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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 18

by Jamie, Danielle

  “I feel like a freaking rock star baby. I just found your G-Spot,” he teases as he leans down, giving me the sweetest kiss.


  We take a shower, getting cleaned up and removing all the wax off of my body. Heading back out into the living room, we lay together by the fire, drinking the entire bottle of wine.

  Kayden spots my father’s acoustic guitar on a stand near the bookshelf in the family room and gently strums it, serenading me. As soon as he begins strumming my favorite song, Cowboys and Angels by Dustin Lynch, I feel the butterflies return. I lie on my stomach, resting my head in my hands and allow his rich, husky voice to caress my body.

  Sliding up onto my knees, I kiss him passionately, trying my best to show with my lips, what I’m unable to put into words.

  Letting out a small yawn, I can’t deny the fact that I’m exhausted any longer. “I think I wore you out, baby.” Kayden laughs with a cocky grin plastered across his face.

  “Yah, you sure know how to tire a girl out.” I stand up and gaze up at Kayden as he leans against the arm of the couch. We’re now at that awkward moment. Do we say goodnight? Part ways and see what tomorrow brings. Or do we try once again to spend the night together?

  I can’t help but find my heart’s desire is to sleep in his arms; winning over my brain wanting me to bid him farewell.

  Kayden can see the internal battle I’m fighting. We barely know each other, but he’s able to read me so well.

  “You want me to sleep in one of the other spare rooms? I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with Savannah.” He holds his hand out to me, pulling me in between his legs. I instantly melt in his arms.

  Kayden offering to sleep in the spare bedroom instantly makes me feel like the world's worst person. Sneaking away on him last night had confused him, and he is walking on eggshells.

  After what I experienced tonight with him, I don’t want him anywhere but wrapped under the sheets with me, our limbs tangled together as one.

  Laying my cheek against his bare chest, I run my fingers over his sculptured arm that’s flexed tightly around me. “I want you to go to bed with me. I promise I’m not saying this because I feel bad about the idea of you sleeping in the other room alone Kayden. I’m saying it because it’s what I truly want.” I lift my head off of his chest, and look into his eyes, loving that they’re instantly lighting up as what I’ve just told him sinks in.

  “You sure?”

  Resting my palm against his cheek, I smile up at his gorgeous face, “Yes. I want to fall asleep in your arms tonight Kayden. I have last night to make up for. I’m doing what you suggested I do: live in the moment, and stop over thinking things.”

  I’m beyond terrified of allowing myself to fall for another man again. Falling for Kayden may be the worst thing I could do, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. I don’t think I have a choice in the matter.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I worry that things will be strange between Kayden and me when we wake on Sunday morning, and when I rise to an empty bed it sends panic into my stomach. Did he sneak out as I had Saturday morning?

  I sit up and look around. His shirt is still on the floor…that’s a good sign, so he is still here. He wouldn’t leave without his shirt. I slip out of bed, grabbing his dress shirt and buttoning enough buttons to ensure I’m decent enough to walk into the living room.

  The aroma of bacon, sausage and pancakes fill the family room and my stomach growls as if on cue. I was starving; I had only eaten a grilled chicken salad last night at the party. I stop when I reach the archway that leads into the kitchen.

  I just stand there and admire the vision in front of me. Is Kayden in the kitchen cooking me breakfast? I’ve never had a boyfriend…if I can even call him that, cook me breakfast before. Kayden Knox was extremely attractive; every woman on this earth wants him.

  I think I could wake up every day like this and still be in awe of how freakin’ gorgeous he is. The idea that this man wants me is mind boggling, to say the least. I feel like I’ve won the lottery and an Oscar; all rolled into one.

  “What smells so good?” I ask, walking in and wrapping my arms around him. I press my face against his hard, warm back. It’s overwhelming how fast things seem to be moving with us; it’s only been forty-eight hours and I feel like I’ve known him my entire life. Being here with Kayden just feels right. It’s going to be extremely difficult to leave and head back to Los Angeles next Sunday.

  “You ruined my surprise; I thought you’d still be asleep. I was going to bring you breakfast in bed,” he says, spinning around and looking down at me, he kisses the tip of my nose.

  I pop up onto my toes to give him a proper good morning kiss, “Sorry, I normally can’t sleep past eight thirty. I’m used to waking up for work; my body usually won’t allow me to sleep in.” I slip out of his arms and snatch a piece of bacon off the plate on the counter.

  “Mmmm, that is soooo good. I normally don’t eat bacon…gotta watch my girlish figure you know?” I say as I jump up onto the counter.

  “I love your body. Even if you eat a thousand pieces of bacon and gain five hundred pounds, I still wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you,” he says, running his hands along my sides, and stopping at my hips.

  He pushes me against the counter, kissing me. The taste of his mouth on mine is addicting. I could spend all day kissing him, but I have to get ready to pick up Brooklyn from the airport.

  “Slow down there Casanova! No hanky panky this morning,” I say with a slight chuckle as he growled with disapproval.

  “You’re going to deny me that sweet pussy of yours…after I just slaved over a hot stove for you?” He whines, popping his bottom lip out, giving me the sexiest pout I have ever seen,

  Poking him with my index finger, I try to keep a straight face. “Yes, I’m sorry to say, I cannot allow you to ravish me in the kitchen. As much as I would love nothing more, I have to pick Brooklyn up from the airport this afternoon. It's an hour drive from here, and all of my things are still back in my hotel suite.”

  “Okay, I guess we can’t leave your friend stranded at the airport…but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a quickie in the shower? I can multi-task; you know,” he drawls, raising an eyebrow up at me, and flashing that smile I just cannot seem to say no to.

  Kayden cooks until there’s no pancake batter left. I rinse the mixing bowl, while he sets the plate of bacon and sausage on the table. “I am starving,” I say as my stomach rumbles again, loud enough for Kayden to hear. I can’t help but laugh.

  “I guess you are starving,” He pats my stomach. “I need to remember to feed you before we have an all-nighter of hot kinky sex.” His gaze is so hot it makes me instantly flush. “Savannah, you’re blushing again,” he teases as he pulls me down onto his lap.

  “How come your fridge and cupboards are stocked with food? You said no one has been here in months, but you have milk and eggs,” he asked in between bites.

  “My parents have a housekeeper who cleans once a week, just dusting, vacuuming and she opens the windows for a few hours, so it doesn’t get musty in here. My mom and dad let her know I would be staying here all week, so they had her do grocery shopping for me.”

  “Well that explains it,” he smiles.

  “What time is Brooklyn supposed to land?” He asks while cleaning up the kitchen.

  “She said her plane is scheduled to arrive around one, give or take, so I told her I’d head over there around twelve thirty and wait for her plane to land."

  Squeezing me tightly against him, he momentarily distracts me as he trails kisses along my neck and collar bone. “Do you need a ride? I know you were planning on staying at the hotel last night.”

  I can’t contain my giggles as his day old beard tickles my neck, “No…I’ll just use my dad's car and drive back into Houston.” Wiggling in his lap, I shift my body so that I’m facing him now. I can’t control myself any longer. I slide my fingers through his
hair gripping it at the nape of his neck and give him a short, sweet kiss.

  “I could get use to this.” He jokes, licking his lips and gently running his hand along my back, stopping to squeeze my butt. “If you need anything just text me; I already programmed my number into your cell this morning while you were sleeping.”

  Flashing him a smile, I scoop up another piece of bacon, “Okay. Speaking of cell phones…I can just imagine the messages on my phone this morning. Our photos from last night must have circulated the internet and news programs by now,” Taking a bite of bacon, I slide off of his lap.

  I was so wrapped up in our own little world here; I forgot all about the kiss outside the nightclub. I’m terrified to see what Eloise has to say…and my parents.

  “Yeah, my phone was blowing up all morning, so I turned it off.” His face turns serious, and a frown mars the space between his brows as he speaks, “It comes with the life we live I guess.”

  “I better check my messages, I suppose.” I run into the living room to grab my phone off of the stand by the front door. My voicemail is full; I have like thirty text messages, and my Facebook is crammed with notifications. I quickly answer everyone back, letting them know I will call them later, that I was…busy, at the moment. I knew they would have a field day with that response. I smile to myself, shaking my head.

  As I look up, Kayden is staring at me, looking like he’s deep in thought, “What?” I ask him, giving him a curious smile.

  “Nothing. I was just thinking about how damn sexy you look in my shirt is all. Did you know when you’re deep in thought your nose wrinkles up? It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Really? I never knew I did that. So, you like how this shirt looks on me? How do I look taking your shirt off?” I start unbuttoning the buttons near the collar of the shirt, making my breast play peak-a-boo as it falls slightly open.

  Kayden's mouth twitches with amusement as I begin to strip for him. Within seconds, he’s lunging at me, and I’m pinned between the couch and his rock hard body. He picks me up; carrying me into the bathroom with quick strides. “What about our breakfast!” I squeal, wriggling in his arms.”

  Letting out a growl he squeezes my butt and nibbles on my neck, “I’m suddenly starving for something other than pancakes.”

  Setting me down on the sink, he trails kisses from my lips to my neck, stopping when he reaches the valley between my breasts. I’m giggling uncontrollably as he runs his hands along my sides, and sucks on the sides of my breasts that are peeking out of his shirt. “We don’t have time for a strip tease, so let’s get this shirt off and get your fine ass in that shower,” he murmurs.


  I shake my head, laughing at Kayden as he revved the engine of my dad’s car. He insisted on driving the 1969 Camaro SS convertible, the moment he laid eyes on it. I let Kayden leave first because I knew he would want to open her up once he hit the highway.

  When I pulled into the hotel in Kayden’s huge truck, I see that the valet has already parked my dad’s car. I hop out and give the valet guy Kayden’s truck keys. Kayden is waiting in the lobby for me and walks me up to my suite to give me one hell of a goodbye kiss. He’s heading back to his house in Sugar Land.

  We make plans for him to take Brooklyn and I out to eat at his friend’s steak house for dinner. He claims it’s the best place to get a decent steak in Houston.

  I check out of the hotel before heading to the airport. I say my goodbyes to all my Envy coworkers as their flights depart at noon.

  There are a few paparazzi lingering around the airport, snapping pictures of me as I read my Kindle. Is it really that interesting watching me read a book?

  When I don’t board the plane along with everyone else, it peaks their interest instantly, and they immediately start bombarding me with questions about Kayden and whether I’ll be staying in Texas.

  Thankfully Brooklyn’s plane lands right on time. She fires off a million and one questions the entire car ride back to the beach house.

  It’s a warm, breezy day, so we ride with the top down. I tell Brooklyn all about the two nights I spent with Kayden, asking her opinion on the whole situation. She knows better than anyone how terrified I am to get involved in another relationship.

  I explain how he is dealing with the same thing and that if he is willing to take a leap of faith with me, maybe I should too.

  We’re home an hour before I hear someone ringing the doorbell; I open it to find a delivery man holding a bouquet of pink roses. My breath leaves me in a rush as soon as my eyes land on the gorgeous display. This is the last thing I expected to see. I tip the delivery guy and spin around to find Brooklyn standing behind me. She’s giggling like a school girl as I set the vase on the coffee table.

  “Oh. My. God. He has it bad for you, girl,” Brooklyn shouts with excitement, plucking the card out of the flowers. “Read it!” Her excitements contagious and I can’t help but smile.

  I cannot believe Kayden sent me flowers! I open the tiny envelope and pull the card out, reading it out loud.

  Thank you for giving me the most amazing two nights of my life. I hope to have many more memorable evenings with you Savannah…because baby, I have an irresistible desire to have you every chance I can get.

  ~ Kayden

  “Holy. Fucking. Shit Savannah! You have the world’s most eligible bachelor falling for you! Do you know how freaking lucky you are? I would love to break me off a piece of that,” Brooklyn says, gripping my arms and jumping up and down with excitement.

  I can’t stop smiling as I read the note again, hearing Kayden’s voice as I read those words…the way he says baby with his rich, Southern accent instantly makes me weak in the knees.

  I can’t help but feel scared that everything is moving too fast. Can I seriously be enough for him? He’s used to being able to hook up with anyone he wants, and I certainly wasn’t enough for Logan...

  I feel so torn, and I’m not completely sure I know what I want, “My breakup with Logan is still so fresh, and I’m still trying to deal with all of that; I truly loved him with all of my heart, Brooklyn.”

  Brooklyn kneels down on the floor in front of me, cupping my face between her hands. “I know, believe me. I’ve known you my entire life Savannah, and I understand you’re hurting right now, but life is all about taking chances! I think if you and Kayden are having fun, then hell, just have fun! Don’t try to dissect every little thing and force a label on what you two are. Live in the moment. If you don’t see or hear from him after we return to Los Angeles, at least you can say you had earth-shattering sex with Kayden Knox…damn girl! That is a story to tell your future grandbabies!”

  Shaking my head, a small laugh escapes me as I watch my best friend burst with excitement. “I don’t know Brooklyn” God I hate this, do I take a leap of faith, and give Kayden a chance? Or go back to L.A. and try to forget about him? If that’s even possible.

  Taking my hand, Brooklyn gives me a warm smile, “I think you need to think about you for once, Savannah. You said yourself, the time you’ve spent with Kayden has been amazing, and when you’re around him, all the crap with Logan disappears. That man is everything you want, and to top it off, he has the body of a freakin’ Greek God!”

  I can’t help but feel the tension leaving my body. Brooklyn’s right, I think I would hate myself more for not seeing where things go with him these next seven days. If I broke all ties with him and never spoke to him again, I would always be plagued with what ifs?

  Brooklyn leaps to her feet and sashays into the kitchen, returning with two twisted teas.

  “Here have a much needed drink, and chill the fuck out girlfriend; you’re stressing over nothing! You need to relish in the fact that Kayden wants to fuck your brains out on a daily basis. You are one lucky bitch, if you want my opinion on the matter,” she says matter-of-factly, sitting back down beside me. “Life is too short. I say you need to throw caution to the wind and just go for it! The icing on the cak
e will be knowing that you’re with the sexiest man alive and who does Logan have besides Rosy Palm and her five friends?” We burst into a fit of laughter.

  “I hate to admit it, but you’re right,” I roll my eyes.

  “Oh, My Gawd! Did Savannah Livingston actually just say that…I was right? I think Hell just froze over!” Brooklyn shouts a little too enthusiastically as she tackles me with a hug. “I swear Savannah, you are going to be thanking me when you and Knox are blissfully married, and have like, ten kids running around your big ass mansion. Then I can say, aren’t you happy you listened to your very wise and oh so brilliant best friend?”

  God, she’s gloating already, but I can’t help but smile back at her. One thing I could count on was Brooklyn bringing a smile to my face.

  “Okay, you can slow down the ‘Brooklyn is the greatest’ train,” I laugh. “I’m going to send Kayden a quick text; he wants to take us out to dinner tonight.”

  “I hope I can find me some nice Texan man candy while we’re here, because it is going to blow being the odd man out while you and Kayden are fucking like rabbits every second of the day."

  “Shut up,” I laugh, hitting her with a throw pillow. “He is Mr. Billionaire Entrepreneur Mega Mogul, I’m almost certain that we will not be seeing very much of Kayden while we’re here. He’ll be too busy trying to take over the world,” I say sarcastically.

  “You are such a drama queen! I bet you a hundred dollars that he will find the time in his ohhhhh so busy schedule to pencil in some Savannah time…Every. Single. Day.”

  ~~~Three Days Later~~~

  My week in Galveston seems to be flying by at warp speed. Kayden had to fly to Miami for a few days’ for work. Even though he was thousands of miles away, he still found ways to let me know he was thinking of me. He sent sweet text messages or bouquets of flowers every day that he was gone. Our beach house is covered in a rainbow of colors and smelled like sweet nectar.

  Every night we talked on the phone for hours while lying in our beds thousands of miles apart, but it felt as if he was lying right beside me.


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