Book Read Free

Dirty Side Down

Page 11

by Phoenyx Slaughter

  “Here,” he mutters as he guides us off the highway. A few miles down the road, there’s a cheap motel. It’s as good a place to start as any other. We circle the building, but there’s no sign of Karina’s car.

  “He might have ditched it,” Luck says, as if he’s been reading my mind.

  “Stop by the front office.”

  I whip out my phone and flip through my photos, looking for a non-sexy shot of Karina. I stumble over one she sent me earlier in the week. Said her friend Athena took it, so I wouldn’t forget her while I was gone. I shake my head; she’s standing in front of a row of lockers.

  Christ, she’s fucking young. What the fuck have I been doing—bringing her into my fucked up life?

  Except she knew Hemi long before we met. Whatever this is, it isn’t completely my fault.

  I’m still furious.

  Luck and I storm into the lobby. The clerk’s eyebrows shoot up when he sees us. By the nervous twitch at the corner of his mouth, he knows what the Iron Bulls MC patch means.

  Good, because I’m in no mood to fuck around.

  “You seen this girl?” I ask, flashing him the picture of Karina.

  “No, man. She your daughter?”

  Motherfucker. “No,” I snap.

  Luck flashes what I guess is a picture of Hemi. Glad he came prepared because I don’t have a picture of the walking corpse.

  “What about him?”

  “No. Sorry. You keep going that way”—he points north—“you’ll run into a bunch of bigger chain motels. Keep going south; there’s another cheap motel. It’s back off the road a ways.”


  We step outside. It’s not even a question.

  We’re heading south.

  “Karina, what guy?”

  I can’t. The tone of his voice. The remorseful look on his face. I’m starting to doubt everything I thought I knew.

  “After we broke up. One night this guy woke me. Hurt me. Told me to stay away from you.”

  Logan’s cheeks turn red and he scrubs his hand over his face. “Baby, I would never. No.”

  “I always assumed because of the way we broke up—”

  “Do you know who it was?”

  My eyes close and I’m right back in my bedroom. Suffocating while the stranger delivers his cruel message through whispers in my ear. “I never got a good look at him.” His voice. His scent. I’ll never forget those.”

  Logan’s gaze darts to the door. “Please don’t get mad—”

  Harsh laughter bubbles out of me. “Mad? We passed mad a long time ago, Logan. You kidnapped me, and currently, have me tied to a chair. Or did you forget that?” I wiggle my hands at him. To remind him of what he’s done, but also because they’re starting to go numb.

  He hesitates. “I can’t let you go yet.”

  “Fine. Whatever you’re about to say can’t be worse than kidnapping me. I’m already furious with you.”

  Logan seems surprised. What, did he think I’d be on board with this nonsense?

  “Your dad probably sent that guy.”

  My father? Kenneth Rivers is neglectful, sure. He’s gone for long stretches of time for work. But to deliberately set me up to be…violated?


  “To keep you away from me.”

  “Why? We’ve known each other forever.”

  “He was pissed I got involved with the club.” His eyes close and he runs his hand over his hair. “Which is ridiculous since he’s the one who introduced me to Romeo in the first place.”

  “Wait. What? My father introduced you to the MC? He doesn’t know any bikers.”

  Logan levels a stern look at me. “Karina, I’m afraid you know fuck-all about your dad.”

  “Let me go, Logan.”

  “I can’t, Karina. You’ll go right back to him.”

  “To who? Dante. Of course I will.”

  Even though he already seemed to know this, his face contorts with anger. “What does Athena think of him?”

  My head’s spinning from the change in conversation. “What does she have to do with anything?”

  “She’s your best friend.”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. She’s just happy I’m finally over you.”

  My words are the slap in the face he needed. “I’m sorry I hurt you, Karina. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “Fine. You’ve had your say. My father scared you away. You weren’t man enough to stand up to him and didn’t have the balls to tell me. Thanks for clearing that up. Now, let me go.”

  “I can’t let you go. Not until I make this right.”

  He sounds so sad, I almost believe him. But it doesn’t matter now. “You can make it right by letting me go.”

  “There are things you don’t understand. I don’t know how—”

  “I’m literally a captive audience, Logan. Whatever it is, spit it out! Nothing you say will hurt as much as what you’re doing to me right now.”

  He hesitates. For a second I think he’s finally come to his senses and will release me. Instead, he stands and paces, then stops to look at his phone. “Are you hungry?”

  I am, but I’m too pissed to worry about food. “No.”

  “I’ll run out and grab some food.”

  His hand closes over the doorknob. Is he kidding?

  “Logan. You can’t leave me here like this.” Too late, I realize I shouldn’t have shouted at him.

  He glances back, forehead wrinkling, like he just realized my hands might be bound, but my mouth is free. Instead of releasing me, he grabs a hand towel from the bathroom.

  “What are you doing?”

  He twirls it into a rope.

  “No. Logan. You can’t. What if I choke or get sick or something happens to you while you’re out? Or there’s a fire? I could die. You can’t leave me bound and gagged by myself.” I’m babbling like crazy trying to get him to understand how stupid his plan is.

  But he catches the towel in my mouth and ties it tight around my head. Then he walks out the door, locking it behind him.

  The last clerk wasn’t kidding. This place left cheap motel behind a few years ago. We circle the building but again there’s no sign of Karina’s car.

  “Let’s ask anyway,” Luck says, as if it was even a question.

  A young kid’s behind the desk and he recognizes the picture of Hemi right away. “Yeah, I think so. He wasn’t wearing no cut though when I saw him. Checked in couple hours ago.”

  I don’t bother asking about Karina. Ain’t gonna find her without Hemi. “What room?” I ask.

  He shakes his head as if he’s about to tell me he can’t give out that information, then seems to decide it’s not worth the beating we’ll give him if he refuses.

  Instead of words, he reaches behind him and grabs a key. I snatch it out of his hand and stomp out the door. Luck follows me to the room at the end of the building.

  I knock twice. Except for the distant sound of traffic out on the main road, the area is quiet.


  This time a muffled scream comes through. Even distorted, I recognize my girl’s voice. I can’t work the key in the lock fast enough. Then I’m bursting in the door. My girl’s tied to a fucking chair.

  “Baby girl, I’m here.” I pop the rag out of her mouth and start working on the ropes around her wrists. “Luck, help me.”

  Together, we get her free, and I run my hands over her wrists and ankles. She throws herself against me, sobbing so hard, I’m shaking with rage. “It’s okay, baby girl, I got you.”

  Somewhere in the back of my head, I’m surprised at the soothing, nonsense sounds I’m using to calm Karina down.

  “Where is he?”

  She pulls back and shakes her head. Fury at the idea of her protecting him amplifies my anger. She seems to sense it and works to get the words out.

  “Let me get her some water, Dante,” Luck says, stepping outside. I’d forgotten all about him.

  He brings a bott
le in from the car. “It’s warm,” he says apologetically as he hands it to her.

  She takes a couple sips, her eyes never leaving my face.

  “I don’t know,” she finally gets out. “He said he was going to get food. I begged him not to leave me tied up. I was so scared something would happen and I’d be trapped…” the rest of her words are lost to harsh sobbing.

  Behind me, Luck curses. “Jesus Christ, you never leave someone alone tied up. What the fuck?”

  “No shit,” I mutter.

  Karina hiccups and takes another sip of water before setting the bottle down. She throws her arms around me, almost knocking me on my ass.

  Turning my head, I meet Luck’s concerned gaze and nod. “Give us a minute.”

  “Yeah. I’ll wait in the truck in case he comes back; so he doesn’t get spooked.”

  He shuts the door behind him.

  I stand, lifting Karina into my arms. “Come ’ere.” Gently, I settle us on the bed with my back to the headboard and her in my lap.

  “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

  She sucks in a few shaking breaths and sniffles. “No. But I was so scared.”

  We don’t speak for a bit. The weight of her body comforts me. Fuck knows what I’m going to do about this. These feelings she’s stirred up in me. I don’t even care. Just want to take care of my girl.


  Somehow, Dante found me. Relief and happiness overwhelm me. Also, fear, because I’m afraid of what Dante will do to Logan if he finds him.

  I’m furious, but I don’t want Logan dead.

  I don’t want Dante to be the one to kill him. I can’t handle that.

  “Tell me what happened, baby girl,” he says after I calm down.

  I sit up to organize my thoughts. Being pressed against Dante like this is making my body want inappropriate things.

  Even though only a few hours have passed, it feels like months. I have to stop and think. “I ran out to the store to grab something. I was making you dinner.”

  The corners of his mouth turn up and he squeezes my hand.

  “When I got back Logan was waiting. He said you sent him to pick me up because the club was on lockdown and he was taking me to meet you at the club’s safe house.”

  He runs his hand through his hair, making it stick up in every direction. “Shit, baby girl. I shoulda explained things to you. Club’s ever on lockdown, I’ll bring you to the clubhouse. I’d never send Logan—”

  “I didn’t think so but I wasn’t sure.”

  “I know. Not your fault. I’ll tell you right now. If I can’t be there, I’d send Luck,” he nods at the door. “Whip’s our RC, so if I can’t get you, he’d be someone else I trust. Romeo, our president. He’s a pig, but he wouldn’t hurt you. But baby, I’d call you, something, so you knew what to expect.”

  “He said I wasn’t important enough for you to worry about. That’s why you sent him, and didn’t call.”

  Dante pauses and glances away. “I know we haven’t been together long, Karina. But you ain’t some slampiece to me. I don’t know of a single man in the club who wouldn’t do everything possible to protect their ol’ lady.”

  My nose wrinkles. Ol’ lady? I prefer when he calls me his baby girl. He seems to sense it because he chuckles and runs the back of his hand over my cheek. “The women who’re important to them,” he explains.

  “Oh.” I’m so ashamed for letting Logan’s words mess with me.

  “What else, baby girl?”

  I shrug because I’m not sure how to put into words the crazy shit that came out of Logan’s mouth.

  “He said you sent him to Mexico to get killed because of me.”

  Dante’s face turns to stone. “Motherfuckin’ pussy. That ain’t true. It’s a tough run, but all of us have done it.”

  I’m shocked because it’s the most he’s ever told me about club stuff.

  “He said you kill for the club.”

  If it’s possible, his face locks down even harder.

  “I protect the club.”

  My fingers trace over his jaw. “I don’t care. I just care that you’re good to me. You’ve treated me better than anyone in my life. Logan was furious when I explained that to him.”

  Dante’s jaw works, but he doesn’t say anything.

  “I don’t deserve you,” he finally mutters.

  There’s no excuse.


  I know full well what kind of fucked up life I’ve chosen. Got no business bringing an innocent girl into it. Especially, if I ain’t gonna keep her safe.

  Club’s had it easy the last few years. It’s made me soft. Throw Karina into the mix and I’m a ball-less pile of mush. Been too busy worrying about sticking my dick in her, rather than explainin’ shit to her.

  “What else, baby girl?”

  “Nothing, just a lot of nonsense.”

  I want more answers from her, but I think she’s done. She yawns and I pull her against me, reassuring her that she’s okay. Hell, reassuring myself.

  A low knock interrupts our quiet. The door eases open and Luck pokes his head in. His mouth turns up as he takes us in.

  “A car drove through the lot, but didn’t stop. Not sure if it was him and he made me or it was nothing.”

  I give him a description of Karina’s car and he shakes his head. “Doesn’t mean anything. He coulda dumped her car and gotten another,” Luck says. I nod at him to come in and he shuts the door behind him.

  “You okay, Karina?” he asks gently.

  She nods, her cheek sliding over my chest and her arms tighten around my middle. Luck smiles as he takes a seat at the table.

  “It’s been over an hour, brother. What’re you thinking?” he asks.

  I glance down at Karina who seems to have fallen asleep. I don’t know what the fuck to do.

  I want to wrap both hands around Hemi’s throat and stare into his eyes while I choke the life out of him. Since that doesn’t seem to be an option, we should probably head home. No reason to keep my girl in this filthy motel any longer.

  “Let’s head back.”

  Luck nods. “Should probably keep her at the clubhouse until we figure this out.”

  My first instinct is to tell him to fuck off, don’t tell me how to take care of my girl. Except, he’s right. Even with all my degenerate, fucktard brothers around, she’ll be safe there.

  Leaning down, I press my lips to her forehead. Yeah, that’s how far gone I am. Don’t give a shit about my brother seein’ me bein’ all sweet with her. “Baby girl, wake up. We’re gonna head back.”

  She shifts, snuggling into me tighter, and mumbles. Luck stands and chuckles.

  “Can you take her?”

  Alarm crosses his face for a brief second, but he scoops her out of my lap, holding her until I’m up and able to take her.

  We get her settled in the back seat and get on the road. It’s dark and I’m fighting exhaustion. When we’re maybe halfway home, I twist to check that she’s still asleep.

  “If something happens to me, promise you’ll look after her.”

  Luck’s driving so he only glances at me for a second. “Why you thinkin’ like that, brother?”

  “Nothing. This whole fuckin’ mess is making me realize I should make sure she’s better taken care of. He told her I sent him to pick her up because the club was on lockdown and he was takin’ her to our safe house.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You haven’t been together that long. She’s young. It’s not a stretch that you wouldn’t have shared everything with her.”

  “No. But he used that against her. Someone else could.” I stare straight ahead. “I told her she can trust you. I’d send you. Explained we ain’t got a safe house.”


  “But beyond that. We all know the risks. You seem to understand…know her needs. So if something happens to me, I want you to make sure she’s okay.”

  Luck doesn’t seem to know what to say to t

  I think of how to explain it better. “I don’t want someone like Romeo gettin’ his hands on her.”

  “Yeah. I hear what you’re saying. Of course. But can we not talk about something happening to you. It’s bad luck.”

  I can’t help laughing at that. “I ain’t sayin’ ‘fuck my girlfriend,’ bro. Just—”

  “Yeah, I got it,” he says with a snicker.

  “I’d want you in my role too. But Romeo already knows that.”


  Feelings time over, I relax into the seat and plan how I’m going to murder Hemi when I find his disloyal ass.


  “Wake up, baby girl.”


  My mouth’s dry and my tummy’s queasy. It’s dark. I realize I’m in the back of an SUV, covered with a blanket. Blinking, I sit up. We’re stopped.

  The back door opens and I scramble backwards.

  Dante pokes his head in and holds out his hand to me. I grab it gratefully and he tugs me out, wrapping me in his arms. “We’re at the clubhouse. Gonna stay here for a bit until things calm down.”

  I’d rather be alone with him at the cabin. He seems to understand. His hand runs over my head and down my cheek. “It’ll be safer for now.”

  This is the quietest I’ve ever seen the Iron Bulls clubhouse. Even the club girls are muted.

  Romeo storms from one of the rooms and over to us. Gone is the wise-ass perv face I remember.

  “You find him?” he barks at Dante.


  Romeo lifts his chin at me. “She okay?”

  Never mind me. I’m just standing right here.

  “Yeah. I’m gonna keep her here for a day or two.”

  Romeo’s gaze shifts to me, but none of the lewd comments I’m expecting come out. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  I’m too shocked to answer with words, so I nod instead.

  That’s about all the civility Romeo’s capable of. He raises an eyebrow at Dante. “When you’re done reuniting, meet me in the chapel.”

  Dante’s response is to wrap his arm around me tighter.

  “You can fill me in while we’re waitin’ for him,” Romeo says to Luck.


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