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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 89

by Jamie, Danielle

  I told the police they can take my statement at the hospital, I’m not leaving my wife’s side. Due to the dead body being Zak’s, they agreed. Jax told them he’ll answer any questions they have before he heads over to the hospital with Brooklyn.

  I look to Brooklyn and Jax with panic coursing through me. I’m a mess. I can’t go to the birth of my children looking like this.

  “Go. I’ll pack you some fresh clothes; they’ll let you shower at the hospital.” Brooklyn says, giving me a sympathetic smile before sprinting into the house with Jax right behind her.

  Just as I’m about to climb into the back of the ambulance, I spot my mother running out of the house towards me. “Oh my gosh! Sweetie, are you okay?” She asks wiping away tears that are rolling down her cheeks.

  She climbs up and sits down beside me while the paramedics are busy getting Savannah hooked up to I.V.’s. Never taking my eyes off of Savannah, I answer her, “I’m fine. I was wearing a vest, so thank God he aimed for my chest and not my head.” My words come out horse and I let out an eerie laugh. I’m still slightly shaken up. I can’t stop thinking, what if? What if he knew I had a vest on and aimed for my head as Jax did with him? I would be dead right now.

  A cold shiver shoots up my spine, but I push the negative thoughts away, and focus on Savannah, who’s finally coming to. All the excitement caused her to faint, but they said she’ll be okay. Now we just gotta haul ass to the hospital. Her contractions are now ten minutes apart, and I definitely don’t want my kids born in the back of an ambulance.

  “Kayden?” Savannah’s whispers, blinking her eyes as she comes to.

  Leaning towards her, I take her hand in mine, and press kisses to her knuckles, “I’m here, baby. We’re on our way to the hospital. How are you feeling?”

  The tears in her eyes are like a sucker punch to my gut, blinking through the tears she stares up at me with confusion in her eyes, “I saw you get shot…I thought you were dead!”

  Brushing her hair back gently, it’s soaking wet, and stuck to her beautiful face, I smile down at her trying to reassure her that I’m fine, “I was wearing a bullet proof vest, Jax gave it to me. I guess it’s one of the many perks of having security with us twenty-four-seven. I’m fine, just a little bruised is all.”

  Savannah closes her eyes and breaths through another contraction. I feel so helpless, they gave her a shot in her thigh of Demerol to help with the pain until she can get to the hospital and get her epidural.

  “Zak?” Her words come out barely audible.

  Shaking my head, and pressing my lips against her knuckles I whisper, “He’s gone, baby. We never have to worry about him ever again.”


  After a very long four hours we finally have two healthy baby boys, and an extremely tired mommy. Even though Colton and Brayden were born nineteen days before their due date, they’re both doing great. They just need a little help breathing. Colton was born at 1:52 a.m., and Brayden at 2:08. Both with heads full of dark hair, and are 18” long and 5lbs 4oz, and 5lbs 6oz.

  They are perfect in every way. Just like their mama.

  Savannah is fast asleep recovering from a trying delivery, and an even more trying day. What started out as a horrific evening has swiftly changed into the most amazing morning of my life.

  The moment I laid eyes on Colton as the nurses cleaned him up and set him in my arms, I was in love with him. He’s so tiny. I felt emotions I’d never experienced in my entire life the moment he wrapped his little fingers around mine.

  When I laid him in Savannah’s arms and saw the love pouring from her face as she gazed down at him, it took my breath away. But we had another lil’ Knox ready to come into the world, so we gave Colton to the nurses and let them finish cleaning him up and putting his I.D. bracelets on his tiny little ankle.

  Savannah was so strong; I don’t know how she did it twice. When she was pushing Colton out, the doctor asked if I wanted to witness the birth of my first child. I thought why the hell not, then instantly regretted it. The moment I saw him crowning, I almost passed the fuck out. So when she was pushing Brayden out, I stayed as far away as fuckin’ possible. I stood by her side holding her leg while a nurse held the other and after almost twenty minutes of pushing, lil’ Brayden entered the word.

  Not being able to sleep, I leave Savannah resting and head down to the nursery. Walking in, I quickly get to work washing my hands and giving the nurses a quiet hello. I sit down in one of the glider chairs as the nurses’ wheel them over to me.

  I spend the next hour taking turns rockin’ and feedin’ them before finally givin’ in to my exhaustion and headin’ back down to Savannah’s room to get some rest.

  Everyone will be back tomorrow during visiting hours to meet the twins. I talked to Savannah’s parents earlier when we first got to the hospital. They’re flying in first thing this morning. I need to rest up now, because God knows we’ll have Brooklyn here bright and early, and her stubborn ass won’t want to leave until the nurses make her.



  I’m lying on the sectional, feeding Brayden a bottle, when I spot Kayden walking into the family room with look of disgust on his face. Looking down at me he says, “I think Colton pooped.”

  Laughing, I smile up at my gorgeous husband giving him an impish grin, “Well, there are wipes and diapers over on their pack n’ play.”

  “You want me to change him?” Awe, my poor husband! He has been spoiled having our mothers here helping with the twins. Today we gave them the afternoon off to go out for lunch. It’s the first time Kayden and I have been alone without any help since we came home two weeks ago.

  “Yup, oh and don’t forget to put his pee-pee cone on unless you want an afternoon shower.” I can’t contain my laughter as a look of utter shock spreads across his face.

  “Okay big guy, Daddy’s going to change your diaper, go easy on me okay?” I can’t stop smiling as I hear Kayden talking to Colton the entire time he’s changing him.

  It’s a gorgeous afternoon, so we’re getting the babies all fed and changed so we can take them for a walk over to the stables to meet Mack and Cheyanne. Brooklyn will be here soon enough to lend me an extra pair of hands, while Kayden goes into the office later.

  Since we came home, I barely have a second to shower let out alone breathe. The boys are up every three hours; but I wouldn’t change a minute of it. Becoming a mother has been the most rewarding thing to ever happen to me.

  “Oh…God!” Kayden shouts gagging as he is trying to wipe Colton’s butt.

  Smiling down at Brayden, watching as he eagerly drinks from his bottle, I whisper, “Look at Daddy, he’s trying so hard, do you think I should go save him before he pukes all over your poor brother?” Brayden stares up at me intently with his big blue eyes looking as if he’s telling me, yes, go help Daddy.

  Both boys have blue eyes, but the doctor said they could change to green; it’ll be a few months before we know for sure.

  Standing I make my way over to Kayden and gently rub my hand across his face, “Here, take Brayden and burp him; I’ll finish changing Colton’s diaper.”

  Kayden sighs with relief and happily takes Brayden into his arms, “That is just fuckin’ nasty. Baby poop is just downright gross, it gets everywhere. Do I have that many creases?! Baby, whoever we hire for a nanny, we’re going to have to invest in hazard pay for her having to change these two poopin’ machines.”

  I let out a small chuckle as I finish cleaning Colton up and get him redressed. “There, he’s all changed, Daddy. Are you ready to go show these two lil’ buckaroos’ the horses?”

  Walking up to me, Kayden snakes his arm around my waist, while holding Brayden like a football in the other arm. “Do you think they’re too young to go for a ride with Daddy?” He asks fluttering kisses along my jaw sending shivers up my spin. We have four more weeks of no sex…it’s already been a very long two weeks. I don’t know how we’ll get through four more. Kayden needs
to stop looking so freakin’ irresistible all the damn time.

  That’s my only solution.

  “I think we better wait a few more months before we start putting them on horses, they’re too little.” I laugh, as he follows me out to the strollers pouting.

  “Mommy’s no fun.” He says, looking from Brayden to Colton as we strap them all in.

  I just laugh and shake my head. I love this man even when he’s trying to drive me absolutely insane.


  Fourth of July 2015


  These last fourteen months have been a whirlwind. So much has happened since the twins were born. After my six week maternity leave was up, I went back to my routine of working during the week from home, and flying to Los Angeles every Friday. Traveling with the twins every week; even with our nanny Sylvia, was hard, so after a lot of consideration I decided to leave Envy. It was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make, but like they say, when one door closes, another door opens.

  After a lot of contemplation and long nights of brain storming with Kayden, I decided to start my own magazine: Savvy Baby. Once I became a mother, I discovered that it’s hard to find a great magazine that covers everything from baby tips to hot trends for moms and kids. We just celebrated one year since publishing our first issue. It has been the most exhilarating experience.

  I’ve even had a ton of my celebrity friends, who are also moms; ask to do a special mom-centered interview. I graced the cover of our first issue with Brayden and Colton when they were just one month old. I have that cover framed and hanging in my office, which is on the ninth floor of the Beaumont Industries building. It’s great ‘cause we can get together with Kayden for lunch dates.

  One weekend a month, we fly to L.A. and stay with my parents so they can see the twin’s and we can get together with Reagan. Rebecca moved to Houston a few months ago. I couldn’t believe it when she took me up on my offer to come work for me. I know Jax probably had something to do with it because he’d been trying for months to get her to move to Houston and live with him.

  We’re in Memphis right now for my parents’ annual Fourth of July Picnic and Bar-B-Q, but this year we’re doing it at our new house. We just finished it last month, and I couldn’t wait to come and stay for a few weeks to get away with Kayden and the twins. Our house is exactly as I’d imagined it to be; I’m absolutely in love with it. It’s rustic and outdoorsy for Kayden, but a country chic feel to it for me. It’s perfect!

  Brooklyn, Dixon, Jax, and Rebecca all flew in with us to stay for the weekend. All my aunts, uncles, and cousin’s came in from all over Tennessee. Colton and Brayden are having a blast playing with all the kids.

  I keep asking Brooklyn when she and Dixon are finally going to try for a baby so we can have play dates together, but she keeps saying maybe next year. She’s been so busy lately with work; I can’t blame her. She just landed a major movie about the life of Elvis and Pricilla Presley; which is ironic since she and Dixon were married by an Elvis impersonator. She’s hoping this will be the big movie to help her gain more box office roles.

  Mya and Braxton just had a baby last month, a little girl they named Delia. She’s the sweetest little thing ever. It makes me miss when the twins were that tiny. Now they’re little chunky monkeys’ running around tiring mommy and daddy out. Maybe down the road we’ll try for a little girl, but for right now the boys are keeping us busy enough.

  We’re all sitting at the picnic tables, watching the boys stumble around trying to chase my Cousin Amy’s daughter Sarah, who just turned nine. She’s having a blast playing with the boys; all little girls at that age love babies. The boys are definitely keeping her busy; they’re just as wild and rough as their daddy. I swear their energy is never ending.

  They are the spitting image of one another so we have to keep them in designated colors to help us and everyone else tell them apart. They have brown hair, like their daddy, and the same gorgeous green…mischievous eyes. Today, Colton’s wearing a red Fourth of July muscle shirt and patriotic swimming trunks and Brayden’s wearing the same, but in blue.

  So far it’s working, but I’m dreading when they get older and decide to play games on us or their teachers, and pretend to be each other. With these two, I know it’s going to happen.

  “You want another Twisted Tea?” Kayden asks, as he presses a kiss to my lips, standing to grab another Corona.

  I graze my fingers over his day old stubble, smiling up at his tantalizing green eyes; they always look even more radiant out in the sunshine. “Sure. Thanks, baby.”

  Brooklyn plops down beside me, handing me a burnt hot dog covered in ketchup, my favorite. “Here bitch, eat something. We don’t need you drinking on an empty stomach and getting all wasted.”

  I bump my shoulder into hers, “Excuse me. I’ve only had one Twisted Tea so far, and my parents are taking the boys to their house tonight so we can hang out by the bon fire and shoot off fireworks.”

  Rolling her eyes, she swallows a bite of hotdog before continuing her spiel, “All I’m saying is, don’t get too drunk. Since you had those twins, and aren’t drinking every weekend, you’ve become a light-weight. I for one don’t want to spend my Fourth of July holding your hair while your face is buried where no face belongs.”

  Walking back towards us with a plate full of food, and our drinks under his arm, Kayden gives us a curious look before sitting back down beside me. Handing me my Twisted Tea, he looks from Brooklyn to me, “Do I even want to know?” He asks, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

  Chewing my hot dog, I glance at Kayden and shake my head no. He lets out a low chuckle, and dives into his food.

  Half way through my hot dog Brayden starts crying. Setting my food down; I make my way over to him, picking him up and giving him a small smile, I run my hand over his head, “What’s the matter baby, you ready for your nap?” I turn towards my mother, who’s tossing her plate into the garbage, and yell over to her, “Can you help me put the boys down for their nap?”

  Nodding, she says, “Sure honey.” Picking up Colton, we make our way inside and get them laid down. Grabbing my baby monitor, I head back out and rejoin everyone.

  It’s close to a hundred degrees today, so as soon as we finish eating, I give my mother the monitor, and we all head down to the dock where Kayden has our speed boat. We spend the next two hours tubing around the pond. After everyone left, we sat around the fire. I gladly snuggled with Kayden in an Adirondack chair, and watched the spectacular fireworks show that Jax set off for us all.

  This has to be by far the best Fourth of July ever; I cannot wait to fill our new house with photos from today…like my parents, we are making this our Fourth of July tradition.


  Three years and three months later


  “You boys ready to go watch the Texans kick some butt!?” Scooping Colton and Brayden up in my arms, I carry them downstairs to the living room.

  They look so frickin’ awesome in their jerseys. Brayden’s wearing Braxton’s number 24 with his last name West on it and Colton’s a diehard JJ Watt fan so he is wearing his number 99 game jersey. My boys are only four but they love their Texas football just as much as their daddy. If its football season, I am on the couch with my boys watching every college game on Saturday and pro games on Sunday, teaching them the rules of the game. They are so smart, they already understand it all! Savannah makes sure she keeps us supplied with snacks and juice boxes…I love my life.

  “Kayden, are the boys all ready to go?” I hear the sound of my sexy ass wife yelling down to me from Kaydence’s nursery.

  Walking over to the bottom of the stairs, I shout up, “Yup, they’re all dressed and ready for some tailgating.”

  God blessed us with Kaydence Melody eight months ago; she is just as beautiful as her mommy: blonde hair with the cutest little ringlets clinging to her head and the biggest bring you to your knees eyes. I can already tell I’m in trouble. With
just one look, I’m putty in my baby girl’s tiny little hands. But, I wouldn’t have it any other way…She’s my doll.

  I couldn’t believe it when Savannah found out she was pregnant again; we’d only tried for two months. Like I told her before, I got some super fuckin’ swimmers. When we learned it was a girl I was over the fuckin’ moon, we had our twin boys, so a baby girl would be a perfect addition to our amazing family. When Savannah mentioned naming her after me and giving her Melody for her middle name, I was shocked. I have the best fuckin’ wife ever…No doubt about it.

  Our nanny Sylvia will be staying at the house with Kaydence while we take the boys to the game. Brooklyn and Dixon are meeting us here then we’ll all head to Reliant Stadium for some great food and beer, while tossin’ the pig skin around before the game starts. I love tailgating almost as much as I love watching the game.

  It kills me every Sunday to not be out there playing alongside my best friend, but what can you do? When God throws a speed bump into your life, you just gotta hold on and keep movin’.

  I get the boys all buckled in to their seats and get to work loading the back of the truck with all the coolers, cookers, chairs and a tent. Just as I’m closing the tailgate I spot Savannah bouncing down the front stairs looking as sexy as ever in her tight 99 Watt Jersey and painted on blue jeans. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail. I love it when she wears it down so I can run my hands through it, but she’s been wearing it up a lot more because Kaydence loves to pull mommy’s hair.

  “Hey babe, we’re all ready to hit the road, just waitin’ on Dixon and Brooklyn.” I say; holding her against me and cupping the back of her neck with my hand as I pull her in for a kiss. Almost six years together and her kisses still do crazy things to my body. Just as I dart my tongue into her mouth, deepening our kiss, I hear the roar of Dixon’s Silverado comin’ up our driveway.


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