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Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances

Page 11

by Lyssa Layne

A reporter yells, “There she is!” and the cameras turn to me. I’m so thankful Agnes told me to clean up.

  Jace slowly turns to face me, his face holds a full grin as he blows me a kiss and walks in my direction. Suddenly, I can’t get to him fast enough, and I run into his arms. He scoops me up as I wrap my legs around his waist, but instead of kissing, I bury my face in his shoulder as I start to cry again. My life may be falling apart miles away, but right now, in his arms, I’m alright.

  His wandering hands stop and he whispers in my ear, “Nikki, what’s wrong, baby?”

  I don’t move, knowing if I do, the only shot they’ll get will be of me looking like a crying baby. Jace rubs my back and sets me down, kissing my temple. He drapes his arm around my shoulder and for the first time, he pulls me protectively against him, waving off the photographers as he guides us to his Mercedes.

  When we get to the car, he pulls me in front of him, his hands on my waist. “Nikki, talk to me. I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  I sigh and look across the parking garage. “You can’t fix it, Jace.”

  His hands tighten around my waist and I watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down when he swallows. I bite my lip trying to keep from crying again.

  “Nik, if it’s something I did or you read—”

  I narrow my eyebrows, not sure where he’s going with it, but knowing I can’t handle anything else right now, I interrupt him. “No, it’s not you.”

  His fingers release on my waist and I see his whole body relax. He opens the car door guiding me inside. “Then let’s get back to my place, head out to celebrate, and we’ll talk about it when we’re naked in bed tomorrow morning,” he says with a wink.

  I nod even though going out is the last thing on my mind. At the same time though, I don’t want to take away from his accomplishment.

  Walking into his apartment, the door isn’t even closed when he pushes me against the wall for a fierce embrace. He licks my lips while his hands grope my breasts. Breaking the kiss, he looks down at my tank top. He frowns and moves his hands to the neck of the shirt, tearing it in two pieces. I gasp, shocked at the sudden caveman action.

  He laughs and comments, “Baby, you should know better than to wear an Aces shirt to my place.”

  His mouth moves to my neck as he scoops me into his arms and carries us to the bedroom. Tossing me on the bed, he crawls over me with a wicked smile. “Shall we just have appetizers now and the main dish later?”

  Heat electrifies my body and it’s not from the sun I got today. Jace nips at my nipple and I moan. He wiggles his eyebrows at me as he pulls my shorts off. Pushing against my panties, he grins. “Someone’s already wet, I see,” he says with a devilish look in his eyes. Then he dives between my legs, sliding my soaking wet thong to the slide and letting his tongue work his magic.

  God, it feels so good. When he flicks his tongue over my sensitive spot, I gasp in sync with his movement, but when he slides a finger in me, I arch my back and sit up. His free hand pushes me back down as he slides a second finger in. I close my eyes and enjoy the sweet release and escape from reality.

  His hands tease my breasts as I come down from my high and catch my breath. He kisses me softly and then sits up on the bed. Still recovering, I watch him pull himself out and stroke, waiting for me to take my place. I give him a kiss before I move between his legs. Leaning forward, I tickle the head of cock with my tongue, sliding my hand up and down the shaft.

  Gathering my hair in his hand, he moans and encourages me, “Mmm… Nikki, keep that up.”

  Not even two minutes later and he’s satisfied…for now. He pulls me up and on him, his limp member resting between my legs. His hands roam my body and he slaps my ass. I lean forward for a kiss. Sex with Jace Richards is like no other sex I’ve had. Despite feeling like his toy, I can’t get enough of him.

  “Go take a shower, touch yourself while you think of me, and then we’ll head out.”

  Obediently, I follow his demand. As I soap my hair, I wonder if this is how it would always be with Jace. Him telling me what to do, me jumping at his every command. My hand slides between my legs as I do what he asked. My body jumps at the electricity my finger sends throughout my body. This isn’t so bad.

  Walking into the bedroom wrapped in my towel, Jace looks up from the bed. He’s holding my phone and asks, “Why is Adamson sending you apology texts?”

  My blood pressure spikes when I see Jace scrolling through my messages, but I have nothing to hide so I don’t say anything about it. I sit beside him on the bed and tell him what happened without inputting any of my thoughts.

  He rolls to his side and kisses my bare shoulder. “So quit,” he states and I freeze. I’m not sure I correctly heard the words he said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Quit, Nikki. Come to D.C. and be with me.”

  My stomach drops at the same time my heart speeds up. “Jace, it’s my goal to be an assistant trainer next season and eventually head trainer at some point. I can’t just quit.”

  His fingers walk up my thigh. “Fine, then I’ll get you a job with the Diplomats so I can have you all to myself.”

  I frown and push his hand away. “That’s no different than what Grant did. I want to do this on my own, not because one of you helped me.”

  Jace kisses my nose and stands up. “Whatever you want, baby. I laid a dress out for you over there.”

  My eyes go to where he points and I see the smallest, sluttiest, hot pink dress in the world. Sighing, I lean my head back against the pillow as he leaves the room. When will men ever understand?


  It’s Wednesday. Four days since I found out about Grant’s scheme to get me to spring training. It’s also four days since we celebrated Jace’s no-hitter and I think I’m still hung over. My phone rings and I accidentally hit accept.

  “Nicole Elaine Adger, where the hell are you? Grant is going crazy and if it weren’t for your ‘classy’ photos with your tongue down Jace Richards’ throat, I’d think you were dead in a ditch somewhere!”

  “Screw Grant,” I mumble and roll over in bed. Jace is lying naked beside me. He pulls me against him and I lay my head on his chest.

  “Colie, what the hell happened?” my sister demands.

  “Meg, I don’t want to talk about it right now, but I’m fine. I’m flying home this afternoon.”

  She sighs on her end of the line. The only reason I’m flying home is in hopes that I still have a job.

  “Colie, I’m worried about you,” she says in the motherly tone she’s used to patronize me for years.

  “Yeah, I might be out a job,” I mumble and I feel Jace squeeze his arm around me.

  “What?” Meg questions.

  “Never mind, I’ll call you when I get home,” I say and hang up before she can interrogate me anymore.

  Jace slides my hand down his chest and I take it from there. He grins as he kisses my forehead. “Nik, I could get used to waking up with you in my bed.”

  My hand slides up and down his erection as I snuggle up closer to him.

  “What if I asked you to marry me? Would you quit your job and move here?” Jace asks opening his eyes.

  My hand stops. Did he just ask me to marry him? Thoughts are dashing through my mind before I can collect them. I’d have to move to D.C. I could work for the Diplomats although I’d rather earn it. I’d be so far away from my sister… and Grant. Screw Grant, he sold me out.

  Jace tilts my head to face him. He smiles as he rubs his thumb over my chin. “Don’t answer right now, just think about it.”


  Friday I finally decide to head back to work. I try to be as quiet as possible when I arrive and start to flip through the files of my outfielders. Michael’s boss, George, enters the training room. He makes eye contact with me and nods me to his office. Maybe this’ll answer Jace’s question for me.

  George points to a chair and I sit down across from him on the other side
of his desk. “You’re back on pitchers.”

  My jaw drops. This is not at all what I was expecting. I was praying to have kept my job, but not this. I notice him watching me closely and I quickly close my mouth. “I, um… are you sure? I mean I’m working well with the outfield staff—”

  “Ms. Adger, you’re assigned to pitchers now. End of discussion.”

  My face blushes and I can’t help but wonder…“Did Adamson request me?”

  George lets out an exasperated sigh. “No, Colie. We don’t let players tell us where to assign our trainers. I gave that job to Michael, who fucked it all up, excuse my language. He’s no longer with the organization and I’ve moved you back where you are the most useful to us.”

  I nod and know I’d better not ask any more questions. Inside, I’m doing my happy dance, relieved that I still have a job. Walking back into the training room, I see Grant sitting on the table. Crap, I wasn’t ready to face him yet.

  I straighten up and put on my most professional attitude as I walk over to him. “What’s bothering you, Adamson?”

  Grant rolls his eyes. “Cut the crap, Colie. You know what hurts.”

  “You know you shouldn’t roll your eyes,” I mock as I put his shoulder through a series of tests. I frown when I hear it popping and clicking with each move. I look up and see Grant staring at me intently.

  “What is it?” he asks and I watch his hand reach for my wrist. I smirk to myself because I haven’t switched out bracelets. He surprises me though when he grabs my hand instead. His touch causes me to lose my train of thought until he squeezes my hand again.


  I shake my head and blink. “Like I told you before, I think it’s a labral tear. I can get you a prescription for meds, which will help the pain, and we’ll do exercises to strengthen your rotator cuff muscles. But I don’t think there’s any way to avoid surgery postseason. Of course, we’ll have the team doctor confirm and give his opinion.”

  He hangs his head and doesn’t say anything. I start to pull my hand away from him but he holds it tighter. “I should have listened to you. I knew better than to pitch. Mike told me I was good to go, though.”

  I purse my lips and avoid saying ‘I told you so.’

  “I recommend seeing the doctor right away, and taking at least a week off.” I pull my hand back and he lets it slip out of his grasp. Turning my back to him, I type into the computer, making him an appointment. I expect him to be gone when I turn around but he’s still sitting there.

  “Will you let me explain?”

  Sighing, I say, “I was out of line in what I said, and I apologize. Other than that, there’s really nothing else to explain. I get it, you were just trying to do me a favor, which I appreciate, but I thought you understood how important it is for me to stand on my own.”

  He gives me a smug look as he says, “Stand on your own, huh? That why you’re staying in Richards’ loft and letting him fly you all over the country at his beck and call?”

  My pulse pounds in my ears and I take a deep breath trying to stay cool. Be professional, Colie, that’s all this relationship is anymore.

  “Kind of you like how you got me kicked out of my apartment and insisted I live with you in Florida?” I snap back with a raised eyebrow.

  He doesn’t meet my gaze as I say that. We both stare at opposite walls of the room. Finally, he stands and says, “Can you help me get through the rest of this season?”

  He holds his hand out to me but I’m not sure if he’s asking for my help with his shoulder or more. “You’re the best trainer we have, Colie.”

  I slowly nod and shake his hand. Get him through the season, then I can officially close the book on my relationship with Grant Adamson. I’m really not sure how I feel about that.


  Standing in front of the mirror, I hold two different dresses in front of me. Hmm, too last year… too bright.

  “Text me a pic of each and I’ll let you know which one I like.”

  My phone is on speaker as it sits on my dresser. I laugh as I answer, “Babe, you won’t like either.”

  Despite the length he prefers, it’s much easier when I go to D.C. and Jace has my wardrobe picked out. Ugh, I’m never going to finish packing.

  “When do you leave again?”

  “I’m meeting Meg at two and then we’re headed to the airport to meet the other girls.”

  It’s the weekend of my sister’s bachelorette party. A girls’ weekend in Vegas. It’s exactly what I need—time away from men.

  “Stay out of trouble,” he says, meaning don’t make him look bad.

  We hang up and I look at the dresses again. My phone beeps with a text message. I quickly read it, shove all the dresses on the bed in my suitcase, and run downstairs to meet my sister.


  Four hours later, we’re sitting in first class holding glasses of champagne. My sister, her two friends, Jess and Beth, and I toast to the upcoming nuptials. After we all take a sip, I turn to Meg. “I’m so sorry. This weekend is about you. When we land, I’ll call Jace and see what he can do to get the photographers to leave us alone.”

  She shrugs and pats my leg. “It’s okay, Colie. It makes me feel like a celebrity, it’s kinda fun!” she says with a giggle, and I make a mental note to limit the champagne.

  Jess and Beth are seated in front of us. They both turn around as they hear us talking.

  “Yeah, Colie, so is this what it’s like for you?” Beth asks.

  My cheeks blush crimson. “They’re not there for me, just Jace.”

  Jess rolls her eyes. “I don’t see him or any other celebrity on this plane. They want you!”

  I drain the last of my champagne and shrug. “It must be a slow news day.”

  They giggle and turn back around. I close my eyes, hoping to get some sleep before we spend the next two nights in Vegas.

  “How’s work, little sis?”

  I open one eye to see if she’s really asking or just passing time. Meg’s staring at me sincerely, so I open both eyes and slightly turn to her with a nod. “Work’s pretty good all things considered. Grant and I have been avoiding each other like the plague. But being that his shoulder is in horrible condition, I spend the majority of my time helping him rehab it, which means I spend the majority of my day in silence and awkward tension.”

  “It doesn’t have to be like that, Colie. Grant really cares about you and I know he misses you.”

  I narrow my eyes at her, wondering how she knows this but I’m not about to ask. She recognizes my questioning look and changes the subject. “And how are things with Jace?”

  “Good, really good, actually. We haven’t seen each other in three weeks since his no-hitter. He’s been begging me to come visit, but I’ve only had two days off and I spent both at the clubhouse working on Grant’s shoulder. Jace is supposed to be in town next weekend for the wedding, though. Everything all ready for it? Need me to do anything?”

  Meg’s face lights up at the opportunity to talk about her wedding. I’ll be glad when it’s over. I’ve about reached my limit on conversations revolving around tulle and twinkle lights.


  A phone call to Jace, a quick visit from Tosh, and the paparazzi have disappeared. I don’t know what they did but I’m glad they’re gone. Now we can focus on Meg and giving her the proper rite of passage before her wedding.

  After a night of partying and a late morning breakfast, we head to a pole dancing class. Meg insists we all attend. Jess and Beth both seem really excited about it, although I’m not sure where any of us could practice this unless we get a second job. Luckily, it’s a private class. The teacher walks in and well, she looks like a stripper. Long tan legs, platinum blonde hair, six inch heels, and I’ll be nice and say a skimpy bikini.

  Looking at each of us beside our poles, we look like we’re wearing winter clothes. I’m wearing a pair of black hot shorts and a turquoise sports bra. Jess is in a similar outfit while Meg
and Beth are in yoga capris instead of shorts.

  “Alright, ladies, I’m your instructor, Carmen. We’ll get started with the Fireman. On the tips of your toes, reach your dominant arm as high as possible on the pole in a baseball grip.” Carmen pauses and squints at me with a smirk. “I’m sure some of you are very familiar with the baseball grip.”

  I glance over at Meg, who shrugs while the other two laugh. My pulse rushes through my ears and I don’t hear the rest of the instructions. Carmen walks around the room helping the other women while I try to regain my composure. By the time she gets to me, I have the hang of it. She stands in front of me, arms crossed over her chest. She gives me a stare down then goes back to the front of the class to teach us some more moves.

  We’re halfway through the class and I’m actually getting a good workout. I’m huffing and puffing as I work out my stress. As I slide down the pole and wipe sweat from my brow, I look up and see Carmen staring down at me.

  “How am I doing?”

  She gives me a flippant look and says, “If this is for Richards then you’d better work on it. He likes perfection with his women.”

  I’m pretty sure she’s trying to intimidate me, so I take a step toward her. I make a bold assumption as I ask, “Is that why he dumped you?”

  She snickers as she responds, “Honey, I was too much for him to handle. You on the other hand? I don’t know what he sees in you.”

  “Class,” I say without thinking and she immediately lunges for me.

  Beth screams while Meg runs over jumping between us. As she gets to us, Carmen throws a wild left punch, hitting Meg square in the eye. Meg screams and falls to the ground. I drop beside my sister who is cradling her face.

  “Meg? Meg? Are you okay? Say something, sister!”

  I shake her as I plead. She looks up at me, a bump already forming on her eyebrow along with a nice bruise. She glares from Carmen to me then yells, “I’m fucking getting married next weekend!”


  A few aspirins, a couple pitchers of margaritas, tickets to Chippendale’s, and my sister has totally forgotten about the black eye that’ll be front and center in all her wedding photos. She leans against the bar in the hotel lounge, completely wasted as she slurs her words. “Colie, you know I love you, right?”


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