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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 52

by Jamie, Danielle

  After a quick introduction, we make our way towards the tennis courts. It’s a warm sunny day for being the last week of January. I was apprehensive about playing today, afraid I’d hurt my ribs. But I’m actually pretty shocked at how great I feel. I took two aspirins before we left, just in case, but I feel really good. I’m hoping in the next few weeks I’ll get back to my kick boxing class.

  “Oh, my Gawd, I’m so outta shape!” I say, gasping for air as we make our way inside the country club’s restaurant.

  Bursting into a fit of laughter, Mya looks me up and down. “Girrrrrl, seeing you right now, I’d think you just ran a triathlon instead of playing tennis for an hour.”

  “Laugh it up; once I am back in shape, I’m going to redeem myself!”

  Brooklyn steps up beside me and bumps me with her hip, “We definitely need to redeem ourselves because we looked pathetic out there.”

  After being seated, Mya starts digging in her purse, eyeing us all at the table. “Will ya’ll stop staring at me.” She laughs, setting her purse back onto the floor. “I’m trying to get my surprise out without ya’ll seein’ it!”

  Leaning in closer to Mya, Kylee tries to sneak a peek at whatever Mya has hidden in her hand. “A surprise, spill it girlfriend! Whatcha got hidden in that pretty little manicured hand of yours?”

  After momentarily hiding her hands underneath the white linen table cloth, Mya waves her hand around in the air, practically blinding us all with a massive rock on her left ring finger. “Mhm, he liked it, so he put a ring on it ladies!” She shouts, her excitement bubbling out of her.

  “Holy…mother...of all fuckin’ diamonds! Damn girl, you’re going to need to start working out if you plan on wearing that sucker all the time!” Brooklyn says jumping out of her seat and grabbing Mya’s hand to inspect the massive princess cut Harry Winston.

  I can’t help but wonder what kind of ring Kayden will get for me when the day finally comes that he proposes to me? Pushing my thoughts of weddings and rings into the back of my mind, I congratulate Mya. We spend the next two hours eating and learning how he proposed to her after a romantic evening at their house. I couldn’t help but tear up; I’ve grown to cherish our friendship and I’m ecstatic for her and Braxton.


  Pulling up to Mark’s American Cuisine restaurant, I’m bursting with excitement to see my parents. I’ve video chatted and talked on the phone with them over the last several weeks, but it just isn’t the same as seeing them in person. While they’re not on the road, I get to see them whenever I want, and at times I’ve dreaded our weekly dinners. Before, Brooklyn and I would much rather get a head start on our weekend fun. But now, since they’ve been on tour, and I’ve been living in Texas, I miss that time together.

  “You look absolutely breathtaking tonight, Savannah.” Kayden whispers into my ear as we make our way into the restaurant. His warm breath is misting my ear, instantly giving me goose bumps. Resting his hand on the small of my back, we make our way to our reserved table. My parents are already seated and looking over the menu. Standing to greet us, my mom and dad take turns pulling me in for hugs, taking extra care not to squeeze me too tight. My mom quickly pulls Kayden in for a hug, followed by a handshake and man hug with my father. It makes my heart swell seeing the man I love with my parents, all of whom are my entire world.

  Sipping on a glass of white wine, I gaze over the menu trying to decide what I would like, but continuously become distracted thanks to Kayden. He has his hand resting on my thigh and keeps gently squeezing it, then flashing the Cheshire cat grin at me. I quickly mouth, “You’re insatiable.” And let out a small giggle before drawing my eyes back over the massive list of food.

  After placing our orders and getting our salads and appetizers, my parent’s waste no time jumping straight to the point. “So any update on Zak?” My father asks, eyeing Kayden and me. I know it’s eating away at him, being on the road instead of here helping take care of me until Zak is found.

  Clearing his throat, and taking a long pull from his beer, Kayden takes the lead and answers for me, which I’m more than happy about; the last thing I want to do is talk about any of this. My nightmares are slowly getting better; I’m still having them a few nights a week, but they’re no longer an every night occurrence.

  “There’ve been no updates so far, which is driving me insane. How the hell does someone disappear without a trace? I hate living every day looking over my shoulder. I want Savannah to be able to live her life free from fear. If he’s smart, he’s run off to Mexico, because if I find him, he’ll end up six feet under, not behind bars.”

  Coughing, I choke on my wine. I can’t believe Kayden just said that out loud. I don’t for a second take his statement lightly. I don’t doubt for a moment that he’d kill Zak if he got his hands on him. “Let’s not say that for the world to hear, okay, baby.” I say, staring at him with so much intensity I feel my eyes burning, screaming at me to blink.

  My mother backs me up immediately, “Yes. Let’s not say those things out loud. Don’t get me wrong, I would throw a freakin’ party if that S.O.B. was dead, but not at the expense of you going to jail for it, Kayden.”

  Thankfully, the remainder of our dinner went by with lighter topics of discussion. My parents told us about all the cities they’ve been to so far for their tour. We discussed my birthday, since February ninth is quickly approaching. Kayden is planning a party in Hawaii with close friends and family. I can’t wait; it’s hard to believe I’ll be turning twenty-five.

  Before leaving, my dad and Kayden discuss plans of golfing tomorrow at Kayden’s house. He said they have some things to discuss of great importance, which immediately piqued my interested. I can’t wait to see what Kayden gets me for my birthday, and it will be nice having everyone I care about with me to celebrate.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was hard saying goodbye to my parents, but knowing I’ll see them in two weeks made it a little easier. Also, the stack of work I had was an easy distraction. Being back to work feels amazing, and its helped distract me from the whole Zak situation. Since we’re having the Envy party this weekend at Vertigo in Los Angeles, Eloise told me not to fly into LA until Friday, so I only had two sessions with Dr. Wilcott this week.

  I still have a lot of anxiety about going out in public or around people who are not family or close friends. I’m a nervous wreck about attending the party in my honor this Saturday. All I can think about is everyone looking at me and thinking there’s the girl who shot and killed someone, and look, she’s here partying while his family is planning a funeral.

  The detective working on the case informed me that they’ll be keeping a close eye on guests attending the funeral this weekend. He said maybe Zak will surface for it. The funeral just so happens to fall on the same day as my party celebrating my February cover issue, and I don’t feel right celebrating when I have so much guilt weighing me down. I shot a person…took his life; someone I cared about, even with his bad intentions. I know deep down he was a good person, Zak too. They were just in a time of need and chose the wrong path to try and fix their financial issues.

  To make matters worse, Kayden has been distant all week, he just seems like his head is somewhere else. I’m not sure if dredging up the past has caused him to go into a dark place. I don’t know if it’s bringing up all the pain caused from his father and Luanne’s betrayal. I still can’t believe they did that to him. Kayden’s the most loving, caring, and sexy man on the planet. She had him, all of him. Being cheated on is hard enough, but to find out your fiancée was sleeping with your father? That’s just unfathomable; I don’t think I’d ever get over that; I just don’t understand how a father could do that to his son.

  Then there’s the pain he carries around with him from losing his sister. He doesn’t really talk about her much; I don’t know if it makes it easier for him to cope with his loss. I’m afraid ripping open all of his old wounds, especially all at once, was maybe more than he coul
d handle right now given everything we’ve been going through. It’s overwhelming for me just processing it all! I can’t even begin to understand how Kayden must be feeling. All I can do now is show him that no matter what, I’ll be by his side, just as he’s been beside me.


  Walking into the salon and being pulled into Quinn’s arms feels almost surreal. Thinking back to the last time I was here is overwhelming, I’m hit with a wave of nausea as memories of Logan hit me like a brick. The day of the masquerade ball started out as the happiest day of my life and then swiftly turned into one of my worst nights. Looking back now, I feel Logan did me a favor by cheating on me. If I hadn’t caught him that night, my life would be completely different right now. Just the thought of not being with Kayden seems unimaginable. Being with him just feels right, as if he’s the missing piece to my puzzle.

  I strongly believe God does everything for a reason. We may not understand why he puts us through some of the shit that he does, but each struggle makes us stronger. Losing Logan was just a stepping stone leading me towards my future with Kayden, my soul mate.

  Quinn snaps me back to reality with an overzealous hug, “Look at you, Miss Thang! You’re flaunting a fabulous tan! Okay, spill it baby girl, where did that sexy piece of man candy take you? This is definitely not a tanning bed tan.” Quinn asks as his eyes slide up and down my body.

  Laughing, I stare into Quinn’s dark chocolate eyes with their long, thick eyelashes. His beyond perfect, milk chocolate skin is flawless. Quinn’s black hair is cut short, and all the attention is drawn straight to his rockin’ pair of rhinestone hoop earrings. He’s as stunning as ever in his black skinny jeans, tight, red V-neck t-shirt, and leopard flats.

  “We just got back from a weekend trip to the Bahamas last week. It was a much needed escape from all the craziness we’ve been dealing with back in Houston.”

  Pursing his lips, Quinn takes my hand and leads me over to his salon chair. “Damn girl, I need to go to Texas and find me a Sugar Daddy. I can hear the Bahamas calling my name! Now sit, let me look at your hair.” Doing as told, I jump into the salon chair and watch Quinn as he runs his fingers through my long blonde hair. “That salon I sent you to in Houston, they’ve been doing a fabulous job on your hair. But…” He says popping his lips dramatically in his infamous valley girl tone. “Nothing compares to when I work my magic!”

  I can’t stop smiling as I watch Quinn in the mirror work his magical fingers through my hair. This man is gifted; he can turn this wavy mess on my head into a runway look in no time.

  Just as Quinn’s rinsing my hair, I hear Brooklyn make her presence known as she enters the salon. She bursts into the place a ball of excitement, and shouts over at us as she makes her way across the salon. “Sorry I’m late; I was at an audition; fingers crossed I get it!”

  “Girl! I’m crossing my fingers and toes. One day you’ll be walking the Red Carpet with sexier than sin Denzel Washington, for one of those big Box Office movies.” Quinn says as he motions for one of his hairstylists to get to work on Brooklyn.

  Flicking through an Us Weekly magazine, she looks up at Quinn with a goofy grin plastered across her face. “From your mouth to God’s ears, Quinn!”


  Standing at the bar with Brooklyn waiting for our drinks, I spot Reagan and Rebecca making their way towards us. The club is packed with our friends and co-workers, and a ton of people I’ve never met before. Eloise definitely went all out tonight. I now understand how embarrassed Kayden was at his party, as I stare at the poster size picture of my Envy Cover. It’s so weird being on the other side; usually my name is on the inside for an article I wrote.

  Seeing it reminds me that Logan is still in L.A. filming that freakin’ reality show. I’m dreading when that comes out on television. Grabbing my whiskey sour off of the bar, I sip on it slowly as I scan the room trying to find Kayden. He’s been off mingling with everyone. LA is like a second home to him since he flies out here for work, so he pretty much knows everyone.

  Finally making it to the bar, Reagan yells over to the bartender to get him a Budweiser and a Vodka Cranberry for Rebecca. “Is this place packed or what!?” Reagan asks, taking a seat at the bar beside me. Rebecca pulls me in for a small hug before I can answer. It feels great being around them again. They’re both like family to me, especially Reagan. He’s like the big brother I never had. Smiling at him with my straw still in my mouth, I lean forward to answer him. It’s so loud in here you can’t speak without shouting to the other person.

  “Yeah, I can’t believe all these people are here. I wonder if they’re here for the party or me.” I let out a nervous laugh; looking around to make sure not everyone’s eyes are on me. The only way I’m getting through tonight without running away screaming is by keeping the alcohol flowing.

  “Sadly, I can’t say I know more than a handful of these people. More than likely they just want their pictures on Tinsel Town Blog. Pathetic. Fame. Whores.” Rebecca says dryly, eyeing the crowd as she sips on her drink. At least I’m not the only one trying to figure out who all these people are.

  As the clock ticks closer and closer to the time I need to make my speech, my stomach begins to knot up. It’s as if my insides are being squeezed together by vise grips. Deciding dancing will help distract me, I drag everyone onto the dance floor. I’m floored when I discover Kayden making his way towards me. With his come-hither look, he walks up to me, pulling me firmly against him, snaking his powerful ripped arms around me.

  After an hour of dancing under the hot strobe lights, I feel like a hot sticky mess. Giving Kayden a kiss, I excuse myself and head towards the ladies room to freshen up before I have to get on stage. With Alec close by, I zigzag through the crowd and get in the massive line to the bathroom.

  Stepping into the bathroom, my heart beats quickly as I spot a group of party goers by the lounge area in the bathroom talking and touching up their makeup. Walking towards them, I flash a small smile at them and step in front of the mirrors. My hair is damp and stuck to my forehead and neck from all the dancing I’ve done. My brown and black leopard dress that falls about mid-thigh has a gorgeous rhinestone detailing along my right shoulder strap. They’re sparkling in the bathrooms overhead lighting, and I knew they would look stellar under the club’s strobe lights. Brooklyn was pissed I went with this dress because she was eyeballing it herself. I paired the dress with black spiked Louboutin heels, wanting to go with an edgier look for this evening.

  Digging into my black clutch, I fish out my makeup and lip gloss. Touching up my mascara and pink lips, I decide to use the restroom, so I don’t have to stand in line forever again later. Sitting in the bathroom, the girls outside of the stalls are not trying at all to be quiet as they speak. I clearly hear one say, “Can you believe Kayden Knox is with that girl. He could do so much better than a crazy chick that goes around shooting people.”

  I feel as if I’ve been sucker punched in the gut. I knew this would happen, and this is exactly why I didn’t want to do this right now. It’s too soon; I should’ve waited until the news of what happened died down.

  I can slowly feel a tear escape the corner of my eye and run down my cheek, dripping onto my dress. Not wanting to let them know their words are effecting me, I breathe slowly and try to calm myself down, pat my eyes with a piece of toilet paper, and trying my best not to smudge the makeup I just reapplied. I take a couple deep breaths, and exit the bathroom stall, glancing momentarily at the group of mean girls who look like they just broke out of the playboy mansion. Flashing them a killer smile, I make my way over to the sinks beside them. Washing my hands, I can feel their eyes burrowing into the back of my head.

  I want so badly to turn around and rip into these catty bitches, but I’m struggling with if I should say something or bite my tongue. Guessing anything I say to them will just be sold to the press, I decide I’ll just ignore them. Turning back to the three bimbos, I smile once more and make my way out of the bathroom. H
olding my head up high, the only sound you can hear is my heels clicking on of the tile floor, echoing around the room.

  Overhearing them talking about me as if I’m some psycho killer is beyond infuriating. Yeah, I carry a gun, but I’ve never in my life thought I would ever use it to take a life. It’s not something I think I’ll ever truly get past. Naive bitches like them are the reason why I should’ve stayed in Texas. I fucking hate LA and the snobs that overpopulate it!

  With ice flowing through my veins, I squeeze through the crowd of people with Alec right beside me and try to find Kayden and everyone else. I’ve watched my phone all day hoping I’d get news that they’ve caught Zak, but I’ve heard nothing; so for now I have to continue on with my life, constantly looking over my shoulder.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I put on a fake smile for the remainder of the party, not letting anyone know that, on the inside, I’m a total mess. I didn’t dare mention to Kayden or anyone else what I overheard in the bathroom. It would just put a damper on everyone’s evening. Thankfully I’ve grown to have a thick skin and try not to let things get to me.

  I even managed to work up the courage to go up on stage and make my speech. I thanked my friends for being by my side through everything I’ve been through. I made sure to thank Eloise for being an amazing boss and letting me have the most kick ass job ever. Finally, I thanked Kayden for being my rock. Without him these last few weeks I don’t know where I’d be. I’ll forever be grateful to him; he gives me the strength to get out of bed every day and face the world head on.

  It’s almost two in the morning, and my feet are killing me. I’m ready to get the hell out of here, and get back to my parents’ house. Brooklyn wants to stay and party with Rebecca and Reagan, so Jerome is staying with her to make sure she’s safe. We have no idea where Zak is and don’t want to take any chances.


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