Book Read Free

Dirty Side Down

Page 25

by Phoenyx Slaughter

  “That’s great.” His mouth turns up in a genuine smile and my heart races at his encouraging voice.

  “The program’s only two days a week, but at least I’ll learn some stuff.”

  “Sounds good. You get registered for the class, yet?”

  Since my parents never bothered with my school stuff, it’s weird to have to answer to someone about these things. But also nice. “Not yet. I want to have my schedule straightened out and talk to my adviser again.”

  “Good.” He motions me to come sit next to him and I set my bags down before approaching. “I spoke to Cricket today. He’s officially keeping an eye on you.”

  I chuckle at the image of Dante terrorizing poor Cricket into watching over me at school.

  “He’s having some trouble in English, so if you can help him out, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Sure. Do you know who he has?”

  “No fuckin’ clue.”

  “That’s okay. I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”

  Dante nods, but a sterner expression moves over his face. “I warned him what would happen if he made a move on you.”

  I can’t help the snort that comes out of me. “I’m sure you did.”

  “I spoke to your father today,” he says without easing me into the conversation.

  “Oh. Did he ask about me?” I hate how pathetic and needy I sound.

  Dante doesn’t make me feel bad about it though. His face softens and he pulls me closer. “Yeah. He did. Told him how smart you are and how well you’re doing in school.” He bites his lip as if he’s holding back the less savory parts of their talk.


  “I told him he’s gonna get me your sister’s number so you two can meet.”

  “You did? Oh my God. Thank you. When?”

  He holds up a hand. “After graduation.” When I open my mouth to protest he shakes his head.

  “Listen, I know you’re excited to have a sister and you’re dying to meet her. But, I want you to consider the possibility that she won’t feel the same way.”

  The thought had occurred to me once or twice, but I kept pushing it away. Now I need to take a minute to picture our family “reunion” a different way.

  Dante nods as if he reads my thoughts.

  “Did my father say she’s upset?”

  “He said a lot of stupid, useless things. But no. It’s just human nature. It’s gonna be a big shock for her, too, don’t forget.”

  That’s true.

  “So that’s why I don’t want you to think about it until after you’re done with school, okay? I don’t want you getting your feelings hurt and it messing up your grades or anything.”

  I can’t swallow over the lump in my throat. Instead I fling my arms around him and bury my face against his chest. His big, strong arms squeeze me back. “You’re not mad?” he asks.

  “No. Thank you for looking out for me.”

  “Always, baby girl.”


  The next week somehow goes by fast and seems to drag at the same time. The school handed out five “official” invitations to each graduating senior to pass out to friends and family.

  “God, these are hideous.” Athena wrinkles her nose at the garish red and green cards that match our school colors. “They look like Rudolph took a shit on them or something.”

  I choke and sputter with laughter. “You’re disgusting.”

  “Nothing like waiting until the last minute to invite someone.”

  “I guess they figure everyone important should already know about it? Who cares. I just want to get the fuck out of here.”

  “Me too.”

  It’s finals week, so classes are sporadic. Dante’s been on a run and I suspect it has more to do with wanting me to study than club business. Luck or Cricket have been coming by the house to check on me. Last night I stayed over at Athena’s much to her mother’s distress.

  I’m not ashamed to say I made dinner especially awkward when I let it slip I’d been accepted into State’s pre-med program. Oh, and then I casually mentioned my summer job and my volunteer position at the hospital. It’s not that I wanted to make Athena look bad, but I’m tired of her parents’ judgmental attitude toward me. They still act as if I’m not good enough to hang around their daughter. I’d always ignored it before, but since I’m feeling a little more confident these days, it feels good to brag a little.

  Thankfully Athena’s not mad at me. She thought her mother’s uptight congratulations was as amusing as I did.

  I’m treated to the surprise of Dante’s bike in the driveway when I arrive home. He opens the front door and I fly into his arms.

  “Fuck, I missed you, baby girl,” he says as he lifts me off the ground.

  “I missed you, too,” I say between kisses.

  There are not a whole lot of words after that. There is a lot of naked, bent over the living room couch sex though.

  “Dante, should I invite my father to my graduation?”

  Lying in bed after fucking the hell out of Karina is just about the last place I want to talk about her deadbeat father.

  “Why’re you asking?”

  “We got these official invites at school. For family guests. Should I give him one? Do you think he’ll come?”

  “I don’t know, baby girl. But if you want him there, give it to him.”

  She chews on her thumbnail a little—something she almost never does. I grasp her hand, pulling it away from her mouth “You need to put something in your mouth, I’ll give you my cock.”

  “Already done that,” she sasses back.

  “No rule saying you can’t do it again.”

  Her bare thigh rubs against mine and she rolls to her side, facing me. “What’s wrong?” I ask after she stares at me for a few minutes.

  “Nothing. I’m just happy you’re home.”

  “Me too. What do you have going on tomorrow?”

  “Morning at the library and I have an exam in the afternoon.”

  “Okay. I’ll be at the clubhouse most of the day if you need me.”

  “Thanks.” She hesitates again. “Do you know if my dad’s home?”

  “No idea. Wanna give him a call?”

  “I was thinking of driving over there and giving him the invitation in person.”

  Fucking hell. Driving over to that deadbeat’s house is the last thing I feel like doing. “Okay. Get dressed. I’ll take you now before it gets much later.”

  “You don’t have to—”

  She stops mid-sentence when she takes in the look on my face.

  Naturally, the douche isn’t home. “What do you want to do?” I ask. Karina’s old key doesn’t work anymore. Amazing how the prick had time to change the locks but can’t pick up a fucking phone to call his daughter.

  She taps the envelope against her hand a few times before answering. “I guess I’ll leave it under the door and give him a call to let him know it’s here?”

  “Sounds good.”

  I didn’t expect her to whip out her phone and call him right this second, but that’s what she does. Leaves him a voicemail with all the information that’s in the invite. Well, at least the asshole has no excuse for not showing up.

  “Do you think he’s mad we’re together?” she asks as we walk back to my bike.

  “Don’t give a fuck if he is. No one’s gonna keep us apart. I’ll destroy anyone who gets in my way, even him. You’re mine.”

  I didn’t mean to get so intense, but the thought of that man always manages to piss me off. “I like being yours,” she says.


  “Mind if we stop by the clubhouse? I’ll ask Romeo if he knows what your dad’s up to.”


  For a weeknight, the clubhouse is pretty busy. Fuck only knows what Romeo will say in front of Karina, so I park her little ass at the bar next to Sadie. “Keep an eye on her?”

  “No problem.”

  Karina doesn’t seem too thrilled about the arrangem
ent, but she doesn’t protest.

  I take off in search of my prez.

  Kind of wish I hadn’t found him in such a compromising position with Amy, but when they’re done, she leaves.

  “Christ, can’t you go two minutes without getting one of those bitches on their knees?”

  He snorts. “You come here for a reason, or to give me shit? Don’t be jealous because you’re getting bored with the same old pussy.”

  Bored isn’t the word I’d use to describe what Karina and I have. But that ain’t any of his business. The less he knows, or thinks he knows about us, the better.

  “You hear from Tucker lately?”

  “Yeah. Sent him back down to the border on another run.”


  “He needs me to clear that debt and I need someone who doesn’t look connected to us, since Hemi’s fuck-up. Why you looking for him?”

  “One, it’s almost time for him to get me that fucking number for Karina’s sister. Two, she wants to invite the asshole to her graduation. She dropped off an invite at his house, but I want to make sure he knows about it.”


  “Because I don’t want her disappointed.”

  “He’s a piece of shit. Thought you’d want him far away from her.”

  My shoulders lift. What the fuck do I know about any of this shit? “He’s still her dad. She should have what little family she’s got there.”

  “You’re getting soft.” He chuckles. “So when is graduation?”

  That kicks off my radar. “Why?”

  “Because apparently this club’s her family now. Maybe some of us should be there.”

  It would be a nice sentiment if I didn’t know the real reason he wants this. I don’t even bother trying to hold in my laughter. “You fucking serious?”

  “Why not. We got two prospects graduating, too.”

  “Yeah, and an almost-legal chick you wanna sink your dick in.”

  “Well, that, too.” He tones down the dirty smirk-face. “You know if she’s got a boyfriend?”

  “Like it matters?”

  “No, I guess not.”

  “I don’t think so. From what Karina says, her friend’s pretty sheltered.” That’s putting it mildly.

  His eyes light up like the dirty pussy-loving pervert he is. “Fuck. They’re always the dirtiest girls.”

  “You would know.”

  Hanging out with Sadie isn’t too horrible. I mean, I know she’s fucked Dante in the past, which is a little uncomfortable, but she’s always been nice to me. Unlike this other catty bitch, Melody, who I’m pretty sure graduated from my high school last year.

  As soon as Sadie leaves to check on something, Melody pounces. “You know your man hooks up when you’re in school, right?”

  She says school with a bitchy wrinkled-nose face. I’m tempted to tell her how ugly that face makes her look, but I don’t.

  “I highly doubt that,” I answer in a bored voice. I’m proud to say that isn’t a lie either. I trust Dante.

  “Not me,” she says in a rush as if she’s trying to be my best friend all of a sudden. “Just the other day, your friend Sadie blew him on the couch.” Damn, I really hate girls who love doing nothing but starting drama and trouble.

  “You know, Melody. Maybe if you spent this much effort on your own life, you wouldn’t be such a miserable twat.”

  Behind me, Sadie’s laughter rings out. “Good one, Karina. I was about to say something not quite as classy.”

  She settles her hand on my shoulder and stands next to me. “Stop trying to fuck with her. Dante will kick your skinny little ass right out the door if you upset his girl.”

  Melody sticks her tongue out at me—what are we, five?

  “Melody,” Romeo snaps. “Go do something useful somewhere else.”

  I turn to find Romeo and Dante in the doorway to the club’s “chapel room.” Dante lifts his chin. His way, I think, of asking if I’m okay. I nod and he goes back to his conversation with Romeo.

  Sadie hops back on the barstool next to me. “Good for you. Don’t ever be afraid to stick up for yourself around these bitches. You’re gonna be Dante’s old lady. Everyone knows it.”


  “Club whores, hell even some of the old ladies will try to test you to see what you’re made of.”


  “That’s the way it is.” She tilts her head to the side. “I think you can handle it.”

  “Thanks.” I sound more confused than thankful but she accepts my words.

  “Just so you know, Dante hasn’t looked at another girl since you. Not even me, and we used to be pretty regular—”

  I throw my hand up in a stop gesture a couple inches from her face. “I really don’t need details.”

  She flashes a quick, apologetic smile. “Sorry. He’s really smitten with you, that’s all.”

  Smitten. Odd word to use to describe Dante and I let out a chuckle.

  Sadie laughs, too. “Right? Who could imagine big, bad Dante as a smitten kitten?” she says, sending both of us into a fit of silly giggles.

  When we catch our breath, I look her over. “Are you mad that he didn’t want you as his old lady?” That’s a pretty obnoxious question for me to ask, but I can’t help it. I can’t figure Sadie out.

  “Hell, no.” She glances around the packed clubhouse. “This life isn’t for me long-term. Besides, I’ve fucked almost every brother in this charter, so never gonna happen.”

  “Wow. Okay then.”

  She shrugs. “I like sex and I don’t like commitment. This is the perfect place if you keep your expectations to a minimum. Girls like Melody who come here hoping to snag an ol’ man just end up bitter little bitches.”

  I have no words, but for some reason I really appreciate Sadie’s directness.

  Thick, tattooed forearms wrap around my middle. Dante. I relax against him and he kisses my cheek. “You okay?” he whispers in my ear.

  “Yeah. Sadie was keeping me company.”

  He dips his chin to acknowledge Sadie, but doesn’t say anything else. Romeo, on the other hand, wraps his arm around Sadie’s waist. “How do you feel about high school graduations, Sadie?”

  Behind me, Dante groans. Sadie seems confused for a minute. “Haven’t been to one since my own,” she finally says.

  “Well, our girl Karina here is graduating Friday afternoon, and since she doesn’t have a lot of family, Dante and I thought some of her Iron Bulls family should be there.”

  That sounds like a load of crap if I ever heard one, but I keep my face neutral. “You don’t have to do that, Romeo. It’ll be so boring.”

  “Sure,” Sadie answers slowly, throwing me an Is that okay with you? face.

  “Good,” Romeo says, as if he’s somehow done his good deed for the day. He tugs Sadie off her stool and the two of them disappear down the hall.

  “What was that all about?” I ask Dante as he takes Sadie’s vacant seat.

  “No fucking idea. I tried to talk him out of it. Figure he’s either hoping to see your friend or he’s sincere and trying to make up for giving me so much shit.”

  “Shit about what?”

  His mouth flattens into a thin line, as if he wishes he hadn’t said so much.

  “He’s just jealous of my hot lil’ girl.”

  Luck joins us before I question Dante further. Romeo returns without Sadie and claps Luck on the back. “Perfect. You can join us at Karina’s graduation, too.”

  His gaze roams over me for a brief second before he seems to come to a decision. “Ah, sure, prez. Dante, that okay with you?”

  This is all getting too weird for me. Dante interprets my pleading look correctly and takes my hand, sliding me off the stool. “We’re heading out. You hear anything, let me know, prez.”

  “Will do.”

  Finally the bizarre night at the biker compound is over.


  No surprise Karina hasn’t hea
rd from her dad. First thing Monday morning looks like I’ll be tracking him down and beating some information out of him. Not even a phone call on her graduation day. He’s gonna get a few extra punches just for hurting my girl’s feelings.

  Karina shakes it all off. She did well on all of her exams—not that I expected anything different.

  “I don’t know why I bothered. No one will see my dress when it’s covered by the hideous gowns we have to wear,” she grumbles as she checks herself out in the bathroom mirror.

  “You look beautiful, baby girl.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Come here.”

  She rushes over and wraps her arms around my waist careful not to touch her made up face to my T-shirt. “Ready to go?”

  “Yes. I told Athena I’d meet her in front of the school at eleven.”

  We take my truck to the school. The place is jumping today. Crazed teenagers and proud parents everywhere. I feel like a creepy motherfucker here to watch my girlfriend graduate from high school. Then she smiles at me and I shake it off. Never gave a fuck what anyone thought of me before. Ain’t gonna start now.

  Athena squeals and runs over almost knocking Karina down with her enthusiastic greeting. They talk so fast I can’t make out their words. Most of it sounds like “I can’t believe we’re finally getting out of here.”

  “Where’re your parents?” Karina asks.

  “Inside. Is your dad coming?”

  Karina’s mouth turns down and if it wasn’t for Athena looking just as upset as my girl, I’d be pissed at her for upsetting Karina.

  “Fuck him, Karina. You kicked ass this year.”

  Damn, I like this little bitch sometimes.

  I almost groan when I spot Romeo approaching our group. Correction, Romeo and Sadie. Athena’s eyes narrow as she follows my gaze. “Who’s that?” she asks, poking Karina in the ribs.

  “Romeo. I think you’ve met him,” she answers with a straight face, making me chuckle.

  “Don’t be a bitch.”

  Sadie runs up and hugs Karina—wasn’t aware they were so close. “Congratulations, sweetie.”


  Luck joins us next and gives Karina a brief hug while also congratulating her. My girl seems a little overwhelmed from all the attention.


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