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Claiming Shayla, Book 6

Page 17

by Zena Wynn

  “Shayla is my one, my true mate, given to me by the Creator. She already carries my cub in her womb.” He pointed to the council. “You will recognize my mating, or I’ll rip out your puny little spines and shove them down your whiny little throats.”

  Well, that settled that, Shay thought.

  “Impossible. True mates are a myth,” Graham unwisely responded as he pushed up to his knees.

  “Are you calling me a liar?” Rory gently nudged Shay to the side and started toward Graham. One look at his face and Caleb and everyone else cleared out of his way.

  “You owe me, old man,” Shay muttered as she dashed around in front of her furious mate.

  “Shay, move!”

  Shay held her hands out in a placating manner. “Now, Rory, I realize he’s a major pain in the ass, but you can’t kill him.”

  “Aye, I can,” he said grimly as he stepped around her.

  She darted back in front of him. Why didn’t the old fool run? Didn’t he realize how close to death he was?

  “Don’t defend me, human. If I die, I die with honor having spoken the truth.”

  “It’s not the truth, you fool. What kind of historian are you? Over in Refuge, the Ravens’ alpha found his true mate—a human—and his best friend, a bear-shifter, found his, another human female. Hell, even the Ravens’ beta found hers, a human male. Are you really that stupid that you don’t know any of this?” Shay huffed out, her efforts to physically restrain Rory having little impact.

  There was a gasp from someone and some excited chatter among the group. Shay, being a little preoccupied, didn’t look to see what stirred them up this time. Her feet slid on the ground as Rory moved forward determinedly.

  “Rory, stop, and I’ll do you right here and right now!” she cried out a bit desperately.

  He halted. Molten gold eyes fixed on hers. “What?”

  “Me, you, right here, right now. A BJ, my ass in the air, whatever you want. Just don’t do anything we’ll both regret later.”

  The man cocked his head, but it was his wolf staring at her.

  “Anything,” she tempted and brought her hands up to her breasts, lifting them as an offering. Damn people didn’t even want her as their leader and here she was, trying to protect one of them.

  His gaze dropped to her puckered nipples, then past her to Graham.

  “Uh-uh. Eyes on me, big boy,” Shay ordered and dropped a hand to cup his balls.

  The pack seemed to be holding its collective breath, waiting to see what he would do.

  Rory’s attention snapped back to her. She slid her hand up his shaft and gave it a firm squeeze.

  “On your knees.”

  Careful not to flash anyone, Shay did as directed. The sacrifices she made…

  “Suck my cock.”

  Shay undid the snap on his jeans and then hesitated with the zipper between her fingers. “The old man lives?”

  He snarled. Being no fool, Shay narrowed her eyes and told him, “Not until I have your agreement.”

  He visibly struggled—lust or angry retribution? Shay licked her lips, and the lust won, barely. Taking his abrupt nod as assent, Shay freed his cock and immediately deep throated him.

  She heard someone say, “Damn.”

  Another male groaned.

  “Shit, she can be my mate.”

  Like before, Shay felt her wolf preen at being the center of so much masculine attention. When her wolf tried lifting Shay’s butt in the air to present herself enticingly for mounting, Shay slapped her down. “Down, girl. We have a man, the strongest one here. I’m not giving the rest of them a glimpse of the goods.”

  In retaliation the bitch blasted open the bond between her and Rory’s beast. His emotions swamped her, and Shay went from mildly aroused to burning hot as his anger-tinted desire washed over and through her. She moaned around his cock as her pussy caught fire. The scent of her need rose in the air like an aphrodisiac, and her traitorous wolf shimmied in delight. In a small portion of her mind, Shay was appalled. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

  Lust boomeranged back and forth between them, amplifying with each round until it spilled out over the pack. Someone—Caleb?—howled. Then a chorus of howls broke out. It sounded as if the whole pack joined in.

  Rory snatched Shay off him and flipped her over onto her knees in a dizzying rush, yanking her ass in the air even as her forearms hit the ground. She cried out as he plunged into her, pounding furiously. His clawed hands gripped her, pricking her skin through the denim while his heavy balls slapped continuously at her mound, spanking her clit. The erotic sounds of wet flesh smacking together filled the air. Guttural grunts sounded from Rory.

  Shay heard herself pleading and egging him on. “More! More! Yes! Yes!”

  She forgot about how exposed she was and who might be looking at her. All she knew was that this was her man, her mate, and he was claiming her in the most primal of manners in front of his pack. Announcing his possession and daring anyone to challenge it, challenge him.

  An orgasm burst through her, the sudden violence of it taking her by surprise. Shay screamed even as her wolf howled in delight, her position as alpha bitch secured.

  The lower half of her body was lifted higher in the air as Rory’s size and mass increased in a full half-shift. Shay shuddered and braced, her pussy slickening even more to accommodate him. Call her crazy but she loved it when he went werewolf on her. He planted a hairy hand on the ground in front of her face as he bent over her. Anticipating his next move, Shay tilted her head to the side, baring her shoulder.

  Pain struck as his canines sank deep. “Shit!”

  Her wolf went crazy. Shay’s vision faded to shades of gray and black. Her nails became claws, and her gums tingled. The rich, dark scent of moist soil, decomposing foliage, and surrounding flora filled her nostrils. For a moment Shay feared her beast would overpower her and shift to the forefront, but instead it rode right beneath her skin, sharing the experience.

  Rory threw back his head and roared as he thrust one last time, deep inside, holding stiff as if frozen. Inside Shay, his cock gave little jerking pulses as he emptied. Withdrawing, he kicked out of his jeans, shifted to wolf, and howled before running deep into the forest. The rest of the males shifted and ran with him.

  Senses wide open, Shay felt Rory’s joy in the night, in running with his brothers. She also felt and for the first time understood his bond, his connection with the Sparrowhawks. She’d been wrong earlier. Instead of a king with his subjects, Rory was a father with his children. He cared for them. Wanted the best for them and felt responsible for them the way a parent feels responsible for his offspring. It was beautiful and hit Shay on an emotional level she’d never experienced.

  Her wolf retreated enough for Shay to realize she was still on her knees with her ass in the air. Hastily she straightened and tugged down her skirt. While she untied Rory’s shirt from her waist and slipped it on, the women, in various stages of disarray, crowded around. A quick glance revealed someone had taken the children away. Hopefully before things turned X-rated.

  “You took an alpha in full rut,” a young, pretty blonde said, looking and sounding awed.

  “Yeah…well…” Off balance and trying desperately not to show it, that’s all she could say.

  “Big whooping deal. She can fuck. That doesn’t make her alpha-fem,” another said.

  “Yana, you’re just jealous he didn’t pick you,” another stated boldly.

  As Yana glared at the girl, Shay rose, not willing to be at a disadvantage.

  So this is Yana, Shay mused. She looked like a Playboy bunny: big breasts, small waist, flared hips, pouty mouth, and sultry, tousled brown hair that gleamed even in the hazy twilight.

  “Watch out for Yana. She’s had a thing for Rory for as long as I can remember and will make trouble if she can. Yana’s strong. Strong enough to be an alpha’s mate, and she knows it. Worse, she makes sure everyone else knows as well. I’m sure she stepped up to be alph
a-fem as soon as the pack realized I was gone.”

  “I take it Yana’s one of the many women Rory’s screwed?”

  “Worse. They were an item before Rory became alpha. Magnus made no secret that he thought she’d make an acceptable mate for his son.”

  “So she’s strong, power hungry, and had your father’s approval,” Shay concluded.

  “That sums it up,” Shannon responded.

  “She ever try you?”

  The laugh Shannon emitted had Shay’s brows rising. “Once.”

  Grinning evilly, she asked, “Whipped her ass, didn’t you?”

  “I didn’t have any more problems,” Shannon acknowledged, and no matter how much Shay pleaded for the details, that’s all she would say.

  Shay tuned in to hear Yana declare, “I’m the strongest female.”


  All eyes turned to Shay. Yana pushed her way forward until she stood directly in front of Shay. She was a good five to six inches taller, about five-nine or five-ten. “What did you say?” she asked in a dangerously low voice.

  In the same quiet but firm tone she’d used before, Shay repeated, “Were. You were the strongest female, after Shannon.”

  Yana bristled visibly. “You think you can take me?” Her eyes began to subtly glow, and her body seemed to shimmer. Shay could feel Yana’s wolf readying itself.

  Looking inwardly at her own beast, Shay was secretly amused and, if she was honest, relieved to feel her wolf yawn and glance disdainfully away from Yana’s perceived threat. Since brawn obviously wouldn’t be needed, she could use her preferred method of dealing with issues—brain.

  Shay watched the reactions of the other women as they subtly rearranged themselves, making room. She took note of those who angled closer to Yana in silent support. A few moved closer to Shay, standing slightly behind and to the left. The majority retreated a short distance away, clearly waiting for the outcome before choosing a side.

  “It doesn’t really matter what I can or can’t do, now does it? It won’t change your situation or give you what you want. If, by some miracle, you manage to defeat me, Rory still won’t be your mate and he’ll kick your ass for touching me,” Shay announced calmly.

  Her direct stare coupled with her ultraconfident manner caused Yana’s wolf to visibly falter. The shimmering stopped, and her eyes seemed to short-circuit as the glow flickered a few times before fading away. Shay, by not responding as Yana so obviously expected, put the woman in a precarious position. Test her and risk humiliation being defeated by a human female? Or prove she was stronger than Shay and have the alpha unleash his fury because she’d touched his mate? Shay watched the battle play out on Yana’s face. The whole time, Shay held her gaze, face impassive, body relaxed, as if she couldn’t care less what Yana decided to do.

  Yana glanced uneasily at her friends. As one, they lowered their gazes to the ground. A couple even took a few steps to put a bit of telling distance between them.

  Hmm, no help there. Shay almost smiled.

  The silence became awkward.

  Another woman, an older one who’d sided with Shay, stepped forward. “Pay Yana no mind. If Rory had wanted her—wanted any of them—he would have chosen a mate. They’re just jealous he went outside the pack to pick a woman, and rightly so. We need new blood,” she declared. “My name is Laurie Bell, and I wanted to applaud you for what you did. Graham’s a fool but he’s my brother. I thank you for saving him.”

  Laurie Bell, with her softly lined face, reminded Shay of that saying about southern ladies—a velvet glove encasing an iron fist. Upon closer inspection, she could see the slightest resemblance between the two. Native American like her brother, Laurie Bell’s hair hung in a thick, dark wave down her back, liberally streaked with gray. Her slim body was encased in a pair of straight-legged jeans and a western shirt.

  “Laurie Bell is the pack’s midwife. She delivered over half the pack and doctors the rest whenever there’s a need. Her words have power. Get her on your side and she’ll run interference with the council. Show her respect, but don’t brownnose. She respects people who keep it real.”

  Shay waved her thanks away. “I did it for Rory. If he’d let his anger get the better of him, he’d suffer for it later.”

  “Exactly so. You know your mate well. I’m happy to see Rory made such a wise decision in his choice of mate. It bodes well for the pack. Now, let’s settle over here while we wait for the men and you can tell me how you two met and why he hasn’t brought you to see me to make sure your pregnancy is progressing properly.”

  At Laurie Bell’s words, several gasps sounded and Shay could literally feel the stares directed toward her belly. Had they not heard Rory’s announcement? Why the big surprise? Disregarding the now chattering women, Laurie Bell pushed through them and went to the knoll and sat, patting the ground beside her. With an inward shrug, Shay ignored the cum still leaking down her thighs and followed.

  “It’s not Rory’s fault. My cousin’s mate is an ob-gyn. I insisted on going to see him,” Shay answered. Then launched into the tale of how she and Rory first met.

  Laurie Bell laughed merrily as Shay described kicking Rory for invading her personal space, sat spellbound as she described the events of the blue moon, and her mouth literally dropped open when Shay admitted to escaping while Rory was asleep. Laurie Bell’s reactions were so entertaining Shay couldn’t help but tell her about Kiesha’s wedding and some of her and Rory’s more amusing interactions since they’d been back together.

  When she finished, Laurie Bell sat wiping tears from her eyes. “Oh my dear, you are indeed a breath of fresh air and exactly what that troubled young man needed. I have no doubt the Creator brought you two together.”

  * * * *

  Pregnant! That bitch was ruining everything!

  Ashley eased away into the woods. Once far enough, she shifted and ran through the woods and upstream a distance before branching off onto a little-known deer track. There she slowed to a walk, listening to make sure no one else was around before coming into a small, heavily thicketed clearing before a shallow cave.

  As she sat waiting, another wolf, this one a large male, brown in coloring, approached from the west. He strode confidently into the clearing and entered the cave. After another glance around, she shifted and followed. Wesley had already shifted to human and stood waiting, hands on his hips and wearing a scowl.

  “You fucked MacDougal,” he stated coldly.

  “Yes, alpha,” she said with eyes lowered. “He came to me. To refuse would have brought unnecessary suspicion on myself, but the whole time he was in me, I thought of you.”

  “Fair enough,” he acknowledged. He crowded her smaller, slighter body against the cave’s wall and stuck a hand between her legs, roughly inserting two fingers. “But this is mine. Remember that when others are pawing you.”

  “Yes, alpha,” she gasped. Ashley spread her legs and arched her hips, riding his thick digits.

  He watched his hand. “Look how nice and slick you are. Your pussy’s always greedy for my cock, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  He tormented her a minute more before lifting her by the waist. She eagerly wrapped her legs around his torso. The first thrust nailed her to the wall. Pinning her in place with his body, he slammed into her. His heart beat a rapid tattoo as his hot breath scalded her ear. She squeezed her inner muscles, knowing it drove him crazy.

  “Your pussy is the best I’ve ever had,” he murmured. “Hot, tight, and wet. So responsive. I could fuck you all day and night.”

  She whimpered and dug her nails into his shoulders. Then she gave little gasping moans, slowly increasing in volume. Following her cues, he increased the pace and force of his thrusts.

  “Yes! Yes!” she cried out passionately. “So good.”

  Ashley clenched around him, tightening her pussy like a vise, knowing he was reaching his limit and wanting to hurry him along. She moaned again for good measure.
  He reached a hand between them and stroked her clit. “Come now!”

  On a gasp that was real, Ashley fell apart, coming hard.

  He bucked once, twice, then groaned low and long. His muscles slowly lost their tension, but before he collapsed, he lifted and carried Ashley to the sleeping bag they kept in the cave for this purpose. She was too sated to worry that he’d come inside of her.

  Lying together, Ashley cuddled close and whispered, “She really is pregnant with Rory’s child. He wasn’t just saying that to appease the council.”

  He stiffened, his eyes opened wide, and she could see the shock in them. “She must really be his mate.” There was more silence before he said, “Kill the woman and Rory will be easy. Of course, I’ll have to play with her first. Did you see the way she swallowed him whole? And that ass…” He actually shuddered. “Yes, I definitely want a taste of her first.”

  Ashley watched Wesley through narrowed eyes. Arrogant fool! How dare he insult me like this! Nothing of her fury showed on her face or in her manner. She was very good at hiding her feelings and lying without a betraying scent. “Alpha”—she almost choked on the title—“touch his mate and he’ll kill you,” she reminded in a soft voice.

  “He’ll try,” the braggart proclaimed.

  Ashley’s quick, agile mind went to work on this newest wrinkle. “If you really want the woman, I can help.”

  “How?” After a moment he asked more suspiciously, “Why?”

  She rose gracefully to her knees and bent over, mouth level with his cock. “Whatever you need,” she breathed, watching him stir, “I provide. Whatever you want”—she trailed the vein to the ridge of his penis with her tongue—“it’s my pleasure to give to you.”

  While she went down on him, Ashley mentally reviewed her options. Wesley was proving to be a bit unreliable. Typical male. It was time for a backup plan. By the time she straddled his body and took him inside, she had her new strategy in place. As she rode him, Ashley explained how Wesley could snatch the human.

  * * * *

  Rory trotted into the clearing to find his mate sitting, surrounded on all sides by the women. He tested their bond for any hints of distress emanating from Shay and found she was mostly amused. While she was occupied, he went to where his pants lay, shifted, and dressed.


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