adam immediately tensed but a soft kiss on his neck set him at ease. “Relax. You’ll like this.”

  As Michael continued to stroke Adam’s cock he slid the moist finger around the rim of Adam’s anus. Every instinct Adam had told him to tense up but he fought against it. Michael had told him to relax and he would. It helped that he was so turned-on that he’d do just about anything to find release.

  “That’s it. Relax.” Michael’s breath caressed his ear as he said the word and Adam obeyed. “You have an amazing ass.”

  Michael’s finger pushed past the tight ring of muscle and there was a burning, stretching sensation. Still, he was too far gone to stop the man. Even the slight bite of pain was welcomed in his desire-saturated state. He rocked back on the finger even as Michael began to pump his cock faster. “Does it feel okay?”

  “Feels incredible.” So much better than he’d ever imagined.

  Michael pushed the finger in farther and hit a spot deep inside Adam that made his whole body convulse with pleasure. “One of these days,” he said as he swept over the spot again. “I’m going to fuck your ass while Renee sucks you off.”

  That’s all it took. Adam’s orgasm slammed into him with blinding force and his body shuddered around Michael’s finger as he came. Each incidental brush of the digit buried deep inside him only brought about a fresh wave of climax until he honestly thought he was going to pass out. “Please. I can’t take any more.”

  Michael smiled as he removed himself from Adam. “Oh, you can. And you will. Just not tonight.” He kissed Adam before he got off the bed. “I need to go clean up. Are you okay?”

  “I’m…” There really were no words to describe how he felt right now. He was warm and peaceful but still slightly tingly as he remembered everything he’d just done. And had done to him. “Good.”

  Michael’s rich, warm laughter washed over him. “Don’t sell yourself short. I’d say you’re fucking incredible.” He dropped one more quick kiss on Adam’s lips before leaving.

  Michael returned shortly but Adam was already starting to drop off into a comfortable sleep. “I think I want to keep you too,” he confided.

  “Good.” Michael wrapped him in a warm embrace that only made him feel more at peace.

  “Are you sure Renee will forgive me?”

  “She just needs some time. She needs to miss us.”

  “We’ve got two days until the council votes on the directive. I hope that’s all the time she needs.” Adam felt Michael nod and then he gave in to the siren’s call of sleep.

  Chapter Eight

  Renee glared at Adam and Michael as they took the seats on each side of her in the council’s chamber even though she knew they couldn’t see her expression. She was wearing a hooded robe because Representative Lee wanted her presence announced at the optimal time. And irritating man that he was, he’d decided now wasn’t optimal. She couldn’t glare at him though. He was currently sitting behind her, next to Aimes. So she decided rolling her eyes would have to do. Men, why did they have to be so difficult?

  Even easygoing Michael had suddenly decided to make her life harder than it should be. Would it really be all that traumatic for him to say he was sorry? No. Especially since he was wrong. He should’ve told her who Adam worked for. By withholding the information, he’d lied to her. It was as simple as that. But it’d been two days, and two very long nights, and he hadn’t said anything to her at all. It was almost as if he was expecting her to apologize to him. And what was worse, she had to watch how happy he and Adam apparently were together. She glared in his direction again just for good measure.

  Yes, it had been a little sweet that Michael had been looking out for her. And yes, Adam had had a couple of good ideas, which had probab
ly kept her from getting into worse trouble. But she was a big girl. She could and would take care of herself. And she deserved to know who was on her ship.

  “You’re tense.” Lee’s voice broke through her thoughts and dragged her back to the problem at hand.

  “I’m dead. How can I be tense?” Her eyes scanned the men in the room until she found the person she’d been searching for. Her father looked drawn and almost fragile. It wasn’t a look she was used to seeing on him. She’d give anything to reassure him that she was okay. Tell him that everything was all right. Unfortunately that wasn’t her call. Lee was the man in charge of this little show. She just hoped this charade would be over soon.

  “I’m being serious. If you’re having second thoughts, I need to know now.”

  She shook her head. “No. Those bastards nearly destroyed my ship to get this law passed. Even if I agreed with it, which I don’t,” she said pointedly for Michael and Adam’s benefit, “I’d still be here fighting against it because of that.”

  “She loves her ship,” Michael said dryly. “She’d do anything to protect it. Even wage a war against her own people if they tried to take it from her.”

  Oh, she saw what he was doing. And she wasn’t going to let him get away with it. “It’s not the same thing.” She turned to face Michael as she hissed the words. “My ship can’t take care of itself. It relies on me.”

  “And we all know that you never rely on anyone but yourself.”

  She couldn’t win. The man was just too stubborn. “I rely on my crew every damn day.”

  “And I do believe this crew has been through hell and back for you.”

  Nope. There was no winning.

  “I call today’s session to order.” The Speaker rapped his gavel on the podium twice before putting it down. “Before we can vote on the Loyalty Directive, Representative Lee has petitioned for a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Vance.” The Speaker pressed a button and the motion was displayed on the wall behind him. “Are there any in attendance who second the motion?”


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