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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 28

by Jamie, Danielle

  I sat on Kayden’s lap for almost twenty minutes, taking shots, but soon Kayden and his friends were deep in football playoff discussions and Bowl game talk that I found myself utterly bored out of my mind.

  Zak was just as engulfed in the conversation as Kayden was, Jacob, not so much, and he soon notices me staring off at the dance floor trying to keep myself entertained.

  Grabbing my hand, Jacob asks with his sexy British accent, “Want to go show these blokes our killer moves?” Cocking his head towards the crowd of people dancing.

  A big smile stretches across my lips, “Yes!” Spinning, I give Kayden a quick kiss, and tell him I’m going to dance for a bit. I can’t stop giggling as Jacob tugs on my hand making me leap to my feet from Kayden’s lap.

  While I was sitting with Kayden, I relaxed a little, but as soon as Jacob and I step onto the dance floor, I can’t help but have that uneasy feeling resurface.

  My stomach has tensed up into a bundle of knots. I have a feeling that someone is lurking around in the bar watching me everywhere I go.

  Thanks to the damn paparazzi stalking my every move lately, I can’t help but be paranoid every time I’m out with friends. I feel like people are constantly watching everything I do, just waiting for something to twist into a front-page selling story.

  “Relax, Savannah! You look like your puppy just died or something. We’re supposed to be out, letting loose!” Jacob says pulling me onto the dance floor shimmying at me. I can’t help but let out a small laugh.

  God. I need to chill out.

  “Sorry, I just have a weird feeling. I think it’s just me being paranoid. It’s probably nothing.”

  “Well, you are surrounded by a bunch of guys, if anyone tries to bother you, they won’t get far. So shake off your worries and dance your little ass off with me!”

  Jacob has me laughing until my stomach hurts with his dance moves; he doesn’t dance because he has mad skills; that’s for sure.

  Before I know it, I’m dancing to the Nicki Minaj, and Cassie’s The Boys and letting all of my anxiety float away. I have my hands up in the air bouncing with Jacob to the music thumping out of the speakers by us.

  I’m drenched with sweat, so I throw my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head. Blowing a loose strand out of my eyes, I sway my hips to the music.

  Jacob has abandoned me and is now grinding away with some chick in a micro mini dress, which looks to be painted on her.

  I feel large, strong hands slowly slide along my sides. They come to rest at my hips as a large firm body presses against my backside and begins swaying with me to the music.

  At first I think its Kayden, but then familiar cologne fills my nose.

  Oh hell no!

  It’s not Kayden’s, but it smells a whole lot like Logan’s.

  I feel warm breath laced with Jack Daniels on my neck instantly sending a cold shiver up my spine.

  “I can feel your body reacting to my touch Savannah; I know you still want me.” Logan slurs in a low murmur into my ear as he runs his hands along my thighs.

  I panic and instantly freeze. Trying to process the fact that I’m not dreaming, this is really fucking happening.

  Of course, the douche bag didn’t take my advice and go back to L.A.!

  No. Instead, Logan’s in Drip and putting his grimy fuckin’ hands on me. I guess busting his nose and telling him I’m done with his sorry ass wasn’t enough to get through his thick head.

  Finally regaining my composure, I jump out of Logan’s embrace. But not before some fuck head snaps a picture of Logan all over me.

  “Get the hell away from me; what the hell are you doing Logan!” I shout my blood’s boiling, and my ears ringing as anger consumes me.

  He just flashes me a cocky grin.

  Ugh, asshole!

  Just fan-fucking-tastic! I knew something wasn’t right; he has been following me all night, and who knows where else he’s followed me since he’s been in town.

  I look around, but Jacob is nowhere to be found. He’s either moved to another spot dancing, or maybe went back to our booth.

  Logan stalks towards me as I try to make my way through the crowd of people. I try to ignore him, but he won’t stop shouting out to me, drawing attention to us.

  “Savannah, you need to stop this. Stop fighting your feelings for me! I know you love me still. We can get past this.”

  Snapping my head, I look back at him over my shoulder, glaring my eyes at him, “Logan you need to get away from me or this time I will not hold back!”

  “You don’t understand how painful it is watching you with that guy, seeing him with his hands all over you, kissing you. You’re MINE Savannah!” Logan shouts at me grabbing my arm, faltering my steps.

  I’ve never witnessed Logan drunk like this before, and for the first time in my life, I’m actually scared of him, and what he might do.

  His fingers are pinching into my skin, causing me to flinch. The music is so loud no one seems to notice or care what is going on; except the annoying asshole snapping my picture every five fuckin’ seconds. “Can you stop taking my picture? God…damn it!” I snap at the guy with the cell phone shoved in my face, following me as I try to get away from Logan.

  “And you!” I scream yanking my arm out of Logan’s grip. “Let go of my arm, before I kick you in the balls so fucking hard you will be fishing them outta your God damn stomach!”

  I start taking longer strides, trying to make my way over to Kayden, and hopefully away from Logan. I don’t think he’s stupid enough to follow me over there where there are about ten guys who all look like they could be football linemen.

  I look back quickly but don’t see Logan anywhere. It’s like he’s just vanished into thin air.

  I know all too well that he is still here, but where, I have no idea.

  The idiot with the camera finally got the hint and stopped following me. I’m dreading tomorrow. I already know he will sell the freaking photos to some sleazy magazine for a quick buck.

  I hate that people like him make money off of a situation that will be misconstrued and twisted every which way. I can see it now, the tabloids twisting the entire thing making it out as me hooking up with both Kayden and Logan.

  “FUCK!” I shout out in frustration.

  I finally make it back to our table, not even knowing that I’m crying because I have so much anger raging through my body. I’m in complete shock, and I think my body is in overload trying to process everything that just occurred.

  It doesn’t help that I’m drunk and can barely concentrate on walking, let alone figure out what the fuck just happened.

  Kayden’s eyes fall upon me as I stumble over to him. I have tears running down my cheeks, dripping onto my chest.

  Everyone’s now staring at me, just wonderful. I probably look as shitty as I’m feeling, with my mascara running all over my damn face.

  I swipe my fingers under my eyes, wiping away the tears.

  Kayden jumps to his feet, pulling me to him; with panic in his eyes he scans my faces, “Savannah! What’s wrong baby? Where the hell is Jacob?!” He looks behind me, looking to see where Jacob is.

  Looking up at Kayden, I try to process his questions and answer him but my mouth won’t work. I begin sobbing again. My chest is shaking; I keep trying to calm myself down, but I’m in a state of shock and humming with anger.

  Kayden’s eyes are burning with anger and confusion, holding me tightly against him; he stares down at me, “What the fuck is going on? You’re scaring the shit out of me, baby.”

  I rest my head against Kayden’s chest listening to his heart beating rapidly against his my ear, focusing on nothing but the sound of his heart as I try to calm myself.

  Kayden is running his fingers through my hair, and I hear him talking to his friends asking if any of them saw anything.

  Normally running into Logan back in L.A. wouldn’t faze me; I’d just ignore him and go on with my evening. Tonight he is like a totally differe
nt person. I’m seriously freaking out right now because the Logan here tonight is not the Logan I was with for four years.

  He’s desperate and delusional!

  I’m a second away from having a full-fledged panic attack as the truth sinks in: Logan is pretty much stalking me. I don’t even recognize the man I just had an altercation with on the dance floor. I have no idea what extremes he’ll go to, to try and get me back.

  To top it off, now there will be photos all over the damn place, plastered on magazines and blogs, of Logan and me together on the dance floor, and then of us fighting.

  After taking in a few deep breaths, I’m able to calm down my panic attack, and speak again. “Logan…he’s here!”

  “Logan is here? In Drip?! Does that fuck head have a death wish?! Did he hurt you?” Kayden begins scanning the crowd trying to see if he can spot Logan anywhere.

  Kayden has no idea what the hell he signed up for when he asked me to be with him. I’m more trouble than I’m worth. He has a business to worry about. He shouldn’t have stress over what the press is saying about our supposed love triangle between Kayden, Logan and I.

  I shake my head no, my words coming out shaky, “No, he grabbed my arm when I tried to get away from him but he didn’t hurt me.”

  Kayden curses under his breath, “That fucker, he better pray he’s already left here, because if he’s still here, he’s going to meet my fuckin’ fist.”

  God, I hope he’s gone too. I don’t want any more drama tonight. I don’t know why he isn’t getting it through his head that we’re done. I’ve only told him a million times since September; we’re never getting back together. Logan wanted me and the ability to be with anyone else he felt the desire to stick his dick into. I don’t think any amount of therapy will fix that.

  Taking in a sharp breath, I run my fingers over Kayden’s chest, as I look nervously over my shoulder, “I felt like someone was watching me most of the night. I thought I was just being paranoid.”

  “What he’s doing Savannah, is stalking. If he doesn’t leave Galveston by tomorrow morning, we’ll be slapping a restraining order on his ass!”

  I nod my head in agreement; my throat is burning as I try to speak; I close my eyes momentarily then focus back on Kayden as I finish explaining to him what happened.

  “I was dancing with Jacob, but then he disappeared somewhere…I don’t know where. The next thing I know I feel someone came up behind me and started dancing. I…I thought it was you!” My cries overtake me, as images of Logan’s hands on me, and the creep in my face snapping pictures.

  I can’t find the words to tell Kayden about the photos that were just taken of Logan and me. He’ll really lose it.

  Walking over to the booth Kayden sits me down. “Stay here…” Turning his attention to his friends, he shouts, “Sam, Beau, J.R. come with me. I gotta look for Logan Sanders. That piece of shit has gone too far. It’s about time someone taught that dickhead a lesson!”

  Leaning down to kiss me, Kayden brushed away the tears from my cheeks. “Don’t cry baby. Zak will sit with you.”

  Turning to Zak, Kayden tells him if we see Logan, to text his cell, and not to allow Logan to leave the bar before he had a chance to confront him.

  Chapter Nine

  I let out a defeated sigh, and my face buried in my hands. “Un-fucking-believable.”

  I am finally calming myself down, but now I feel like I’m going to get sick. The anticipation of not knowing what’s going on is killing me. If Kayden has found Logan, what will happen once he comes face to face with him?

  “Logan is the ex that I keep hearing about, huh?” Zak asks sitting down beside me.

  “Yeah, I take it you’ve read about my love life drama, or heard all about it on TV. It’s embarrassing and extremely annoying at the same time. I just wish sometimes I could live a normal life. Boy and girl break-up; friends, family, and people in your town maybe fuss over it for a few days, but by the end of the week it’s old news.” I blow out a puff of air glancing at Zak before leaning back against the couch and staring up at the lights dancing on the ceiling, “Not with my life. Everyone wants to just drag this shit out. It has been months, and I still have to have the worst night of my life shoved down my throat twenty-four-seven.”

  Zak rakes his fingers through his hair, and sits back, “Yeah, I can see how that can be hard. I guess us normal people take our average life for granted. I don’t think I could handle people judging my life every second of the day. Thinking what you wear or whom you’re dating is a topic free for them to scrutinize, it’s sad really, there are far worse things going on around the world, and all they care about is who’s out buying Starbucks in sweats.”

  Rolling my eyes, I turn to look at Zak, “Yeah, it’s stressful, that is why I’m a freaking mess right now…some idiot was snapping pictures of us on the dance floor. I thought Logan was Kayden at first when the guy took pictures of us and then followed us through the dance floor snapping pictures as we fought. So I won’t be shocked to see them all over the news tomorrow. Sleazy magazines pay good money for a juicy story and photos to boot.”

  Pulling me against him, Zak rubs my arm. It felt odd having him be affectionate and caring towards me, seeing I barely know him. I start scanning the crowd looking for anyone else ready to pounce on me and take my picture now with Zak.

  “People wish for fame and fortune, but they don’t realize the price we pay is bigger than any amount of money we have. Don’t get me wrong I love the life style that I get to live, thanks to my mom and dad. But sometimes you wish you can just be normal for a little while.” I say letting out a small laugh, trying to lighten up the mood.

  “Yeah, true, but it sucks for those of us who are struggling money wise. A few thousand in my pocket would make all that seem like a tiny annoyance.”

  I let out a small groan, “Only people who don’t live the life I live say that. Believe me after a while it gets old.”

  Zak is just about to say something when we hear shouts from across the bar. “Oh Shit! I think Kayden found Logan!” Zak yells, causing my stomach to flip flop.

  Jumping up from my seat, I rush towards the commotion. With Zak behind me, we run through the bar to where everyone has formed a circle around Kayden and Logan.

  Kayden towers over Logan by at least three inches and in the muscle category there is no competition. Kayden wins hands down. This could get ugly and fast.

  “What the fuck is your problem, bro!?” Logan screams at Kayden whose centimeters away from Logan’s face, with Logan’s shirt fisted in his hand.

  “My problem, bro, is that you can’t get it through your fuckin’ head to stay the fuck away from Savannah!”

  I don’t know if it’s because Logan is drunk, but he doesn’t seem to be fazed at all by the fact that Kayden is two seconds away from pounding his face in. I’m just standing here taking in the scene unfolding in front of me, frozen in place.

  Security is trying to get through the crowd, but people seem to want to see a good fight and are making it impossible for them to get through.

  “Last I knew it wasn’t illegal to sit in a bar and have a drink. It’s just a coincidence that Savannah happens to be here.” Logan spit out raising his hand up, grabbing onto Kayden’s shirt.

  I let out a small gasp; I would love to see Logan get the shit beat out of him, but the last thing I want is Kayden hauled off in handcuffs because he got into a bar fight.

  Kayden let out a deep chuckle. The angrier he gets, the thicker his Southern drawl becomes. “Coincidence? If you would’ve dragged your sorry ass back to Los Angeles days ago, you wouldn’t be able to run into her here!” Kayden pauses for a second, as a laugh escapes him, “Nice black eye by the way. My baby has a mean right hook.” Kayden glances at me giving me a wink. Even from across the room, Kayden helps me feel at ease.

  Logan’s face flushes as he boils over with anger, “Don’t call her baby! Savannah is mine! You are just a speed bump along the way. It won
’t be long, and she will be crawling back to me; begging for me to take her back!”

  “You are a fucking lunatic, you know that? You fucked every whore who would willingly spread her legs for you! That’s not love, and believe me Savannah is very satisfied with our relationship. She won’t be runnin’ back to you ever. So, don’t. Hold. Your. Breath!”

  With those words, Kayden takes his first swing; Logan stumbles back a few steps but doesn’t go down.

  I’m gripping Zak’s arm to the point where my nails are digging into his skin. I glance to the other side of Zak and notice Jacob is back.

  “Holy shit what’d I miss?” Jacob asks Zak. “Is that Logan Sanders Kayden is knocking the shit out of?!” He says spitting his beer out, and snapping his head back to Zak and me.

  Nodding, Zak drags his gaze from the fight unfolding before us, over to Jacob, “Yeah, that dipshit followed Savannah here and practically attacked her on the dance floor because she won’t take him back. That dude is seriously fucked up.”

  I try to just zone them out and focus my attention on Kayden. Security is getting closer, and the cops are outside, their blue and red lights are reflecting on the walls of the nightclub.

  I instantly wonder where Brooklyn is and if she has left yet, or still here and trying to find me. I pull out my cell phone to text her; my hands won’t stop shaking from the adrenaline coursing through me.

  Just as I hit send, I see Logan taking a swing at Kayden connecting with his cheek. Rage consumes Kayden, and he grabs Logan’s shirt with both hands lifting him off the ground, forcefully slamming him against the wall.

  My ears are ringing from all the shouting; there are people all around us recording and screaming at Kayden and Logan egging them on.

  Blocking the entire world out, all Kayden see’s is Logan, “You have one more chance to get the fuck outta here and head straight to L.A., it’s your choice! Just know this: if you don’t walk out that door when I set you down, I will not hold back anymore. You think those punches hurt? Those were fuckin’ love taps. When I’m finished with you, you’ll be shitin’ out teeth for a fuckin’ week!”


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