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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 75

by Jamie, Danielle

  Shoving Savannah, Luanne burrows her eyes into her, “You do not want to mess with me Bel Air Barbie, because I’ll show you how us country girls handle preppy little bitches like you when you fuck with us!”

  Savannah lets out a laugh as she takes another step towards Luanne, “Bitch, you ain’t seen crazy. Keep runnin’ your mouth and you’ll find out just how country I am.”

  Luanne’s two seconds away from getting knocked the fuck out and not by Savannah.

  My father grabs Lulu’s arm and tugs on it, “That’s enough. I’m not going to stand here and listen as my son run us into the ground. He’s just like his mother; he’d rather spend his life running from his problems rather than face them head on. He’s nothing but an unappreciative, spoiled asshole; we’re wasting our time trying to get through to him.”

  Losing what little control I have left, I push past Savannah, and fist my father’s dress shirt, “Say whatever the fuck you want to about me! But don’t you ever talk about my mother you piece of shit! You’re the reason my mother is the way she is! You broke her! When she needed you, when Melody needed you, YOU were fuckin’ this whore! So yes, I hate your fuckin’ guts, and don’t appreciate one thing you’ve ever given me! You are dead to me! You hear me!” I spit at him, as I shove him backwards forcefully.

  At this point, my temper is boiling and I’m seeing red. Before I can control my anger, I double my fist and throw a punch connecting with Victor’s nose, his head snaps back forcefully and blood flies everywhere. He stumbles backward, cursing and cupping his nose with a look of utter shock.

  My ears are ringing from the anger pulsating through my body. I faintly hear Savannah and Luanne shouting at me, but I’m too far gone. He’s pushed me over the edge.

  “Oh my God!” Luanne shouts running past me, “What the hell is wrong with you? You’re still the same hot headed asshole you’ve always been! You think punching him will solve your problems? He’s your father for Christ’s sake!” I’ve never seen her this angry before; if looks could kill, I’d be dead where I stand. But I don’t give a shit.

  She lunges at me beating on my chest screaming at me, “Why can’t you just move past this, it’s been eight fuckin’ years Kayden, eight years!”

  “Keep your hands off of him!” Savannah shouts at Lulu, pulling her off of me. “I swear to God, if you so much as raise a hand at him again, I will knock your ass out!”

  I’m done with all of this, and can’t mentally take any more of this shit. Snapping my head over to my still stunned father, I hiss at him through clenched teeth, “Get her and leave! Right fucking now! I will not ask you again.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief when they quickly make their way back towards the house.

  I snake my arm around Savannah, holding her flush against my waist. “Come on baby, we have guests to attend to. I’m not wasting another second on those two.”

  I feel the tension in Savannah slowly slip away, and her breathing return to normal. “I’m sorry Kayden. I should’ve thrown them out the minute they got here.” She says in barely a whisper.

  Just as we’re rounding the corner, I spot my father and Lulu a few feet ahead. They’re making their way up the grassy hill, and Victor’s holding a handkerchief to his nose.

  Spinning around, Lulu shouts back at me, not caring that there are guests all around, “Your sister would be so disappointed in you. She looked up to you, worshiped the ground you walked on.” My father yells at her to shut up, before quickening his pace.

  A group of people overhear Lulu’s outburst, and are now staring down at Savannah and I.

  I rake my fingers through my hair, let out a frustrated sigh and trudge up the hill. I ignore Lulu’s ranting and decide to not feed into it anymore. She’s a poison. The more I’m around her, the more I turn into someone I don’t like. Her and my father, they are toxic and will only destroy my life if I permit them to be in it. I do not want give our guests anything to sell to the press, so I keep my mouth shut.

  First thing tomorrow, I’m finishing this. I’m going to buy out my father’s half of the hotels’ and cut him out of my life permanently. Savannah is all the family I need.

  As we’re making our way past the few guests who witnessed what just happened, I spot Savannah’s parents running down towards us. Everyone turns their attention back to the party, giving us privacy.

  “What in the hell just happened?!” Paisley asks with a look of panic on her face.

  I know I look like I feel. Shit. My shirt is un-tucked and my bow-tie is undone thanks to Lulu attacking me. Savannah’s trying to make light of the situation by putting on a fake smile.

  “Oh, nothing. Just had a few words with Victor and Luanne, but they’re leaving now.” Savannah says nonchalantly, folding her arms under her breasts.

  Maverick stares at us; I can tell he ain’t buying Savannah’s story, “Nothing? I don’t call this nothing. Kayden’s father just left with his fiancée, with blood pouring out of his nose! Now I need to do damage control and make sure what happened here tonight doesn’t leave this house.” He’s fuming.

  I feel awful. They threw Savannah and I this party, and because of my temper I’ve ruined it. I should’ve just walked away and not even given them the time of day.

  Holding Savannah’s hand, I focus my attention on her parents, “I’m so sorry about all of this. I appreciate everything you’ve done for us. This is my fault, if I would’ve told you guys about everything with my father, none of this would’ve happened.”

  I can’t take the look of disappointment in their eyes and quickly divert my eyes to Savannah. Her smile is slowly disappearing as the reality of what just happened sinks in.

  Needing to get away from all of this, I kiss Savannah on the cheek, “I need to go.” Turning to Maverick and Paisley, I apologize again before I speed walk up the hill. Savannah is yelling to me to wait, but I tune her out.

  This is how we celebrate our engagement; we show our family and friends that we are completely fucked up. This is not a good way to start a future by allowing the past to blow in like a tornado and destroy everything in its path.

  I don’t know where I am going to go; I just know I need to get out of here.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Sitting in my mother’s car I drive at almost a crawl down one of the streets in their gated community. I’ve been driving for over twenty minutes trying to find Kayden. I don’t know which way he went, so I’m trying to cover every street to find him. Of course he has his cell, but won’t answer the freakin’ thing.

  The party is still in full swing back at my parents’ house. My mother and father talked to the guests and let them know that the issue between Kayden and Victor was private and is not to be spoken of with any press, which I’m thankful for. The last thing Kayden wants is to see this in the tabloids.

  Brooklyn was beyond pissed off after I filled her in with the short version of everything that happened. She wanted to come with me to find Kayden, but I told her it was best if I go alone. He’s a mess right now; his father and Luanne definitely did a number on him tonight. Trying to use Melody against him was low, even for them.

  Giant drops of rain are starting to fall, splashing on the windshield. Thank God my parents rented out a huge party tent for the backyard to cover the DJ and dancing. I gaze up at the now dark sky, which started out bright blue this morning, but swiftly changed to thick grey clouds.

  As the rain begins to fall harder, I speed up. I need to find him. I swear I could kill Kayden for just taking off like this; we have a house full of guests. I understand he’s pissed off about what happened with Victor and Luanne, but running away isn’t going to solve anything.

  What if he called a cab and I’m just wasting my time driving around trying to find him. Turning on my blinker, I take a right and head down yet another street. “Where the hell are you Kayden?” I ask out loud. With each passing minute, I grow more frustrated.

  Why the hell did they ha
ve to come? Did they really think our engagement party was the best place to try and repair their extremely damaged relationship? I could kill them, while I’m at it, for ruining something my mother worked her ass off putting together.

  Today was supposed to be fun, a celebration of our engagement. But thanks Victor and Luanne, they managed to ruin everything just by walking through the damn door.

  Through my wipers swaying back and forth, I spot a silhouette of a man walking down the side walk with his hands in his pockets. My stomach does flip flops when I get closer and see its Kayden.

  Pushing the accelerator I speed towards him. I pull up beside him and leaving the car running as I jump out and sprint towards him.

  “Kayden!” I shout out at him, his head is down and he’s soaking wet.

  Stopping he looks at me over his shoulder; droplets of water drip from his hair that’s now drenched and hanging in front of his forehead.

  “Savannah…what are you doing?” He asks, with his voice sounding defeated. Running towards him I jump up wrapping my arms around his neck, and peer up into his eyes that are now a dark emerald instead of a bright sea green.

  “What I’m doing is getting my fiancé and dragging his ass back to our party!”

  With one arm wrapped around his neck, I slide my other hand through his wet hair. Kayden’s eyes are searching my face as he holds my body tightly against his.

  The rain has changed to a full on downpour, but I don’t care. I will not leave this spot unless Kayden leaves with me.

  “I can’t go back there Savannah.” His drawl is thick and husky. His hands feel like fire on my cool, wet skin as his palms press against my back. He’s holding onto me like I’m his lifeline, keeping him afloat in sea of sorrow he’s trying desperately not to drown in.

  Seeing the pain he’s in is unbearable. I try to fight the tears, but my eyes defeat me and they freely fall, “I need you to come back with me, please. We face things head on, together Kayden. I’m done running and I will not allow you to run either.”

  Breaking our connection, he tilts his head towards the sky, letting the rain bounce off of his face.

  I cup Kayden’s face between my hands, forcing him to look at me, “I love you. Nothing will ever change that. My parents love you too, Kayden. This little incident will not change that. I am not leaving here without you, so please come back with me. We can go back and enjoy our friends and family and put all the crap from earlier behind us. Let’s not give them the satisfaction of ruining our party.”

  “God, you are persistent.” A small smile stretches across Kayden’s face, “I’ll go back with you baby. I just wish I would’ve said something to your parents’; we could’ve avoided all of this.” He wipes the pad of his thumb across my cheek; my tears are mixed with the rain drops sliding down my face. “I feel awful, I should’ve just ignored Victor, not allowed him to get to me. Instead, I let my temper get the best of me.”

  Staring up at the man I love and seeing him guilt stricken is the worse feeling ever. If anyone should feel bad it should be his father and Luanne, not him.

  “You did nothing wrong, Kayden. Anyways, who doesn’t enjoy a little drama, it’ll help make the party that much more unforgettable.” I tease, trying to lighten the mood.

  I shiver as the wind picks up and chills me to the bone. “You’re freezing.” Kayden drawls, hugging me tighter. “You’re going to end up getting sick because you came chasing after my sorry ass. Come on darlin’, we have a party to return to.”

  Still holding me tightly against his chest, he carries me down the sidewalk towards the car, but just before he sets me down, I yell, “Wait!”

  Kayden cocks an eyebrow up towards the sky, causing a raindrop to drip off of it, “You’re freezing, but you’re telling me to wait?” he laughs.

  Sliding my fingers into his hair, I pull his lips down to mine. I’ve always wanted to be kissed in the rain, ever since I watched the Notebook, and it looked so romantic. I just never knew it’d be so freakin’ cold!

  I open my mouth, allowing Kayden to slip his tongue into it. I caress his tongue with mine, and moan into his mouth as our kiss deepens. The fire in his kiss instantly warms my body, making me forget all about being soaking wet and cold.

  Cupping my butt with one hand and my head with the other, Kayden lifts me further off the ground and carries me towards the car, his lips never leaving mine.

  Pressing me against the car door, Kayden fists my hair and moans into my mouth. He starts to pull away from me, but I hold onto his head keeping his lips against mine. I bite onto his bottom lip, clamping it between my teeth. I relish the feeling of his now hardening erection pressing against my stomach. Smiling against his mouth, I look up at him, giving his lip a little tug before letting it go.

  “Ya ready to get outta here now?” He asks with amusement in his voice. He backs away from the car, and adjusts his slacks before opening the passenger side door for me.

  I flash him a devilish grin, “Yes, but I don’t think I’ll want to hurry back to the party once we get there.”

  Kayden flashes a panty dropping smile at me, “You sure know how to make a guy forget all of his problems. Your kiss does crazy things to me; it’s like every ounce of anger immediately disappeared the second your lips were on mine.”

  His smile sends butterflies fluttering frantically in my stomach, and hearing him say those words instantly makes me feel at ease. I love knowing that just by loving Kayden I can help defeat some of the demons eating away at him.

  Jumping into the car, I crank up the heat. Kayden runs around the front and quickly slides into the driver’s seat; shaking his head, he sends water droplets flying across the car.

  I rest my hand on his forearm as he grips the shifter and slides it into reverse. “You good now?” I ask, watching his face intently to see if he’ll answer honestly, or just tell me what I want to hear.

  “I’m okay, and I’m sorry for takin’ off like that. Now let me get you back before your parents send the Calvary after us.”

  The entire drive back, Kayden holds my hand, and every so often he glances my way giving me a small smile. I can tell that he’s trying to put what happened earlier behind him, and not just for me, but for himself too.

  After all the trials and tribulations we’ve gone through, there’s one thing I know: I will always fight for him and he will always fight for me. Kayden’s used to fighting his battles all on his own, but from here on out we face all of our demons together, as a united front. Together we can conquer anything.


  Slipping off my dress, I toss it onto the bathroom floor. Padding across the tile floor, I retrieve a towel and dry my hair. Turning my head, I watch Kayden as he peels off his drenched dress shirt and slacks, his body is damp and his tan skin is glistening in the overhead lighting.

  Watching him always takes my breath away; he is perfection. I swear I’m the luckiest girl in the world, because in just a few months, I’ll be Mrs. Kayden Knox.

  “Like what you see?” He asks coyly, as he slips on a pair of jeans.

  “Ha! You know I do.” I say in my best seductive voice. I can’t stop smiling at him as he stares at me with a cocky grin on his face. I whip my hair back and forth then lean against the counter, “Ya know, I’m suddenly feeling too ill to rejoin the party downstairs. Lying in bed, resting with you, is just what the doctor would order to cure what’s ailing me.” I laugh, as I flash him a sexy smirk.

  Kayden rolls his eyes and lets out a husky laugh as he finishes buttoning his jeans. He slides his fingers through his damp hair, and makes his way across the bathroom towards me.

  His jeans are hanging low on his hips, and his delicious V is showing, beckoning me to run my tongue along it.

  “Even though I would love nothin’ more than to tie you up to that bed and do all kinds of naughty things to ya, we have guests who are expecting us back downstairs within the next five minutes.” His husky twang sends shivers down my spine.

  He slides his hand ever so slowly over my skin, leaving a path of fire wherever his hand touches, and stops when his hand reaches the small of my back. He lets out a low growl as he pulls me flush against him; I savor the feeling of his taut muscles pressing against my body.

  Pursing my lips I stare up at all 6’3” of him, I swear I could gaze into his pools of green all day; he’s the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’m amazed at how gorgeous he is without even trying. I channel my inner actress and tell him, “But…I think I’m feverish,” dramatically pressing the back of my hand to my forehead.

  “Do I need to take your temperature, my sweet Savannah, to see if you’re yanking my chain or truly ill?” He teases, holding his hand to my head to check for himself.

  Slipping out of Kayden’s embrace, I grab his hand and pull him into the bedroom, “Yes, that’s exactly what you need to do, but I think you need to use your rectal thermometer to get an accurate reading.” I tell him matter-of-factly, as I plop down onto the bed, relishing in the look of pure shock and desire on Kayden’s face.

  Leaning over me, Kayden rests his hands on the mattress, pressing his lips to my collarbone, causing my entire body to erupt with want for him. I tilt my head back and relish in the feeling of Kayden’s lips on my skin.

  Sliding my fingers across Kayden’s back, I gently drag my nails over his skin, working my way from the dimples in his lower back, up to his shoulder blades.

  “I want you right now…believe me, baby.” Kayden murmurs against my skin, his breath warming my still cool skin.

  Holding onto his back, I keep him hovering above me, not allowing him to move, “Then take me.” I whisper, as I flutter kisses across his shoulder.

  I wrap my legs around him, pressing them into his ass; I really hate the fact that I’m naked right now and he’s wearing jeans.

  “God.” He moans, with his voice husky with sex, “We have to get back to the party…”

  I shift beneath him as I slide my hand along his bicep. I give it a light squeeze and narrow my eyes at him, “Like I said, I’m sick, so I can’t go back down there.” The corner of my mouth curves up, as I flash him an impish grin.


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