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Summer, Bellann - Paulie's Protector [The Men of the Crazy Angle Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 5

by Bellann Summer

  “Nolan, why are you frowning at those guys?” Paulie asked.

  Nolan looked down to see Paulie watching him with amusement dancing in his pretty hazel eyes. Thinking fast, he changed the subject. “Do you feel well enough to have some lunch in the dining room?”

  Nolan couldn’t believe it, but Paulie’s face was even more handsome when he laughed. “I think I would like to try.”

  “Okay then, let’s go find you a chair.” Nolan held out his arm and proudly escorted Paulie slowly into the dining room.

  * * * *

  Paulie was glad to be able to sink down onto the cushioned dining room chair. He was starting to get a little tired, but he really wanted to have lunch with everyone. Nolan sat in the chair next to him and poured milk into his glass. Paulie’s eyes took in the huge, flexing biceps that were straining the sleeves of the dark-green T-shirt Nolan was wearing. The taut green fabric clearly outlined Nolan’s impressive pecs and made Paulie want to run his hands over them and maybe tease Nolan’s nips until they were tight.

  Graham coming into the room and taking the chair at the head of the table unfortunately interrupted Paulie’s ogling. Tyler sat next to Graham and everyone began passing food around the huge wooden table. A skinny man with frosted blond hair and wearing a neon-orange T-shirt sat on Paulie’s other side. He nodded at Paulie, but quickly went back to flirting with a brown-haired cowboy with a handlebar mustache on his other side.

  Completely fascinated, Paulie watch orange T-shirt man’s hands gracefully dance in the air as he talked. Somehow, Paulie wasn’t surprised that the man’s mouth was talking a mile a minute.

  “That’s Stan,” Nolan said. “He’s here full-time now, but still lives in town. If you find yourself alone in a room with him and Xavi, get out of there as fast as possible.” At first, Paulie was distracted by Nolan’s warm breath in his ear. Then he was just about to ask about Xavi and Stan when Graham cleared his throat, getting everyone’s attention.

  “A couple of guys didn’t show up today and didn’t bother to call in. You all know that means they won’t be back.” Graham looked around, emphasizing that point. “Ken and Dave will be also leaving at the end of the week. Adam and I have interviews set up for next Wednesday. If you know anyone who has any experience working on a ranch, have them get their resume in or call and talk to one of us.”

  “What positions are open?” asked a short, curly-haired, dark-skinned man on the other side of the table.

  “Mostly general labor,” Adam answered. “Cleaning the barns, feeding and watering the horses. Of course, anyone with experience in working and training horses or driving big machinery has top priority. If you know someone, have them contact us.”

  “I’d like you all to welcome Paulie,” Graham said, changing the subject. “He is recovering from an accident, but soon he will be assisting Nolan with the machinery.”

  Everyone greeted Paulie with a “hi” or nod. Then they all went back to eating Elliot’s delicious meal. Paulie finished the milk and most of the food on his plate, surprised by how hungry he was. But before long, he began to feel uncomfortable and tired.

  Glancing at Nolan, he saw that the big man was watching him. “Are you ready to go back to your room, Paulie?” he asked.

  Paulie nodded, realizing he had overdone it. Nolan stood up and warm gentle hands helped Paulie to his feet.

  “Do you need my help, Paulie?” Elliot asked.

  “I’ve got him,” Nolan answered.

  Nolan put a welcome arm around Paulie’s waist. Gratefully, he leaned on the big man, and together they had him back in his room and in bed.

  As Paulie relaxed, he looked up into Nolan’s beautiful green eyes. “Sit by me a second?” he asked.

  Nolan smiled and sat on the bed, in the space Paulie had made for him. To Paulie’s delight, the side of Nolan’s hip rested snuggly against Paulie’s. Nolan put his hand on the other side of Paulie’s body and leaned over him.

  “Do you need a pain pill, Paulie?” Nolan asked.

  “In a little bit. Thank you for helping me and eating in here with me all week.” Paulie searched Nolan’s face, hoping to see understanding. He was very attracted to the big man, but he still had a stalker out there hunting him. As usual, Nolan never let him down.

  “I want to help you, and I also will protect you.”

  “Why?” Paulie had to know.

  Nolan put his arm around Paulie’s shoulders and one large hand cupped the back of his head. Nolan pulled him close, and right before their lips met, he answered, “Because.”

  As Nolan’s lips covered his and sealed their mouths together, his hand guided Paulie’s head to just the right angle so everything fit just right. Touching his tongue to the corner of Nolan’s mouth, Paulie asked for a taste of Nolan’s essence. Nolan let him in and he explored the big man’s mouth, sliding their tongues together.

  Nolan took over the kiss, pressing Paulie back into the soft pillows. Paulie became lost in the kiss, submitting to Nolan’s teeth and tongue. When Nolan started sucking on his lower lip, Paulie almost came in his sweats.

  Much to Paulie’s displeasure, Nolan broke the kiss. He wanted it to go on until they were both naked, not even air fitting between them.

  “We have to stop, Paulie,” Nolan whispered.

  Even though Nolan was rubbing the sides of their noses and faces together in comfort, Paulie frowned, still not happy he had stopped.

  “Paulie, if we continue, we might tear your stitches. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Paulie looked into Nolan’s face and saw he really was concerned that he might injure Paulie. And now that he was starting to calm down, he could feel his injuries starting to flare up and just plain sting.

  Nolan pulled away until he was back sitting upright. Reaching over to the nightstand, he picked up and opened the bottle of pain pills. Shaking a couple of pills onto Paulie’s hand, he then handed him the glass of water that Elliot always made sure was waiting for him.

  “Once I’m better, I’m not going to let you stop,” Paulie warned.

  “If you still feel that way once you’re healed, I won’t stop,” Nolan answered.

  Paulie had been a little irritated when Nolan had ended their kiss. Now he was getting really irritated by Nolan’s attitude.

  “Let’s get something straight right now. I am not a boy, I’m a grown man,” Paulie said. “Before that maniac started stalking me, I worked, had my own apartment, and I dated.”

  Paulie was really started to get worked up now. “I know what I want, Nolan Clark. We’ve spent the last week talking about anything and everything. I know I might have to leave, if he finds me again, but I still want to spend what time I have with you.”

  Before he could say anything more, Nolan leaned forward and locked their lips together. Nolan kissed him deeply, until Paulie forgot what he was getting pissed about. Then Nolan slowly backed away and looked into his eyes, his face dead serious.

  “You aren’t going to run anymore. I promised to protect you and together, me and the guys of the Crazy Angle won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Right then, a bullet plowed through the bedroom window and shattered the mirror above the dresser.

  Chapter Six

  Before Paulie could register what had just happened, Nolan lifted him, covers and all, and raced out of the room. On the way through the kitchen, he caught a glimpse of Elliot, Adam, and Zaiden’s shocked faces as he was whisked past them.

  The next thing he knew, he found himself sitting on the hard dining room floor, pressed into the corner of the room.

  “Stay there,” Nolan ordered. Paulie searched Nolan’s intense face, seeing determination and a wild look creep into his green eyes.

  “What’s going on, Nolan?” Paulie asked.

  “Someone shot at you, Paulie.”

  “No way. Oh, shit. Nolan, I have to get out of here.” Paulie’s chest squeezed tight with fear, making it hard to breathe.

  Panicking, P
aulie tried to get up, but Nolan’s big hands encircled his shoulders, holding him in place.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered.

  * * * *

  Nolan heard someone come into the room behind him. Whipping around in a crouched position, he held out his fists, ready to defend Paulie. Adam, Zaiden and Elliot froze, shock covering their faces.

  “Get out,” he said.

  No one was getting near Paulie. Behind him, he could feel Paulie wiggling around, trying to get to his feet. Moving back, he crowded Paulie with the back of his legs, so he was pressed even tighter into the corner.

  Behind the three men in front of him, Nolan saw Graham and Tyler arrive, followed by Trace and Xavi.

  Graham pushed forward. “What’s going on, Nolan?” he asked.

  Nolan could feel the panic building. It had been easy to assure Paulie that he would protect him. Now he had his first taste of the actual danger Paulie was in and he found he wanted to start tearing the ranch and someone apart, literally.

  “Someone put a bullet through Paulie’s window,” he answered.

  That got a reaction out of everyone. Elliot tried to get to Paulie, but Zaiden grabbed and hauled him into his arms, stopping him from getting near Nolan. Nolan knew he probably looked crazed, but the danger Paulie was in had suddenly become very real.

  “Adam, call the sheriff,” Graham ordered. “Nolan, I know you want to keep Paulie safe, but we need to go check out that bedroom and I want to know exactly what happened. Zaiden, Elliot, Trace and Xavi can stay here with Paulie. Nolan, you know Zaiden and Trace will keep Paulie safe.”

  Nolan studied Trace. He was the closest in size to Nolan of everyone on the ranch. He was also as wild and as nasty as a man could get. Right now, he had Xavi wrapped protectively in his arms, his face a mask of anger.

  Nolan looked at Zaiden. The big redhead was almost as big as Trace and was as fiery as his hair. He, too, looked ready to lash out at someone. Turning back to Graham, Nolan nodded. “All right.”

  * * * *

  “Nolan, let me up,” Paulie demanded, frustrated as hell at the immovable wall of man.

  Nolan might be a foot taller than him and probably a hundred pounds heavier, but Paulie was no twink. He was a man, who worked hard, usually covered in grease. He had held his own against Pennington until the man used his money and influence to try and get to him. First a knife, and now a gun was brought into the picture, and that was bad. But, Paulie wasn’t a baby. And although he would accept Nolan’s and the men of the Crazy Angle’s protection, he wouldn’t be treated like a namby-pamby wuss.

  “Nolan, back off,” he commanded.

  Before Paulie could blink, huge hands gripped his shoulders, pushing him against the solid walls of the corner. Nolan’s big body hovered over him, green eyes flashing at him, filled with anger.

  “No,” Nolan said. “What if he starts shooting at anyone who is near you?”

  Oh, fuck. He hadn’t thought of that. “Maybe I should leave.”

  Graham squatted down next to Nolan. “Paulie, when you were on your way here, I called a meeting with all of the fulltime employees on the ranch. They knew you were in danger and everyone agreed to help you. Give us a chance.”

  Paulie looked into Graham’s warm brown-flecked green eyes. Graham was an impressive man who radiated a strong sense of power, intelligence and compassion. Paulie couldn’t help but give the man his trust and loyalty.

  “All right. I just don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me.” Paulie wasn’t sure he could live with that.

  “I think everyone will agree that it’s time to catch this guy once and for all,” Graham said. For just a moment, a cold, deadly look crossed Graham’s face and Paulie realized his boss was the man in charge for a reason.

  “Stay here,” Nolan said, in his short and to-the-point way. Then he kissed Paulie before he straightened up and walked out of the room with Graham and the others.

  Before he could even think about getting up, Elliot and Xavi were sitting on each side of him. On the other side of Elliot sat a very not-happy Tyler. The dining room was set off to the side between the living room and the kitchen. It was a very large room with about a twelve-foot doorway. Now, Trace and Zaiden were standing in the doorway, beefy arms crossed over muscled chests, watching all the activity and letting no one near.

  “You do realize we’ve just been designated to the girly section,” Elliot said.

  Tyler snorted. “They may be bigger, but they can’t stop a bullet.”

  “I think we need to show them we can handle ourselves.” Elliot started to get up off the floor.

  Xavi put a hand on Elliot’s arm, stopping him. “Number one, someone is shooting at the house. Number two, our partners are big, tough cowboys who are used to being in charge. Number three, I think it would be best to let them regain control of the situation so they can calm down. Then we can remind them of just who we are.” At the last sentence, Xavi’s pretty face contained a very evil smile.

  “Sweet pea, why do I have the feeling that the four of you are planning something over there?” Trace’s voice brought Paulie’s attention to the big, dark, long-haired man whose light-blue eyes were devouring Xavi with a mixture of lust and merriment. Paulie could see that Trace got off on the danger of the situation and any rebellion from Xavi. Xavi was looking right back at Trace, the sparks between the two almost palpable.

  A commotion from outside broke the moment and Paulie heard multiple car doors slamming shut. Zaiden left his post by the doorway and Paulie heard people talking before he saw the sheriff and a couple of deputies walk past the dining room toward the kitchen.

  Over the next couple of hours, the deputies searched all of the ranch buildings and grounds. They also questioned all of the employees to see where they were and what they were doing at the time of the shooting. About fifteen minutes before the bullet went through the window, everyone had left the main house after having lunch, so many of the men had been scattered around the ranch. Graham and Adam had called them all in after they had contacted the police.

  Paulie now got his first look at Callum, who was at the neighboring Anderson farm for the last couple of days, working on a couple of their horses. The big vet was a blond Adonis. If Paulie didn’t want to glue himself to Nolan’s side and stay there as long as the big man would let him, he would seriously try to get close to Callum. To top it off, Callum was really nice and everyone seemed to really like him.

  In the end, there wasn’t much the police could do except pry the forty-five caliber slug out of the wall in Paulie’s bedroom and pick up the casing they found on the ground, next to the small utility shed behind the house at the edge of the backyard.

  Paulie answered every question, trying desperately to help end the nightmare. By the time it was reported to the sheriff that they found the casing, Paulie was sitting in a dining room chair, leaning heavily against Nolan. He would even admit Nolan’s arms around him felt like heaven.

  At that point, Paulie had to go back to bed. Nolan helped him, with Elliot getting pain medications and water for him to gratefully take. Secretly, he was relieved to find all the windows of his bedroom covered with plywood. It made him feel safe that no one could see in.

  Nolan insisted on sitting next to him on the bed until the meds kicked in. Elliot’s ice-cold hand was securely encased in Nolan’s bigger, warm heat. It was a comfort that he needed right now. Elliot was waiting, probably in the kitchen, having made it clear that he was going to stay in the room with him. Knowing Elliot, he would probably climb into the bed next to Paulie. And that was okay, too.

  As he lay there, his body finally relaxing, a smile of triumph slowly spread across Paulie’s face. For the first time, he had concrete evidence. That bullet and casing were going to be Phen Pennington’s downfall.

  * * * *

  After the sheriff and his deputies left, Graham called a meeting. Sitting around the table were Adam, Trace, Xavi, Zaiden, Callum, Tyler, Stan and Nolan. S
tan was new to the center group of the ranch, having only become a full-time employee a couple of months ago. Nolan thought he was okay, kind of over-the-top for his tastes. The guy said more in one sentence then Nolan said in a month. Stan had been a big help, though, with problems the ranch had had with theft a couple of months ago.

  “Well, guys, we have to discuss the situation,” Graham said. “When Xavi’s family was after him, I have to admit we hadn’t thought everything through. For example, we didn’t realize just how far the out buildings were from the house. Face it, we thought we had control of the situation, and because we didn’t, Ms. Lucy ended up getting hurt and retiring.”

  “Ms. Lucy’s daughter is having serious health problems. She would have left the ranch anyway,” Zaiden spoke up.

  “That’s true,” Graham agreed. “We would have still needed to hire a new cook. But, it’s clear this Pennington is even more of a threat. All of the reports on him say he’s very unstable mentally. And he has money to do just about anything he wants.”

  “From what Paulie has said, this Pennington has some crazy idea that he is going to make Paulie his pet. That’s one of the most insane things I’ve ever heard.” Adam shook his head. “What I don’t understand is, why would he stab Paulie and then try to shoot him if he thinks he can keep him on the floor next to his bed?”

  Xavi cleared his voice, gaining everyone’s attention. “Paulie’s managed to get away from the guy for over a year. Elliot said a cop interrupted Pennington the last time, while he was in the middle of cutting him up. If Pennington can hurt Paulie enough to slow him down, he can finally catch him once and for all.”

  “That makes sense, but why shoot at him?” Zaiden asked.

  “Um, was Paulie the target, or me?” Nolan asked.

  “You’ve been spending a lot of time with Paulie,” Graham said. “The question is, how would he know that, and why hasn’t anyone seen him on the ranch?”


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