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Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances

Page 49

by Lyssa Layne

  “Take care of them,” he says and extends his hand.

  Nodding, for fear of what I might say, I simply shake his hand and watch him exit the courtroom and Laurel’s life forever. When I turn around, Laurel’s back is to me as she hugs her father and lets all of her emotions from the past few months out. Coach looks up and lifts his chin, giving me permission to interrupt their moment. He whispers in her ear and she slowly turns around to face me. Even with mascara running down her cheeks, she is still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She takes three quick steps toward me, flinging her body against mine and even more tears appear as I hold her close.

  With one hand on the back of her head, I lean down and give her tiny kisses across her forehead to her cheeks then her chin until I reach her lips. The wetness dripping from her eyes rubs against my skin and my thumbs run over her cheeks, wiping them away as quickly as they come. In between my kisses, I whisper over and over, “I love you, Laurel. It’s over, he’s yours.” My words don’t calm her like I want them to. Instead, she only sobs harder and I hold her closer.

  Behind her, the judge taps her wrist and I pull away, kissing Laurel’s forehead before I speak. “I hate to end this but I have to go, I have somewhere I have to be.”

  Laurel nods, wiping at her mascara and tear stained face. “What do you have to do?”

  My gut clenches and I don’t want to do it, but I have to so I lie to her. “Finalize a deal.”

  Her entire face drops and the hurt doesn’t hide. No, it’s in every one of her features and I vow to never see her make that face again. A hand on each of her cheeks, I press my lips against hers and whisper, “I’ll explain everything.” Then, before she can ask any more questions, I turn and walk out of the courtroom.


  I stare at Jace walking away from me and my heart is confused. Grey is mine, now and forever, or until he finds another woman who can take care of him. I should be elated, overjoyed, doing cartwheels or something, but instead, I’m frozen in place as the one person who holds the other half of my heart leaves me to celebrate my victory alone.

  The past twenty-four hours have gone from crazy to pure insanity. I went from almost losing Grey forever to getting him full-time and not having to deal with any more of Adam’s dramatics. Money always controlled Adam and even now when it involved his son, he wasn’t willing to give it up. From what Trevor’s told me, after a little bit of digging, a private investigator discovered that Adam was somehow involved with a real estate scheme that Elliott Ash concocted and the two of them stole millions of dollars from investors. Elliott took the fall for both of them, but the P.I. said that he offered Mr. Ash enough money that he was willing to come forward with information on Adam to indict him and have a new jailmate. As it stands, I imagine that Adam has offered him some type of money upon his release in return for his silence.

  When Trevor first explained everything to me, I freaked out because there’s no way I can afford the dollar amounts that were being thrown around. Jace has already covered all of Trevor’s legal fees, I don’t know the total since Jace made Trevor agree to a confidential agreement, but the man has been working non-stop for almost three months and I know Jace’s stream of money isn’t neverending. As easy as things will be now with Adam out of the picture, it still breaks my heart that he just gave up on Grey so easily, although to be honest, I think he gave up long before we ever got divorced.

  My heart is already aching from Adam’s selfish decision that will effect Grey more than he realizes, but now it hurts even more that Jace is walking out on me too and I feel like a horrible mother. I got what I wanted, I have Grey so I should be happy, but at some point during the last day, I started envisioning this exact moment, when I would be awarded full custody except that I would go home to Grey along with Jace and Sam and we’d be that family that Jace promised.

  Tears well up in my eyes again and my father places his arm around my shoulders. “Come on, Laur. The next case is about to start, let’s take a seat and we’ll catch Trevor when they recess.”

  I nod, following my father on autopilot as I sit between him and my mother. Running through a gauntlet of emotions, I don’t pay attention when the doors open and the people take their places. The judge raps her gavel and I finally look to the front of the room.

  “This should go fairly quickly. After reviewing the paperwork, it seems as though everything is pretty cut and dry so let’s go ahead and move forward with the finalization of the adoption of Samuel Nolan Pruitt.”

  My stomach sinks and I look at my parents for any sort of explanation. My mother has a grin the size of Texas on her face while my father pats my legs. How the hell can they be some calm about this? Jace Richards just totally fucked me over by pretending to care about me and my son while he just turned Sam over to be adopted. I take a deep breath and try to steady my nerves. I shouldn’t blame him entirely. I’m the one that was foolish enough to think he could change his ways. I’m the one that gave him Sam and while I might have saved Grey, I just lost Jen’s son. My body quivers and I think I might be sick until my father points to the front of the room and I see Sam standing beside the person ready to adopt him.

  “Mr. Richards, I understand that Sam has been in your foster care for the last few weeks. Is that correct?”

  Jace moves his hand to Sam’s shoulder. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “And you’ve taken the education courses that are required for this adoption?”

  “Yes, ma’am. My lawyer and I have reviewed all of the requirements and fulfilled each of them.”

  Watching Jace stand before the judge and speak, his confidence that he used to carry on the field is back and his love for Sam is evident. My heart beats rapidly and I clutch my chest, afraid it might beat out of my chest if I don’t hold it in place. Sam looks up at Jace and the two share an intimate moment that only a father and son can have together.

  “You know, Mr. Richards, raising a child on your own is very difficult…”

  The judge trails off and looks over Jace’s shoulder, locking her eyes with mine. Jace glances in my direction quickly then looks forward. “Yes, ma’am, I understand, but I believe that I will have plenty of support in this journey and Sam will never go a day without knowing he’s loved.”

  “Very well. In that case, I declare that Jacen Patrick Richards is the official guardian, and father, of Samuel Nolan Pruitt.”

  Sam cheers and jumps into Jace’s arms. He laughs at the boy and holds him on his hip. Jace turns around to face me, a soft smile on his face, trying to hide his excitement. His eyes narrow and he silently asks for my forgiveness at the same time. I laugh and wipe the new tears that have appeared. Making my way to the front of the room, Jace sets Sam down who runs down the aisle to my parents.

  Jace holds out his hand. “Pissed at me?”

  I shrug. “Maybe a little…”

  My hand in his, he pulls me against him. “I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t want to screw up anything with Grey’s case and if one of us didn’t file for Sam’s adoption by next week, we were both going to lose him.”

  I run my fingers through his hair. “So then…I guess that makes you the hero?” I lift my eyebrow, glad to back in his arms for so many reasons.

  “Well, there’s one more thing I need to do to save the day.” Jace turns to the judge, one arm still around my waist. “Judge? Could I ask you for one more favor?” She looks up from her papers, waiting for Jace to go on. Jace looks back at me with a shiteating grin on his face. “I don’t want to go around listening to you go by that asshole’s last name any more.”

  My jaw drops and I grab his tie, pulling it slightly in shock. “Wh-what do you have in mind to change that?”

  Jace turns back to the judge. “Can you marry us?”

  The judge nods, a smile sliding over her lips.

  I shake my head, going into complete freakout mode. “But what about Grey? He’ll still be Darbis so you’d still have to hear Adam’s last name. And—

  “Laurel.” Jace’s lips come crashing down over mine, my panties melting yet again because of this man. “Fuckin’ marry me.”

  Adrenaline takes over and my head bobs up and down while I answer repeatedly, “Yes, yes, yes!”

  Thank god for second chances, for another at bat. I might have struck out in love the first time around, but Jace Richards has just hit a homerun with my heart.


  Three Years Later


  The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, and sitting in the stands is my family. This day couldn’t be any fuckin’ better. I run my finger under the bench, feeling the notches for my strikeouts during this year’s spring training with my new team—the New York Aces. Grant Adamson, I owe my fuckin’ life to that man. Not only did he save Grey for Laurel, but he got the commissioner to meet with me even after I blew him off the first time, which for the record, I would do again in a heartbeat. The boss of the league didn’t take it easy on me, he agreed that after a few more years of suspension from the league, I could return to the MLB. Earl Floyd took my place on the banishment list while the other players involved with his scheme got a slap on the wrist. In the long run, I don’t mind taking the brunt of the punishment for all the players that got blackmailed and screwed over by Earl. Even if I don’t get called up to the majors, I’m considering it a win that he’s not out there preying on innocent players any more.

  Benny Martinez, one of my new teammates, slaps me on the back. “Feel good to be back out there?”

  “Yeah, especially with them in the crowd.” I nod toward Laurel and our sons, who happen to be flirting with the girls sitting behind them. Puberty has hit our household and it’s like living in a frat house at times. I thought talking about sex was going to be tough but that’s a fuckin’ breeze compared to the masturbation conversations I’ve had to have with both of them after catching them with their hands down their pants. Despite the constant socks hanging off their doorknobs, warning us not to disturb their ‘alone time,’ Grey and Sam are the best fuckin’ kids in the world and aside from Laurel, they’re want motivates me to get back in the game so I can provide them with a better future.

  I set my glove on the bench and jog over to my beautiful wife who sits in the front row. Her long hair knotted high on her head and her cheeks absolutely glowing. I lean over the railing and kiss her first before dropping my head and placing my lips on her perfectly round belly. Leaning up, I read her shirt and shake my head. “No crying in baseball…yet.”

  Laurel grins, rubbing her stomach before touching my cheek. “Oh this time next year, there will be lots of crying at your games.”

  My hand stays on her stomach, enjoying the flutters against my palm. “That is if I make the cut.” I nod at her belly. “Looks like the Aces already have a fan though.”

  Laurel leans forward and kisses me softly, her lips parting mine and turning me on just like she did the first time we kissed years ago. “You’ll make it so stop talking like that.” Her fingers rub over my newest tattoos on my inner forearms. One matches the baseball tattoo she has with Grey’s name while the other is a replica with Sam’s name in place of Grey’s. The day after I adopted Grey and he took my last name, we both got fresh ink so that we each have our sons’ names commemorated on us forever.

  I look around and see the boys chatting it up with a different set of girls. “What the fuck were we thinking? Teenagers and twins? We’ve got to be fuckin’ crazy!”

  Laurel shakes her head, waving her finger. “No, no, no. We are not crazy, you are crazy. It was your idea to transfer both embryos, you knew twins were a possibility.”

  Yep, twins. I’m going to be the father of four. Two that I already love more than life itself. Two that I haven’t even met but I already can’t imagine life without them. And the funny thing? I’m not even blood-related to any of them. Turns out that Sam is a product of fertility treatments and Jen had two perfect embryos frozen that she left custody of to Laurel. In a serendipitous turn of events, much like our entire relationship, it was the perfect solution to growing our family.

  Life has a crazy way of throwing curveballs in every which direction when you least expect it. Even though you miss, maybe even strike out, there’s always another at bat, another chance to hit that pitch out of the park. If there’s one thing about my family, it’s that none of us are afraid to stay in the batter’s box, we just stand there taking pitch after pitch until we hit that ball into the stands and send in the runners on base. Soon enough, the Richards’ clan will almost be big enough to field our own team.


  “Fifteen strikeouts in three games.” I massage my fingers against Jace’s scalp as the water cascades over us. “When do you think they’ll make it official and put you in the rotation?”

  Jace shrugs, his hands trailing soap over my body and making me tingle. “Don’t rush it babe, there’s still a couple weeks left in spring training so let’s just enjoy the time together as a family.”

  I sigh and tilt my head back as he lowers his mouth over my nipple, sucking and twisting it between his teeth. The only reason Jace agreed to try out again was because of the twins. When we got the positive sign on the pregnancy test and the doctor confirmed it was twins, we knew we needed more income than his high school coaching and my dental hygienist salaries to raise four kids. We were both reluctant knowing we’d be spending more time apart, but when Camila presented us with the first offer, we knew we couldn’t refuse, even if he only plays one year.

  My husband’s hand slips between my legs, parting them slightly and teasing me with his finger. His lips next to my ear, he growls in it softly and whispers, “How the fuck do you expect me to leave you and miss my favorite part of the day?”

  I smile and slip his hand to my belly where one of the twins is doing gymnastics. “This is why we’re doing it, remember?”

  He nods and kisses my shoulder tenderly while he chases the baby kicks across my stomach. “I know but I just don’t want to miss any of this…or you.” His hand returns to its original location and I sigh as he rubs me gently.

  “Mom! Dad! Are you guys doing it?” Sam calls from outside our bedroom door.

  Jace lets out another growl and turns off the water. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing as he wraps a towel around his waist and goes to confront the interrupter. Around our house these days, the house that used to be Ann Purser’s but is now ours, sex is no secret and a topic we openly talk about. What the hell would I have done with two horny teenage boys on my own, I have no idea. I probably would’ve curled up into a ball and hid in the corner until they turned eighteen. Aside from the typical disgusting things boys do in general, I want to throw away the laundry these days instead of actually having to touch it.

  I tie my robe around myself and follow Jace into the bedroom just in time to see him fling open the door. Scowling, he shakes his head as he answers Sam’s question. “No, we’re not doing it…yet.”

  Grey walks past and scrunches up his nose. “Good because that’s so gross.”

  Jace straightens his shoulders and shrugs. “I beg to differ.” Lowering his voice, he looks at both of them and asks, “If you’d look through those magazines I gave you, I think you’d change your mind.”

  I clear my throat and all three men look at me with reddened cheeks. “Look, boys, why don’t you give us fifteen minutes and then we’ll be downstairs.”

  Jace turns to me, his mouth gaping open and he shakes his head. “Fifteen minutes? How about forty-five?”

  Both Sam and Grey groan at Jace’s reaction and mumble in unison, “Ew, Dad.”

  My heart swells as they call him that. Jace may be a bit rough around the edges, but he’s the best father either of these boys could ever ask for. There is no doubt in my mind that the day Adam walked out of that courtroom, and our lives forever, all four of us were given a second chance.

  Jace leans over, digging through the hamper and holds u
p a sock. “One hour. Leave us alone for one hour.” He hangs the sock over the knob and slams the door closed as the boys don’t hide their groans and dislike for what Jace is implying.

  My husband turns to face me, his hands undoing the knot on my robe as he parts the top and kisses my collarbone. My fingers slide through his wet hair as my robe falls to the floor. Jace looks up at me. “Think the girls will be as tough as the boys?”

  I laugh and kiss him softly. “Baby, you have no idea what you’re in for with daughters.”

  Jace guides me to lie back on the mattress and stands between my legs. His hands move over my body as his lips trail kisses from the top of my head down my chest until he reaches my hips. I close my eyes, letting the excitement he creates warm my body. I move my hand on top of his which is currently tweaking my nipple ring, trying to recreate that sensual pleasure pain we both love. My body is in a state of pure ecstasy as Jace teases me in all ways possible but there’s one thing still on my mind. Tilting my head up, I squeeze my hand on his, getting his attention.

  “Jacen Richards, if I become a grandmother before our daughters are in kindergarten—”

  Jace looks up with a mischievous grin on his face and he lifts his eyebrows. “Then what? What will you do? Love them as hard as you love our own kids?”

  I smile and shake my head. “You’re an ass, you know that, right?”

  He nods. “I’m your ass though and you love me.”

  Sighing, I lie my head back on the mattress with a smile. “That I do.”

  Jace squeezes my breast as he returns his attention back to pleasuring me. “Besides, who said we’re done having kids of our own?”

  My head bolts up and I stare at him like he’s grown a third eye. Jace’s grin gets bigger and he kisses my leg. “Never say never, baby.”

  Why am I not surprised? Jace always pulls all the stops and once he sets his mind on something, he doesn’t stop until he’s got it. Somehow, I have a feeling this won’t be my last pregnancy and the thought of having more kids with Jace thrills me to no end. Jace Richards is the father of all my children and the man who makes the impossible possible.


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