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Dirty Bird (Caged #2)

Page 6

by M Dauphin

  My mouth pops open and I quickly count down from ten.

  "Benjamin." I walk toward him. "You have to save me from Jasper. Do you see what he's done to me?" I gesture to my face, unsure what's bruised or not anymore.

  "I do. I hate that he did that to you, but I can't help you yet. You have a debt to repay and I'm going to respect that. When you're with me, though, I promise that things like this," his hand comes to my cheek, "will never happen." He pauses, his deep brown eyes searching mine for something while his hand rests on my cheek. "Let's just focus on getting you out of here, ok? Whatever he needs, just do it, ok?"

  Everything is starting to make more sense. As I predicted, they came looking for me, but unpredicted, Luke and Jasper told them some bullshit. It appears as if Jasper is still assumed as the Kingpin and I owe him some sort of debt. If there's one thing I know about the Vig's they hold true to debts and honor them with pride. So that will be expected of me. Only problem is there is no debt and I'm a fucking prisoner. This isn't anything I need to bog Ben down with today. He'll eventually have to know the truth so he can get me out of here, but right now it'll be he-said-she-said.

  "I will do whatever it takes. I don't want him to hurt me anymore." In a desperate grip, I grab his arm, trying to play the damsel he expects. "If he would move me from the cellar, I would be more comfortable."

  "I’ll talk to him about it. I will. I least you aren't living with mice. You have a bed, a bathroom, and nicer furniture than most people have." He tries to grin but it falls flat. "I'll see what I can do."

  Mr. Bright Side Vig can fuck off now.

  "Thank you." I manage a smile for my future husband. "Where will we live when I leave here?" I move closer, already planning how I'll kill his entire family as soon as he gets me out of here.

  "I have a place about an hour from here. Close to the beach. You could visit every day if you felt like it."

  "I do love the beach," I lie sweetly and smile up at him, batting my lashes. It does the job intended and he smiles down at me. "I'm just ready to start a new life, Ben. Away from Jasper."

  "And that we will." His eyes flick to my lips and he slowly starts to move towards me, coming close enough to kiss when the door bursts open.

  "You're done," Lucas seethes from the doorway, glaring at Ben.

  Ben's eyes widen slightly before flicking over to the doorway.

  "Already? That was fast." He drops his hand from my cheek and takes a step back.

  "I have to take my son," Lucas states, then points his glare at me. "On a playdate. With Jasper gone and no one else in the house, I need you out."

  Ben nods slowly and looks back over at me. "I'm happy to reconnect, Megan."

  "Out! Now!" Lucas barks.

  "I can't wait to see you again, Ben," I call to him while he follows Luke's beckon.

  When Lucas scowls back at me, I make sure to smile ardently, and when Ben looks back, wearing a sincere smile, I morph the vindictive grin into a sweet smile and blow him a kiss, making sure Lucas sees. I know he did when I hear him snarl something and the door slam closed.

  "Asshole," I mutter and head for the bathroom.

  Ben Vig as a temporary husband won't be a terrible burden, especially if I have to sleep with the man. I could have fun with a submissive soul like him.

  As I stand in the shower and slowly slide my loofa over my stomach, I close my eyes and let thoughts of my dominant and submissive fill my head. Lucas Acey and Ben Vig in one bedroom could fulfill a lifetime of-

  My thoughts are abruptly interrupted as my head is yanked back by my hair and a growl sounds in my ear. "You think it's fucking cute what you pulled back there?" Lucas pulls my body to his, the water from the shower saturating his clothed body. "I don't enjoy watching you flirt with other men, Megan. Have I not made it abundantly clear that you're mine, and this is my house? Don't fuck with me, Megs."

  "He was here to save me, wasn't he, Luke?"

  His grip in my hair tightens and he yanks me harder against his wet clothes.

  "I played the part of the game you needed. The damsel locked away until I fulfill Jasper's debt. Why don't you let me out of here and we just kill the Vigs and Jasper, Luke? Happily ever after." I grin as his grip only tightens more and his breathing gets heavier with rage.

  He spins me and pushes me against the shower wall, inching closer to me until we're both fully soaked under the waterfall. With one hand on my throat he pushes his body against mine.

  "You misunderstand things, Megan." His breath hot on my skin as his lips go for my neck. "You're not getting out of here until these little shows of power end. Not until I've fully broken you will you see the light of day. I've worked too damn hard to have someone like you come in and ruin my entire empire." He bites down on my neck, hard, as his hand slides between my legs.

  "You'll never break me, Lucas." I pant from his exploring fingers, not trying to stop him because I was going to have to do this job on my own before he showed up. "Ben Vig will claim his property, his bride, his pussy, Lucas. He'll take what belongs to him and you'll go back to being Jasper's strong arm." I bite my lip as his fingers shove inside me controlled by anger.

  "Ben Vig is an idiot." His mouth slams to mine as his fingers take on a life of their own. "You'll never have it as good as we have it, Megs. I'm going to make you realize this if it's the last thing I do."

  "It might just be the last thing you do." I moan as I slide my hand into his pants but he grabs my wrist and pulls it out, taking a step back from me, leaving me abruptly.

  "Take them off," he demands, nodding down to his wet clothes.

  My eyes widen and flash from the bulge in his pants to his waiting gaze. I need this. Him inside me, pleasing me, doing what he does best to my body. But do I want to let him know that?

  "What?" I look from his cock that he's now gripping through his pants, then back to his face.

  "You heard me. My house, my rules. I'm going to fuck you until you forget about Mr. Vig, I can promise you that. Now, take them off."

  "Or you'll just be the body fulfilling the inner fantasies I have about Ben." If I give in and do what he's asking, then he'll know I want this from him and he'll think I need him. I need him to take, not the other way around, because he will never break me.

  He chuckles lightly and grins as I watch him start to stroke himself over his pants.

  "I mean, I can always just go upstairs and find Katy. She'd be more than willing to do as I ask with this issue." He nods down at his dick as he continues to rub it, then shrugs. "What's to say I wouldn't just be using you as a fill in for her, anyway?"

  "You're pathetic." I push him back and step out of the tub. "The fact that you're down here claiming me after Ben's visit is what negates your stupid claim. I will never beg you for sex, Lucas. I take care of myself better anyway." The throbbing between my thighs is punishment for my lies and I'm so close to just giving in, but it'll show my weakness.

  "Oh Megs." He chuckles. "Then it's obviously been too long since you've been shown what I do to you." He walks closer to me, but doesn't reach for me. His body is so close I can smell his cologne. "You don't remember my tongue on your clit?" He continues to rub himself as he grins at me. "Or the way my fingers play your pussy so well?" I glare at him, doing my best not to show him my body's reaction to him. "Bad memory," he whispers and steps back a foot, then unzips his pants and frees his dick as he starts to rub himself in front of me, eyes locked on mine.

  "Like I said." I lean back against the sink and prop my leg onto the tub ledge. "I take care of business better anyway." My fingers slide between my folds and slide with ease through the arousal he's already caused me. "Ben," I moan as my eyes close.

  "Goddammit, you're such a fucking bitch," he snarls.

  I stare at his dick as he pumps his hand and I see the bead of pre-cum that usually happens before he releases his orgasm. Do I want to miss my opportunity and go to bed empty? Or I can give in just this once?

I let out a moan, his movements are as fast as mine and we meet in the middle before I climb up him and he wraps my legs around his waist and slams me against the wall while thrusting inside of me.

  It's almost instant gratification as my orgasm trembles through me less than a minute later. The intensity makes me squirt at the same time he releases his orgasm, and I can feel the heat from his load as he empties inside me. We don't move for a few minutes as we try to catch our breaths. It felt like we were suddenly granted oxygen underwater and the euphoric feeling of drowning was released in an intense burst of bliss.

  Before he leaves me alone he says, "I'll see you at dinner." He gives me a weak smile then retreats up the stairs, locking the door behind him.

  A week of watching her fuck with me is enough to put a sane man in the mother fucking crazy house. Good thing I'm not sane. She's calculating, and I'm anything but naive. I know what she's doing, pushing herself on Ben to piss me off and get me to let her go from the basement before she ‘falls for him’. I'm not stupid though. I've seen her games, I know what she's up to.

  I won't be that man this time around.

  "You're back," I grumble to Jasper as he walks through the foyer with his bag in his hand. "The fuck took you so long?"

  "Business needs to keep running, Ace. Sometimes shit takes time." He narrows his eyes at me then I see him flick his gaze to the hallway towards the basement.

  "My business, you mean? The one that you play as a puppet so well? How is it I knew nothing about this fucking trip before you slipped away for a few days?" I stand and move toward him where he stands in the hallway. "Don't fucking do that again. Don't forget who you really are, Jasper. I still run this shit. I don't give a fuck that they go straight to you, you bring that to me before any decisions are made." The fact that Jasper called on the way to fix an issue I didn't even know about without talking to me first leaves a bad taste in my mouth. That shit should have come to me before a decision was made.

  "Shit happens." He grins. "I'm back now." He winks at me and I want nothing more than to pummel him, still angry over what he did to Megan.

  "Hey, Jasper," I yell, walking back to my desk and sitting down before propping my feet up on the solid oak. He peeks his head around the corner and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Rules still stand. You go nowhere near that basement. And as soon as you're settled in we need to have a discussion."

  My fist to your fucking face. Or something like that.

  He grunts something and disappears behind the wall.

  I'm actually looking forward to telling him about Megan's little deal with Vig. Jasper was gone when this started and he hasn't been filled in on the pending nuptials or the courtship that's been taking place in the basement. Watching his reaction to it is going to be entertaining. Maybe I should bring some popcorn.

  "Daddy!" Bronson comes barreling into the room. "Miss Katy is going to take me on a field trip!"

  I raise my eyebrows at this news.

  "Really? Where to?" I never gave her fucking permission to take my child out of this house. Where the hell does she think she's allowed to take him?

  It's my job to take my son out to do fun things, with a gun in my holster and knife at my ankle because there are too many people out there that want to see me hurt for what I did to their families Hell, for what I'm still doing to their families. They think I'm just the strong arm, I'm the one pulling the trigger. I can't have my son out in public without supervision. Not until he's old enough to carry and protect himself.

  "I told him I'd ask." Katy says, grinning from the doorway.

  She's leaning on the frame, her dress teasingly hanging from her curvy body. It's a low cut one today, but a modest length. She switches up which body part that's on display daily. Sometimes it's the legs, other days it's the tits, and either way I'm not mad. It's nice to have a little eye candy walking around the house. The eye candy I'd rather have walking around this house would probably still try to kill me and escape if I let her out of the basement, so Katy is a good fill in.

  "And where exactly did you want to take my son?" I pull Bronson up to sit on my knee as he grins at her from across the room.

  "Just the woods behind the house. A nature walk, of sorts. No cars or buses. We'll stay close by. It'll be a great science lesson." She shrugs and her eyes lock with mine.

  She's cute, that's for certain. Megan is absolutely jealous of her, and she should be. This girl wants me, there's no denying it. Like Megan said not too long ago though, what I do in my free time isn't any of her business.

  "When are you wanting to do this nature walk?" I try to think of any scheduled meetings or reasons I'd have to be out of the house in the coming days. If she's leaving the mansion, I don't want to be gone for it.

  "Today? It's a nice day out there. You can come with us if you want." She grins at me and twirls her blonde curls through her slender fingers.

  Of course she would.

  "Yeah, Daddy! Come with us!" Bronson hops down from my knee and turns his pleading eyes on me. "Please?" Kid's getting good at this pouting thing.

  I force a chuckle, completely uncomfortable with this whole thing. I want him to lead a somewhat normal life, but I also want nothing to do with the 'normal' part of it. That's why I hired Katy.

  "It might be fun," she says raising an eyebrow at me.

  I take a look at the clock and sigh. It's still two hours before I get to bring Megan lunch. Jasper won't be coming out of his lair until dinner time, more than likely, and there's no business scheduled for today, provided all of my employees keep shit running smoothly and don't fuck anything up. So far we've only had the small hiccup of finding a replacement for Megan's quarter of the business, but that only lasted a couple days until we got a new girl in there. I'm keeping close tabs on her for now, but so far she's showing to be only marginally less successful than Megan was for me.

  She'll learn.

  Or I’ll have to get rid of her.

  "Fine," I grumble, standing. "Let me go throw on something a little more forest friendly." I give Katy my best smile which forces a giggle out of her. At least I'll have some fun messing with her.

  "Come on, Bronson, let's go get your crayons. I’ll teach you how to do nature rubs."

  I watch her follow him out of the room, but not before she gives me a quick glance over her shoulder.

  "Thank you," she mouths, then hurries to catch up with Bronson.

  I roll my eyes and head to my bedroom upstairs. The room's massive, forty by forty foot filled with an oversized king bed, three wardrobes and a walk in closet. The whirlpool-sized tub in the adjoining bathroom hasn't been used properly in too long. One day, when I make Megan my queen… after I break her…we'll be able to share this house properly. As of right now, it's all a waste.

  I may need to turn one of the spare rooms up here into a closet for her though. She's going to need a whole new wardrobe once she's returned to real life.

  I throw on a pair of gym shorts, trying to stop planning my future with that bitch, and I grab my tennis shoes. I leave my cotton undershirt on after removing my dress shirt. It's warm out today and I have half the mind just to strip the shirt and go, but something tells me his teacher would like that little too much and I'm already too distracted with thoughts of Megan.

  "Ready?" She's changed into tiny shorts and a tank top the size of a sports bra.

  "You changed?" I question where she got the clothes.

  "I keep gym clothes in the car in case I hit the gym after work. I like to stay active," she titters and shrugs.

  My eyes land on Bronson wearing his new rain boots. "Boots, buddy?" I'm trying to avoid eye contact with Katy, because I don't want to have to call her out on the way too skimpy outfit she's wearing around my son, and mostly because the eye candy is fucking nice.

  "I don't want bugs to crawl in my shoes." He smiles wide and makes me chuckle.

  "Alright, let's do this then."

  By the time we finish the walk it's going on n
oon and I know I need to get lunch together for Megan. Sometimes I wonder what she does down there all day when I'm not there, but then I have to stop myself from caring. She's cold, and until I break her she's not coming out of that damn basement.

  "Thanks for coming with us, Mr. Acey." Katy smiles at me while she goes through papers she has spread out on the kitchen table. We have an entire room she can use as a classroom in the other wing of the house, why does she insist on using this public space?

  "I'm glad I could join. I never knew that much about slugs before." I give her a smile that she doesn't need to know is fake, then watch her ass shake in the tiny shorts. "Listen, maybe you should take class to the room today. I have some business I need to tend to and don't want Bronson getting distracted." I nod at the shit on the table and she smiles.

  "No problem," she says, too happily for me.

  "Great. I'm going to shower. Let me know when you're done for the day. Later, Buddy." I rub Bronson's hair.

  I notice her eyes follow me out of the room and grin to myself. She'd probably be an okay fuck, but I'm just not feeling it right now. What I am feeling is starving because I skimped on her breakfast this morning. I smile to myself as I run the loofah over my skin. Megan will break. I will make her bow down to me, and it will be amazing when she finally does.

  By the time I head to the kitchen to make lunch for her, I'm starving. What the hell, I can share lunch with her today. I make us a large salad, complete with artichokes, grilled chicken, feta cheese, and add a few different dressing choices on the tray. This will be a good change for her. Make her think I'm going soft, just to throw her for a loop when I don't feed her dinner tonight. She needs to realize she's completely at my disposal in this house, and that's how it always will be. If I don't want her to eat, she won't. If I don't want her to shower, she won't; I'll turn her water off. If I don't want her to cum, she won't. But when I do want her to do something, she damn well will do it, and good too. She's fucking mine, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep reminding her of that.


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