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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 73

by Jamie, Danielle

  Kayden’s eyes are smiling as he speaks, “Sure. I’d love to have lunch with them. I know how much you miss not having them around all the time and I’d do anything to see that smile you’re sporting right now.” Leaning down, Kayden seals his lips on mine as he slides his hand slowly along my side, squeezing it possessively. I melt into his touch. I don’t even care that there’s a total stranger in the driver seat; all I care about is the delicious kiss he’s giving me right now.

  Pulling away from his kiss, I tilt my head up at him, and lean back against the cool leather seat, “Thank you. I’ll text you from work and let you know if they’re free.”

  After a twenty minute drive, we finally come to a stop outside the Envy building. I give Kayden one more kiss as the driver comes around opening the door for me. “See you in a few; love you!” I say cheerfully, sliding out of the car. I blow Kayden a kiss before making my way into building.

  “Afternoon Miss. Livingston, looking as gorgeous as ever.” Terrance says, with a chipper tone as he opens the door for me. He’s worked as the doorman to the Envy Building since I’ve been here, and for many years before that.

  “Aww, thanks Terrance. You’re looking as dashing as ever.” I say, flashing him a big smile before entering the building.

  The lobby is flooded with people in expensive suits and high priced dresses and heels. It’s finally not so weird only coming into the Envy Building once a week. Flying out on Thursdays or Fridays has become a weekly routine.

  Eloise sent me a text message saying she had a surprise for me when I come in today; I’ve been on pins and needles ever since. I wave hello to Kristin and Natasha, the receptionists in the lobby, and make my way to the wall of elevators.

  Stepping in, I push the fourteenth floor and cram myself into the packed elevator. I hate the odd feeling of being stuffed into a small space with total strangers, so I just stare at my manicure and wait for my floor.

  Finally, the doors open, I step out and make my way towards Eloise’s office. Everyone’s busy working in their cubical on the next issue of Envy. I don’t see Rebecca anywhere, so I’ll have to send her a text to see if she’s down for lunch tomorrow.

  The sound of my heels clicking on the tile is barely audible over all the chatter between my co-workers. A few notice me walking by and shout hello to me as I pass their desks.

  Stopping in front of Eloise’s office door, I smooth out my dress and knock on the door. I am anxious to learn what we’ll be working on today as I’ve already emailed her all the other work for the issue she sent me at the beginning of the week.

  The office door swings open, and Eloise pops up in front of me. Her blonde hair is pulled up into a tight bun, and she looks as gorgeous as ever in her black A-line skirt and silver silk blouse. “Aww, Savannah! Perfect timing…come in.”

  As soon as I step into her office, she shuts the door behind me and my jaw hits the damn floor. Leaning against the wall of windows, is Jake freakin’ Wethers! The lead singer of The Mighty Storm! I don’t listen to too much rock, but Brooklyn is obsessed with them and got me to go to one of their concerts before their guitarist, Johnny, died. I have absolutely fallen in love with their music.

  “Savannah, this is Jake Wethers, from…”

  I cut Eloise off before she can finish, “The Mighty Storm, yes I am a huge fan!” I gush and quickly try to tone down my fan girlin’ and put my professional face back on. “We met when my friend and I attended his concert here in L.A. a few years back. You guys are amazing.” I manage to say, keeping my tone at a normal level.

  Flashing me a cocky grin, Jake steps towards me, extending his hand, “Nice to meet you again Savannah, glad to hear you’re a fan.”

  Eloise grabs her tablet off of her desk, and I just stand there smiling at Jake like an idiot. I meet famous people all the time, you’d think I’d be used to it growing up with celebrity parents, but there’s just something about Jake Wethers that makes you act like a sixteen year old mega-fan.

  “Jake here is getting ready to debut his new album with The Mighty Storm, so we’ve asked him to grace the cover of our July issue. To our excitement, he agreed! So, I’ve written up a list of questions for you to ask when interviewing him. I thought I’d let you do the interview since I have so much on my plate. June’s issue has to be ready for print next week.”

  Holy shit! I get to interview Jake Wethers. Pinch me now, please! This job definitely has its perks. Hell, if it wasn’t for me getting the assistant editor position I’d never have met Kayden; I can’t even begin to imagine what my life would be like if I’d never met him.

  “I’m honored that you asked.” Jake says, sliding his eyes from Eloise and over to me. He’s wearing a vintage Jim Morrison t-shirt and tight leather pants with black boots. He just screams sex.

  “Oh, and Reagan is going to do a shoot with him in the studio, so after you’re finished, can you show him to the twelfth floor?” Eloise asks as she types away on her tablet.

  “Yea, I gotta talk to Reagan anyway, so that works out perfectly.”

  Lifting her head, Eloise flashes me a small smile, “Okay, well you’re all set, I just emailed you all the interview questions; you can interview Jake down in the conference room so you will have some privacy.”

  “Thanks.” Spinning around on my heels, I look over my shoulder at Jake and we make our way down to the conference room.


  Walking out to the town car I am still in shock at what just transpired. I got to interview Jake Wethers. He was so sweet too, which was surprising; you think Rock Star equals douchebag, but surprisingly he is really nice and easy to talk to. Thank God I stay up to date on celebrity gossip, so I knew about his fiancée and her pregnancy. Fortunately, I didn’t sound clueless asking him the questions Eloise wrote up for me.

  I was able to talk to Reagan for a few minutes before he had to do the shoot with Jake. I’m thrilled he’s free to have lunch tomorrow with Kayden and me. I also reached Rebecca a few moments ago and she can make lunch, too. I can’t wait to get the Three Musketeers’ together again; I miss working with them every day.

  Climbing into the back seat, I fire off a quick text to Kayden letting him know I’m on my way and that we’re good for lunch tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow is going to be crazy. After lunch my mother has Quinn and Fionna coming over to the house to do our hair, make-up and mani-pedi’s for the party.

  The party is black tie so everyone will be wearing the most expensive suits and gowns and snacking on the fanciest hors d’oeuvres. There will be some family, along with country music’s biggest stars, and some A-list actors.

  I prefer the low key kind of celebration that Kayden and I had two weeks ago at the beach with our friends, compared to an over the top extravagant party, but I only get married once, so I’ll let mom have her fun.


  “Hey, stranger!” Reagan shouts, as Kayden and I sit down at the outdoor cast iron table at Dee’s Café. Rebecca is sitting beside him with a smile stretched across her face.

  “Hey, yourself! You’re the one who can’t find the time to ever come down to Galveston and visit your bestest friend in the whole wide world!” I tease, sitting down beside him.

  Kayden laughs at our bantering as he skims over the menu. Rebecca leans on her elbows and slides her eyes from Reagan back to me, “Reagan here has been too busy hooking up with Megan when he’s not working, leaving him little to no time for his friends.” Rolling her eyes, she smirks and takes a sip of water.

  I had no idea Reagan and Megan were even seeing each other? I thought they just had that one random hook-up at Logan’s masquerade ball. “Soooo, you and Megan, huh?” I ask, eyeing Reagan. He knows better than to dance around the subject. I want all the juicy details, “Is she your plus one to the party tonight?”

  Reagan’s cheeks flush red, which Kayden seems to find amusing, “Ahh, I know that look. He’s got it bad for this Megan chick.” Kayden says matter-of-factly, leaning back in his chair and rest
ing his arm on the back of my chair. “So, why are ya holdin’ out on us, buddy?”

  Poor Reagan, Rebecca just threw him under the big yellow bus. I can’t help but find it amusing; he loves getting the dirty details on all of our love lives and it’s about time he was on the receiving end of the inquisition.

  Clearing his throat, Reagan sticks his face in his menu. For a second I think he’s going to torture us, holding out on feeding us any of the details of his juicy love affair with the highest paid actress in Hollywood.

  “Megan and I are casually dating. She has a jam packed schedule and half the time is on location filming, but when she’s in L.A. we get together. You’re reading more into this than you should be. Rebecca is just trying to divert all the attention onto me, instead of her.” I can feel the mood change immediately, as Rebecca’s face turns pale. Reagan gives her a ‘you started this’ look before turning back to Kayden and me.

  “What are you talking about?” I finally ask, even though I am not sure I want to know.

  “Reagan…Drop it.” Rebecca snaps, causing my curiosity to peak.

  An impish grin spreads across Reagan’s lips, “Sorry baby girl, but you know you wouldn’t be able to keep this from her for very long. Rebecca here had a one-nighter with Jax the night of your engagement party.”

  “What?!” I shout, as shock hits me. Oh my fuckin’ God! “You slept with Jax?” I ask Rebecca, as the words sink in. Reagan just dropped a major bomb on us.

  Rebecca’s face flashes ten shades of red as she diverts her eyes from us to the busy street. “I could seriously murder you right now, Reagan.” She mumbles under her breath, still not being able to bring herself to look at us.

  Kayden breaks the silence by being the first to finally say something, “I don’t see the big deal. Jax is single, Rebecca’s single, they’re both adults; what they do is none of our business.”

  I snap my head at him; I’m baffled right now, “Seriously? It’s not like Jax is just some random guy Kayden. He was with Brooklyn not too long ago. This screams trouble; Brooklyn cannot find out about this!”

  “I agree one-hundred-percent! This is why I didn’t tell you. It killed me to not say anything to you before I flew back to L.A. I had too much to drink, and one thing led to another. I think he was still hurting over Brooklyn marrying Dixon, and was looking for a distraction. Before I knew it, we were waking up the next morning in bed together.” The sadness on Rebecca’s face is hard to see. I know she isn’t one of those girls who randomly sleep’s with guys; she only has sex with someone if she’s dating them.

  I rest my hand over hers and give her a sympathetic smile, “Don’t worry, your secrets safe with us.” I slide my eyes to Reagan and furrow my brows together, “Right, Reagan?”

  Reagan shakes his head in agreement, “My lips are sealed. I would never tell Brooklyn; shit she’d go fuckin’ crazy. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of her crazy ass meltdown.”

  Shaking his head, Kayden just stares at us all, “Y’all are crazy. Brooklyn’s married now, I doubt she’ll care that those two fucked.” I noticed Rebecca flinch at his words.

  Seriously, guys can be so clueless sometimes. “You don’t know women at all baby, I’m sorry to break it to ya. There’s an unwritten rule with woman: you never sleep with your friends ex…ever.” I emphasize the word ever so Kayden understands I’m being completely serious right now.

  Rolling his eyes, Kayden goes back to looking over the lunch menu and mumbles under his breath, “Woman! Y’all are too fuckin’ complicated.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Yes, we are.”

  We spend the remainder of lunch keeping the conversation light. Reagan fills us in on the gossip he’s gotten from Megan. All kinds of crazy, dirty things happen on movie sets…who knew?

  Rebecca and Reagan didn’t waste any time letting me know all the juicy gossip of what’s been going on at Envy over the last few weeks. Spending this time with them makes me miss L.A.

  I love the life we’re building in Texas, but California has been my home for most of my life and I sometimes miss living here. I want to make an effort to come out here more and stay maybe one weekend a month when I fly out for work. That way, we can have the best of both worlds. With my parents being on the road, their house is just sitting there.


  Standing in front of the floor length mirror in my old bedroom, I look at my reflection one more time before heading downstairs to join Kayden and my parents so we can greet our guests as they arrive.

  I decided on a red dress with jeweled straps that crisscross on my back. It’s tight along my torso with a small peak-a-boo opening between my breasts, emphasizing my cleavage, which I know Kayden will love. The features give it an edge without taking the formal away.

  “You look fine!” Brooklyn snaps. We need to get downstairs before your mother drags you down. She’s been running around this house like a mad woman, getting everything perfect.”

  Tugging on my arm she pulls me out of my room, towards the large stairway leading to the foyer. She and Dixon got here about two hours ago; they flew in on Beaumont Industries’ jet. She made it just in time for our hair appointments. Dixon and Brooklyn have been like freakin’ rabbits in heat lately…it’s like they can’t get enough of each other.

  Ever since she got here, all I can think about is Rebecca. Knowing what happened between her and Jax is weighing heavily on my mind. Damn it Reagan and your big mouth. I was happy being in the dark; I hate keeping secrets from Brooklyn, but it’s not my place to say anything.

  Walking down the stairs, my eyes connect with Kayden’s. Instantly his green eyes light up as he slowly scans them over my body. Walking slowly to him, I sway my hips with every step.

  “Wow. You look amazin’ baby.” Kayden drawls, taking my hand and pulling me against him for a quick kiss.

  Lacing my fingers through his, I stand beside him, giving him a small smile. I love when I walk into a room and I feel as if I am all that Kayden sees.

  “Sorry I took so long, I decided last minute to leave my hair down and curl it.”

  Wrapping a ringlet around his finger, Kayden leans down pressing his lips against my ear. The heat from his breath causes a shiver to shoot up my spine and a dull ache to form between my legs.

  “I love it when you wear it down.” He whispers, before kissing my cheek and turning his attention back to the guests entering the house.

  My parents excuse themselves shortly after I join them in the foyer to go mingle with the guests that have already arrived. Brooklyn and Dixon head outside to the bar beside the pool to get some drinks.

  My feet are aching in these heels from standing in place for so long, and my cheeks are sore from all the smiling I’ve done over the last hour. Just as we are about to head out to the bar ourselves, Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert arrive.

  I’m bursting with excitement when they walk in, instantly giving me a second wind. I’ve been dying to show her the tattoo I got in the Bahamas. I tweeted Miranda a picture of it a few weeks after we got back, but I’ve really wanted to show her in person.

  Hugging them both quickly, I thank them for coming today. “I’m thrilled you guys could make it with you both being so busy touring. It means a lot to both of us.”

  “We were happy when we saw we’d be able to make it. With Blake being out here working with the Voice it made it a lot easier. Congrats again you two, I’m so happy you worked things out.”

  I give her a big smile before walking into the living room where some of our guests are standing around, sipping champagne and visiting with one another.

  “Thanks! The whole Nadia thing was difficult to deal with, but I’m glad she kept her word and set the record straight.” It still hurts to talk about it, even a few months later.

  Miranda lets out a small laugh, “Girl, you don’t gotta tell me. I swear the tabloids are ridiculous! One minute Blake and I are divorcing, the next they are announcing that we’re having a baby.
It’s ridiculous. You gotta learn to just not read all that crap. Life is way better when you ignore all that bullshit they try to plaster all over their magazines to get sales.”

  I can’t help but feel better knowing she relates to how I’m feeling. She and Blake have such an amazing relationship. They are best friend’s first, spouses second; which I think is what makes their love for one another so strong. I try with everything in me to have that with Kayden.

  Kayden and Blake don’t waste any time heading out to the bar to grab some beers. Miranda and I opt for Champagne, taking flutes from one of the staff members carrying them around to the guests.

  “Here, follow me.” I say grabbing her hand and leading her back out to the foyer. Once we are alone I spin around and pull my fabric down to reveal my tattoo on the bottom of my back.

  “Oh! That turned out awesome! I love it. The pistols and wings look bad ass.”

  Spinning back around to face her, I’m giddy with excitement, “Thanks! It hurt like a bitch, but I love it! Once I saw this quote I knew I had to use it. I want to live every day to the fullest; almost dying makes you look at life in a totally different way.”

  Just as we’re about to head back outside to track down our men, the doorbell rings and one of the staff members answers it for me. My feet freeze in place and I look like a guppy fish with my mouth falling open and closed.

  What the fuck are Victor and Luanne doing here?! Kayden is going to flip a freaking lid. Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Well so much for a nice, fabulous evening of celebrating with friends.

  Not knowing what to do, I say hello to Victor and Luanne before grabbing Miranda’s hand and make a bee-line for the patio to find Kayden.

  “I take it you don’t have the best relationship with your future father-in-law?”

  I let out a nervous laugh, “Uh, I don’t know. I really don’t know him or his fiancée; I just know Kayden and him have a strained relationship. I didn’t even think to mention to my mother not to invite him. I forgot they sometimes work together, because he manages Mighty Fine Records in Nashville.”


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