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Dirty Bird (Caged #2)

Page 8

by M Dauphin

  I fuck Lucas because I can. Because I like fucking. Because I need to gain control.

  Sure he thinks he's claiming me, but his pathetic admission that I'm the only woman he wants to fuck proves I am in the lead in this game. I may be locked in a basement, and the freedom I'm growing desperate for is seeming like a lost cause, but he keeps coming back for me. To fuck me, feel me, taste me, and, in a fucked up way, love me.

  I will win this.

  As long as I can stay alive.

  "Did you miss me?" The only threat I have right now is walking toward me, glancing over his shoulder every few steps like he doesn't want to be caught.

  I choose to ignore Jasper and when he reaches me, he grabs my face, fingers digging in hard enough to leave red marks.

  "I asked you a fucking question, whore," he growls as his fingers yank open my shirt.

  This was the most comfortable shirt I had too. Long enough I don't have to wear pants, baggy enough it's not a revealing invitation every time one of these men come down here.

  I don't bother answering because he already has my underwear torn from my body and he's forcing himself inside of me.

  "You know why we do this fast, Little Bird?" he snarls, showing the pain he's in because I'm not wet for him and he can't enter me with ease. "Because I only get a few minutes a day with you, because Lucas thinks you're his."

  I roll my eyes and his grasp goes around my throat hard enough I make a sound that is soon strangled.

  "You're not though, are you, Little Bird? You're mine, and as soon as you have my child, he will fucking know that. There will be no playing house with some fucked up little orphan. You will bear my actual blood and Lucas's world will be crushed. You're mine, you've always been mine."

  I'm seconds from passing out but with his words comes his release and when he finishes, he lets go, allowing me to gasp in a deep breath.

  "Don't fucking move," he says and pulls a gun from the pants he didn't even remove all the way. "Stay on your back and lift your legs and hips in the air."

  "What?" My throat burns with the word, but I don't understand what he wants from me.

  "Hips in the air!" he screams and positions my legs and hips to keep his sperm inside me, and I'm assuming this position would be to direct them to my eggs.

  If I fight, I know he'll shoot me. I almost died from my fingers, I don't want that pain again so I sit like this until his fingers digging into my hips release. He starts pacing slowly, staring at the carpet.

  "You’re mine," he says and glances toward me. "Mine!" screams from him before he's barreling my way and flips me to my stomach.

  His forearm wraps around my throat and he squeezes while with his other hand he frees himself and sodomizes me. As I scream out in pain, his grip on my throat tightens so noise cannot escape me and he fucks me until he's on the brink of another orgasm before abruptly switching and comes inside my pussy.

  "Get back in position," he pants, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

  I'm so out of it from lack of oxygen and the pain stinging from my ass, I can't move. He positions me and uses his leg to fold my knees to my chest and keep my hips pivoted. He's murmuring in a low growl but I can't understand him, and I don't want to; I just want to know I'm alive right now. I don't know how long he fucked me, but he only eased up on his arm around my throat a few times so I could catch my breath and not pass out.

  What feels like cold metal presses to my thigh just below my ass cheeks but when my pain sensory kicks in I realize it's not cold, it's burning, searing my flesh and I scream out in pain, trying to get away from it but he has me pinned in this awkward position.

  "Jasper!" I beg.

  "That's right, Little Bird. And you'll never forget it." He lets me go and I writhe on the bed a minute, trying to mentally dull the burning, but whatever he did will scar me, and deep.

  His hand pins my pelvis so I can't writhe anymore and he shoves a finger inside me, digging within me and it makes tears spring.

  "Do you know why Lucas still lets me see you, fuck you?"

  I keep my eyes closed tight and shake my head no with a frantic jerk, hoping he stops digging inside me.

  "Because I will kill the kid and he knows it. If you run your mouth to Lucas, Little Bird, I will slit the little fuck's throat and drink his blood. Anything I do to you, say to you, or put on you, stays between us." Withdrawing his finger, he slides it into his mouth and his eyes close.

  I frantically search his waist with my eyes for his gun. I could end this right now but I don't see it. Threatening Bronson will get you killed when I have the chance.

  Tweeting like a bird, he leaves me down here, weak and almost broken because I believe his threats against Bronson.

  Rising from the bed I hiss as the back of my thigh feels like skin ripped from my leg. I glance toward the bed and see the blood, but there's no telling where on my body that came from. I limp to the bathroom and stand on the tub ledge to see the damage done to my leg and I'm faced with the bloody word 'Jasper' seared into my flesh and my heart falls to my stomach. I haven't felt shocked by something Jasper has done to me in so long. I may be caged down here but for the past few weeks I felt safer against Jasper. Before he stopped coming down here, he was only quickly fucking me, no pain. I wouldn't see him more than ten minutes.

  How the fuck will I keep this from Luke? He will see this and when it scars over, it will not fade out. With a shaking hand on the wall, I slowly get down and place my hand over my mouth as a means to muffle my cries. When he sees it, I will have to tell him I did it. Lucas would never allow Jasper to kill Bronson, but Jasper is conniving and quick. I will not put my child in jeopardy over my own life.


  I'm greeted with a surprise visit from Bronson and Lucas, and being it was a surprise, I'm unbathed, barely dressed, and I'm trying to tend to the wound at the back of my leg that's healing slowly, but looks better than it did a week ago. I can sit without wincing.

  Hearing them come down the steps, I quickly swing the bathroom door closed so Lucas doesn't see and I turn on the water. I want to see Bronson and spend time with him, more than anything right now, but I'm in no position to let him see me like this.

  "Hey." I smile as I hang my head out of the cracked door.

  "Mom!" Bronson runs toward me and I stick my hand out to stop him.

  "Just one minute, Tiny Bird, Mom's not dressed." I kiss my fingers and press them against his forehead before he runs across the room to the globe in the corner.

  "We've brought you an early dinner." Lucas lifts the tray and eyes me suspiciously because I generally stop everything to see Bronson.

  "I just need a fast shower. Just give me one minute?" When he doesn't look happy, I sigh. "Please, Lucas. I want to see him tonight," I whisper and feel a knot growing in my throat that I'd like to cut out. I've become an emotional train-wreck since being locked down here and Bronson started considering me his mom. My time with him is short and activities are limited and if there's anyone I genuinely want to spend time with, it's him.

  "Shower." Luke huffs and sets the tray on the table. "Make it fast, Megs, he doesn't get to see you that often."

  I narrow my eyes at him before closing the door a little louder than planned, and I fully expect backlash for it. He'll bitch at me for being so aggressive around Bronson and I'll refrain from choking him in front of my son.

  I shower as quickly as possible, then put cream on the burn and cover it with a bandage. It needs air, but I have to wear pants with Bronson around and I'm not ready to explain why I did this to myself to Luke.

  "Mom," Bronson says the second I step out of the bathroom and I smile, opening my arms for a hug. When he runs to me and wraps his arms around me, he whispers in my ear, "Do you ever wish you could fly?"

  I pull back but don't let go as I look at him confused.

  "You could just fly out of here, because even when birds are sick, they still fly. I think." He looks up then back at Lucas. "Don't they, da

  "What's that?" Lucas asks, separating our food onto plates.

  "When birds are sick, can they still fly?"

  Lucas freezes then looks at us while I glare at him, envisioning daggers shooting through his body then reversing to do it again.

  "I'm not sure. Probably." He turns back to the food.

  "So you could fly out of here. With me. 'Cause I'm your tiny bird. And dad." He looks toward Lucas again. "What's dad?"

  "Shit," Luke hisses as he drops something onto his shirt.

  "Dad's a dirty bird," I reply, keeping my vindictive tone quiet. "Please watch your dirty words, Dirty Bird." My playful grin is anything but and Lucas knows that but Bronson giggles at my side while we approach Luke.

  "We brought movies!" Bronson declares and I look at Lucas confused.

  I have no television or computer. There's no means to watch a movie, not to mention we've never watched a movie together since I've been locked down here.

  "You did?" I try to sound excited but I'll snatch Luke's throat from his neck when he breaks Bronson's heart with that lie he told him. And probably all to make him believe we're a happy fucking family even though mommy's "sick" and locked in the basement.

  "Have you ever seen The Iron Giant? Dad said it's old from back in the day, but it's a cartoon and he showed me a picture and the giant is sooo big, mom. He's huge!" He jumps into the air to show height and I smile at his excitement.

  "What are we going to watch these movies on? Mom doesn't have a television."

  "Where's your TV? Don't you like to watch TV?" He's looking around confused.

  "I prefer to read." I smooth his hair behind his ear.

  "Well Dad's phone is so cool! It makes a big TV on the wall and you watch movies on the wall."

  "It's a projector. Let's eat." Lucas says bringing our food to the chairs.

  I scoop Bronson up almost regretting it immediately because his weight is too much for how weak I've been feeling, but I don't put him down. I hold him close and remind myself why I'm still fighting to survive the dismal life of basement dwelling and living in wonder when Jasper will attack next.

  Through dinner Bronson tells me about his school and how cool Miss Katy is, but how she doesn't dress appropriately for the nature walks they've been going on. His words were more, 'Miss Katy cut her tummy on a branch behind the house.' And when I asked how the fuck she could cut her tummy while wearing clothes, I was informed she was in a sports bra of sorts, taking my son on a nature walk.

  Lucas clears his throat as he sees the anger within me brewing. I grit my teeth, clench my fists, and close my eyes.

  "Mommy?" Bronson's small voice says. "Are you okay? Are you sick again?"

  I exhale while opening my eyes and smile at him. "I'm just fine. I was holding in a burp." I wink at him while he giggles.

  "Bronson eat your food, Buddy." Luke nudges the plate he's eating off of and watches him, obviously ignoring my glare.

  I push my plate forward. "I want to come out of the basement," I state.

  Luke coughs and tries clearing his throat, looking away from me for a brief moment. "When you're feeling better," he says, standing up and taking my plate away.

  "Yeah, mommy!" Bronson says excitedly as he jumps out of his chair. His small grubby hand pushes against my forehead. "Are you still sick?"

  "I might be feeling better." I smile at him and look up at Lucas.

  "Megan," he sternly says.

  "Soon." I huff. "But for now I better stay down here." Staring at Lucas, I dully mutter, "Daddy makes sure the air is purified and no germs can get in what so ever. I'll be better in no time."

  "Dad said he has to be your doctor because you don't like doctors."

  "He did?" I grit my teeth but grin through it.

  "I don't like them either." Bronson frowns. "I had to go for shots."

  "You did?" I blurt not knowing he went to the doctor. Glaring at Lucas, I expect explanation but Bronson keeps talking.

  "I have to stay healthy. Maybe you just need a shot, mom."

  "Dad gives mom's shots. She likes my medicine and she'll be healthy in no time, as long as she keeps taking it." Lucas smirks, scooping up a bite for Bronson. "Let's finish eating."

  Every remark I have is inappropriate for a five-year old's ears, so I keep my mouth shut.

  "Do you like shots, mom?" Bronson asks around a mouthful.

  "She likes—"

  "Alright," I blurt cutting off Lucas. "I don't like shots, I hate daddy's medicine, and I wish I was better but I'm not sure I'll ever get better," I grit out the last few words and glare and Lucas.

  "She will," he says and rubs Bronson's hair before taking his plate. "We need to watch this movie before it gets too late."

  Movie time is interesting as we all cuddle on the floor. I tried to place Bronson between us, but he was more comfortable laying almost on my back while I cuddled into Luke, per Bronson's request. He even positioned my head to rest on Luke's chest and though I laughed it off, the uncomfortable feeling it gave me made it hard to relax. I can't understand why or where he got the idea that I need to cuddle into Lucas. And if Luke put the stupid idea in his head, I will maim him for it.

  "I think he liked it," Lucas whispers as I carefully move Bronson from laying on me fast asleep.

  "He fell asleep halfway through, Luke. I don't think he watched it," I grumble, wanting to be a bitch to him because when I attempted to move from cuddle time he forced me not to.

  "I liked it," he states, and I huff. "The time we spent together like a real family."

  I narrow my eyes at him. "We'll never be a real fucking family," I quietly snarl.

  "That's why I keep you chained up like a beast, Megs." He smirks and bends down to pick up Bronson.

  Stopping him, I say, "Let me carry him, just to the top of the stairs."

  "Not a fucking chance, back up before you wake him up."

  "I won't do anything, Lucas."

  "No, Megan, back the fuck up!" He's getting louder, more defensive.

  "I would never jeopardize Bronson's safety for a chance to escape. Because when I do escape, it'll be with my son," I growl, and push him out of the way so I can pick up Bronson.

  Cuddling his passed out, heavy frame, he's getting too heavy because I'm too weak.

  "I need some sort of exercise daily, Lucas."

  "Try jumping jacks." He grins cruelly.

  "I hate—"

  "Mommy, I don't want to go," Bronson mutters half asleep.

  "I know, Tiny Bird." I kiss his forehead. "But Mommy's not feeling good tonight. Go with Dad." I hand him over as my heart breaks.

  "Night, Meg." Lucas says and pauses. Before he tries to kiss me or something, I turn away from them because Bronson's passed back out.

  One day it'll be me and the boy I've grown to adore and consider my son.


  Usually around the same time, a few times a week, Ben comes to see me and he has been for almost a month now. He brings me desserts and sometimes gifts. He stares at me as if the lies of my beauty he feeds me are true. He's a gentle soul, a bit naive, but one of the kindest people I've ever met and I feel sorry for him. From the beginning, he's believed every lie I told his father about this arranged marriage, and now he believes the lies Lucas and Jasper are feeding him about my freedom. It's not as simple as telling him the truth because that'll not only jeopardize his life, but mine. And to be honest, I don't want Ben dead. I enjoy his company as disbelieving that may be. But when I talk, he listens; he engages me in conversation, asks me questions about myself. I've never interacted with a person like I do Ben. On a get-to-know-each-other basis. I never wanted to get to know someone, and if I had to for work purpose, Lucas for instance, I was just intuitive to what was going on when he was around. That was a complete fail though, and proves my people skills are underdeveloped.

  This poor man though, wants to know everything about me. About his soon to be wife, as he thinks. He wants to meet my family as soon
as possible, there's even been talk of children. He knows Bronson is my son; Lucas filled him in on that lie, and he'd like to meet Bronson one day, but it's obvious he's more interested in making his own children...with me. I've told him more lies than I can keep track of, but the life I've lived, you don't tell those secrets. I made a beautiful life for me, one I never imagined because I was content with how things were, but as I make these stories up each visit there's a pang of sadness within as I compare actuality to this fictitious life. It seems his father kept a thing or two from him about me as well. I'm not really sure what involvement Ben has within the Vig Corporation, but he seems to know nothing about the real me. About how I've had people killed over missing money, or saying more than I like. About how I had part in the death of his ex-bride. Just to clarify, she brought that on herself. All he really knows is I worked for Jasper and his father was one of my connections. Now he knows about my huge family of aunts and uncles who each have at least two kids or more. He knows about my two happily married brothers, one gay, one straight, both with children and spouses straight out of a fairy tale, and all about the oil plantation they run as a family business in Tennessee. He knows I was just waiting for the right man to come along and I never thought an arranged marriage would bring him to me.

  It's that time again and Ben's standing at the bottom of the steps wearing a huge smile and holding cheesecake in one hand and sunflowers in the other.

  "Ben." I smile a smile that's getting easier and easier to give him, because maybe they're not that fake anymore.

  "Hey you." He holds out the cheesecake. "I brought you this, thought it might make you happy." He sets it on the side table next to my bed when I don't walk over to take it. He walks towards the bed where I'm planted and stands there, reaching out to take my hand.

  "Thank you, everything you bring me makes me happy." I stand and peck his lips, a habit he started and now expects with his visits. "How are you today? You look handsome." I run my hand from his shoulder down his arm. I have to play the role of fiancé to get out of here some day.

  He wraps his arm around me and rests it on my lower back, not daring to go any lower without permission. "My mom shipped it to me," he says, reaching up with his other hand and tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.


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