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Side Chic 4 (Forever Ratchet)

Page 6

by La'Tonya West

  Tre rubbed Lola’s back and kissed her on top of her head. “Trust me, he would be a dead man if they hadn’t locked his ass up before I arrived.” He assured me. “Kisha seems to think that I am wrong for taking my babies away from Lala’s irresponsible ass. She can say what she wants but I did what I felt needed to be done to ensure that no more bullshit like this happens again. Lala is lucky that’s all I did was take my kids from her stupid ass.” He looked as if he was starting to get heated all over again.

  As much as I didn’t want to further upset him, I was 100% with Kisha about him shipping those two whining ass babies back to their mama. I wasn’t about to be playing stepmama to their little asses. I hadn’t signed up for that shit and there was no way he was about to just force it upon me. I only had one child for a reason, because I didn’t want anymore.

  “Tre, I know that Lala made a bad decision by leaving the girls with her boyfriend but I honestly don’t believe she knew he would do anything to harm them. I bet she is more upset with herself than you could ever be.” I started slowly, praying silently that he didn’t flip out and beat the hell out of me. So far he was just sitting on the other end of the chair, still rubbing Lola’s back and looking in the other direction. I took a deep breath and continued, “I don’t know Lala but I can tell by the way she’s always calling you bragging about the latest achievements of those girls that she really loves them a lot. Anyone can see that she takes damn good care of them. Try and put your anger to the side for a minute, just a minute and look at the entire picture and not just this situation. Has she ever mistreated your daughters before or given you any reason to question her as a parent?” I couldn’t tell if he was listening to me or not because he hadn’t said anything or even bothered to look in my direction. I decided to let what I’d said sink in before saying anything more. Plus, I didn’t want to say too much and get the wrong reaction.

  I finished Laila’s last braid and then picked her up. She looked like she was getting sleepy. She was rubbing her eyes and sucking on her two middle fingers. I took her down the hall, changed her pamper and laid her in her crib. I was surprised when she didn’t start to cry but relieved that she didn’t. I went back into the living room and sat back down in my same spot.

  “Tre give me the baby so that I can do her hair real quick.” I told him. I was starting to feel the effects of being up since 6:00am that morning and standing on my feet all day. My body was tired, fingers were starting to cramp and I was getting a little sleepy. All I wanted was to do Lola’s hair, go home, take a shower and go to bed.

  “Won’t that wake her?” He asked looking down at her.

  “Nah, that’s the only time that I can do Simya’s hair, is when she’s asleep.” I laughed taking Lola from his arms and laying her across my lap.

  He got up and left the room disappearing down the hallway again. He returned a few seconds later puffing on a cigarette. I could tell that he had a lot on his mind because he’d forgotten all about the cigarette that he’d placed on the coffee table. “Yo, do you want something to drink?” He asked and then named off my choices. “I have some Pepsi, some water and some Kool-Aid.”

  “I’ll take the Pepsi.” I replied as I started to braid Lola’s hair. Tre went into the kitchen and came back with two cans of Pepsi. He handed one to me and popped the top on the other one, taking a sip before sitting down. “Thank you.” I opened mine and took a few sips before placing it on the coffee table and continuing Lola’s hair.

  “Maybe, Lala didn’t mean for this to happen but I still can’t allow her to take my babies back to Danville. I just can’t do that.” He shook his head and then took a pull of his cigarette. He held his head in his hands. “I can’t trust her judgment right now.”

  “I understand that and I am not saying that you are wrong for that because you are not. You are protecting your babies, which is what you should be doing but at the same time you have to think about how what you are doing is affecting them as well. They are not used to being away from their mama, Tre.” I paused. “You and Lala need to talk. Give her a chance to talk and explain her side of things. I can see that you are hurting and I am willing to bet that she is too.” I was so proud of myself because I could tell my little fake speech and concerned act was working. I could almost see Lala in the driveway loading up her little brats to take their asses back up the road!

  Tre lifted his head from his hands and took a pull of his cigarette. “I need some time before I can talk to her. Right now I am too upset.”

  “I feel you.” I finished up Lola’s hair and then Tre put her to bed.

  I was in the bathroom washing my hands, when Tre walked in and slipped his arms around my waist. The gesture kind of took me by surprise because we really hadn’t been on that level in a minute. He moved my hair out of the way and kissed my neck. “I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to give our relationship the attention that it deserves. I’ve thought about some of the things that you’ve been complaining about and I realize that I do tend to overdo it a bit when it comes to Kisha and Lala. I guess I would feel some kind of way if the tables were turned and you were always running whenever your babydaddy called.” He explained. I didn’t say anything I just rested my head back against his chest and listened. “I just be trying to do what I feel is right. I have made so many mistakes in the past and done so much wrong by both of my babymamas that I am constantly trying to make it up to them and to my kids. So in my eyes it makes sense to jump and run every time one of them calls but I can see now after taking a step back why it doesn’t make sense to you. I guess in trying so hard to do right by them and be there for them and my kids, I forgot all about you and our relationship. That’s not what I’m trying to do. I want to try and make this work, if that’s still what you want.” He kissed my neck again, looking up in the mirror and waiting for me to reply.

  I should’ve been honest with him at that moment and told him the truth. That I was so fucked up on the inside, I really had no idea what I wanted. Some days, I really did feel like I wanted to be with him. Overall, he was a decent man. He’d been helping to take care of my daughter ever since we’d started seeing each other. He gave me money, helped out with my bills even though he hardly ever stayed at my place, and he’d never put his hands on me. For me, that was definitely a come up in the relationship department. Not to mention that the sex was some of the best I’d ever had. I knew that I should be satisfied with him but I wasn’t. I couldn’t be even if I wanted to because no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t shake the desire that I had to be with Corey. I couldn’t be honest with Tre though because there was no way I was about to give up his money, the things that he did for my daughter or his dick. He was more like a father to Simya than Mello had ever been. If I told him the truth, I knew that he wouldn’t continue to stick around and be there for Simya. He would be a fool to. So I kept my truth to myself and continued to do what I did best…played along.

  “Of course, I still want this to work.” I lied.

  “Good.” He turned me around so that I was facing him and then lifted me up on the sink. Positioning himself between my legs he leaned down and kissed me, slipping his tongue inside my mouth. I kissed him back sucking on his tongue and running my hands over his chest. I felt the spot between my legs become moist and my clit start to throb.

  He broke our kiss. “Let’s take this to the bedroom.” He breathed huskily against my lips and then kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. We continued to kiss as he carried me down the hall to the bedroom. Once we were inside the bedroom he pushed the door closed with his foot and carried me over to the bed. He put me down next to the bed. I hurriedly undressed while he did the same. It’d been a while since the two of us were intimate and I couldn’t wait to feel his tongue dancing over my clit. He was blessed in the dick department but nothing could compare to that hurricane tongue of his. Just thinking about it made me damn near rip my panties in half trying to get them off. I thr
ew them next to the rest of my clothes that were in a pile on the floor next to my feet. Then I sat down on the bed and scooted to the middle of it staring up at Tre but in my mind he wasn’t who I was seeing…I was seeing Corey. Hell they always said if you can’t love the one you want, love the one you’re with…and just imagine that it’s the one you want. He was completely naked now standing there looking like a chocolate God stroking his massive erection and looking at me like he was about to do some serious damage to my kitty kat. I bit down on my bottom lip seductively and crooked my index finger at him.

  “Come to mama, baby.” I whispered in a sultry voice. “Come here and let me help you relieve some of that pent up frustration.”

  He crawled on the bed pushing me back roughly, I giggled as he took both of my legs and pushed them back as far as they would go before burying his face in my pussy. He devoured me like I was his last meal and got me off twice before coming up for air. As I lay there in the middle of his bed, body covered in sweat and trembling. He planted kisses all over my stomach, my neck, my chin and then finally he reached my lips.

  “You good, Lil Bit?” He asked between kisses.

  I had my eyes squeezed shut and I didn’t bother to open them because I didn’t want to mess up my fantasy by seeing his face. “Yes baby, I’m good.” I answered in my mind I was staring up into Corey’s eyes with my fingers entangled in his dreads. I felt the head of Tre’s swollen member at my opening and then he was sliding inside of me. I gripped the covers tightly and thrust my hips upward to meet his strokes. He licked and sucked on my neck and ears increasing the pleasure and bringing me closer to my next orgasm. He strokes became faster and deeper. Sweat dripped from the both of us as we went at it almost like animals at this point. He pulled out of me and flipped me over like I didn’t weight more than a couple of pounds. With my head down, face in the pillow and ass tooted up in the air, I braced myself. Tre gripped my hips and plunged into me as far as he could go. I threw the pussy back at him daring him to go harder and he did. The only sounds that could be heard were our moans, heavy breathing, the constant slapping of skin and the headboard banging against the wall. It didn’t take long for us both to reach our climax.

  Tre collapsed next to me and then pulled me into his arms. He moved my hair back out of my face and kissed me on my forehead. “Damn, I needed that.”

  “Me too.” I replied with a lazy smile playing on my lips. I finally opened my eyes and looked over at Tre, my smile fading because he wasn’t who I wanted him to be. “I need to get up so that I can take my butt home.”

  “Home?” He looked confused.

  “Yeah…home.” I said sitting up. “I need to go pick up my child and go home.”

  “Mina, do you see what time it is?” He asked sitting up and turning on the lamp. “It’s almost 10:00. I am sure that your mama has put Simya to bed. You may as well just stay here.”

  By now, I was standing next to the bed pulling my shirt on. “Simya is more than likely still up playing.” I told him, knowing that my mama had Simya in bed hours ago. “Besides if I go home, I don’t have to worry about getting up twenty minutes early so that I can drive home and get dressed. I will already be there.”

  “Alright.” He threw up his hands.

  “Don’t be mad baby. I will stay with you another night.”

  “Yeah…that’s cool.”

  I could tell by his tone that he wasn’t pleased but I really didn’t care. “Are you going to walk me to the door?” I asked once I was done getting dressed.

  He got up, put on his boxers and then looked at me and asked. “You ready?”

  “Yeah…” He led the way and I followed him down the hall. In the living room, I gathered my pocketbook, phone and keys. He walked with me outside to my car and held the door for me to get inside. I tossed my bag inside and then gave him a quick peck on the lips. “I’ll call you when I get home to let you know that I made it safely.”

  “Cool…” Was his reply.

  “Tre…don’t act like that. I told you why I can’t stay.”

  “Okay, we’re good. I’m not mad…I wish that you could stay but…I understand that you need to go and pick up your baby.” He gave me another quick peck. “Don’t forget to call me.”

  “Okay, I won’t.” I got in my car and backed out of the driveway. I wasn’t down the road a mile before I reached over and took my cell out of my pocketbook and powered it on. As soon as it came on, two text messages came through and my voicemail notification alerted me that I had a new voicemail. I checked the texts and they were both from Mello still asking me to give him a call and asking me why was I ignoring him. I rolled my eyes up in my head before going to my contacts and finding Nelle’s name. I pressed her name and waited for the call to connect. The phone rang a few times before, she picked up sounding upset.

  “Hey.” She answered.

  “Hey girl, are you okay?” I asked trying my best to sound concerned.

  “Hell nah, I’m not alright.” She snapped. “It’s going on 11:00 in the damn night and Corey hasn’t made it home yet!” I heard her voice crack. “I am getting tired now and I don’t want to hear any more bullshit about he’s working late! My gut is telling me that he’s up to no damn good!”

  “I feel you cuz but try to calm down.” I smiled wanting to burst out laughing. “You may be getting yourself all worked up for nothing. I doubt if Corey is silly enough to be back up to his old bullshit. He has worked too hard to prove to you that he wasn’t like that anymore. Just try and give him the benefit of the doubt before you go jumping the gun.”

  “Fuck that! I have…” Her words trailed off and then I heard her asking, “Where have you been?” I knew then that Corey had just walked in. I heard him saying something but I couldn’t make out what it was. The next thing I heard was Nelle going off. I pressed end and disconnected the call.

  “Guess, I know who won’t be getting any dick tonight.” I laughed aloud. “There seems to be a bit of trouble in paradise.”


  A few days after the incident with Tre, I found myself standing on Skeet’s front porch just before noon. I’d been standing there debating whether or not to ring the bell. I wasn’t sure if going to his place had been a smart decision. He’d been begging me for weeks to come over so that we could talk, saying that he had some things that he needed to say to me face to face and up until that morning I’d been refusing to see him or speak to him. I was angry with him for nearly taking my life as well as his own in the car accident. For some reason, maybe stupidity, after hearing how pitiful he’d sounded on the voicemail he’d left early that morning, I’d broken down and went to see what he wanted. I figured that it couldn’t hurt to at least hear him out. I would’ve made him come to me but he couldn’t because he was still recovering from the two broken legs that he’d suffered from the car accident.

  I rang the doorbell and waited, looking out across the yard at the neighbors in the yard next door. The man was outside playing football with his two boys while his wife stood on the porch and watched. I felt a pang of jealousy. I wished that could’ve been Tre and I. I wished that things had turned out differently instead of the way that they were now. I’d never wanted for my children to grow up in a broken home. I’d wanted to give them what I never had, a mother and a father. I’d done all that I could to ensure that but it still hadn’t been enough. Being young and dumb, I’d never stopped to think that in order for a relationship to work both people involved had to want the same thing and work towards that. Instead I’d thought that if I loved Tre enough and put up with all of his bullshit, eventually he’d chose his family over the hoes in the streets. I shook my head at the realization of how stupid I’d been. I continued to watch the family next door until my attention was pulled away by the sound of the door being unlocked.

  The door opened and Skeet sat in a wheelchair. He looked the same except he’d cut his beard and there were a few scars along the side of his face that I assume were a result
of the accident. I stood there momentarily frozen just staring at him. I’d thought that my first time seeing him I would be upset and curse him lower than a dog for how he’d put both of our lives in danger. I thought that all of the anger that had been pent up inside of me for the past two and a half months would surely would surely boil over and I’d explode but for some reason the opposite of that was happening. I felt bad seeing him in the condition that he was in. The Skeet that I knew had always exuded strength but this man sitting before me didn’t exude that at all. Instead he looked weak and fragile and a part of me felt that I was partially the blame. It was like a wave of emotion hit me as soon as he opened the door. In my mind, I kept seeing the sad, upset expression that he’d worn in the doctor’s office the day of the accident. I saw the pain in his eyes when I’d told him only days before that I didn’t plan on keeping his baby. I felt bad now as those images played back in my mind. I wished that I could have a chance to do it all over again. I would’ve handled it differently. I would’ve broken the news to him in a better way instead of being as insensitive as I had. At the time I hadn’t really taken the time to consider his feelings at all. I’d only been thinking of my own.

  “Hey, come in.” He spoke moving back out of the way of the door so that I could get past him. I walked in closing the door behind me. “We can go into the kitchen. I was eating some lunch. Are you hungry?”

  “Nah, I’m good.” I replied trailing him into the kitchen. I took a seat at the table across from where he had a plate that held a sandwich and some chips sitting.

  “Are you sure that you don’t want any?” He offered again as he positioned his chair at the table. “You know how I get down in the kitchen so you know it’s good.” He cracked a slight smile revealing deep dimples in each of his cheeks. It’d been years since I’d seen those dimples because they’d been hidden by the full beard that he’d been sporting.


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