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Lessons In Love (Bantu Academy Series Book 1)

Page 5

by D. Camille

  C.K. nodded. “Yeah, she is…so I guess it’s okay.”

  “Thank you C.K.” Leslie told him, then shook her head. Turning to Caelum, she asked, “Are you ready to go now?”

  “I’m ready whenever you say the word.”

  Leslie went to stand and Caelum got to his feet, to assist her.

  “Do you want your cane, Aunt Leslie?” C.K. asked.

  She smiled at him. “No, I’m not taking it tonight.”

  Everyone in the room looked at her.

  “You’re not taking your cane?” Sydney questioned.

  Leslie shook her head. “Not tonight.”

  They all looked concerned at her response.

  “Relax, everybody. I’ll be fine.” Leslie said with a smile. “I’ll walk really slow.”

  Caelum looked confused. “Why aren’t you bringing your cane?”

  “I just want my first date to feel normal.”

  “Leslie, if you need your cane, you should bring it.” He urged.

  C.K. jumped from the sofa and ran out of the room. Everyone watched until he returned with Leslie’s cane.

  “Here,” he told her. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  She took the stick from his hand. “Thank you C.K. I don’t want you worried about me.”

  He looked up at Caelum. “Don’t let Aunt Leslie get hurt.”

  “I won’t.” Caelum assured him, and the two fist bumped.

  Leslie walked to the door, with Caelum and her family following. Outside, she turned to them with a smile.

  “I’ll see you guys later. Don’t wait up for me.”

  “What?” Sydney asked.

  Caelum smiled. “I’ll bring her back safely.”

  The family watched Leslie walk to the car with her cane, and Caelum helped her inside, then went around to the driver’s seat.

  “Are you comfortable?” he asked, after she was settle inside.

  “Why didn’t you want to bring your cane, tonight?”

  Leslie shrugged. “I didn’t want it to be weird.”

  “For who?”

  “Both of us…”

  He frowned. “I don’t care about the cane, Leslie.”

  “I do.”

  Caelum touched her face. “You know that I asked you out, knowing that you use it.”

  “Don’t worry about my hang ups.” Leslie replied. “I’m still working through some of them.”

  “I want to work with you,” Caelum told her. “So whatever you need, I’m willing to give, but…”

  “But what?” she whispered.

  “I don’t want you to try to be something that you think I want or need…I simply want you to be Leslie. This beautiful woman, that I’m looking forward to spending time with...” He finished.

  She looked at him. “I’m still figuring out exactly who she is.”

  “That’s fine with me.” Caelum told her. “We’re all learning more about ourselves each day…the journey is all about the enjoyment of life. The first Law of Ma’at.”

  “Khemetic teachings…”

  He nodded. “Yes…my specialty.”

  “I can’t wait to learn more about them.”

  Caelum turned to the wheel. “I can’t wait to teach you everything you want to know.”

  “Just about Khemetic teachings?”

  He sent her a look, then started the car. “No, goddess…that encompasses everything.”

  Leslie felt a rush at his words as they began to drive.

  “I hope you like this club.” Caelum said quietly.

  “I’m sure I will.” She smiled. “I haven’t been to many.”

  “I visited this one with some friends I made, and I’ve been hanging out there ever since. It’s a getaway to connect with some other like minds.” He explained.

  “Are your friends Khemetic too?”

  “Yes, they are.”

  She nodded. “I should learn a lot tonight.”

  “You should have a good time tonight. That’s my goal.”

  “It’s starting off well,”

  Caelum smiled. “Good, let’s make it last.”

  Leslie smiled as she looked out the window on the drive to Hollywood.

  “Are you looking forward to the weekend?” she asked.

  “No big plans. You?”

  “Probably spending time with the munchkins.” Leslie replied.

  Caelum shook his head. “Those are two very smart five-year olds.”

  “They are…”

  “C.K. is going to be a great attorney.”

  Leslie laughed. “The best since Thurgood Marshall and Julius Chambers.”

  “It’s good to see young kings, so knowledgeable and proud of their history.” Caelum told her.

  “Their parents are amazing…all of them.”

  He nodded. “I liked them.”

  “I can tell they like you, too.”

  “As long as you like me, that’s all that matters.”

  Leslie turned to him. “I do.”

  Caelum turned on some music and they enjoyed the ride to the club. As they pulled into the parking lot, Leslie felt herself begin to feel butterflies. Caelum exited and walked around to help her from the car. When he opened the door, she paused and he looked down at her.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She smiled. “I like your ensemble.”

  With her face pointed at his crotch, Leslie looked at the dark slacks that covered his long legs.

  Caelum stuck a hand inside. “Come on out of there, goddess.”

  Putting her hand in his, Leslie stepped out of the car and stood to her feet.

  “I like your dress.” Caelum said, looking down into her exposed cleavage.

  “Thank you.”

  He reached inside the car and pulled out her cane.

  “Take this.” He told her.

  Reluctantly, she took it, and he closed the door. As Caelum led her to the entrance, she said, “I’m working on walking without this.”

  “Keep working until you’re ready. There’s no rush…”

  “People might stare at us.”

  Caelum looked at her. “They’re staring because they see a handsome god and a lovely goddess.”

  “Is that how I should look at it?”

  “It’s truth.”

  They reached the door, and he held it open for her to walk inside. Leslie looked around at the afro-centric design of the interior. Caelum led her over to a table where a few other people were sitting.


  He smiled. “Hello, goddesses. I’d like to introduce you to this beauty. Her name is Leslie.”

  The two beautiful black women smiled at her, and Leslie felt some sort of way.

  “Hey, Leslie. Welcome...I’m Khai.”

  “Hello, Khai.” She replied with a soft smile.

  “And I’m Asha.”

  Leslie shook her hand. “Hello, Asha. It’s nice to meet you both.”

  “Where are the Negus?” Caelum asked, as he seated Leslie and she put her cane aside.

  “On their way.”

  He took a seat next to Leslie, and smiled at her. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Maybe wine,”

  “Red or white?”


  Caelum nodded. “I’ll be right back.” He looked over at the two women. “You goddesses need anything?”

  “We’re good.” Asha replied.

  He winked at Leslie before he walked away to get their drinks.

  “Do you like neo-soul, Leslie?” Khai asked.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “There’s a live band here on Fridays.” Asha told her. “They’re really good.”

  Leslie smiled. “That’s nice. How long have you been coming here?”

  “For a few months. We met Caelum, Malik and Tariq here.” Khai explained. “And we all became friends…”

  “How’d you meet Caelum?” Asha asked.

  “We work at the same school.”

sha smiled. “You work at the Bantu Academy?”

  “Yes, I teach Art.”

  “That’s dope.” Khai said, after sharing a look with Asha. “Teaching our young kings and queens.”

  “It’s my first semester, but I’m looking forward to it.” Leslie replied, catching the look between the women. “Uh, what about you two?”

  Asha answered, “Khai and I run a non-profit for black families that need help parenting.”

  “That’s amazing.” Leslie told them. “How long have you been running it.”

  “Two years now.” Asha replied. “My sister was the mastermind.”

  Leslie laughed. “I didn’t even recognize that you two are sisters.”

  “Same father, different mothers.” Khai explained.

  Caelum returned with two glasses of wine, for him and Leslie. After sitting one in front of her, he re-took his seat.

  “Thank you.” Leslie said, taking a sip.

  “You’re welcome.” He took a sip of his own.

  “Asha and Khai were telling me about their non-profit.” Leslie told him. “And I found out that they’re sisters…”

  He nodded. “I was surprised, too.”

  The other two men walked in, and patted Caelum on the back before greeting everyone, and taking seats.

  “Hello, beautiful black women!” Malik said with a smile, looking around the table.

  “Salute to our strong black men.” Asha replied, lifting her glass.

  Caelum introduced Leslie to the men. “Leslie, this is Malik and Tariq.”

  “Hello,” Leslie said with a smile.

  “Welcome SiStar. Happy to have you here with us tonight.” Tariq grinned.

  The newcomers went to get drinks and when they returned, the group started talking and laughing, having a good time.

  Leslie began to feel very comfortable with this crowd, and took another sip of her wine, before turning to Caelum.

  “Thank you for bringing me,” she whispered.

  He leaned closer. “I want to take you everywhere our dreams imagine.”

  Chapter 5

  “Leslie, you are so amazing. I’m drawn to everything about you.”

  She smiles up at him, from her position on the bed. “I think you’re amazing, Caelum.”

  “I want to act out all of my visions of making love to you.”

  “For how long?” she whispers.

  Caelum climbs over her body. “Until we both depart this place, and then we’ll start over on our next journey, when our energies meet again…”

  Leslie reaches up to touch his bearded face. “That was exactly what I was visioning…”

  “Hey, are you daydreaming?”

  Caelum turned to look into big, dark, questioning eyes.

  “You caught me.”

  “Now you have to tell me what it was about.” Leslie said, watching him.

  He glanced around the empty table. “Where’d everybody go?”

  “They’re dancing.” She explained. “You were caught up in your vision, when they left.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Leslie smiled. “At least tell me that you were daydreaming about me.”

  Caelum moved closer. “Yes, I was…”

  “Tell the truth.”

  “I wouldn’t lie to a goddess, who has the power over my entire life.” He replied.

  Staring into his eyes, she requested, “Tell me…”

  “I was dreaming of telling you that I wanted to act out all of my dreams of making love to you…” Caelum said softly.

  Leslie blinked, then smiled. “Did I say yes?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, you did.”

  She moved closer. “Then you have very accurate visions…”

  “I hope they are.” Caelum slid an arm around the back of her chair. “Spending time with you this week, both at school and talking on the phone…has shown me that I only want to spend more with you, Leslie.”

  “Even after meeting my family?” she teased.

  He grinned. “Even more…seeing how much everyone loves and protects you, let’s me know that you are truly something special.”

  Leslie shrugged. “Or everybody feels sorry for me.”

  “Is that what you think?”

  Leslie held his gaze. “You like to challenge my thinking, Caelum.”

  He agreed. “I do.”


  “Because I can see behind the curtain that you sometimes use to shield yourself.” Caelum explained.

  “It’s been necessary…”

  “It’s not with me,” he rebutted.

  Leslie looked away from his penetrating gaze and out at the dance floor, where the others were enjoying the music.

  “Would you like to dance?” Caelum asked, and she turned back to him with a frown.

  “You know I can’t dance.”

  He lifted a brow. “How do I know that?”

  “I haven’t danced in years.”

  “You haven’t tried?”


  Caelum nodded. “Okay, would you like to?”

  “I don’t want to embarrass us.”

  “Speak for yourself, Leslie. You’d never embarrass me…”

  Leslie closed her eyes. “You’re so damn confident all the time.”

  She felt Caelum touch her face. “And you’re so damn beautiful…”

  With her eyes closed, Leslie imagined being held in Caelum’s arms, as she’d seen the other women on the dance floor, moving slowly to the soulful music. She could feel his tall frame next to hers and his hands on her body.

  Slowly her eyes opened, to find him waiting patiently.

  “If I decline?” she asked.

  “I’ll bring you back every week until you accept.” He answered.

  “You’re also very persistent.”

  His hand moved along her jawline. “I have to be. There’s too much at stake.”

  “Like what?”

  “The rest of our lives…” Caelum touched her lips softly. “But, I promise that I won’t ever push too far, Leslie. I’ll always respect your decisions, until I can change them.”

  Leslie stared at him. “You won’t let me fall?”

  “Never, baby. Literally or figuratively.”

  Leslie looked back out on the floor. She’d lived nearly half her life confined to a chair, and now that she was free, she needed to live the rest of it in the freedom, that had once been only a dream.

  Smiling, she nodded. “Okay, just one song.”

  “Okay.” Caelum got to his feet and held out a large hand.

  Putting her hand in his, Leslie stood, then Caelum wrapped her arm around his firm bicep.

  Looking down at her, he smiled. “I’ve got you.”

  “I don’t want C.K. to have to hurt you.” Leslie joked.

  “I think I can take him right now, but in about fifteen, twenty years…I don’t know.” He replied, walking her slowly to the dance floor.

  Leslie laughed softly and squeezed his firm muscle. “You might still be able to hold your own.”

  Caelum stopped and turned her into his arms. Placing a firm arm around her waist, her pulled her close and looked down into her face.

  “By then, I’ll be an old, happily married man.”

  Leslie linked her arms around his neck and stared up a him.


  “That’s up to my goddess. I’m not the one who delivers them, but I wouldn’t have any objections.”

  He began to sway their bodies to the music.

  “I love kids.” Leslie shared. “When C.K. was born, I claimed him as mine, because I never thought I’d have any of my own.”

  “And now?”

  “I still claim him as my own, because he’s so damn cute.” Leslie responded. “But I’m starting to think about having my own family. This life is all so new to me.”

  “What do you want to do most in this new life?” Caelum asked.

  She grinned wickedly and he laughed.

  “Okay, after that…”

  “Just be happy.”

  He squeezed her gently. “That’s a perfect answer.”

  One song turned into two, then three, and Leslie felt as if she was floating on a cloud. Caelum held her so protectively and guided her so effortlessly, that she didn’t want to leave his embrace.

  “Are you tired, goddess?”

  Leslie heard his deep voice in her ear as her head rested against his broad chest. Reluctantly, she lifted her face to his.

  “Yes, but I really like it here.” She placed a hand over his heart.

  Caelum took her hand and kissed it.

  “You can stay for as long as you like.” He told her. “But let’s fit in some food and let you rest…”

  Leslie lifted a brow. “Did you say food?”

  “The best in the area.”

  “Alright now. Let’s get it.”

  When they arrived back at the table, dishes of food were spread out and Leslie looked at the group as Caelum helped her into her seat.

  “Help yourself, Leslie.” Asha invited.

  “I didn’t order anything.”

  Sitting next to her, Caelum handed her an empty plate. “We eat family style.”

  “And this week, the gods are paying…so eat up.” Khai added.

  Leslie took the plate from Caelum. “Thank you, everyone.”

  Malik nodded toward Leslie’s cane, sitting to the side.

  “Did somebody leave a cane here?” he asked and Leslie paused.

  “It’s mine.” She answered, looking around the table and waiting for a barrage of questions.

  Instead, Tariq handed her one of the dishes. “You gotta try this. It’s the bomb.”

  Khai agreed. “It is…and taste this, too.” She moved another dish toward Leslie.

  “Okay,” Leslie smiled. “Thank you.”

  Caleb knew his friends and the kind of people they were. He’d asked Leslie to come and meet them for two reasons. One, was to introduce her to his world and…two, to get her around people who were not her family, in order to show her that she wasn’t strange or a ‘spectacle’.

  Leslie was a beautiful, beautiful, woman…and he was determined that she see what he saw in her. After spending several nights, having long, intimate conversations, Caelum was sure that Leslie Benson would play a significant part in his life.

  Not only was Leslie smart, funny, and incredibly sweet…she had the purest energy he’d ever encountered. Leslie’s life had been put on hold due to her accident, and Caelum understood that she was trying to rebuild herself. He planned to be patient and supportive during her process, but he also wouldn’t let her shrink into a self-made shell.


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