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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 46

by Jamie, Danielle

  Walking out of the bathroom, my eyes fall onto Kayden standing outside on the balcony. He has on a white button up t-shirt, dark khaki cargo shorts, and brown flip flops. He’s resting his hands on the railing and looking out into the ocean.

  Walking up behind him, I wrap my arms around his waist, pressing my face against his back. “Are you ready for dinner?” I ask quietly.

  Resting his hands over mine, he lets out a long sigh before finally speaking. “Yeah, I’m starving; if you’re ready we’ll head down now.” Turning around he looks down at me, it’s impossible to ignore the sadness in his eyes.

  Seeing this side of him scares me because Kayden hasn’t really talked to me about how he’s dealing with everything. He just constantly focuses on me and how I’m coping. It makes me wonder just how hard all this has been for him.

  As I run my hands along his chest, he takes in a sharp breath. Smiling up at him, I rest my hands on his cheeks. I love the feeling of his smooth, freshly shaven face. Taking a breath, I finally work up the courage to speak, “Everything okay, Kayden? I know you’re worried about me, but don’t think for a moment that I’m not worried about you, too. If anything’s bothering you, I want you to talk to me about it.”

  Kayden’s smile vanishes from his face, and the pained look returns, making my hands start to shake as I try to fight back my tears threatening to escape my eyes. “I love you so much. Do you know how amazing you are, Savannah?” He asks, pulling me against him and holding me tightly.

  “I love you too, Kayden, and I want you to be able to talk to me about anything. I don’t want us to ever hold back what we’re feeling, no matter if it’s good or bad. I plan on spending the rest of my life with you, Kayden Knox. So you better get that through your thick skull, nothing you say will ever scare me away.”

  Letting out a nervous laugh, Kayden rolls his eyes and stares up at the night sky for a few moments before looking back down at me. “I want nothing more than to grow old with you, baby. I’m going to live every moment from here on out making sure you’re safe, and that nothing like what happened before ever happens again.”

  “Do you not see that I already know that? The only reason I’m not a complete and total mess right now is because of you! You make me feel safe, and like I can overcome this tragedy. With you by my side, I’ll come out of this a stronger person because of it. If you need to talk or vent about everything that happened, I want to be that person you can open up to. Heck, I went through it, so who else will understand what the hell you’re dealing with right now, Kayden, better than me?”

  Releasing me, he walks into the bedroom and sits on the edge of the bed. Holding his hand out for me, I walk back into the bedroom and make my way over to him. Grabbing my hips Kayden pulls me down so that I’m sitting on his lap. Resting his head in the nape of my neck, I feel a tear run down my collarbone and in between my breasts. Feeling Kayden’s tears makes me feel like I’ve been sucker punched in the stomach. Shifting my body on his lap, I cup his face in my hands again and look into his eyes.

  “I love you, and we will get through this…together.” I say, before crushing our lips together. Our kisses are mixed with the taste of our salty tears as they fall from our eyes.

  Without saying another word, Kayden holds me close for a few moments, fluttering kisses along my temple, cheek, and jaw. The love I feel coming from him at this moment is overwhelming. I never thought I would feel something this strong for someone in my lifetime; that a love like this even existed. Having found it, knowing how rare it is, I’m never going to let it go. No matter if I have to scratch and claw through the shit thrown our way, I’ll never allow it to falter the love we have for one another.


  We walk hand in hand out onto the deck to join everyone at the table for our first dinner here. I feel as if weight has been lifted off me. Even though Kayden didn’t express in words the feelings that are plaguing his thoughts, I feel we had a breakthrough upstairs. I need to get better for not just myself, but for him too. I’m not the only one who’s been affected by the kidnapping and accident. It’s eating away at Kayden, too; maybe even more so. I’m happy he agreed to meet with Dr. Wilcott this week with me for one of my sessions. I think talking to her about the guilt he’s dealing with will be good for him.

  “About time you two love birds decided to join us.” Dixon says sarcastically, looking over Kayden and me from his seat at the table.

  “Sorry, we left ya’ll waiting, let’s dig in.” Kayden says, pushing my chair in for me and then seating himself on the end next to me.

  The night sky is blanketed with what looks like a million stars. The breeze is warm and welcoming, pulling at your body, beckoning it to come out and feel it caress your skin. The table is loaded with fish, lobster, crab legs, steak, and shrimp. All of it displayed beautifully, looking like art instead of dinner. I almost hate to eat it and ruin the gorgeous display before us.

  Brooklyn is wasting no time on her mission to drive Dixon crazy. He’s sitting at the end of the table opposite Kayden. Jax and Brooklyn are seated across from me on the other side of it. She’s joking around with Jax, laughing at everything he’s saying. Dixon seems to not be fazed by her flirting at all. He and Kayden are engulfed in a deep discussion about their wind energy project they’ve been working tediously on.

  After finishing dinner, we all head over to the outdoor bar and sitting area. Kayden has two of his staff mixing and serving us our drinks, which is nice because we get to just sit back and relax and enjoy our evening together. With the music blasting over the outdoor speakers, Kayden stands, pulling me into him and starts slowly but sensually dancing with me.

  Being in his arms, I shut out all the laughter from Brooklyn, Jax, and Dixon around us, focusing on just Kayden and me. Pulling me against his rock hard chest and stomach, he sways to the music, resting both hands on my butt. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I lean my head to the right, giving Kayden full access to my neck. Between the alcohol coursing through my veins and the heat radiating through my skin from his kisses, I feel as if I am floating, my body feeling at ease as I’m consumed with desire for Kayden.

  We sway to the music as he trails a fiery path of kisses along my neck, sucking and nibbling my skin along the way as he works his mouth up to mine. Pulling his mouth away, he leaves me panting, craving his lips on my skin. He stares down at me with an impish grin on his face. His smile makes my legs weak. “You look absolutely stunning tonight, Savannah.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself, hot stuff.” I slowly slide my hands under his shirt, dragging my nails along his back, loving the look of pure desire radiating out of his eyes, burning into me.

  Sucking in a sharp breath, Kayden grips my butt, pressing me against him. I feel his cock pressing against my abdomen. A small moan escapes my mouth as his lips connect with mine once again. I gladly suck the flavor of the liquor he’s been drinking off of his tongue, playfully biting down on his bottom lip and pulling on it gently.

  “What do you say we head down to the beach for a late night swim?” Kayden asks, taking my hand in his and walking me towards the stairs leading down to the beach.

  “You feel like being naughty Kayden? You know how much I love it when you’re all dangerous and oh so sexy.”

  “Then what are you waiting for? Get your sweet little ass down to the beach and get naked. I plan on fucking you nice and slow under the moonlight.” He slaps my ass, and I let out a loud yelp before making my way down to the beach. I glance back momentarily to see Jax, Dixon, and Brooklyn pouring more drinks. I hope for her sake she doesn’t get burned, because that girl is playing with fire.

  Chapter Seven

  Before my feet can touch the sand, Kayden wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me off of the ground. “Oohhhh!” I shout as he carries me down the beach. Within a few seconds, we’re down to the water, and Kayden is quickly unzipping my dress. I step out of it as it pools around my feet, quickly shimmy out of my panties and kick
them off beside my dress.

  “Meet ya in there!” Kayden shouts as he races by me, diving into the ocean.

  Letting out a small laugh, I make my way down to the water. My ribs are feeling a lot better, but not good enough to run around just yet. “Such a gentleman, testing the water for sharks before I come in.” As I step into the water, the warm waves crash against my ankles. My feet are slowly sinking in the sand as the waves wash back out to sea.

  “Well, now that ya know it’s safe, hurry your ass up and get over here!” Kayden’s southern drawl is so thick right now due to all the alcohol he’s consumed tonight. I love how sexy his voice is; every time he talks I just melt.

  “Shut your pie-hole, I’m coming!”

  “You’re not coming yet…but you will be in a few minutes, baby.” Kayden says matter-of-factly. I can’t control my laughter now. Between his sexy humor and all the hurricanes I’ve drank tonight, I feel like I’m riding on the biggest high of my life.

  Making my way towards Kayden, I make it to about waist deep in the warm Caribbean water when he flashes me his megawatt smile, and dives under the water. “Oh, My God!” I scream, as I feel his hands on my ankles and slowly working their way up between my legs. My legs shake and threaten to give out as I feel Kayden’s lips between my thighs. I can see the top of his head now, so I run my fingers through his hair as it sways back and forth under the water.

  Popping up for air, he kneels in the water and smiles up at me, licking his lips. “Mmm, now that is a mighty fine dessert, Miss Savannah.”

  “You are insatiable!” I laugh.

  “I’m cravin’ more, and won’t be satisfied until I’ve tasted every last inch of you.” Disappearing under the water, I feel Kayden’s tongue dive in between my folds, dipping his tongue deep into my aching pussy.

  “Ohhh…my…” I can feel an orgasm about to explode. Kayden’s working feverishly under the water licking and sucking. His hands are squeezing my ass so tight it’s causing my core to tighten with anticipation. My body is craving a sweet release. Popping his head back out of the water for air, he runs his tongue from hip bone to hip bone.

  “So sweet…” He murmurs as he runs his tongue over my stomach, dipping it into my belly button. Gripping my hips, he forces me down onto my knees. As I lower my body into the water, he takes my left breast into his mouth, and begins sucking and gently biting down on my nipple; I feel the heat between my legs increasing.

  “Kayden…” I whisper breathlessly between moans as he dips two fingers inside of me. Grinding my clit against the palm of his hand, my entire body is beginning to tingle with excitement. I can feel the orgasm building deep inside my womb, screaming to be released. Kayden pulls my breast from his mouth with a loud pop. Within seconds, his mouth is on my neck sucking and biting down on it. He lets out a low growl as his hands work magically on me, pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

  “Come for me, baby.” Kayden whispers into my ear, sucking my lobe into his mouth. He’s now pounding three fingers deep inside of me and massaging the entry into my ass with his pinky finger. Grinding my clit feverishly against his thumb, I come undone; screaming out his name repeatedly as the wave of ecstasy crashes over me. Blocking out the world around us, all I care about is Kayden right now, at this moment. Before I can float back to the here and now, Kayden is lifting me up and sliding me onto his thick throbbing dick. Running his hands along my back, he begins thrusting into me. “You feel so fuckin’ amazing, baby.” He growls as he sucks on my neck.

  I feel like my body is floating in a sea of ecstasy, and I’m holding onto Kayden trying to stay afloat. I run my fingers along his back, dragging my nails lightly over his wet smooth skin as I effortlessly rise up and down along his exceptional length. I feel no pain right now; the only thing I’m feeling is the pleasure taking over my body.

  Before I can even process that we’re moving, Kayden is carrying me out of the water and laying me on the cool, wet sand. Crushing my body beneath his, he slowly rotates his hips, pushing me closer and closer to pure ecstasy. “I love you.” He whispers before fluttering warm kisses on my cool skin, warming my entire body as my core erupts into flames of passion.

  “I love you, too.” I whisper breathlessly between moans. It feels like the fourth of July as Kayden and I climax together with the warm Caribbean water crashing over our bodies. Sliding out of me slowly, Kayden kisses me one more time before lying on the sand beside me.

  Snuggling against his body, I savor the feeling of his arms wrapped around me. I feel free laying here with him; for the first time in what feels like forever, I’m truly at ease.

  “The water looks so beautiful.” I say, gazing out as small waves roll into shore. I love watching the reflection of the moon dancing over the water.

  “Yeah, this place is paradise…but nothing holds a candle to your beauty. The view I have right now is so perfect, I could stare at it forever.” Lifting my chin up off of his chest, I stare into Kayden’s eyes. It’s dark, but I can still see the love and desire burning inside of them. It makes me tingle all over with excitement as his words wash over me, caressing every inch of my body.

  When we’re together, all of my worries disappear. With Kayden by my side, I know that we can make it through anything life throws at us, because our love for one another is indestructible.



  Walking hand in hand with Savannah, we make our way back up to the house. Dixon, Jax, and Brooklyn are all around the outdoor table engulfed in a heated game of beer pong.

  “Hey, who’s winning?” I ask, walking over to the table. I pull Savannah against me and wrap my arms around her. Kissing the top of her head I take in the smell of her coconut shampoo and ocean water. It’s intoxicating.

  “Jax is whooping Dixon’s butt! I don’t think he’ll be able to walk to his room after they finish this game.” Brooklyn says playfully as she looks from Jax to Dixon, then at Savannah and me.

  “Step up your game, bro.” I say, clapping Dixon on the shoulder.

  “Hey, I still have time to come back!” His words are slurred, and he’s swaying on his feet. I highly doubt he’ll come back to win anything; I laugh to myself. But it is fun edging him on.

  “Just think, I’m going easy on him. Usually I make ya chase a shot with your beer, mate.” Jax laughs and tosses another ball.

  “Well as long as you don’t puke I’m good, because if you puke then I’m going to puke!” Savannah says, sticking her tongue out and scrunching her nose up. She looks so damn cute without even tryin’. We sat there for what felt like hours, laughing and watching Jax beat Dixon over and over until he finally gave up. Brooklyn convinced me to give it a go. It was a close game, but I ended up beating the champion Jax and getting a good buzz while doing so. All of those years playing beer pong at my frat house really paid off.

  Savannah is starting to fall asleep on my lap, so after saying goodnight to everyone, I carried her up to bed. Pulling her dress off, I toss it onto the floor and lay her down in bed. Covering her up, I dig in her purse getting the sleeping pills for her. I can’t wait until she’s feeling better and back to her old self. It kills me knowing the pain she’s dealing with mentally and physically every day.

  Sliding my shorts off, I climb into bed beside her, spoon myself around her and pull Savannah into a hug against my chest. Intertwining our hands together, she pulls them against her bare breasts and lets out a soft yawn. “Goodnight, baby.” I whisper in her ear, and place a gentle kiss on her neck.

  “Goodnight.” she says so low I can barely hear it. We drift off to sleep, and for the first time since her kidnapping and accident, have a peaceful night’s sleep. I don’t know if it’s because we’re away and she’s finally able to relax, but I’m just so happy to see her get a night of uninterrupted sleep.

  With the sun peeking through the doors of our balcony, our bedroom slowly begins to brighten. There’s nothing like waking up to a warm tropical breeze sweeping over you
. Rolling over onto my side, I watch Savannah as she sleeps peacefully. It feels so good knowing that bringing her here has been so beneficial for her. If we didn’t have lives to get back to in Texas, I’d keep her here forever.

  She looks down right delicious lying beside me naked with her sun kissed skin beckoning me to taste it. But I can’t act on my desires this morning, so I let her continue to sleep. I have to get to work on my surprise before she awakens.

  Sliding out of bed, I try my best not to wake her. Slipping my pants on quickly, I sneak out of our room. Everyone’s still asleep; for once I’m the first one awake besides the staff.

  The doors leading outside are all open, and the entire kitchen smells like tropical flowers and ocean water. I quickly get to work with help from Kiani, my personal chef, preparing breakfast for Savannah. I want to celebrate her first night of restful sleep with a romantic breakfast on the balcony in our room.

  With our trays full of pancakes, yogurt, fresh fruit, and mimosas, I head upstairs to surprise her. Kiani quietly opens the door for me so I can get into our room without dumping our breakfast all over the floor. Holding my breath, I enter the room and pray she’s still asleep. I’m thrilled to find her still sleeping soundly.

  With a wink to Kiani, we make our way to the balcony and get everything set up. “Thank you.” I whisper to her as she makes her way back out of our room.

  Grabbing Savannah’s French vanilla coffee with whip cream on top, just the way she likes it; I make my way over to her side of the bed. Looking down at her, she looks like an angel sleeping so quietly. She’s been struggling so much since returning home; I love seeing her actually relaxed and being carefree again.

  Setting her coffee on the night stand, I sit down on the edge of the bed beside her. I gently run my fingers along her shoulder and down her arm, she slowly wakes up and peeks at me through sleepy eyes. “Good mornin’, baby.” I whisper before giving her plump lips a proper morning kiss.


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