Book Read Free

True Stories

Page 36

by Francis Spufford

Tolstoy, Leo (i), (ii)

  Tomb for Boris Davidovich, A (Danilo Kiš) (i)

  ‘Toomai of the Elephants’ (Rudyard Kipling) (i), (ii)

  Torquemada (i)

  Tough Guide to Fantasyland, The (Diana Wynne Jones) (i)

  Trollope, Anthony (i)

  Trotsky, Leon (i), (ii)

  Turing Machine (i)

  Turkestan–Siberia Railway (i)

  Turks (i)

  Twain, Mark (i)

  Ukunniq (i)

  Unapologetic (Francis Spufford) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  United States see America

  US National Science Foundation (i)

  Ussher, James (i)

  USSR see Soviet Union

  Valles Marineris (i)

  Vanda, Lake (i)

  Vatican, the (i)

  Verhoeff, John (i)

  Verne, Jules (i)

  Versailles (i)

  Vico, Giambattista (i)

  Victoria Land (i)

  Victoria, Queen (i)


  crinoline (i)

  Difference Engine and (i)

  moralising the landscape (i)

  PCs and (i)

  Rolling Stones and (i)

  Science Museum, in (i)

  steampunk and (i), (ii), (iii)

  Vidal, Gore (i)

  Vienna (i)

  Vikings (i), (ii), (iii)

  Virginia (i)

  Vodafone (i)

  Von Neumann, John (i)

  Vostok (i)

  Waking Up (Sam Harris) (i)

  Walden (Henry David Thoreau) (i)

  Wallace, David Foster (i), (ii)

  Washington, Booker T. (i)

  Wasp Factory, The (Iain Banks) (i)

  Wavell, General Archibald (i)

  Wayne’s World (i)

  Weber, Max (i)

  Welch, James (i)

  Wellington, Duke of (i)

  Wells, H.G. (i)

  Welsh (people) (i)

  Western Mountains (i)

  Wheeler, Sara (i), (ii)

  ‘White Seal, The’ (Rudyard Kipling) (i), (ii)

  Whither Socialism? (Joseph Stiglitz) (i)

  Why Evolution Is True (Jerry Coyne) (i)

  Wilde, Oscar (i), (ii), (iii)

  Willey, Basil (i)

  Wilson, A.N. (i)

  Wilson, Angus (i)

  Wilson, Edward ‘Bill’ (i), (ii)

  Wilson, Harold (i)

  Windless Bight (i)

  Windsor, Duke and Duchess of (i)

  Wired magazine (i)

  Wittgenstein, Ludwig (i)

  Wolfe, Gene (i)

  Woomera (i)

  Wordsworth, William (i)

  Worsley, Frank (i), (ii)

  Worst Journey in the World, The (Apsley Cherry-Garrard) (i), (ii), (iii)

  Wright Valley (i)

  Wynne Jones, Diana (i)

  Yahweh (i)

  Yeager, Chuck (i)

  Years of Rice and Salt, The (Kim Stanley Robinson) (i)

  Zaslavskaya, Tatiana (i)

  Zen (i)




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